Ingenico DWM-55, ELC 930, i2200, NCC Blade, SmartBox Specifications

Paym ent Ter minal s
Satellite Terminals
From an extended range of check an d contactle ss payment card read ers to d edicated networking and communications devices, Ingenico’s range of Satellite products extend the functional ity of its already compr ehensive payment solutions portfol io. In common with the entire Ingenico po rtfolio, all Satellite termin al products are fully certified, ensu ring merchants and banks can rapidly add additional payment functionalit y and connectivity to support existing terminal investments with complete peace of mind . Ingenico’s Telium Pass range of contactless readers provides merchants the opportunity to add ad ditional p ayment ‘tou ch-points’ through s tores, whil e its check read ers delive r additional security for non-electronic payment. The Network Communication Control (NCC) Blade and SmartBox router offers connectivity beyond conventional PSTN telephony, helping to build the networks of tomorrow by enabling secure transaction over IP and WiFi routing across the Local and Wide Area Networks.
Sat ell ite Ter min als
External Contactless Reader Check Reader Communication Device
Telium Pass One
Telium Pass
Telium Pass Plus
i2200 ELC 930 NCC Blade SmartBox DWM-55
RM 7ARM 7ARM 7ARM 7 ARM 7IXP420IXP420Wavecom Q24Plus
Speed 50 MIPS 50 MIPS 50 MIPS 50 MIPS 50 MIPS 200 MIPS 200 MIPS
96 KB / 512 KB 96 KB / 512 KB 96 KB / 512 KB 32 M + 32 M 32 M + 32 M
Contactless Protocol
ISO 14443 A B
l l
Contactless Card Reading
asterCard (Mag sripe)
possible certification
ith contactless
pplications in POS
isa (Mag sripe)
One Smart PayPass certified Paywave certified eExpress Pay Z
ip Discover
l l l
MICR Reading
128 x 64
l l
l l
RS232 optional optional optional 2 1 + 1 (optional) 1
l l l
1 1 2 x Host, 1 x Device option
Ethernet 4 x LAN, 1 x WAN
l l l
Silent inkjet new generation
l l
One line of 80 characters
l l
USB 5 Volts
l l l
100-240 Volts /
50-60 Hz
100-240 Volts /
50-60 Hz
100-270 Volts /
50-60 Hz
External Power supply
(RS232 only)
(RS232 only)
(RS232 only)
24V DC 1.0 A 8V DC 3.0 A 9V DC 5 to 36V DC
Horizontal or vertical positioning
Size(in mm)
145 x 109 x 19 145 x 109 x 19 145 x 109 x 19 295 x 135 x 80 213 x 98 x 56 483 x 176 x 313 165 x 81 x 255
Weight(in gr)
170 170 170 900 500 8300 500
landing zone landing zone landing zone sticker
Operating temperature +5°C to +45°C +5°C to +45°C +5°C to +45°C +5°C to +40°C +5°C to +45°C 0°C to +40°C 0°C to +40°C Relative humidity, non condensing 85% HR at +40°C 85% HR at +40°C 85% HR at +40°C 15% to 90% 85% at +40°C 85% at +40°C 85% at +40°C
Number of transactions 100 000 100 000
Supported Com Chanel
PSTN V22Bis to V34 option GSM/GPRS option Quad Band WiFi option ISDN E1 2 x E1 per chassis TCP/IP Uplink & Downlink embedded
Performa nce
With high perfor mance guarant eed, I ngenico ’s rel iable and secu re Sa tellit e Ter minal prod ucts are d esign ed to del iver maxi mum paym ent speed and ver sati lity in any retai l or financi al tran saction environme nt. Pr oviding a way to adop t innovative techno logies fast – before integratio n is possible, together wit h assured securit y, Ingenico makes it easy to keep up with fast-paced c hange. The choice of Satellite communication devices supp orts the cost­efficient traffic gathering from any network – PSTN, GP RS or IP – for data aggreg ation.
Design/ Ergonomic s
Easy to con figure and in stall, our S atellite Termi nal devices le t you add the widest choice of payment options or communication protocols to your ex isting termi nal estate for any sector, from multi- lane retai ling to hos pitality, fo recourt, o r transpor tation applicatio ns. Our user-friendly range of contactless and chec k read ers comb ine the c uttin g-edg e desig n and adva nced funct ionali ty ex pected from the market lead er in payme nt solution s.
Communic ation
With faultless 24/7 commun ications a must, Ingenico’s Sat ellite Terminal com munication sol utions delive r transaction i ntegrity and s ecurit y throu gh the w idest v ariet y of conn ectiv ity interfaces. Equipped with an unparalleled array of communication technologies, the NCC Blade and Smart Box feature fast mode m, Eth erne t, LAN, WAN an d G PRS for inc reas ed trans acti on performa nce and convenience, while our con tactless readers integrate seamlessly w ith the Inge nico termina l range.
Securit y
A wor ld lead er in secure transac tion a nd paym ent sys tems, Ingenico’ s S atellite Terminal devices ad here to i ndustry standards to prov ide the assurance of secure support for any point of sale payment or value add ed service.
Software development
By enabling the integration of a host of additional app lications and service i nto its terminals - including loyalty programs, pre­paid, an d l anguage or cu rrency opti ons - Ingenic o a llows merchants and banks to generate significant incremental revenues. In addi tion to of fering world’ s most ext ensive librar y of value added applica tions - over 800 - our uniquel y scalable operating system creates the ideal environment on whic h to rapidly build and deploy EMV e-paymen t solutions as well as bespoke new solutions, tailored sp ecifically to the customer’s nee ds.
Field S ervices
To redu ce total co st of own ership a nd enable merchan ts and banks to maximize their terminals investments, Ingenico provides a compr ehensive ra nge of terminal a nd software update and manageme nt serv ices…both remotely and in the field. Fully certified profes sions and l ocal l anguage helpdesk perso nnel operate in ever y one of our regions, ensuring Ingenico is on hand to suppor t customers 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days of th e year.
Satellite Terminals
Pass One
Pass Plus
i22 00
ELC 930
NCC Bla de
Sma rtB ox
DWM 55