Presenting the Hyundai Sonata.
At Hyundai, here’s the way we think about car buyers like yourself: You’re
interviewing us. And if we want to beat out all other candidates for the job of
being your next car, we’d better have a very impressive resume.
The Hyundai Sonata’s accomplishments? For starters, J.D. Power ranked it the
“Most Dependable Mid-Size Car” in 2013.1 And the 2013 Sonata earned a top
five-star rating in government safety testing,2 as well as being named a Top
Safety Pick by the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety.
For 2014, our Sonata lineup includes the GLS – a spacious five-passenger
model with so much room inside, the EPA classifies it as a large sedan. Next
comes Sonata SE, a sedan sport-tuned for higher levels of responsiveness
and performance. Then there’s Sonata Limited, fully equipped with advanced
technologies that satisfy your desire for comfort and convenience. Whether
you’re eyeing the Sonata GLS, SE or Limited, you’ll see the pleasing results
of a design approach we call Fluidic Sculpture. Sonata’s bold lines create the
impression of a sporty coupe in its curb appeal. Step inside, and it’s a spacious
four-door, five-passenger sedan filled with modern features like Hyundai Blue
Link® telematics. And backed by three years of Assurance Connected Care.4
Of course, we could go on and on with our introduction to the Hyundai Sonata.
But they say the best resumes are kept to a single page.
in Phantom Black Met allic
The Hy undai So nata received the l owest number of problems per 100 v ehicles among midsize cars in t he proprietar y J.D. Power and Ass ociates 2013 Vehicle D ependability S tudy.SM Study b ased on response s from 37,917 ori ginal owners of 2010 mo del-year vehicles after
three yea rs of ownership ab out problems exp erienced in the pa st 12 months. Propri etary study re sults are based o n experiences an d perceptions of c onsumers surve yed September-D ecember 2012. Your exp eriences may var y. Visit /hyundai. 2 Government star
ratings a re part of the Nati onal Highway Traff ic Safety Admini stration’s New Ca r Assessment Pr ogram (www.s 3 Based o n Insurance Inst itute for Highway S afety 40 mph mo derate overlap fr ontal crash test , 31 mph side-impac t test, 20 mph rear-im pact test and
roof str ength tes ting. Test perform ed by the Insurance I nstitute for Highway Safe ty. For details, v isit www.iihs.or g. 4 Assura nce Connected C are requires acti ve Blue Link subscr iption. Assurance Conn ected Care includ es 3 years of the Blue Link A ssurance Pa ckage. T hreeyear term s tarts from th e new-vehicle date of f irst use and is availa ble for new-vehicle p urchases and leas es on or after May 16, 20 13. Onl y use Blue Link and co rresponding dev ices when safe to do s o. Cellular and GP S coverage require d. Blue Link availab le on most 2013
and 2014 Hyu ndai vehicles. Fea tures and f ees var y by subscr iption plan. For mor e on detai ls and limit ations, v isit m or your aut horized H yundai dealer. Blue L ink is a regis tered tra demark of Hyunda i Motor America. Hyunda i is a registe red trademark of H yundai
Motor C ompany. All r ights reserve d. ©2013 Hy undai Mot or America.