IBM DNES-318350, DNES-309170 Specification

DNES-318350 / DNES-309170 ( 18 / 9 GB )
3.5-Inch SCSI Hard Disk Drive Revision (1.2)
DNES-318350 / DNES-309170 ( 18 / 9 GB )
3.5-Inch SCSI Hard Disk Drive Revision (1.2)
1st Edition (Rev.0.1) S25L-1252-00 (Oct. 22, 1998) Preliminary 2nd Edition (Rev.0.2) S25L-1252-01 (Oct. 30, 1998) Preliminary 3rd Edition (Rev.1.0) S25L-1252-02 (Dec. 16, 1998) 4th Edition (Rev.1.1) S25L-1252-03 (Apr. 20, 1999) 5th Edition (Rev.1.2) S25L-1252-04 (Jul. 29, 1999)
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1.0 General ...................................................... 1
1.1 Introduction ................................................... 1
1.2 References .................................................... 1
1.3 Glossary ..................................................... 2
1.4 General Caution ................................................ 2
1.0 Outline of the drive ............................................... 3
Part 1. Functional Specification ....................................... 5
2.0 Fixed Disk Subsystem Description ....................................... 7
2.1 Control Electronics ............................................... 7
2.2 Head Disk Assembly .............................................. 7
2.3 Actuator ..................................................... 7
3.0 Drive Characteristics ..............................................
3.1 Formatted Capacity ...............................................
3.2 Data Sheet ....................................................
3.3 Cylinder Allocation ..............................................
3.4 Performance Characteristics .........................................
3.4.1 Command overhead ...........................................
3.4.2 Mechanical Positioning .........................................
3.4.3 Drive Ready Time ............................................
3.4.4 Spindle S t o p Time ............................................
3.4.5 Data Transfer Speed ...........................................
3.4.6 Buffering Operation (Lookahead/Write Cache) ...........................
3.4.7 Throughput ................................................
4.0 Data integrity .................................................
4.1 Equipment Status ...............................................
4.2 Error Recovery ................................................ 17
5.0 Physical Format ................................................ 19
5.1 Shipped Fo r m at (PList) ........................................... 19
5.2 Reassigned For m at (G-List) ......................................... 19
6.0 Specification ..................................................
6.1 Electrical Interface Specification ......................................
6.1.1 Power Connector .............................................
6.1.2 SCSI Bus Connector ...........................................
6.1.3 SCSI Cable ................................................
6.1.4 SCSI Bus Terminator ..........................................
6.1.5 H ot Pl ug / Unplug ............................................ 26
6.1.6 SCSI Bus Electrical Characteristics .................................. 26
6.1.7 Auxiliary Connector on 68-pin Model ................................. 27
6.2 Option Jumper Block .............................................
6.2.1 Jumper Pin of 50-pin SE model ....................................
6.2.2 Jumper Pin of 68-pin SE model ....................................
6.2.3 Jumper Pin of 68-pin LVD/SE Multi-mode model .........................
6.2.4 Jumper Pin of 80-pin LVD/SE Multi-mode model .........................
10 10 11 11 13 13 13 14 15
17 17
21 21 21 21 26 26
28 30 31 32 33
9 9 9
Copyright IBM Corp. 1998, 1999 iii
6.2.5 Jumper Signal Description o n J-6 ................................... 34
6.2.6 Jumper Signal Description o n J-4 ................................... 34
6.2.7 Ship ping Default ............................................. 38
6.3 LED Circuit .................................................. 39
6.3.1 50- Pin Model ............................................... 39
6.3.2 68- Pin Model ............................................... 40
6.3.3 80- Pin Model ............................................... 41
6.4 Environment .................................................. 42
6.5 Cooling Requirements ............................................ 43
6.6 D C Power Requirements ........................................... 44
6.6.1 Start Up Current ............................................. 46
6.7 Reliability ................................................... 47
6.7.1 Contact Start St op (CSS) ........................................ 47
6.7.2 Data Reliability .............................................. 47
6.7.3 Seek/ID Mis-compare Errors ...................................... 47
6.7.4 Equipment Errors ............................................ 47
6.7.5 Failure Prediction ( P FA / S.M.A.R.T.) ............................... 47
6.7.6 Automatic Drive Maintenance (ADM) ................................ 48
6.7.7 Preventive Maintenance ......................................... 48
6.7.8 Temperature Warning ..........................................
6.8 Mechanical Specifications ..........................................
