IBM Dock I User Manual

Title: C74AMST CreationDate: 06/23/93 17:09:07
IBM ThinkPad
Dock I User’s Guide
Title: C74AMST CreationDate: 06/23/93 17:09:07
Title: C74AMST CreationDate: 06/23/93 17:09:07
IBM ThinkPad
Dock I User’s Guide
Title: C74AMST CreationDate: 06/23/93 17:09:07
Before using this information and the product it supports, be sure to read the general information under Appendix E, “Product Warranties, Notices, and Statements” on page E-1.
First Edition (July 1993)
The following paragraph does not apply to the United Kingdom or any country where such provisions are inconsistent with local law:
This publication could include technical inaccuracies or typographical errors. Changes are periodically made to the information herein; these changes will be incorporated in new editions of the publication. IBM may make improvements and/or changes in the product(s) and/or the program(s) described in this publication at any time.
It is possible that this publication may contain reference to, or information about, IBM products (machines and programs), programming, or services that are not announced in your country. Such references or information must not be construed to mean that IBM intends to announce such IBM products, programming, or services in your country.
Requests for technical information about IBM products should be made to your IBM Authorized Dealer or your IBM Marketing Representative.
IBM may have patents or pending patent applications covering subject matter in this document. The furnishing of this document does not give you license to these patents. You can send license inquiries, in writing, to the IBM Director of Commercial Relations, IBM Corporation, Armonk NY 10577.
Some parts of this manual are taken or adopted from TMC-850IBM SCSI Adapter manuals with permission from Future Domain** Corporation. IBM Corporation has rights and responsibility for this manual.
Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 1993. All rights reserved.
Note to U.S. Government Users — Documentation related to restricted rights — Use, duplication or disclosure is subject to restrictions set forth in GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.
Title: C74AMST CreationDate: 06/23/93 17:09:07
CAUTION: Do not operate the Dock I when the bottom cover is removed. To install the bottom cover, see “Installing the Bottom Cover” on page 4-5.

Electrical Safety Notice

The Dock I has no power switch. Power is controlled by the computer’s power switch. For emergencies, always use easily accessible electrical outlets to turn off the power by unplugging the Dock I power cord.
To avoid a shock hazard, do not connect or disconnect any cables or perform installation, maintenance, or reconfiguration of this product during an electrical storm.
Title: C74AMST CreationDate: 06/23/93 17:09:07
To avoid a shock hazard:
The power cord must be connected to a outlet that has been properly wired and grounded
according to your local wiring rules. This equipment must have an earth ground. Apparaten skall anslutas till jordat uttag när skyddsklenspänningsutgången ansluts till ett nät
som passerar såväl ojordad som jordad miljö. Jordet stikkontakt skal benyttes når apparatet tilkoples datanett. Laite on liitettävä suojakosketinspistorasiaan.
Any equipment to which this product is attached must also be connected to a outlet that has
been properly wired and grounded according to your local wiring rules.
iv IBM ThinkPad Dock I User’s Guide
Title: C74AMST CreationDate: 06/23/93 17:09:07
Electrical current from pow er, telephone, and com munication cables is hazardous. To avoid shock hazard, connect and disconnect cables as shown below when installing, m oving or opening the covers of this product or attached devices. The power cord m ust be used w ith a properly-grounded outlet.
To Con n ect
Turn everything OFF.
To Disconnect
Turn everything OFF.
First, attach all cables to devices.
Attach signal cables to receptacles.
Attach pow er cord to outlet.
Turn device ON .
Note: In the U.K., by law, the telephone line cable must be connected after the power cord.
First, remove power cord from outlet.
Rem ove signal cables from
Rem ove all cables from devices.
Note: In the U.K., by law, the power cord must be disconnected after the te lep h o n e lin e c a b le .
Title: C74AMST CreationDate: 06/23/93 17:09:07
vi IBM ThinkPad Dock I User’s Guide
Title: C74AMST CreationDate: 06/23/93 17:09:07
This manual contains the information that is needed when you use the IBM* ThinkPad* Dock I (hereinafter referred to as the Dock I). It
is organized into the following chapters and appendixes:

