IBM DM-20, DM-10 User Manual

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DM-20 DM-10
Thank you for purchasing an Olympus
Please read these instructions for information
about using the product correctly and safely.
Keep the instructions handy for future reference.
Digital Voice Recorder.
you test the record function and volume before use.
Table of Contents
Table of Contents ....................................... 2
Safe and Proper Usage ............................. 4
General Precautions .................................. 4
1 Getting Started
Main Features ............................................ 6
Identification of Parts ................................. 8
Inserting Batteries ................................... 10
Using the AC Adapter .............................. 11
Switching Between the Voice Recorder
and Music Player............................... 11
Setting Time/Date (TIME&DATE) ............12
Installing Software ................................... 14
2 When Using the Recorder as
a Voice Recorder
Recording ................................................ 18
Using the Variable Control
Voice Actuator (VCVA) ...................... 20
Recording with External Microphone ...... 22
Recording Modes (REC MODE) ............. 23
Microphone Sensitivity (MIC SENSE) ..... 24
Playing ..................................................... 25
Repeat Playback...................................... 27
Noise Cancel Function ............................ 29
Index Marks ............................................. 30
Menu List (VOICE mode) ........................ 31
3 Managing Files on Your PC
Using DSS Player Software .................... 32
Using Online Help ................................... 33
Connecting to Your PC ............................ 34
Running DSS Player ................................ 38
4 Using the Recorder as a
Music Player
Using the Recorder as a Music Player .... 40
Using Windows Media Player .................. 40
Window Names
(Windows Media Player) ................... 42
Copying Music from CD .......................... 43
Transferring Music File to the Recorder..... 44
Music Playback ........................................ 45
Increasing the WOW effect
(WOW EFFECT) ............................... 48
Menu List (MUSIC mode) ........................ 50
5 Feature Common to the Voice
Recorder and Music Player
Erasing ..................................................... 51
Hold.......................................................... 54
6 Using the Recorder as a
Reader / Writer
Using the Recorder as a
Reader/Writer .................................... 55
7 Other Information
Alarm Message List ................................. 56
Troubleshooting ....................................... 58
Accessories (optional) .............................59
Specifications .......................................... 59
Technical Assistance And Support ......... 61
Safe and Proper Usage
Before using your new recorder, read this manual carefully to ensure that you know how to operate it safely and correctly. Keep this manual in an easily accessible location for future reference.
The warning symbols indicate important safety related information. To protect yourself and others from personal injury or damage to property, it is essential that you always read the warnings and information provided
Using the Online Manual
When you install the DSS Player 2002 on your PC from the CD-ROM, you can use an online expanded version of this instruction manual, allowing you to learn more about the digital voice recorder. If the DSS Player is installed, click on the [Start] button, select [All Programs], then [ OLYMPUS DSS Player 2002], then click on [DM-20/10 ONLINE INSTRUCTIONS]. You can read more about the items listed below.
Operating Environment ............................... 14
Uninstalling Software .................................. 19
Listening While Audio Is Recorded
(Recording Monitor) .............................. 26
Recording Sound Played Back
by Another Device ................................ 29
Continuous Playback (ALL PLAY) .............. 34
Auto Backspace review
(BACK SPACE)..................................... 35
Assigning File Comments
(COMMENT) ......................................... 40
LCD Display Information
(VOICE mode) ...................................... 41
Window Names (DSS Player) ..................... 52
Download Voice Files from the
Recorder ............................................... 53
Play a Voice File .......................................... 55
Upload Voice Files to the Recorder ............ 56
Send Voice Files with E-mail....................... 58
Changing User ID ........................................ 58
Changing a Folder Name ............................ 59
Editing File Comments ................................ 59
Editing a Template ....................................... 60
Changing the User Equalizer
(USER EQ) ........................................... 71
LCD Display Information
(MUSIC mode) ...................................... 73
Changing Playback Order of Music File ..... 75
Locking Files (LOCK) .................................. 80
Alarm Playback Function (ALARM) ............ 81
LCD Contrast Adjustment
(CONTRAST) ........................................ 84
Backlight (BACKLIGHT) .............................. 85
System Sounds (BEEP) .............................. 86
Assigning Folder Names
(FOLDER NAME) ................................. 87
Moving Files Across Folders ....................... 90
Formatting the Recorder (FORMAT) .......... 92
General Precautions
Do not leave the recorder in hot, humid
locations such as inside a closed automobile under direct sunlight or on the beach in the summer.