6.8.1 Outline ..................................................
6.8.2 Mechanical Dimensions .........................................
6.8.3 Interface Connector ...........................................
6.8.4 Mounting Positions and Tappings ..................................
6.8.5 Ship ping Zone and Lock ........................................
6.8.6 Breather Hole ...............................................
6.9 Vibration and Shock .............................................
6.9.1 Operating Vibration ...........................................
6.9.2 Non-Operating Vibrations .......................................
6.9.3 Operating Shock .............................................
6.9.4 Non-Operating Shock ..........................................
6.10 Acoustics ...................................................
6.10.1 Sound Power Levels ..........................................
6.11 Identification Labels ............................................. 59
6.12 Electromagnetic Compatibility ....................................... 59
6.12.1 CE Mark ................................................ 59
6.12.2 C-Tick Mar k .............................................. 59
6.13 Safety ..................................................... 60
6.13.1 Underwriters L a b (UL) Approval ..................................
6.13.2 Canadian Standards Authority (CSA) Approval ..........................
6.13.3 IEC Compliance ............................................
6.13.4 German Safety Mark ..........................................
6.13.5 Flammability ..............................................
6.13.6 Secondary Circuit Protection .....................................
6.14 Packaging ...................................................
48 49 49 51 52 54 55 55 56 56 57 57 57 58 58
60 60 60 60 60 60 60
Part 2. SCSI Interface Specification ................................... 61
7.0 SCSI COMMAND SET ...........................................
7.1 SCSI Control Byte ..............................................
7.2 Abbreviations
7.3 Byte ordering conventions
7.4 FORMAT UNIT (04) ............................................
63 64 64 64 65
iv O EM Spec. of DNES-3xxxxx Revision 1.2
7.4.1 Defect List ................................................ 66
7.4.2 Defect Descriptor ............................................. 67
7.5 INQUIRY (12) ................................................ 69
7.6 Inquiry data .................................................. 70
7.6.1 Inquiry Data For mat - EVPD = 0 .................................. 71
7.6.2 Inquiry Data For mat - EVPD = 1 - Page Code = 00 ....................... 74
7.6.3 Inquiry Data For mat - EVPD = 1 - Page Code = 80h ...................... 75
7.7 LOG SELECT (4C) ............................................. 76
7.8 LOG SENSE (4D) .............................................. 77
7.8.1 Log Page parameters ........................................... 78
7.8.2 Log Sense Page 0 ............................................. 79
7.8.3 Log Sense Page 2 ............................................. 80
7.8.4 Log Sense Page 3 ............................................. 82
7.8.5 Log Sense Page 5 ............................................. 84
7.8.6 Log Sense Page 6 ............................................. 86
7.8.7 Log Sense Page 2 F ............................................ 87
7.8.8 Log Sense Page 30 ............................................ 88
7.8.9 Log Sense Page 31 ............................................ 88
7.8.10 Log Sense Page 32 ........................................... 88
7.8.11 Log Sense Page 3E ...........................................
7.8.12 Log Sense Page 3 F ...........................................
7.9 MODE SENSE (1A) .............................................
7.9.2 Mode Parameter List ..........................................
7.9.3 Page 0 (Vendor Unique Parameters) ..................................
7.9.4 Page 1 (Read/Write Error Recovery Parameters) ..........................
7.9.5 Page 2 (Disconnect/Reconnect Parameters) .............................
7.9.6 Page 3 (Format Device Parameters) ..................................
7.9.7 Page 4 (Rigid Disk Drive Geometry Parameters) ..........................
7.9.8 Page 7 (Verify Error Recovery Parameters) ..............................
7.9.9 Page 8 (Caching Parameters) ......................................
7.9.10 Page A (Control Mode Page Parameters) ..............................
7.9.11 Page 0 C (Notch Parameters) .....................................
7.9.12 Page 1A (Power Control) .......................................
7.9.13 Page 1C (Informational Exceptions Control) ............................
88 88 89 90 94
98 103 105 107 108 110 113 115 117 118
7.10 MODE SENSE (5A) ............................................ 120
7.11 MODE SELECT (15) ............................................ 121
7.12 MODE SELECT (55) ............................................ 123
7.13 PRE-FETCH (34) .............................................. 124
7.14 READ (08) .................................................. 125
7.15 RE AD CAPACITY (25) ..........................................
7.16 READ DEFECT DATA (37) .......................................
