Hyundai AC211DFGG, AC111DFEE, AC1C1DFEE Users Manual

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Multimedia System
AUDIO SYSTEM ......................................................4-2
HOW VEHICLE AUDIO WORKS.............................4-2
CARING FO R DISC ..................................................4-4
- 3.8 INCH MONO TFT.........................................4-16
Audio Head Unit (For RDS model)..............................4-16
Audio Head Unit (For Bluetooth equipped model)......4-18
SETU P(fo r RDS model)..................................................4-21
System Settings............
SETU P .................................................
RADIO (FO R RDS MODEL) :FM , AM ...........................4-31
RADIO : FM , AM .........................
Making a call using the Steering wheel re m o te
con tro ller...........................................
- 4.3 INCH CO LOR TFT LCD ................................4-42
Audio Head Unit (For RDS model)..............................4-42
Audio Head Unit........................................................
Steering-w heel mounted contro ls..............................4-44
RADIO MODE (FO R RDS MODEL)...............................4-46
RADIO MODE...............
MEDIA MODE.............................................
AUDIO CD MODE.............................................................4-52
MP3 CD MODE...........
USB MODE.............................................
AUX MODE..............................
MY MUSIC MODE.......................................................
VOICE RECOGNITION ......................................................4-87
TECHNO LOGY EQ UIPPED MODEL).............................4-95
SETU P (fo r
Technology equipped model).....................................4-102
REAR VIEW CAM ERA (if equipped)..........................4-108
Wire less Techn ology AUDIO MODE......4-68
Bluetooth Bluetooth
Wire less Techn ology ...................4-75
Wire less Techn ology ...................4-83
Wire less
Multimedia System
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Multimedia System
How vehicle audio works
FM reception
JBM 001
AM and FM radio signals are broad­cast from transm itter towers located around your city. They are intercept­ed by the radio antenna on your vehi­cle. This signal is then processed by the radio and sent to your vehicle speakers.
W hen a strong radio signal has reached your vehicle, the precise engineering of your audio system ensures the best possible quality reproduction. However, in som e cases the signal com ing to your vehi­cle may not be strong and clear.
This can be due to factors, such as the distance from the radio station, closeness of other strong radio sta­tions or the presence of buildings, bridges or other large obstructions in the area.
AM reception
JBM 002
AM broadcasts can be received at greater distances than FM broad­casts. This is because A M radio waves are transm itted at low fre­quencies. These long distance, low frequency radio waves can follow the curvature of the earth rather than travelling straight. In addition, they curve around obstructions resulting in better signal coverage.
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FM ra d io station
JBM 003
FM broadcasts are transm itted at high frequencies and do not bend to follow the earth's surface. B ecause of this, FM broadcasts generally begin to fade w ithin short distances from the station. Also, FM signals are easily affected by buildings, m oun­tains, and obstructions. This can lead to undesirable or unpleasant listen­ing conditions w hich m ight lead you to believe a problem exists with your radio. The follow ing conditions are norm al and do not indicate radio trouble:
JBM 004 JBM 005
• Fading - A s your vehicle m oves aw ay from the radio station, the signal will w eaken and sound w ill begin to fade. W hen this occurs, we suggest that you select another stronger station.
•Flutter/Static - W eak FM signals or large obstru c tions betw een the transm itter and your radio can dis­turb the signal causing static or fluttering noises to occur. R educing the treble level may lessen this effect until the disturbance clears.
•Station S w apping - As an FM signal w eakens, another more pow erful signal near the sam e frequency m ay begin to play. This is because your radio is designed to lock onto the clearest signal. If this occurs, select another station w ith a stronger signal.
•Multi-Path C ancellation - R adio sig­nals being received from several directions can cause distortion or fluttering. This can be caused by a direct and reflected signal from the sam e station, or by signals from two stations w ith close frequencies. If this occurs, select another station until the condition has passed.
Multimedia System
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Multimedia System
Caring for disc
•If the tem perature inside the car is too high, open the car windows to venti­late before using the system .
•It is illegal to copy and use MP3/WMA files without permission. Use CDs that are created only by law ful m eans.
• D o not apply volatile agents, such as benzene and thinner, norm al cleaners and m agnetic sprays m ade for analogue disc onto CDs.
• To prevent the disc surface from getting dam aged, hold CDs by the edges or the center hole only.
•Clean the disc surface with a piece of soft cloth before playback (wipe it from the center to the outside edge).
