We advise th at new users not use the massag e chair for more than 20
minu tes at a time .
Plac e the massage chai r on a level sur face.
When ad justi ng the leg rest or backrest, do not use ex cessi ve force on it.
Ensu re child ren and pe ts are clear of the chair durin g use.
When un plugg ing the ch air, hold th e plug. Do no t pull the po wer cord.
Do not use a power supply that is beyond th e specif ied electric
volt age.
Befo re first use, unco ver the back cushi on to ensure the back rest and
back cu shion are intac t. If either is damag ed, stop use and contact the
manu factu rer for repair imm ediat ely.
Plea se do not ope rate the controller or mas sage chair with we t or damp
hand s, and do not pu t heavy ob jects on controller.
Peop le over 260 lbs shoul d not use thi s massage chair.
Plea se do not use ot her therapeutic equi pment in combination wi th this
mass age chai r.
Duri ng use, if yo u feel any pa in or discomfort, stop use immediately
and con sult your docto r.
This ma ssage chair is des igned and inten ded for non-commercial
hous ehold us e only. Do not rely on the massage chair as medical
trea tment .
The mas sage chair is equi pped with a heatin g function, so peo ple with
sens itivi ty to heat sh ould use with caut ion.
Alwa ys turn off the power an d remove the plug fro m the outl et
imme diate ly after use and befo re cleaning.
To avoid dis comfo rt, do not us e the mass age chai r immediately
afte r meals.
If any surface or component of the massa ge chair is damaged , stop use and
contact the manufacturer for assistan ce.
Do not fall asleep on the massage chair while it is operating.
Do not use the massag e chair when you are intoxicated or ill.
If the upholstery becomes dir ty, use only known good quality leather cleaner.
Do not use chemical cleaners, petrol detergents, or pesticide.
Do not sit on backres t, legrest, or armr est as this could cause personal injur y
or damage to the mass age chair.
Do not smoke while using the massage cha ir.
Unplug the massage chair before maintenance. Do not handle the power
cord or plug with damp hands, in order to avoid electric shock.
When the massage chair is not in use, turn off the power and remove the
plug from the outlet.
No. Probl em
Possi bl e Cause
Solut io n
Sounds coming from
the massage
The chair wi ll no t
start or tur n on.
No sound fro m the
It is normal f or so und t o be
made by the mo tor s, or t he
massage ro lle rs ru bbing on
the backre st ar ea.
The power co rd is n ot
plugged in .
The power sw itc h is no t
turned on.
The fuse ble w out .
This is norm al an d
there is no ne ed fo r
treatmen t.
Plug the pow er co rd
into the out let a gai n.
Tur n on th e swi tch
Replace with a new
Tur n the v olu me up
Reduce the p res sur e
on backres t or
Cl ear the a ir t ube .
Ba ckr es t or l egr es t
wi ll not ex te nd or
re tra ct .
Too mu ch pr essure is pl ace d
on backres t or le gre st.
Th e seat or l eg rest
ai rba g is n ot
wo rki ng .
Ch eck whe ther th er e is an
ai r tube bl oc kag e.
The volume i s tur ned t o
If the massa ge ch air i s still oper ati ng ab normally a fte r abo ve me asures hav e
been taken , ple ase c ontact loc al di str ibutor for r epa ir an d mai ntenance .
Note: Do not d ism ant le the produ ct by y our self. Infi nit y Mas sage Chair s wil l
shoulder n o res pon sibility t o the d ama ge of the prod uct o r the i nju ry of people
caused by im pro per u se! Than ks for your co ope rat ion.