7.16.1 Defect List Header ...........................................
7.16.2 Bytes from Index Fo r m at (100b) ...................................
7.16.3 Physical Sector F or m at (101b) ....................................
7.17 READ DEFECT DATA (B7) .......................................
7.17.1 Defect List Header ...........................................
7.17.2 Bytes from Index Fo r m at (100b) ...................................
126 128 129 129 129 131 132 132
7.17.3 Physical Sector F or m at (101b) .................................... 133
7.18 READ EXTENDED (28) ......................................... 134
7.19 READ BUFFER (3C) ...........................................
7.19.1 Combined Header An d Data (Mode 000) .............................
7.19.2 Read Data (Mode 010b) ........................................
7.19.3 Descriptor (Mode 011b) ........................................
7.20 READ LONG (3E) .............................................
7.21 REASSIGN BLOCKS (07) ........................................
135 135 136 136 138 139
Contents v
7.22 RECEIVE DIAGNOSTICS (1C) ..................................... 141
7.22.1 Receive Diagnostic Page 0 .......................................141
7.22.2 Receive Diagnostic Page 40 ...................................... 141
7.23 RELEASE (17) ............................................... 143
7.24 RELEASE (57) ............................................... 144
7.25 REPORT LUN (A0) ............................................ 145
7.26 REQUEST SENSE (03) .......................................... 147
7.27 RESERVE (16) ............................................... 148
7.28 RESERVE (56) ............................................... 149
7.29 REZERO UNIT (01) ............................................ 151
7.30 SEEK (0B) .................................................. 152
7.31 SEEK E XTE ND ED (2B) .........................................153
7.32 SEND DIAGNOSTIC (1D) ........................................ 154
7.32.1 Send Diagnostic Pages 0 ........................................ 155
7.32.2 Send Diagnostic Pages 40 ....................................... 155
7.33 START/STOP UNIT (1B) .........................................157
7.34 SYNCHRONIZE CACHE (35) ...................................... 158
7.35 TEST UNIT READY (00) .........................................159
7.36 VERIFY (2F) ................................................ 160
7.37 WRITE (0A) .................................................
7.38 WRITE EXTENDE D (2A) ........................................
7.39 WRITE AN D VERIFY (2E) .......................................
7.40 WRITE BUFFER (3B) ...........................................
7.40.1 Combined Header An d Data (Mode 000b) .............................
7.40.2 Write Data (Mode 010b) ........................................
7.40.3 Download Microcode (Mode 100b) .................................
7.40.4 Download Microcode and Save (Mode 101b) ...........................
7.41 WRITE LONG (3F) ............................................
7.42 WRITE SAME (41) .............................................
161 162 163 164 164 165 165 166 169 170
8.0 SCSI Status Byte ...............................................
9.0 SCSI MESSAGE SYSTEM .........................................
9.1 Supported Messages ..............................................
9.1.1 COMMAND COMPLETE (00) .................................... 174
9.1.2 SYNCHRONOUS DATA TRANSFER REQUEST (01,03,01H) ................ 174
9.1.3 W IDE DATA TRANSFER REQUEST (01,02,03H) ....................... 177
9.1.4 SAVE DATA POINTER (02) ..................................... 179
9.1.5 RESTORE POINTERS (03) ...................................... 179
9.1.6 DISCONNECT (04) ..........................................
9.1.7 INITIATOR DETECTED ERROR (05) ..............................
9.1.8 ABORT (06) ...............................................
9.1.9 MESSAGE REJECT (07) .......................................
9.1.10 NO OPERATION (08) ........................................
9.1.11 MESSAGE PARITY ERROR (09) .................................
9.1.12 LINKED COMMAND COMPLETE (0A) ............................ 181
9.1.13 LINKED COMMAND COMPLETE WITH FLAG (0B) .................... 181
9.1.14 BUS DEVICE RESET (0C) .....................................181
9.1.15 ABORT TAG (0D) .......................................... 181
9.1.16 CLEAR QUEUE TAG (0E) .....................................
9.1.17 QUEUE TAG MESSAGES(20h, 21h, 22h) ............................
9.1.18 IGNORE WIDE RESIDUE (23h) ..................................
9.1.19 IDENTIFY (80 - FF) .........................................
9.2 Supported Message Functions ........................................
9.3 Attention Condition ..............................................
173 173
179 180 180 180 180 181
181 181 182 183 183 185
vi O EM Spec. of DNES-3xxxxx Revision 1.2
9.4 SCSI Bus Related Error Handling Protocol ................................ 185
9.4.1 Unexpected B US FREE Phase Error Condition ...........................186
9.4.2 MESSAGE O UT Phase Parity Error ................................. 186
9.4.3 MESSAGE IN Phase Parity Error (Message Parity Error) .....................186
9.4.4 COMMAND Phase Parity Error ................................... 186