•Do not dam age the disc surface or attach pieces of sticky tape or paper.
• M ake certain only CDs are insert­ed into the CD player (Do not insert more than one CD at a time).
• K eep CDs in their cases after use to protect them from scratches or dirt.
• D epending on the type of CD­R/CD-RW CDs, certain CDs m ay not operate norm ally according to the m anufacturing com panies. In such circ u m s tances, continued use m ay cause m alfunctions to your audio system .
NOTICE -Playing an
Incom patible Copy Protected Audio CD
Som e cop y protected CDs, which do not com ply with intern ational audio CD standards (Red B ook), m ay not play on your car audio. Please note that inabilities to properly play a copy protected CD m ay indicate that the CD is defective, not the CD player.
MP3 File Inform ation
• Supported Audio Form ats
ISO 9660 Level 1
File S ystem
Audio Compression
File form ats that do not com ply with the above form ats may not be properly recognized or play without properly displaying file nam es or other inform ation.
ISO 9660 Level 2 R om eo / Ju liet (128 characters) M PEG1 Audio Layer3 M PEG2 Audio Layer3 M PEG2.5 Audio Layer3 Windows M edia Audio Ver 7.X
& 8.X
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• Support for C om pressed Files
1. Supported Bitrates (Kbps)
M PEG1 M PEG2 M PEG2.5WMA Layer3Layer3Layer3
32 8 8 48 40 16 16 64 48 24 24 80 56 32 32 96 64 40 40 128 80 48 48 160 96 56 56 192
112 64 64
BIT RATE(kbps)
128 80 80 160 96 96 192 112 112 224 128 128 256 144 144 320 160 160
2. Sam pling Frequencies (Hz)
44100 22050 11025 32000 48000 24000 12000 44100
3000 16000 8000 48000
High R ange
•For MP3/WMA compression files, differences in sound quality w ill occur depending on the bitrate. (Higher sound quality can be expe­rienced with higher bitrates.)
•This device only recognizes files with M P 3/WMA extensions. Other file extensions may not be properly recognized.
3.M aximum number of recognized
folders and
-Folder : 255 folders for CD, 2,000 folders for USB
-File : 999 files for CD, 6,000 files for USB
There are no limitations to the num ber of recognized folder levels
• Language Support (Unicode Support)
1.E nglish: 94 characters
2.S pecial characters and Sym bols :
986 characters
Languages other than Korean and
English (including C hinese) are not included.
3.Text Display (B ased on Unicode)
-File nam e: Maxim um 64 English characters
-Folder nam e: M ax 32 English characters
Using the scroll feature allow s you to see the entire nam e of files with nam es that are too long to be dis­played at once.
Multimedia System
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Multimedia System
• Com patibility by Disc Type
1.Playing M IXED CDs: First plays the audio CD, then plays the com ­pressed file(s).
2.Playing EXTRA CDs: First plays the audio CD, then plays the com ­pressed file(s).
3.P laying multisession CDs: Plays in order of sessions
-MIXED CD : CD type in w hich both MP3 and audio CD files are recognized in one disc.
-Multisession CD CD type that includes more than two sessions. Different from E xtra CDs, multi­session C D s are recorded by sessions and have no m edia lim­itation.
• Precautions upon Writing CDs
1.In all cases except w hen creating multisession discs, check the close session option before creat­ing the disc. Though product mal­functions will not occur, som e time m ay be required for the device to check w hether the session state is closed (approximately 25 sec­onds). (Additional time may also be required depending on the num ber of folders or files.)
2.C hanging the M P 3/WMA file extensions or changing files of other extensions to M P3/WMA may result in product malfunction.
3.W hen nam ing files w ith MP3/WMA file extensions, write using only K orean and English. (Languages other than Korean and English are not supported and are displayed as blank.)
4.U nauthorized use or duplication of music files are prohibited by law .
5.Prolonged use of CD-R/CD-RW discs that do not satisfy related standards and/or specifications could result in product malfunc­tion.
6.U nauthorized use or duplication of MP3/WMA files is prohibited by law .
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Using a cellular phone or a two­way ra d io
W hen a cellular phone is used inside the vehicle, noise m ay be produced from the audio system . This does not m ean that som ething is w rong w ith the audio equipm ent. In such a case, try to operate m obile devices as far from the audio equipm ent as possible.