Do not store the recorder in places
exposed to excessive moisture or dust.
Do not use organic solvents such as
alcohol and lacquer thinner to clean the unit.
Do not place the recorder on top of or
near electric appliances such as TVs or refrigerators.
Avoid recording or playing back near cellular phones or other wireless equipment, as they may cause interference and noise. If you experience noise, move to another place, or move the recorder further away from such equipment.
Avoid sand or dirt. These can cause irreparable damage.
Avoid strong vibrations or shocks.
Do not disassemble, repair or modify
the unit yourself.
Do not operate the unit while operating a vehicle (such as a bicycle, motorcycle, or go-cart).
Keep the unit out of the reach of children.
<Warning regarding data loss> Recorded content in memory may be
destroyed or erased by operating mistakes, unit malfunction, or during repair work.
It is recommended to back up and save important content to other media such as a computer hard disk.
Batteries should never be exposed to
flame, heated, short-circuited or disassembled.
Do not attempt to recharge alkaline,
lithium or any other non-rechargeable batteries.
Never use any battery with a torn or
cracked outer cover.
Keep batteries out of the reach of
If you notice anything unusual when
using this product such as abnormal noise, heat, smoke, or a burning odor:
1 remove the batteries immediately while
being careful not to burn yourself, and;
2 call your dealer or local Olympus
representative for service.
AC Adapter
Do not attempt to disassemble, repair or modify the AC adapter in any way.
Keep foreign objects including water, metal, or flammable substances from getting inside the product.
Do not moisten the AC adapter or touch it with a wet hand.
Do not use the AC adapter in the vicinity­of flammable gas (including gasoline, benzine and lacquer thinner).
In case
... the internal parts of the AC adapter are exposed because it has been dropped or otherwise damaged:
... the AC adapter is dropped in water, or if water, metal flammable substances or other foreign objects get inside it:
... you notice anything unusual when using the AC adapter such as abnormal noise, heat, smoke, or a burning odor:
1 do not touch any of the exposed parts; 2 immediately disconnect the power
supply plug from the power outlet, and;
3 call your dealer or local Olympus
representative for servicing. Continued use of the AC adapter under these circumstances could result in electric shock, fire or injury.
Main Features
Dual function recorder as a Digital Voice
Recorder and a Digital Music Player ( P.18,40).
Main Features
Includes the Olympus DSS Player software
and Windows Media Player ( P.14).
Includes a dual function Remote Controller
and Microphone ( P.22).
A Ear/Mic/Remote Controller Jack with
switch-over depending on the application.
A USB connected Cradle for data download
from the recorder to the PC ( P.34).
The recorder can also be used as a
removable external memory reader/writer ( P.55).
The large LCD screen with backlight can
be easily read even in the dark.
You may assign your own names to folders.
Main features of the Digital Voice Recorder
The recorder stores highly compressed
DSS and WMA format voice messages in integrated flash memory.
The recorder supports three recording
modes, HQ (High Quality) mode, SP (Standard Playback) mode and LP (Long Playback) mode. If a stereo microphone (optional) is used, you can enjoy recording in SHQ (Stereo High Quality) mode ( P.23).
Recording time*
DM-20 (128MB) SHQ mode : 4 hours 20 minutes HQ mode : 8 hours 45 minutes SP mode : 20 hours 55 minutes
LP mode : 44 hours 45 minutes
DM-10 (64MB) SHQ mode : 2 hours 10 minutes HQ mode : 4 hours 20 minutes SP mode : 10 hours 25 minutes LP mode : 22 hours 20 minutes
The five folders can hold 199 files each,
for the maximum of 995 recordings ( P.18).
You can input file comments.
The recorder has a Noise Cancel Function
(☞ P.29).
Recorded files may be moved from one
folder to another.
You can insert or delete index marks (☞
The recorder has Fast Playback and Slow
Playback functions to control playback speed ( P.26).
Comes with DSS Player software (☞ P.32).