9.4.5 DATA OU T Phase Parity Error .................................... 186
9.4.6 INITIATOR DETECTED ERROR Message ............................ 187
9.4.7 MESSAGE REJECT Message .....................................187
10.0 Additional Information ........................................... 189
10.1 SCSI Protocol ................................................ 189
10.1.1 Prio rity of SCSI Status Byte Reporting ............................... 189
10.1.2 Invalid LUN in Identify Message ...................................189
10.1.3 Incorrect Initiator Connection .................................... 190
10.1.4 Command Processing During Execution of Active I /O process .................. 190
10.1.5 Un it Attention Condition ....................................... 193
10.1.6 Command Processing During Start-up and Fo rm a t Operations ................. 193
10.1.7 Internal Error Condition ........................................ 194
10.1.8 Deferred Error .............................................. 194
10.1.9 Degraded Mode .............................................
10.1.10 Command Processing While Reserved ...............................
10.2 Priority C o mm ands .............................................
10.3 Command queuing ..............................................
10.3.1 Queue depth ...............................................
10.3.2 Tagged queuing .............................................
10.3.3 Untagged queuing ............................................
10.3.4 Command queuing rule ........................................
10.3.5 Queue Full status ............................................
10.3.6 Device behavior o n Command queuing ...............................
10.4 Command reordering ............................................
10.5 Concurrent I /O Process ...........................................
10.6 Back t o Back Write .............................................
10.7 Write Cache ..................................................
10.8 Power Saving Mode .............................................
195 201 202 202 203 203 203 203 203 203 204 204 204 205 205
10.9 Automatic Rewrite/Reallocate ....................................... 205
10.10 Segmented Caching ............................................. 207
10.10.1 Overview ................................................ 207
10.10.2 Read Ahead .............................................. 207
10.11 Reselection Timeout ............................................ 207
10.12 Single Initiator Selection ..........................................
10.13 Non-arbitrating systems ..........................................
10.14 Selection without A T N ..........................................
10.15 Multiple Initiator Environment ......................................
10.15.1 Initiator Sense Data ..........................................
207 207 208 208 208
10.15.2 Initiator Mode Select/Mode Sense Parameters ........................... 208
10.15.3 Initiator Data Transfer Mode Parameter ..............................
10.16 Contingent allegiance Condition .....................................
208 209
10.17 Reset .....................................................210
10.17.1 Reset Sources ............................................. 210
10.17.2 Reset Actions .............................................
10.18 Diagnostics .................................................
10.18.1 Power o n Diagnostics
10.18.2 Diagnostics Command ........................................
10.18.3 Diagnostics Fault Reporting .....................................
10.19 Idle Time Functions ............................................
210 211 211 211 211 212
Contents vii
11.0 SCSI SENSE DATA ............................................ 213
11.1 SCSI Sense Data F ormat .......................................... 213
11.2 Sense Data Description ...........................................214
11.2.1 Valid (Bit 7 of byte 0) ......................................... 214
11.2.2 Error Code (Bit 6 - 0 of byte 0) .................................... 214
11.2.3 ILI : Incorrect Length Indicator (Bit 5 of byte 2) .......................... 214
11.2.4 Sense Key (Bit 3 - 0 of byte 2) .................................... 214
11.2.5 Information Bytes (Byte 3 thru 6) .................................. 215
11.2.6 Additional Sense Length (Byte 7) ................................... 215
11.2.7 Command Specific Information (Byte 8 thru 11) .......................... 215
11.2.8 Additional Sense Code/Qualifier (Byte 12 and 13) ......................... 216
11.2.9 FRU : Field Replaceable U ni t (Byte 14) .............................. 219
11.2.10 Sense Key Specific (Byte 15 thru 17) ................................ 219
11.2.11 Reserved (Byte 18 thru 19) ...................................... 220
11.2.12 Reserved (Byte 20 thru 23) ...................................... 221
11.2.13 Physical Error Record (Byte 24 thru 29) .............................. 221
11.2.14 Reserved (Byte 30 thru 31) ...................................... 221
Index ......................................................... 223
viii O EM Spec. of DNES-3xxxxx Revision 1.2
1.0 General
1.1 Introduction
This document describes the specifications of the following IB M 3.5 inch SCSI drives.