When using a com m unication system such as a cellular phone or a ra d io set inside the vehicle, a separate external antenna m ust be fitted. W hen a cellular phone or a radio set is used w ith an internal antenna alone, it may interfere with the vehicle's electri­cal system and adversely affect safe operation of the vehicle.
Do not use a cellular phone while driving. Stop at a safe location to use a cellular phone.
NOTE: Order of playing files (folders) :
1.Song playing order : to sequentially.
2.Folder playing order : If no song file is contained in the
folder, that folder is not displayed.
Multimedia System
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Multimedia System
• Do not stare at the screen while driving. Staring at the screen for prolonged periods of tim e could lead to tra ffic accidents.
• Do not disassem ble, assem ­ble, or m odify the audio sys­tem . Such acts could result in accidents, fire , or electric shock.
•Using the phone w hile driving may lead to a lack of attention of tra ffic conditions and increase the likelihood of accidents. U se the phone feature after parking the vehicle.
• H eed caution not to spill water or introduce foreign objects into the device. S uch acts could lead to sm oke, fire , or product malfunction.
O perating the device w hile driv-
ing could lead to accidents due to a lack of attention to external surroundings. Firs t park the vehicle before operating the device.
•Adjust the volum e to levels that allow the driver to hear sounds from outside of the vehicle. Driving in a state w here exter­nal sounds cannot be heard may lead to accidents.
•Pay attention to the volum e setting w hen turning the device on. A sudden output of extre m e vo lum e upon turning the device on could lead to hearing impairm e n t. (Adjust the vo lum e to a suitable levels before turning off the device.)
(C ontinued)
(C ontinued)
•Do not place beverages close to the audio system . Spilling beverages may lead to system malfunction.
•In case of product malfunction, please contact your place of purchase or A fter S ervice cen­ter.
•Placing the audio system with in an electrom agnetic environm ent m ay result in noise interference.
• P revent caustic solutions such as perfum e and cosm et­ic oil from contacting the dashboard because they m ay cause dam age or discol­oration.
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NOTICE - Using the discs
•This d ev ice h as been m an u fac­tured to be com patible w ith soft­ware bearing the follow ing logo marks.
•Do not clean discs w ith ch em ical solutions, such as record sprays, antistatic sprays, antistatic liquids, ben zen e, or thin n ers.
•After using a disc, put the disc back in its original case to p revent disc scratch es.
•Hold discs by their edges or within the cen ter hole to p reven t dam ages to disc su rfaces.
•Do not introd u ce foreign substan ces into the disc insert/eject slot. In troducing foreign substan ces cou ld dam age the device interior.
•Do not insert two discs simultane­ously.
• W hen using CD-R/CD-RW discs, differen ces in disc read ing and play­ing tim es m ay occur depending on the disc m anufacturer, production method and the record ing m ethod as used by the user.
•Clean fin gerprints and dust off the disc su rface (coated side) with a soft cloth.
• T he use of CD-R/CD-RW discs attached with labels m ay result in disc slot jam s or difficu lties in disc rem oval. Such discs m ay also result in noise whi
le playing.
•Som e CD-R/CD-RW discs m a y not p rop erly operate depending on the disc m anufacturer, produc­tion m eth od an d the record method as used by the user. If problem s persist, trying using a different CD as con tinued use may result in malfunctions.
• T he perform ance of this product m ay differ depending on the CD­RW Drive Software.
• C opy-protected C D s su ch as S­type CDs m ay not function in the device. DATA discs cannot be played. (However, su ch d iscs m a y still op erate but will do so abnor­mally.)
•Do not use abnorm ally shaped discs (8cm , heart-sh ap ed , octagon­sh a p ed ) as su ch discs cou ld lead to malfunctions.
•If the disc is straddled on the disc slot without rem oval for 10 sec­onds, the disc w ill autom atically be re-in serted into the disc player.
• O n ly genuine audio C D s are sup­ported . Other discs m a y resu lt in recognition failure (e.g. copy CD­R, CDs with labels)
Multimedia System
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Multimedia System
NOTICE - Using the USB device
• C on nect th e U SB device after turning on the engine. The USB device m ay b ecom e d am aged if it is alread y conn ected w hen the ignition is tu rned on .The USB device m ay not op erate prop erly if the car ignition is turned on or off with the USB device con n ected.
• H eed cau tion to static electricity w h en con n ecting/disconn ecting USB devices.
• Encoded M P 3 P layers w ill not be recognized w hen con nected as an external device.