About This Manual

Chapter 1, “Introduction” introduces the Dock I and describes
its features.
Chapter 2, “Using the Dock I” provides the procedures for
setting up the Dock I. Basic operations are also described.
Chapter 3, “Using the Security Features” describes the ways
you can protect your Dock I against unauthorized use.
Chapter 4, “Installing and Removing IBM Options” describes how to install IBM options using both the documentation provided with the option and this documentation.
Chapter 5, “Using the SCSI Controller and Support Software” provides information about the setup of the SCSI controller’s configuration, the installation of the option device drivers, and the SCSI diagnostics utility program.
Chapter 6, “Solving Problems” describes how you can detect and resolve Dock I problems.
Appendix A, “Starting up the OS from the Dock I” describes a way to start up an operating system that resides on a device attached to the Dock I.
Appendix B, “SCSI Information” provides information about SCSI device ordering, connectors, termination, and cable lengths.
Appendix C, “Using the Selectable Program Load” shows how to automatically load application programs into the memory of the computer that enable the options installed in the Dock I when only the computer is attached.
Appendix D, “Specifications” describes the specifications associated with your Dock I, the power cords, and the ports.
Appendix E, “Product Warranties, Notices, and Statements” contains the warranty statement of the Dock I, notices,
Trademark of the International Business Machines Corporation.
Copyright IBM Corp. 1993
Title: C74AMST CreationDate: 06/23/93 17:09:07
trademarks, service marks, FCC statement, CDCC statement, and EC directive conformance statement.
viii IBM ThinkPad Dock I User’s Guide
Title: C74AMST CreationDate: 06/23/93 17:09:07
Electrical Safety Notice ......................... iii
About This Manual ........................... vii
Chapter 1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-1
Checking the Items .......................... 1-3
Locating Dock I Features ....................... 1-4
Dock I Status Indicators ....................... 1-9
Changing Modes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-11
Warning Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-12