Fast-20 SE 50-pin (with SCSI active terminator)
Fast-20 SE 68-pin Wide (with SCSI active terminator)
Fast-40/20 LVD/SE Multi-mode 68-pin Wide (without SCSI terminator)
Fast-40/20 LVD/SE Multi-mode 80-pin SCA-2 (without SCSI terminator)
Fast-20 SE 50-pin (with SCSI active terminator)
Fast-20 SE 68-pin Wide (with SCSI active terminator)
Fast-40/20 LVD/SE Multi-mode 68-pin Wide (without SCSI terminator)
Fast-40/20 LVD/SE Multi-mode 80-pin SCA-2 (without SCSI terminator)
Note: The specifications i n this document are subject t o change without notice.
1.2 References
'draft' ANSI SCSI-2 standard, Revision 10L, J an 1994 (Document X3.1311-1994) 'draft' ANSI SCSI-3 Fast-20, X3T10/1071D 'draft' ANSI Palallel Interface-2 (SPI-2), T10 Project-1142D Revision 19 SFF-8301 Re v 1.2 (Refer to 6.8, “Mechanical Specifications” on page 49)
Note: Th e interface conforms to the referred documents. Th e vendor specific items a n d options supported by th e drive are described in each section.
Copyright IBM Corp. 1998, 1999 1
1.3 Glossary
Word Meaning
Kbpi 1,000 Bits P er Inch Mbps 1,000,000 Bits per second GB 1,000,000,000 bytes MB 1,000,000 bytes KB 1,000 bytes unless otherwise specified 32KB 32 x 1,024 bytes 64KB 64 x 1,024 bytes Mb/ 1,000,000 bits per square inch MLC Machine Level Control PFA Predictive Failure Analysis (Trademark of I B M Corp.) S.M.A.R.T. Self-Monitoring Analysis an d Reporting Technology ADM Automatic Drive Maintenance SCAM SCSI Configured AutoMatically SE Single Ended SCSI LVD Lo w Voltage Differential SCSI FC-AL Fiber Channel - Arbitrated Loop
1.4 General Caution
The drive can be easily damaged by shocks o r E S D (Electric Static Discharge), so any damages applied t o the drive after taking o u t from th e shipping package or opening of the E SD protective bag are the user's responsibility.
2 OEM Spec. of DNES-3xxxxx Revision 1.2
1.0 Outline of the drive
Data capacity 18/9 GB SE models (50/68-pin with SCSI active terminator) LVD/SE Multi-mode models (68/80-pin without SCSI terminator) SCSI-2 Standard SCSI-3 FAST-20 W ID E ( 40 Mbytes/sec transfer ) LVD FAST-40 WI D E ( 80 Mbytes/sec transfer ) Tagged Command Queuing Multi-initiator support 512 Bytes/sector Interleave factor 1:1 Write Cache 2 MB segmented sector buffer, 128KBx14, 256KBx7, 512KBx3 selectable ECC on the fly Automatic error recovery procedures for read an d write commands Self diagnostics on power o n and resident diagnostics Automatic Defect Reallocatio 7 msec seek time in read operation 7200rpm spindle rotation. Closed l oo p actuator servo Dedicated head landing zone Automatic actuator lock Temperature warning PFA (SMART)
Note: PFA which means Predictive Failure Analysis is Trademark of I B M Corporation.
Copyright IBM Corp. 1998, 1999 3
4 OEM Spec. of DNES-3xxxxx Revision 1.2
Part 1. Functional Specification
Copyright IBM Corp. 1998, 1999 5
6 OEM Spec. of DNES-3xxxxx Revision 1.2
2.0 Fixed Disk Subsystem Description
2.1 Control Electronics
The drive is electronically controlled by a microprocessor, several logic modules, digital/analogue modules, and various drivers and receivers. Th e control electronics perform the following major functions:
Conducts a power-up sequence and calibrates t he servo. Monitors various timers for head settling, servo failure, etc. Analyzes servo signals to provide closed l oop control. These include position error signal a nd estimated velocity. Controls the voice coil motor driver to align t he actuator ont o a desired position. Monitors the actuator position and determines th e target track for a seek operation. Constantly monitors error conditions of th e servo and takes corresponding action if an error occurs. Controls starting, stopping, and rotating speed of the spindle. Controls and interprets all interface signals between th e host controller and the drive. Controls read write accessing of th e disk media, including defect management and error recovery. Performs self-checkout (diagnostics).