• W hen con n ecting an external USB device, the device m ay not p roper­ly recognize the U SB is in som e states.
•Only p r o d u c ts fo r m a tte d w ith byte/sectors under 64K byte will be recognized .
•This d evice recogn izes U S B devices form atted in FAT 12/16/32 file form ats. This d ev ice d oes not recognize files in N T FS file for­mat.
•Some USB devices m ay not be sup­ported due to com patibil
ity issu es.
• Avoid contact betw een the USB con n ector with bodily parts or for­eign objects.
• R ep eated con n ecting/discon n ect­ing of USB devices w ithin short periods of time m ay result in prod­uct malfunction.
•A stran ge n oise m ay occu r w h en discon necting the USB.
•M ake sure to con n ect/disconn ect external USB devices w ith th e audio pow er turned off.
• T he am ount of tim e required to recognize the USB device m ay dif­fer depending on the type, size or file form ats stored in the U SB. Such differen ces in time are not indications of malfunctions.
• The device on ly supports U S B devices used to play music files.
•USB im ages and videos are not supported .
•Do not use the USB I/F to charge batteries or U S B accessories that gen erate heat. Such acts m ay lead to w orsened p erform an ce or dam ­age to the device.
•The device m ay not recognize the USB device if sep a ra te ly pur­chased U SB hubs and extension cab les are being used. C on n ect the USB directly with the multimedia term inal of the vehicle.
• W hen usin g m a ss storage U SB devices w ith sep a ra te logical drives, only files saved to the root drive can be played.
•Files m ay not p rop erly operate if application program s are installed to the USBs.
• T he device m ay n ot op erate n or­mally if M P 3 P layers, cellular phones, digital cam eras, or other electron ic devices (USB devices not recognized as portable d isk drives) are con nected w ith the device.
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•Charging through the USB m ay not work for so m e mobile devices.
• T he device m ay not support nor­mal op eration w hen using a USB memory type besides (M etal C over Type) USB Memory.
• T he device m ay not support nor­mal operation when using form ats such as HDD Type, CF, or SD Memory.
• T he device w ill not support files locked by D R M (Digital Rights M anagem ent.)
•USB memory stick s used b y con ­necting an A daptor (SD Type or CF Type) m ay not be p roperly rec­ognized .
•The device m ay not
operate prop­erly w hen using USB HDDs or U SB s subject to con n ection fail­ures caused by vehicle vibrations. (e.g. i-stick type)
• A void use of U SB m em ory products that can also be used as key chains or mobile phone accessories. Use of such products m ay cause dam age to the USB jack.
• C on necting an M P 3 device or phone through various channels, such as AUX/B T or Audio/ USB mode may result in pop noises o r abnorm al op eration.
NOTICE - Using the iPod
•iPod®is a registered trad em ark of A pple In c.
• In order to use the iPod®while op erating the keys, you must use a dedicated iPod®cab le. (the cable that is supplied w h en p u rch asing iPod®/iPhone®products)
•If the iPod®is con n ected to the vehicle w hile it is playing, a high pitch sound could occur for approximately 1-2 secon ds imme­diately after con necting. If po ssi­ble, con n ect the iPod to the vehicle with the iPod
•During ACC ON state, con n ecting the iPod®through the iPod®cab le will charge the iPod®through the car audio sy stem .
• W hen connecting w ith the iPod cab le, make su re to fully in sert the jack to preven t com m unication interference.
stopped/ paused.
Multimedia System
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Multimedia System
• W hen the EQ features of an exter­nal device, su ch as the iPod
, and the audio system are b oth active, E Q effects cou ld overlap and cau se sound deterioration and dis­tortion. W hen ever possible, turn off the EQ feature w ithin the extern al device upon use by connecting with the audio system .
•Noise m ay occur when an iPod®or AUX device is con n ected. When su ch d ev ices are n ot being used, discon nect the device for storage.
• W hen the iPod®or AUX device power is con n ected to the pow er jack, playing the external device m ay resu lt in noise. In su ch cases, discon nect the pow er connection before use.
• Skipping or im p rop er o p eration m ay occu r depending on the ch ar­acteristics of your iPod® /Phone device.
•If your iPhone®is con n ected to b o th th e B luetooth®Wireless Technology and U SB , the sound m ay not be properly played. In your iPhone®, select the Dock con­nector or B luetooth®Wireless Technology to change the sound output (source).
