Chemical Resistance
WARNING!: Variations in chemical behavior during handling due to factors such as temperature, pressure, and
concentration can cause equipment to fail, even though it passed an initial test. SERIOUS INJURY MANY RESULT!
Use suitable guards and/or personal protection when handling chemicals. The information in this chart has been
supplied by reputable sources and is to be used ONLY as a guide in selecting equipment for appropriate compatibility.
Before permanent installation test the equipment with the chemicals and under the specific conditions of your
application. Ratings of chemical behavior listed in this chart apply to a 48-hr exposed period. There is no knowledge of
possible effects beyond this period. This does not warrant (neither express nor implied) that the information in this chart
is accurate or complete or that any material is suitable for any purpose.
S = Satisfactory and completely unaffected M = Moderate resistance
L = Limited resistance/some chemical attack over time U = Unsatisfactory. Severe attack in a short time
Chemical Polycarbonate Telcom Polyester Stainless
Glass Steel Steel
Acetic Acid (10%) S L S U U
Acetone U U U S S
Aluminum Chloride (10%) S S S S U
Aluminum Sulfate (10%) S S S S U
Ammonia Gas - - L S S
Ammonium Chloride S S L M S
Ammonium Hydroxide (10%) U M L S U
Ammonium Nitrate (10%) U - L S S
Ammonium Phosphate (10%) S S S S U
Ammonium sulfate - S S M U
ASTM #1 Oil M L - S S
ASTM #3 Oil M L - S S
Axle Grease M L - S S
Boric Acid (10%) S S S S U
Calcium Chloride (10%) S M S L L
Calcium Hydroxide (10%) S - U M S
Carbolic Acid (25%) Phenol U U L M U
Carbon Tetrachloride U U S M U
Chlorine (water) 5-10 ppm S S - S M
Chrome Plating Solution S L - U U
Chromic Acid - S S M U
Citric Acid (10%) S U S S U
Copper Sulfate - - - M U
Cutting Fluid (Norton 205) S L - S S
Ethyl Alcohol M M M S S
Ethylene Glycol S S S S S
Ferric Chloride S S S U U
Formaldehyde - S S S S
Formic Acid S M L S U

Chemical Polycarbonate Telcom Polyester Stainless
Glass Steel Steel
Fuel Oil (#2) - S U S S
Gasoline - U S S S
Glycerin - L S S S
Hydraulic Brake Fluid U U - S S
Hydraulic Oil M U S S S
Hydrochloric Acid (10%) S S L U U
Hydrofluoric Acid (20%) M L S U U
Hydrogen Peroxide L S M M
Hydrogen Sulfide S M - L U
Isopropyl Alcohol S M - S S
Kerosene M U S S S
Lacquer Thinner U U - S L
Loctite U U U S S
Liquid Dish Soap (10%) S - S S S
Lubricating Oils - M S S S
Magnesium Chloride (10%) S M M S S
Magnesium Hydroxide (10%) S M M S S
Methyl Ethyl Ketone - U S S S
Methylene Chloride U U U S S
Mineral Spirits M U S S S
Motor Oil (10 weight) S L - S S
Nitric Acid (10%) L M M L L
Perchlorethylene U U - S S
Phosphoric Acid (25%) S M U - Phosphoric Acid (50%) S M U U U
Potassium Carbonate (10%) S S L M L
Potassium Chloride (25%) S S S S S
Potassium Hydroxide (25%) U S L S S
Potassium Nitrate (10%) S S S S S
Potassium Sulfate (10%) S S S S S
Soap (lgepal) 10% S S S S S
Sodium Bicarbonate (10%) S S S S L
Sodium Bisulfate (10%) S S - U U
Sodium Chloride (25%) S S S M U
Sodium Hydroxide U M U M M
Sodium Hypochlorite S S L L U
Sodium Nitrate (10%) S - S M M
Sodium Phosphate (10%) S S L M U
Sulfuric Acid (25%) S S U U U
Tannic Acid (10%) S S - M L
Toluene U U - S S
Trichloroethylene - U U M M
Trisodium Phosphate - M - M Turpentine S U S S S
Vegetable Oils - S S S S
Xylene U U S M M
Zinc Chloride M S M U
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