Main features of the Digital Music Player
Can play back music files in MP3 and WMA
Playback time*
DM-20 (128 MB) : 100 to 340 minutes DM-10 (64 MB) : 50 to 170 minutes
Has built-in WOW ( P.48).
You can change the playback equalizer
*1: Depending on the product you purchased, the remote
controller microphone may not be included. For the supplied components, see the descriptions on the package.
*2: DSS format in SP and LP mode recording, and WMA
format in SHQ and HQ mode recording.
*3: Available recording time for one continuous file.
Available recording time may be shorter if many short recordings are made. (The displayed available recording time and recorded time are approximate indications.)
*4: For WMA files, these functions are only available for
files recorded with this recorder or the IC recorders from Olympus.
*5: The total storage time will vary depending on the bit
rate of each music file.
IBM and PC/AT are the trademarks or registered trademarks of International Business Machines Corporation.
Microsoft, Windows and Windows Media are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation.
Apple, Macintosh, iMac, Mac, and PowerMac are trademarks or registered trademarks of Apple Computer, Inc.
Intel and Pentium are registered trademarks of Intel Corporation.
Adobe and Acrobat Reader are registered trademarks of Adobe Systems Incorporated.
WOW, SRS and Labs, Inc.
WOW technology is incorporated under license from SRS Labs, Inc.
CORTOLOGIC is a registered trademark of Cortologic AG.
Other product and brand names mentioned herein may be the trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners.
symbol are trademarks of SRS
Main Features
Identification of Parts
Identification of Parts
% $
# @
1 EAR/MIC/REMOTE jack 2 Built-in microphone 3 Record/Play indicator lamp 4 REC (Record) button 5 STOP button 6 PLAY button 7 FF (Fast Forward) button 8 REW (Rewind) button 9 VOL (+) button 0 VOL () button ! PC (USB) terminal @ ERASE button
4 5
6 7
8 9 0
# FOLDER/REPEAT button $ INDEX/EQ button % DISPLAY/MENU button ^ Display (LCD panel) & Strap hole * Power jack ( Battery cover ) Cradle attachment point
- Mode (VOICE/MUSIC) switch
= HOLD switch q Built-in speaker
Remote Controller Microphone
8 7 6 5
2 3
Display (LCD Panel)
1 2 3 4
Identification of Parts
7 8 9 0
1 Built-in microphone 2 VOL (+) button 3 VOL () button 4 FF (Fast Forward) button 5 REW (Rewind) button 6 PLAY button 7 STOP button 8 REC (Record) button/
REC indicator lamp
9 Clip 0 HOLD switch ! EAR jack
Depending on the product you purchased, the remote controller microphone may not be included. For the supplied components, see the descriptions on the package.
1 Battery indicator 2 VCVA (Variable Control Voice
Actuator) indicator
3 WOW indicator 4 Alarm indicator 5 Microphone sensitivity display 6 Record mode indicator 7 Erase lock indicator 8 Repeat, Random play indicator 9 Current file number 0 Total number of recorded files in
the folder
! Character Information display
Inserting Batteries
Inserting Batteries
Lightly press down on the arrow and slide the battery cover open.
Insert two AAA alkaline batteries, observing the correct polarity.
Close the battery cover completely.
Be sure to stop the recorder before replacing the batteries. Unloading the batteries while the recorder
is in use may corrupt the file. If you are recording into a file and the batteries run out, you will lose your currently recorded file because the file header will not be able to close. It is crucial to change the batteries once you see only one Hash mark in the battery icon.
Be sure to replace both batteries at the same time.
Never mix old and new batteries, or batteries of different types and/or brands.
If it takes longer than 1 minute to replace dead batteries, you may have to reset the time when you load
fresh batteries ( P.12).
Remove the batteries if you are not going to use the recorder for an extended period of time.
Replacing batteries
The battery indicator on the display changes as the batteries lose power.
When appears on the display, replace the batteries as soon as possible. When the batteries are too weak, the recorder shuts down and BATTERY LOW appears on the display. AAA alkaline batteries are recommended.
An optional Ni-MH Rechargeable Battery from Olympus can be used for the recorder (☞ P.59).
Using the AC Adapter
Switching Between
Plug the optional AC adapter (Olympus Model A321 or A322) into household power outlet and connect the power plug to the recorder’s power connector (DC 3 V) as shown in the illustration. Always stop recording before connection. Otherwise it may not be possible to play back the voice data being recorded.