Front View . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-4
Rear View . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-6
Rules of Attachment and Removal ............... 1-12
Attaching the Computer to the Dock I ............. 1-12
Removing the Computer from the Dock I ........... 1-14
Chapter 2. Using the Dock I .................... 2-1
Setting Up the Dock I ......................... 2-2
Attaching and Removing the Computer .............. 2-3
Attaching the Computer ..................... 2-3
Removing the Computer ..................... 2-10
Using the Display Stand ....................... 2-13
Carrying the Dock I with the Computer Attached ........ 2-14
Chapter 3. Using the Security Features ............. 3-1
Using the Security Lock ....................... 3-2
Security Lock Description ..................... 3-2
Key Positions and Their Functions ............... 3-2
Securing the Dock I with the Security Hook ........... 3-4
Ordering Additional Security Lock Keys ............ 3-5
Chapter 4. Installing and Removing IBM Options ...... 4-1
Handling Internal Options ...................... 4-2
Removing and Installing the Bottom Cover ............ 4-3
Removing the Bottom Cover ................... 4-3
Installing the Bottom Cover ................... 4-5
Removing and Installing the Blank Bezel ............. 4-7
Removing the Blank Bezel .................... 4-8
Installing the Blank Bezel ..................... 4-9
Releasing the Latches ......................... 4-10
Copyright IBM Corp. 1993 ix
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Installing and Removing the Internal CD-ROM Drive ..... 4-11
Installing the Internal CD-ROM Drive ............. 4-11
Removing the Internal CD-ROM Drive ............. 4-13
Installing and Removing the Internal SCSI Hard Disk ..... 4-14
Installing the Internal SCSI Hard Disk ............. 4-14
Removing the Internal SCSI Hard Disk ............ 4-16
Installing and Removing the ThinkPad Hard Disk Drive ... 4-17
Installing the ThinkPad Hard Disk Drive ........... 4-17
Removing the ThinkPad Hard Disk Drive. .......... 4-18
Installing and Removing the Audio Cable ............ 4-19
Installing the Audio Cable .................... 4-19
Removing the Audio Cable .................... 4-21
Installing and Removing an Adapter Card ............ 4-22
Installing an Adapter Card .................... 4-22
Removing the Adapter Card ................... 4-23
Chapter 5. Using the SCSI Controller and Support Software 5-1
Setting up the SCSI Controller Configuration .......... 5-3
Default Settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-3
SCSI Controller’s Memory Address Settings .......... 5-5
SCSI Controller’s Interrupt Settings ............... 5-5
SCSI ID . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-6
Terminator for a SCSI Device .................. 5-7
Checking Your Work ......................... 5-8
Installing Support Software ..................... 5-9
Before You Begin .......................... 5-9
Special Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-9
Installing the DOS Device Drivers ............... 5-9
Installation Procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-9
Installing the OS/2 Device Drivers ............... 5-14
SCSI Adapter Support Installation for the Dock I ..... 5-14
SCSI Device Support Installation ............... 5-15
Installing the OS/2 Version 2.1 CD-ROM Device Driver 5-18
Using the SCSI Diagnostics Utility ................. 5-20
Preparing SCSI Drives ..................... 5-20
Starting the SCSI Diagnostics Utility .............. 5-21
Chapter 6. Solving Problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-1
Before the Testing Is Started ..................... 6-3
Testing Your Dock I .......................... 6-5
x IBM ThinkPad Dock I User’s Guide
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Troubleshooting Charts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-7
Computer Keyboard Problems .................. 6-7
External Display (CRT) Problems ................ 6-8
External Keyboard, External Numeric Keypad, or Pointing
Device Problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-10
Intermittent Problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-12
LCD Problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-12
Option Problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-14
Printer Problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-15
Screen Messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-15
Other Problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-15
Getting Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-17
Appendix A. Starting up the OS from the Dock I ...... A-1
Planning for the Operating System Startup ............ A-2
Starting DOS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-4
Starting OS/2 2.1 from the Additional Hard Disk ........ A-8
Appendix B. SCSI Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B-1
Device Ordering and the Boot Drive ................ B-2
External SCSI Connector ....................... B-2
Internal SCSI Connector ....................... B-3
Termination . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B-4
SCSI Cable Length Specifications .................. B-4
Appendix C. Using the Selectable Program Load ....... C-1
Appendix D. Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D-1
Physical Characteristics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D-1
Environment Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D-1
Temperature, Relative Humidity, and Wet Bulb Temperature D-1
Maximum Altitude . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D-1
Electrical Characteristics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D-2
Audio-Circuit Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D-2
Speaker-In to Audio-Out ..................... D-2
Speaker-In to Headphone Jack .................. D-2
Speaker-In to Embedded Speaker ................ D-3
IBM Power Cords ........................... D-3
Appendix E. Product Warranties, Notices, and Statements . E-1
Contents xi
Title: C74AMST CreationDate: 06/23/93 17:09:07
Notices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . E-5
Trademarks and Service Marks ................... E-5
Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Statement .... E-6
Canadian Department of Communications Compliance
Statement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . E-6
Avis de conformité aux normes du ministère des
Communications du Canada .................... E-6
European Community (EC) Directive Conformance Statement E-7
Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . X-1
xii IBM ThinkPad Dock I User’s Guide
Title: C74AMST CreationDate: 06/23/93 17:09:07
The Dock I provides expandability for your IBM ThinkPad notebook models (hereinafter referred to as the computer), while providing the same usability as a desktop computer system. Option cables connected or disconnected to your computer can be connected to the Dock I so you can easily carry your computer.
Because the Dock I is designed to be both multimedia-oriented and portable, for example, you can give presentations at a customer’s office more effectively with the full-motion images and stereo sound of multimedia material.
The Dock I has enhanced security features to protect it from being used by unauthorized persons.
The following summarizes the standard features or options on the Dock I.

