Integra Cusa EXcel User manual

CUSA EXcel System Service Manual
9M a in ta in in g th e C U S A E X c e l S y s te m
In th is s e c tio n :
• Cle a n th e CU SA EX c e l c o n s o le
• Cle a n th e s te rilize r c a s e
• M a in ta in th e h a n d p ie c e
• M a in ta in th e tip to rq u in g s e t
• Sto re th e CU SA EX c e l s y s te m a n d a c c e s s o rie s .
F o r Y o u r In fo rm a tio n
Routinely performing a few simple maintenance tasks keeps your C U S A E X cel system operating at max imum safety and performance lev els. B iomed ical E ngineering at your facility sh ould perform th ese tasks.
Recommended Maintenance Schedule
CUSA EXcel System Service Manual
Recommended Maintenance Schedule
The following chart shows routine maintenance tasks, the equipment on which you perform them, and how often you perform each task. The term months refers to calendar months.
Table 9-1.
Routine maintenance task s
Frequency Equipment Task
W hen used H andpiece Clean and w ipe dry.
W hen used Tip torquing set Clean and w ipe dry.
W hen used CUSA console Clean and w ipe dry.
W hen used Cooling w ater
reserv oir
D iscard w ater from the reserv oir.
W hen used F ootsw itch 1 . D iscard the footsw itch cov er.
2 . Clean the footsw itch.
Ev ery month or 20 procedures, w hich­ev er comes fi rst
CUSA handpiece L ub ricate the handpiece connector
Ev ery 3 months, or ev ery 12 to 15 procedures, w hich­ev er comes fi rst
CUSA console 1 . F ill the cooling w ater reserv oir w ith a
solution consisting of 10 0 cc of 7 0 % alcohol and 90 0 cc of w ater.
2 . Connect the handpiece, then turn on
the system.
3 . Allow the system to run a few
cooling cycles to clean the interior tub ing.
4 . Turn off the system.
5 . D iscard the alcohol solution, then fi ll
the reserv oir w ith distilled w ater.
6 . Turn on the system, and allow it to
cycle the w ater to clean the alcohol solution out of the tub ing.
7 . Turn off the system.
8 . D iscard w ater from the reserv oir.
Ev ery 6 months or w hen the surgeon notices a lack of suction
CUSA console Replace the contamination guard. W rite
either the installation date or the ex piration date on the new guard.
Ev ery 6 months or 10 0 procedures, w hichev er comes fi rst
CUSA handpiece Replace the handpiece connector
Clean the CUSA EXcel Console
Maintaining the
CUSA EXcel System
CUSA EXcel System Service Manual
Clean the CUSA EXcel Console
You cannot sterilize the CUSA console, but you can clean it, disinfect it, or both. Use a mild cleaning solution or disinfectant and a damp cloth.
1. Unplug the unit power cord from the wall receptacle.
2. Using standard procedures for your facility, thoroughly wipe all
surfaces and cords with a cleaning solution and disinfectant.
3. M ake sure that the surface is completely dry before using the system
Clean the Steriliz er Case
Use a neutral detergent to clean the sterilizer case.
Maintain the H andp iece
M aintaining the handpiece involves cleaning the handpiece, lubricating the handpiece connector o-rings with a high viscosity lubricant such as silicone grease, or replacing the handpiece connector o-rings. If a problem develops, you may also need to have the handpiece recalibrated.
Once a year Tip torquing wrench Check the torque.
Once a year CUSA console Contact a V alleylab service
representative to replace the cooling water pump tubing.
Frequency Equipment Task
Electric S h o ck H az ard Always unplug the CUSA system before cleaning.
N o t ic e
D o not rub, press, or touch any panels with solv ents; caustic, corrosiv e, or abrasiv e cleaning or d isinfectant compound s; or other materials that could scratch the panels. D o not use a betad ine-based solution; it will cause d iscoloration.
D o not allow fl uid s to enter the chassis.
N o t ic e
D o not clean the steriliz er case with abrasiv es. P rod uct d amage will result.
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