Always stop recording before connection or disconnection.
When the AC adapter is not in use, disconnect the power supply plug from the power outlet.
Use only the correct power supply voltage as indicated on the adapter.
Do not use the AC adapter when connecting the recorder to the USB port.
the Voice Recorder and Music Player
This device can be used as a voice recorder or as a music player.
Using the mode switch, choose between VOICE or MUSIC option.
VOICE : For recording or playing back voice
MUSIC: For listening to music files.
Meaning of icons in this manual
Set the mode switch to VOICE before operating the recorder.
Set the mode switch to MUSIC before operating the recorder.
Convenient features that can be used with both the Voice Recorder and Music Player.
Using the AC Adapter/Switching Between the Voice Recorder and Music Player
Setting Time/Date (TIME&DATE)
If you have set the time and date, information as to when an audio file is recorded is stored automatically with that file. The time and date should be set to ease file management tasks. The
time and date setting is also needed to perform the alarm playback function.
Setting Time/Date (TIME&DATE)
The hour indicator will flash automatically when you load batteries before using the recorder for the first time, or after the recorder hasn't been used for a long time. Proceed from step 1.
Set the hour.
1 Press the FF button or REW button to
PLAY button
FF/REW button
PLAY button
(accepts a choice and moves on to the next item)
MENU button
(switching the data displayed)
When the remote controller microphone is connected, buttons with the same names as those on the recorder work analogously.
STOP button
STOP button
(Exits the menu)
FF/REW button
(alters a choice)
set the hour.
2 Press the PLAY button to accept t h e
You can choose between 12 and 24 hour
display by pressing the MENU button while setting the hour and minute.
Example: 5:45 P.M.
PM 5:45 ←→ 17:45
(Initial setting)
Set the minute.
1 Press the FF button or REW button to
set the minute.
2 Press the PLAY button to accept t h e
Set the year.
1 Press the FF button or REW button to
set the year.
2 Press the PLAY button to accept t h e
You can choose the order of the year,
month, day by pressing the MENU button while setting them.
Example: March 14, 2003
3M 14D 2003Y (Initial setting)
14D 3M 2003Y
2003Y 3M 14D
Set the month.
1 Press the FF button or REW button to
set the month.
2 Press the PLAY button to accept t h e
Changing the Time/Date
2 3
Follow the same steps starting at step 1 in Setting Time/Date ( P.12).
Set the date.
1 Press the FF button or REW button to
set the date.
2 Press the PLAY button to accept the
Press the STOP button to close the menu.
If you press the STOP button during the setup operation, the recorder will save the items that were set to that point.
Press and hold the MENU button for 1 second or longer.
The menu opens ( P.31,50).
Press the FF or REW button until TIME &DATE flashes on the display.
Press the PLAY button.
Time/Date screen appears. The hour indicator flashes, indicating the start of the Time/Date setup process.
Setting Time/Date (TIME&DATE)
Installing Software
Before you connect the recorder to your PC and use it, you must first install the utility software from the included Software CD.
Applications included with Voice & Music DM Series Utility Software
Installing Software
DSS Player: Recorded voice files can be downloaded to the PC for complete file management and playback solution.
Windows Media Player: Music data can be converted into music files and uploaded to the recorder.
Acrobat Reader is installed on your PC. It is required to view the accompanying manual in PDF format.
Be sure to confirm the following before installation:
Exit all running applications.
Eject the floppy disk if you are using one.
If you are running Windows2000/XP or Mac OS X on the network, you need to log on as an Administrator.
Insert OLYMPUS Voice & Music DM Series Utility Software into the CD-
ROM drive.
The installation program will start automatically. Once the program starts, jump to step 4. If it does not, follow the procedures in steps 2 and 3.
Click the [Start] button and select [Run].
Enter D:\setup.exe in the [Open] field and click [OK] .
This is assuming the CD-ROM drive is D.
The installation Language Selection dialog box opens.
Click the desired language to select it.
Select the necessary software, when the OLYMPUS Voice & Music DM
Series Utility Software opening screen appears.
Installing DSS Player
Confirm your acceptance of the terms of the Licensing Agreement.