Chapter 1. Introduction

Multimedia-Oriented Features
Portable-Oriented Features
Cable Management Features
Audio and Video
Warning function to tolerate most of the inadvertent
miss-operations when docking and undocking the computer. Handle Security lock Security hook
An external diskette drive connector A keyboard/numeric keypad connector A mouse/pointing device connector A parallel connector A serial connector
Speaker-in jacks Audio-out jacks
A Headphone jack
Stereo speakers
A less than 1-inch-high drive location for a
CD-ROM player
Copyright IBM Corp. 1993 1-1
Title: C74AMST CreationDate: 06/23/93 17:09:07
Desktop-Equivalent Features
One full-size or half-size, AT-bus 16-bit slot A less than 1-inch-high drive location for an internal storage
An internal and external SCSI device connectors
1-2 IBM ThinkPad Dock I User’s Guide
Title: C74AMST CreationDate: 06/23/93 17:09:07

Checking the Items

Dock I Manual
Check that you have the following items.
If any are missing or damaged, call your IBM marketing representative or dealer.
Option Diskette Power Cord
Security Lock Keys
1. An extra key is provided as a spare.
2. The key number is necessary when replacing lost keys. See “Ordering Additional Security Lock Keys” on page 3-5.
Chapter 1. Introduction 1-3
Title: C74AMST CreationDate: 06/23/93 17:09:07

Locating Dock I Features

This section identifies the features for the Dock I. Symbols for connectors are embossed on the back of the Dock I above each connector for easy identification.

Front View

Name of Feature Description
1 Guide Pins The guide pins are used as guides when attaching the computer.
There are the matching alignment holes on the computer.
2 Docking
3 Lever Cover This cover is used to prevent the locking lever on the computer from
4 Right Speaker 5 Handle This handle is used when carrying the Dock I for short distances in
The docking connector (male-type, 240-pin) fits into the system expansion connector.
being slid inward; the hard disk drive is removed from the computer when the lever is slid inward. This cover also be used as a handhold with the docking-knob 13 when attaching the computer to the Dock I.
an indoor environment.
1-4 IBM ThinkPad Dock I User’s Guide
Title: C74AMST CreationDate: 06/23/93 17:09:07
Name of Feature Description
6 Location for less
than 1-inch-High
The Dock I can accommodate one storage device here. The blank bezel is removed when installing an internal option.
7 Status Indicators The status indicators are LEDs (light-emitting diode) that indicate the
current status of the Dock I by their On/Off states. Each status indicator has a matching special symbol below it.
For more information about the status indicators, see “Dock I Status Indicators” on page 1-9.
8 Headphone Jack The headphone jack is where the plug of the stereo headphone is
Headphone or Speakers
When the stereo headphone plug is connected to this jack, the speakers do not operate.
9 Release/Lock
When the release/lock lever protrudes from the Dock I, snapping it closed secures the computer by engaging the computer with the hooks 14 . Sliding the slide-knob 11 to the left snaps the release/lock lever open.
1 Security Lock The security lock is used to secure different features on the Dock I,
depending on the position of the key. This prevents the bottom cover of the Dock I from being removed, prevents unauthorized persons from using the Dock I by securing the power, and prevents the computer from being removed from the Dock I. (For more information, see “Using the Security Lock” on page 3-2.)
11 Slide-Knob Sliding this knob to the left snaps the release/lock lever open. 12 Left Speaker 13 Docking-Knob This knob is as a finger-hold with the lever cover 3 when attaching
the computer to the Dock I.
14 Hooks Snapping the release/lock lever 9 closed engages the computer
with the hooks.
Chapter 1. Introduction 1-5
Title: C74AMST CreationDate: 06/23/93 17:09:07