2.2 Head Disk Assembly
The head disk assembly (HDA) is assembled in a clean room environment a nd contains a disk and actuator assembly. Air is constantly circulated and filtered when the drive is operational. Venting of the H DA is accomplished via a breather filter.
Th e spindle is driven directly by a brushless, sensorless DC drive motor. Dynamic braking is used t o stop the spindle quickly.
2.3 Actuator
The read/write heads are mounted in the actuator. The actuator is a swing-arm assembly driven by a voice coil motor. A closed-loop positioning servo controls the movement of the actuator. An embedded servo pattern supplies feedback to the positioning servo to keep th e read/write heads centered over the desired track.
The actuator assembly is balanced to allow vertical or hor izontal mounting without adjustment.
When the drive is powered off, the actuator automatically moves the head to a dedicated landing zone outside of the da ta area, where the actuator is locked.
Copyright IBM Corp. 1998, 1999 7
8 OEM Spec. of DNES-3xxxxx Revision 1.2
3.0 Drive Characteristics
This chapter provides the characteristics of the drive.
3.1 Formatted Capacity
Description DNES-318350 DNES-309170
Label Capacity (M B ) 18350 9170 Bytes per Sector 512 512
| Sectors per Track| 247-390| 247-390
Number of heads 10 5 Number of disks 5 3 Number of LBAs 35,843,670 17,916,240 Total Logical Data Bytes 18,351,959,040 9,173,114,880
Figure 1. Formatted Capacity
3.2 Data Sheet
Figure 2. Data Sheet
Buffer to/from media [Mbit/sec] 159 to 244 Host to/from buffer ( Interface transfer rate )
[ Mbyte/sec]
Data buffer size 1792 Kbyte Number of buffer segments 3 x 512 KB
Rotational speed [RPM] 7200 Recording density [Kbpi] 220 (Max) Track density [TPI] 13700 Areal density [Mb/] 3025 (Max) Data zone 11
20 (50-pin FAST-20) 40 (68/80-pin FAST-20 WIDE) 80 (68/80-pin FAST-40 WIDE)
7 x 256 KB
14 x 128 KB
Copyright IBM Corp. 1998, 1999 9
3.3 Cylinder Allocation
Phys. Cyl. Sectors/Trk
System Area Data Zone 0 0-375 390 Data Zone 1 376-1258 374 Data Zone 2 1259-2238 364 Data Zone 3 2239-3452 351 Data Zone 4 3453-4485 338 Data Zone 5 4486-5504 325 Data Zone 6 5505-7016 312 Data Zone 7 7017-8726 286 Data Zone 8 8727-9776 273 Data Zone 9 9777-10640 260 Data Zone 10 10641-11473 247 System Area
Mode page 03 (Format Device Parameters) and 0C (Notch Parameters) provide methods to determin medium format and zone parameters. See 7.9.6, “Page 3 (Format Device Parameters)” on page 105, and
7.9.11, “Page 0C (Notch Parameters)” on page 115.
3.4 Performance Characteristics
A drive performance is characterized by t he following parameters:
Command Overhead Mechanical Positioning
Seek Time
Data Transfer Speed Buffering Operation (Lookahead/Write cache)
Note: All the above parameters contribute t o drive performance. There are other parameters that contribute to th e performance of t he actual system. This specification tries t o define t h e bare drive characteristics, not the system throughput which will depend on the system and the application.
10 OEM Spec. of DNES-3xxxxx Revision 1.2
3.4.1 Command overhead
Command overhead is defined as t h e t i me required:
from last by t e of command phase to the first byte of data phase excluding
Physical seek ti me
Latency time
Initiator delay with reconnections
Read Command Case with 6x64KB buffer (Drive is in quiescence state) Time
Cache N o t Hit <0.40msec Cache Hi t <0.03msec
Figure 3. Command Overhead
3.4.2 Mechanical Positioning Average Seek Time (Including Settling)
Figure 4. Mechanical Positioning Performance
Command Type Typical Max
Read 7.0 [msec] 8.0 [msec]
Write 8.0 [msec] 9.0 [msec]
“Typical” a nd “Max” are given throughout the performance specification by;
Typical Average of t he drive population tested a t nominal environmental and voltage conditions. Max Maximum value measured on any o ne drive over the full range of the environmental and
voltage conditions. (See 6.4, “Environment” on page 42 a nd 6.6, “DC Power Requirements” o n page 44 for ranges.)