You must accept the terms of the Licensing Agreement to install DSS Player. If you accept them, click [Yes].
Register user information.
Register user information. Enter your
name, company name, and license ID number (serial number). The license ID number is printed on the license ID card. Click [Next]. A confirmation dialog box opens, click [Yes].
Select where to install DSS Player.
This lets you specify the folder in which
to install DSS Player. Click [Browse] to find the desired installation folder. To accept the default folder, click [Next].
If the installation folder does not exist, a confirmation dialog box opens to get your permission to create a folder for this purpose. Click [Yes].
Select a program menu folder.
You may change the program menu
folder to another one, such as [Start Up]. To accept the default folder, click [Next].
Authorizing the start of file copying.
Confirm all Current Settings. To accept them, click [Next].
Installing Software
Installing Software
Installing Software
To change the program menu folder or installation folder, click [Back].
Copy files.
Wait until DSS Player is installed on
your PC, then click [Finish]. The screen returns to the opening screen automatically.
If you would like to install Windows Media Player at this time, please select Install Windows Media Player and proceed to step 12 below.
Installing Windows Media Player
Confirm acceptance of the terms of the Licensing Agreement.
You must accept the terms of the Licensing Agreement to install Windows Media Player. If you accept them, click [I Accept]. Installing Windows Media Player.
Select your Privacy Options.
You can set up your privacy options on
this screen. If you want to install the software applying to your environment, change the check in the checkbox. To select the default, click [Next].
Customize the Installation Option.
Select the installation options. To select the default, click [Finish]. Installation is complete and Windows Media Player will start up. Close Windows Media Player to return to the opening screen.
If you would like to install Acrobat Reader at this time, please select Install Acrobat Reader and proceed to step 15 below.
Install Acrobat Reader
Install Acrobat Reader according to the directions on the screen.
Installing the Device Driver
Connect the recorder to your PC, referring to Connecting to Your
PC ( P.34).
When you connect the recorder to your PC for the first time after installing DSS Player, the recorder's driver will be installed automatically. If the driver is installed properly, DSS Player will start automatically.
Insert OLYMPUS Voice & Music DM Series Utility Software into the CD-
ROM drive. Double-click CD icon.
Double-click the desired language to
select it.
Double-click the following icon.
(OS 9.x)
DSS Player for Mac Installer (OS X) DSS Player (for Mac) Installer OS X
Click [Continue] when the DSS Player for Mac opening screen
appears. Confirm your acceptance of the
terms of the Licensing Agreement.
You must accept the terms of the Licensing Agreement to install DSS Player for Mac. If you accept them, click [Agree].
Select where to install DSS Player for Mac.
This lets you specify the folder in which to install DSS Player for Mac. To accept the default folder, click [Choose]. Installing DSS Player for Mac.
Completing setup.
Installation has finished. Click [Quit].
If you installed the software into the OS
9.x, you need restart your PC after completing the installation.
Installing Software
When Using the Recorder as a Voice Recorder
The recorder provides five folders, A, B, C, D and E, and each message recorded in a folder is saved as a Digital Speech Standard (DSS) file or a Windows Media Audio (WMA) file. These five
folders can be selectively used to distinguish the kind of recording; for example, Folder A might be used to store private information, while Folder B might be dedicated to holding business
information. Up to 199 messages can be recorded per folder.
Press the FOLDER button to choose a folder.
The folder name is displayed.
a Total number of recorded files in the
b Current file number c Current folder
Press the REC button to start recording.
The record/play indicator lamp glows red. Aim the microphone at the sound source. When using the remote controller microphone for recording, the indicator lamp and internal microphone of the recorder are switched off.
d Current recording mode e Recording time f Remaining recording time
Press the STOP button to stop recording.
A beep will sound when remaining recording time reaches 60 seconds, 30 seconds, and 10 seconds while recording.
•“MEMORY FULL or FOLDER FULL will be displayed when the memory or folder capacity is full. Delete any unnecessary files before recording any further ( P.51) or transfer voice files to your computer using DSS Player Software.
Recording functions
Pause Recording
Press the REC button while recording.
REC PAUSE will flash on the display.
Resume Recording
Press the REC button again.
Recording will resume at the point of
The recorder will time out after 10 minutes when left in REC PAUSE”.
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