Rear View

Name of Feature Description
1 Mouse/Pointing
Device Connector
2 Serial Connector The serial connector (9-pin) usually connects a modem or
3 External SCSI
4 Audio-Out-Left
5 Speaker-In-Left
6 Power Cord
7 Cable Opening Used to route a cable from inside the Dock I without a slack.
The mouse/pointing device connector (6-pin) connects a mouse or other pointing device cable.
serial-printer signal cable. The external SCSI connector (60-pin) connects an external SCSI (small
computer system interface) device cable. The audio-out-left jack (left-output sound, 2-pin) connects the
audio-out-left plug of the audio cable. For stereo speaker sound of multimedia on external stereo speakers, use this jack with the audio-out-right jack 11 through an amplifier.
The speaker-in-left jack (left-input sound, 2-pin) connects the speaker-in-left plug of the audio cable. Use this jack with the speaker-in-right jack 1 for stereo speaker sound of multimedia on the Dock I.
The power cord connector connects the power cord. Power is supplied to the Dock I and the computer. The battery pack inside the computer is charged at the same time. Because the Dock I does not have a power switch, power for it is controlled by the power switch on the computer.
1-6 IBM ThinkPad Dock I User’s Guide
Title: C74AMST CreationDate: 06/23/93 17:09:07
Name of Feature Description
8 Video-In
The video-in connector (15-pin) is used to view video images of multimedia on the TFT LCD of the computer.
CAUTION: The removable cap prevents damage to the pins of the external display signal cable connector if it is inadvertently connected.
9 External Display
The external display connector (15-pin) connects the display signal cable of the external display that supports Video Graphics Array (VGA) of 640 by 480 resolution and Super VGA (SVGA) of 1024 by 768 resolution.
CAUTION: Do not connect the external display signal cable connector to the video-in connector 8 .
1 Speaker-In-Right
The speaker-in-right jack (right-input sound, 2-pin) connects the speaker-in-right plug of the audio cable. Use this jack with the speaker-in-left jack 5 for stereo speaker sound of multimedia on the Dock I.
11 Audio-Out-Right
The audio-out-right jack (right-output sound, 2-pin) connects the audio-out-right plug of the audio cable. For stereo speaker sound of multimedia on external stereo speakers, use this jack with the audio-in-left jack 4 through an amplifier.
12 Security Hook The security hook secures the Dock I. For more information, see
“Securing the Dock I with the Security Hook” on page 3-4.
13 Parallel
This parallel connector (25-pin) connects a printer signal cable.
Chapter 1. Introduction 1-7
Title: C74AMST CreationDate: 06/23/93 17:09:07
Name of Feature Description
14 External Diskette
Drive Connector (26-pin)
15 Keyboard/Numeric
Keypad Connector
Connects the 3.5-inch diskette drive that has been removed from the computer and set up with the IBM ThinkPad 750 FDD External Attachment Kit (an IBM option).
The keyboard/numeric keypad connector (6-pin) connects the keyboard or numeric keypad cable.
1. Use this connector if you use an external keyboard or a numeric keypad.
2. The keyboard (numeric keypad) on the computer cannot be used when the external keyboard (external numeric keypad) is attached through this connector.
3. You cannot connect a mouse or other pointing device to a external numeric keypad that is connected to this connector. Connect the mouse or other pointing device directly to the mouse/pointing device connector 1 .
1-8 IBM ThinkPad Dock I User’s Guide
Title: C74AMST CreationDate: 06/23/93 17:09:07

Dock I Status Indicators

The LED status indicators indicate the current status of the Dock I by their On/Off states or their colors (green and orange). Each LED indicator has a matching special symbol below it.
The following figure and table show the name, color, and meaning of each LED indicator.
1 Docked Green Turns on when the computer has been correctly
2 Power-On Green Turns on when the Dock I power is turned on using
Chapter 1. Introduction 1-9
Name of LED Indicator
LED Color
docked with the Dock I.
the power switch on the computer.
Title: C74AMST CreationDate: 06/23/93 17:09:07
Name of LED Indicator
LED Color
3 Warning Orange Turns on or blinks when you attempt any of the
following operations. This LED warns you not to continue the operation. For what happens if you continue the operation, see “Warning Function” on page 1-12.
Removing a computer that is working with a
Dock I.
Removing a computer that is in suspend mode
with a Dock I.
Removing a computer that is in standby mode
with a Dock I.
Attaching a computer that is in suspend mode
to a Dock I.
4 PC Card In-Use Orange Turns on when an inserted PC card (PCMCIA card)
is accessed.
5 Diskette Drive
Orange Turns on when the diskette drive in the computer is
used. When an external diskette drive is used, the indicator on the IBM ThinkPad 750 FDD External Attachment Kit turns on.
6 Hard Disk In-Use Orange Turns on when either of the following is accessed.
The ThinkPad hard disk drive in the computer. The ThinkPad hard disk drive in the Dock I.
SCSI Hard Disk
This indicator does not turn on when a SCSI hard disk is accessed.
1-10 IBM ThinkPad Dock I User’s Guide
Title: C74AMST CreationDate: 06/23/93 17:09:07

