Hyundai ACB10HDGN Users Manual

Type 2
(With Bluetooth® WirelessTechnology)
Feature of YourAudio
• Plays Radio(FM/AM) mode.
• Each time the key is pressed, the mode is changed sequentially.
• The radio mode popup will be dis­played when [SETUP] button [D isplay] [Mode Popup] is turned [
• Plays Media(CD, USB(iPod
), BT
Audio,AUX) mode.
• Each time the button is pressed, th e mode is changed sequentially.
• The media mode popup will be dis­played when [SETUP] button [D isplay] [Mode Popup] is turned [O
• Moves to Phone screen.
• If Bluetooth
is not connected, dis­plays Bluetooth Pair/Connection s creen.
(4)SETUP/CLOCK When pressedquickly
•Moves to Setup screen. When pressed and held
• Moves to the Time Settings.
(5)SEEK/TRACK When pressedquickly
• Radio mode: Searches broadcast frequencies.
• Media mode: Changes the track, fi le or title. (except AUX)
When pressed and held
• Radio mode: Automat ical lysearch­es broadcast frequenc ie s.
• Media mode:Rewindsor fast-fo rwards the song.(exceptBT Audio,AUX)
(6) POWER/VOL knob
• Power: Tur n s power On/Off by pr essing the knob.
• Volum e : Sets volume by turning th e knob left/right.
• Displaysmenusforthe currentmode.
• Turn s off the screen.
• Each time the ke y is pressed, it se ts the Screen Off ➟ On ➟ Off.
• Moves to previous screen.
• Media(MP3 CD , Searchesfolders.
• Radio mode: Changes frequency by turning the knob left/right.
• Media mode: Searches songs(files) by turning the knob left/right.
USB) mode:
(12) PRESET [1] ~ [6] When pressedquickly
• Radio mode: Receives sa ve d fre­quencies(channels).
• Media mode(except BT Audio,AUX)
- [RPT] button: Repeat/Repeat F
- [SHFL] button: Shuffle/Shuffle
• In case of Menu popup, the num­ber menu is selected.
When pressed and held
• Radio mode: Sav es freque ncies (c hannels).
Steering WheelControls
The actual features in the vehicle
may differ from the illustration.
• When pressedquickly
- Moves to Phone screen.
- When pressed in the incoming c all screen, answers the call.
- When pressed during call wait- i ng, switches to waiting call.
• When pressed and held
- Display the last dialed number.
- W hen Bluetooth
pressed during a
call, switches call back to Bluetooth device(privatemode).
- When pressed while calling on the Bluetooth device, switches call b ack to Bluetooth
- If Bluetooth
is not connected, dis­plays Bluetooth Pair/Connection s creen.
(2) END
• When pressed during a call, ends the phonecall.
• When pressed in the incoming call screen, rejects thecall.
• When pressed quickly
- Radio mode: Searches broad- c
ast frequencies saved to Preset s.
- Media mode: Changes track, file
or title. (except AUX)
• When pressed and held
- Radio mode: Automatically
searches broadcast frequencies.
- Media mode: Rewinds or fast-for­wards the song. (except BT Au dio, AUX)
• Each time this is pressed, the mo de is changed sequentially.
• If the media is not connected, the corresponding modes will be dis­abled.
• Press and hold to turn the Audiosys­temon/off.
•Whenpowerisoff,presskeyto tu rn power back on.
• Mutes the audio volume.
• When a call is active, mic volume i s muted.
• Controls the audio or call volum e .
Radio Mode
Change Mode: [RADIO]
• Plays Radio(FM/AM) mode. Each time the button is pressed, the mo de is changed sequentially.
• I f your audio system has no Bluet ooth feature, you can change the r adio mode through [FM], [AM] butt on.
• The radio mode popup will be dis- pl ayed when [SETUP] button [Dis play] [Mode Popup] is turned [On]
Search Frequency: [SEEK/TRACK]
Searches the previous/next broad- c ast frequencies.
• Pressing the button: Changes the f requency.
• Pressing and holding the button: A utomatically searches for the next f requency.
Change Frequency: [TUNE]
Changes frequency by turning the k nob left/right. You can seek avail- abl e frequencies manually.
Saved Frequency: PRESET [1] ~ [6]
• Pressing the button: Plays the fre­quency saved in the corresponding button.
• Pressing and holding the button: S aves the currently playing broad- c ast to the selected button and sou nd a BEEP.
Displays Menu Popup whenpressing the [MENU] button.
Saves broadcasts with superior recep­tion to [1] ~ [6] buttons. If no frequen­cies are received,then the most recent­ly receivedfrequency will bebroadcast.