The seek t ime is measured from the start of actuator's motion to the start of a reliable read or write opera- tion. Reliable read o r write implies that error correction/recovery is n o t used t o correct arrival problems. The average seek t ime is measured as t he weighted average of all possible seek combinations.
( max + 1 n)( + Tn.out)
Weighted Average =
max = Maximum seek length n = Seek length (1 t o max) = Inward measured seek time f or an n track seek Tn.out = Outward measured seek time for a n n track seek
n =1
( max + 1) ( max)
Drive Characteristics 11 Full Stroke Seek
Figure 5. Full Stroke Seek Time
Function Typical Max.
Read [ msec] 13.0 15.0
Write [msec] 14.0 16.0
Full stroke seek is measured as t he average of 1000 full stroke seeks with a random head switch from bot h directions (inward a nd outward). Cylinder Switch Time (Cylinder Skew)
Figure 6. Cylinder Skew
Cylinder Skew 2.6 [msec]
A cylinder switch time is defined as the amount of time required by the fixed disk access th e nex t sequential block after reading the last sector in t h e current cylinder.
The measured method is given in 3.4.7, “Thr oughput” on page 15. Head Switch Time (Head Skew)
Figure 7. Head Skew
Hea d Skew 1.6 [msec] Average Latency
Figure 8. Latency Time
Rotation Time for a revolution Average Latency
7200 [RPM] 8.33 [ msec] 4.17 [ msec]
12 OEM Spec. of DNES-3xxxxx Revision 1.2
3.4.3 Drive Ready Time
Figure 9. Drive Ready Time
Model Typical Max.
DNES-318350 15.0 [sec] 19.9 [sec] DNES-309170 11.0 [sec] 19.9 [sec]
Ready The condition in which the drive is able to perform a media access command (eg. read, write)
immediately. If a command is received during power on before ready, th e drive ready ti m e becomes longer t h an th e specified value.
Power On This includes the t ime required for the internal self diagnostics.
3.4.4 Spindle Stop Time
Figure 10. Spindle Stop Time
Model Typical Max.
DNES-318350 12.0 [sec] 14.0 [sec] DNES-309170 9.0 [sec] 10.0 [sec]
The period from power off to complete stop of spindle is categolized as operating, a nd Operating Shock criteria are applied until complete stop of spindle. Refer t o 6.9.3, “Operating Shock” on page 57.
3.4.5 Data Transfer Speed
Figure 11. Data Transfer Speed
Description Typical
Disk-Buffer Transfer (Zone 0)
(Instantaneous) 32.0 [ Mbyte/sec] (Sustained) DNES-318350 20.2 [ Mbyte/sec]
DNES-309170 20.0 [ Mbyte/sec]
Disk-Buffer Transfer (Zone 7)
(Instantaneous) 21.0 [ Mbyte/sec] (Sustained) DNES-318350 12.7 [ Mbyte/sec]
DNES-309170 12.7 [ Mbyte/sec]
50-pin FAST-20 68-pin / 80-pin FAST-20 Wide 68-pin / 80-pin FAST-40 Wide
20 [ Mbyte/sec] 40 [ Mbyte/sec] 80 [ Mbyte/sec]
Instantaneous disk-buffer transfer rate (Mbyte/sec) is derived by:
(Number of sectors on a track)*512*(revolution/sec)
Note: Number of sectors per track will vary because of the linear density recording.
Drive Characteristics 13
Sustained disk-buffer transfer rate (Mbyte/sec) is defined by considering head/cylinder change time. This gives a local average da t a transfer rate. It is derived by:
(Sustained Transfer Rate) = A/ (B+C+D)
A = (Number of data sectors per cylinder) * 512 B = ( (# of Surface per cylinder) - 1) * (Head switch time) C = (Cylinder change time) D = (# of Surface) * (One revolution time)
Instantaneous Buffer-Host Transfer Rate (Mbyte/sec) defines th e maximum data transfer rate o n SCSI Bus. It also depends o n the speed of th e host.