Changing Modes

When you are operating a computer that has been attached to the Dock I, you cannot put the computer in hibernation mode. You will hear a warning beep from the computer if you attempt this. However, you can enter suspend and standby modes. The following table summarizes these conditions.
Attempt to Enter Can the Computer Enter the Mode? Is a Password Needed?
Suspend Mode Yes Power-on password if you
have set one. The password prompt and cursor do not
appear. Standby Mode Yes None Hibernation Mode No None
Chapter 1. Introduction 1-11
Title: C74AMST CreationDate: 06/23/93 17:09:07

Warning Function

When computer power is turned off, attaching or removing the computer to or from the Dock I causes no problems. Make sure that if you attach or remove the computer to or from the Dock I you observe the following rules.

Rules of Attachment and Removal

Rules of Attachment Rules of Removal
1. Return to operating mode.
2. Shut down the
3. Turn off the computer.
4. Attach the computer to
the Dock I.
When computer power is on, attaching or removing the computer, or changing the operation mode can cause a problem. The Dock I informs you with a beep and a warning indicator that you should stop the operation. The following explains this warning function.

Attaching the Computer to the Dock I

Do not attach the computer to the Dock I when:
An application is running on the computer. The computer has entered standby mode. The computer has entered suspend mode. The computer has entered hibernation mode.
The following table shows what will occur.
1. Return to operating mode.
2. Shut down the
3. Turn off the computer.
4. Remove the computer
from the Dock I.
1-12 IBM ThinkPad Dock I User’s Guide
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Current Status This Will Occur
An application is running on the computer.
The computer has entered standby mode.
The computer has entered suspend mode.
The computer has entered hibernation mode.
These operations are not allowed.
This operation may cause all application memory-related data to be lost even though you stop the attachment in the middle of the operation.
Power Is Turned Off
This operation turns off the power of the computer and the Dock I.
This operation is not allowed.
The Dock I warning indicator turns on and a warning beep sounds.
Cannot Resume
You cannot resume the operation unless you stop and attach the computer immediately.
This operation is not allowed.
When the computer is turned on, a warning screen appears. In this case, do the following.
1. Turn off the the computer.
2. Remove the computer from the Dock I
3. Resume operating mode.
4. Shut down the application.
5. Turn off the computer.
6. Attach the computer to the Dock I
Chapter 1. Introduction 1-13
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Removing the Computer from the Dock I

Do not remove the computer from the Dock I when the computer is in one of the following modes:
Operating mode Standby mode Suspend mode
When the computer is in one of these modes and you inadvertently move the slide-knob, the release/lock lever snaps open 1 , the warning indicator blinks, and the warning beep sounds 2 .
To recover immediately snap, the release/lock lever closed 3 . The computer stays in the same mode before you moved the slide-knob. The following table summarizes the correct operation.
If you slide the slide-knob...
2 The warning indicator continues to
2 The warning beep continues to
Snap the release/lock lever closed.
1-14 IBM ThinkPad Dock I User’s Guide
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Warning: Computer and Dock I power will turn off if you pull the release/lock lever any further after the warning beep is heard and the warning indicator blinks. All application memory-related data may be lost.
Chapter 1. Introduction 1-15
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1-16 IBM ThinkPad Dock I User’s Guide
+ 128 hidden pages