The broadcast frequency increases and previews each broadcast for 5 s econds each. After scanning all fre­quencies, returns and plays the cur­rent broadcast frequency.
Moves to Sound Settings.
Media Mode
Change Mode: [MEDIA]
• Press the [MEDIA] change the mode in order of CD
) BT Audio AUX.
If your audio has no Bluetooth feature:
Disc USB(iPod
If your audio has no CD feature: US
) BT Audio AUX
• The media mode popup will be dis­played when [SETUP] button [Di splay] [Mode Popup] is turned [ On].
Yo u can select a menu in the mode
popupby using the PRESET[1] ~ [6] buttons or TUNEknob.
• If media device(CD, USB, iPod, A UX) is connected, then it will auto matically operate. Once it is disco nnected, the previous mode will be restored.
• The Audio/BT Audio/AUX volume can also be controlled.
button to
Repeat: [1 RPT]
• Repeats the current song or repeats all songs within the currentfolder.
• Audio CD, i P o d mode: Repeat So ng Repeat Off
• MP3 CD, USB mode: RepeatSong Repeat Folder Off
Shuffle: [2 SHFL]
• Plays all songs within the current f older(category) or play all songs in randomorder.
• Audio CD, iPod mode: Shuffle Fol der Shuffle Off
• MP3 CD, USB mode: Shuffle Fol der Shuffle All Off
Change Song/File: [SEEK/TRACK] [SEEK/TRACK]
• Pressing the button : Pl a y s the cur­rent song from the beginning. Ifthe
[ SEEK/TRACK] button is pressed again within 3 seconds, th e previous song is played.
• Pressing and holding the button: R ewinds the song.
• Pressing the button: Plays the next song.
• Pressing and holding the button: F ast-forwards the song.
• AUX and BT Audio don’t support Rewind/Fast-forward feature.
• Changing the previous/next song may not be supported in some Blu etoothdevices.
Search Song: [TUNE]
• Turning TUNE knob: Searches for songs(files).
•PressingTUNE knob: Plays select- edsong(file).
BT Audio and AUX don’t support
playlist feature.
While BT Audio is playing, press- i
ng the TUNE knob plays and pau ses the current song.
Search Folder: [FOLDER]
• Searches the previous/next folder. (MP3 CD,USB)
• If a folder is selected by pressing t he TUNE knob, the first file within t he selected folder will be played.
•IniPod nt Folder.
mode, moves to the Pare
Disc(Audio CD)
Displays Menu Popup whenpressing the [MENU] button.
Moves to the list screen.
Repeats the current song. P ress it a gain to turn off.
Randomly plays all songs. Press it a gain to turn off.
Scans the beginning parts of all son gs. (approximately 10 seconds per fil e)
Displays information of the current s ong.
Moves to Sound Settings.
H8N3G003EE H8N3G004EE
Displays Menu Popup whenpressing the [MENU] button.
Moves to the list screen.
Repeats the current song. P ress it a gain to turn off.
Repeats songs within the current fo l der. Press it again to turn off.
Random Folder(Shuffle Folder)
Randomly plays songs within the cur- r ent fold er. Press it again to turnoff.
Randomly plays all songs. Press it a gain to turn off.
Scans the beginning parts of all son gs. (approximately 10 seconds per fil e)
Displays information of the current s ong.
Moves to Sound Settings.
H8N3G005EE H8N3G006EE
Displays Menu Popup whenpressing the [MENU] button.
Moves to the list screen.
Repeats the current song. Press it a gain to turn off.
Plays all songs within the currently p laying category in random order. Pre ss it again to turn off.
Displays information of the current s ong.
Moves to Sound Settings.
BT Audio
Dsplays Menu Popup when pressing the [MENU] button.
Moves to Sound Settings.
Audio may not automatically start playing in some Bluetooth devices. If the music in the B l ue to o t h dev ice is not played after changing to audio streaming mode, press the [ TUNE] knob. Check if the music i s playing in the Bluetooth device a fter changing to audio streaming mode.
Audio streaming may not be sup­ported for some Bluetoothdevices.
If Bluetooth device is disconnect­ed, BT Audio is ended.
Bluetoothconnectionisrequired t o use BT Audio. Refer to the Blue tooth manual for more infor- mat ion.
Displays Menu Popup whenpressing the [MENU] button.
Moves to Sound Settings.
AUX mode can be used only when an external audio player has been connected.
If only a cable is connected to the AUX without an external device, t he mode will be changed to AUX, but noise may occur. When an ext ernal device is not being used, re move the connector jack.
When the external device power is connected to the power jack, play­ing the external device may output noise. In such cases, disconnect the power connection beforeuse.
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