The measurement method is given in 3.4.7, “ Th roughput” on page 15.
3.4.6 Buffering Operation (Lookahead/Write Cache)
At shipment, the total 1792K bytes of the buffer is divided into 7 segmented blocks.
The segment size can be changed by Mode Page 8. See 7.9.9, “Page 8 (Caching Parameters)” on page 110 for details.
14 OEM Spec. of DNES-3xxxxx Revision 1.2
3.4.7 Throughput Simple Sequential Access
Figure 12. Simple Sequential Access Performance
Operation Typical Max
Sequential Read/Write Zone 0 1400 [msec]
Zone 11 1831 [msec]
The above table gives the time required t o read/write for a total of 8000x consecutive blocks (16,777,216 bytes) accessed b y 128 read/write commands. Typical and Max values are given by 105% and 110% of T respectively throughput following performance description.
Note: Assumes a host system responds instantaneously.
T = (A * 128) + B + C + 16,777,216/D + 512/E (READ) T = (A * 128) + B + C + 16,777,216/D (WRITE)
T = Calculated Time (sec) A = Command Process Time (Pre/Post Command overhead) B = Average Seek Time C = Average Latency D = Sustained Disk-Buffer Transfer Rate (Mbyte/sec) E = Buffer-Host Transfer Rate (Mbyte/sec)
Zone 0 1408 [msec]
Zone 11 1842 [msec] Random Access
Figure 13. Random Access Performance
Operation Typical Max
Random Read 52.2 [sec] 54.7 [sec] Random Write 55.2 [sec] 57.8 [sec]
The above table gives the time required t o execute a total of 1000x read/write commands which access a random LBA.
T = (A + B + C + 512/D + 512/E) * 4096 (READ) T = (A + B + C + 512/D) * 4096 (WRITE)
T = Calculated Time (sec) A = Command Process Time (Pre/Post Command overhead) B = Average Seek Time C = Average Latency D = Sustained Disk-Buffer Transfer Rate (Mbyte/sec) E = Buffer-Host Transfer Rate (Mbyte/sec)
Drive Characteristics 15
16 OEM Spec. of DNES-3xxxxx Revision 1.2
4.0 Data integrity
The drive retains recorded information under all non-write operations. No more t han one sector can be lost by power down during write operation while write cache is disabled. If power do wn occurs before completion of data transfer from write cache to disk while write cache is enabled, t he d at a remaining in write cache will be lost. T o prevent this data loss at power off, t he following action is recommended:
To confirm successful completion of SYNCHRONIZE CACHE (35h) command.
4.1 Equipment Status
Equipment status is available to the host system any tim e th e drive is n ot ready to read, write, or seek. T his status normally exists at power-on time and will be maintained until the following conditions are satisfied.
Access recalibration/tuning is complete. Spindle speed meets requirements for reliable operations. Self-check of drive is complete.
Appropriate error status is made available to th e host system if any of the following condition occurs after the drive h as become ready:
Spindle speed goes outside of requirements for reliable operation. “Write fault” is detected.
4.2 Error Recovery
Errors occurring with th e drive are handled by the error recovery procedure.
Errors that are uncorrectable after application of the error recovery procedures are reported to the host system as non-recoverable errors.
Copyright IBM Corp. 1998, 1999 17
18 OEM Spec. of DNES-3xxxxx Revision 1.2
5.0 Physical Format
Media defects ar e remapped t o the next available sector during Form at Process in manufacturing. Th e mapping from L BA t o the physical locations is calculated b y a n internal maintained table.
5.1 Shipped Format (PList)
Data areas are optimally used. No extra sector is wasted as a spare throughout user data areas. All pushes generated by defects ar e absorbed by spare tracks of inner zone.
PList Physical Format
Skip Skip
Defects ar e skipped without any constraint, such as track or cylinder boundary. The calculation from L B A to physical is done automatically by internal table.
5.2 Reassigned Format (G-List)
G-List is prepared for 3327 LBAs. Re-re-assign of the same L B A does not increase G-List entry. A cylinder for spare sectors is prepared in every 256 cylinders.
Note: There is possibility to have G-List entry during the drive usage including early period. It is mainly caused by handling problem, and G-List entry is normal maintenance work of Hard Disk Drive.
Copyright IBM Corp. 1998, 1999 19
20 OEM Spec. of DNES-3xxxxx Revision 1.2
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