•iPod m ode cannot b e operated when the iPod®cannot be recog­nized du e to versions that do not support com m unication protocols.
•For fifth generation iPod®Nano devices, the iPod®m ay not be rec­ognized w h en the battery level is low . Please charge the iPod®for use.
•Search/play orders show n w ithin the iPod®device m ay differ w ith the ord ers sh ow n within the audio system .
•If the iPod®malfunctions due to an
iPod®device defect, reset the iPod and try again. (To learn more, refer to your iPod®m anual)
• Som e iPod®s m ay not sy n c with the System depending on its version. If the Media is rem oved before the Media is recognized , then the sys­tem m ay not prop erly restore the previously operated m ode. (iPad charging is not supported .)
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NOTICE- Using the AUX device
•If an extern al device con n ector is con n ected with the AUX term inal, then AUX mode will autom atically op erate. O nce the con nector is dis­con n ected , the previous mode will be restored.
•AUX mode can be used only when an extern al audio player (cam ­cord er, car VCR, etc.) has been con n ected .
•The AUX volum e can be con­tro lled separately from other audio modes.
• C on n ecting a conn ector jack to the AUX term inal without an extern al device w ill convert th e sy stem to AUX mode, but only output noise. W hen an extern al device is n ot being used, also rem ove the con­nector jack.
• W hen the extern al device pow er is con n ected to the pow er jack, play­ing the external device m ay output noise. In su ch ca ses, discon n ect the power con nection before use.
•Fully in sert the AUX cable to the AUX jack upon use.
Multimedia System
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Multimedia System
NOTICE - Before using the
What is Bluetooth®?
•Bluetooth®refers to a short-dis­tance wireless networking technol­ogy w hich u ses a 2.4GHz ~
2.48G H z frequency to connect various devices within a certain distan ce.
• Supported w ithin PC s, extern al devices, Bluetooth®phones, PDAs, various electron ic devices, and auto­motive environ m en ts, Bluetooth allow s data to be tran sm itted at high sp eed s without having to use a con ­nector cab le.
•Bluetooth®H andsfree refers to a device w hich allow s the user to con ven ien tly m ake phone calls with B luetooth®mobile phones through the audio sy stem .
•Bluetooth®H andsfree m ay not be sup­ported in som e m obile phones. To learn more about mobile device com ­patibility.
handsfre e
NOTICE - Precautions for safe driving
•Bluetooth®H andsfree is a feature that en ab les drivers to practice safe driving. C on n ecting the head unit w ith a B luetooth®phone allow s the user to conven iently m ak e and receive calls and use con tacts. Before using Bluetooth®, carefully read the con ten ts of this user’s m anual.
• E xcessive use or operations w hile driving m ay lead to negligent driv-
ing practices an d result in acci­dents. Refrain from excessive op erations while driving.
•View ing the screen for prolonged periods of time is dangerous and m ay lead to accidents. When driv­ing, view the screen only for sh o rt periods of time.
NOTICE - When connect­ing a
•Before con n ecting the head unit with the m obile phone, ch eck to see that the mobile phone supports Bluetooth®features.
•Even if the phone supports Bluetooth®, the phone w ill not be found during device searches if the phone has b een set to hidden state or the Bluetooth®power is turned off. Disa b le the hidden state or tu rn o n th e B luetooth®power prior to sea rch ing/con n ecting with the Head unit.
•Bluetooth phone is a u tom atically con n ected when the ignition on.
•If you do not want autom atic con­nection w ith your B luetooth device, turn off the Bluetooth®fea­ture within your mobile phone.
• T he H andsfree call volum e and quality m ay differ depending on the mobile phone.
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•Park the vehicle when conn ecting the head unit with the m obile phone.
con n ection m ay becom e interm itten tly discon nect­ed in so m e mobile phones. Follow these steps to try again.
1.Within the m obile phone, turn
the Bluetooth®function off/on and try again.
2.Turn the m obile phone pow er
Off/On and try again.
3.Com pletely rem ove the m obile
phone battery, reboot, and then again.
4.R eboot the A udio System and
try again.
5.Delete all paired devices, pair
and try again.
• H andsfree call quality and volum e m ay differ depending on the model of your mobile phone.
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Multimedia System
Display and settings m ay differ depending on the
selected audio.
Audio H ead Unit (For RDS m odel)
N am e D escription
Ejects the disc.
• C hanges to FM m ode.
• Each time the key is pressed, the m ode changed in order of FM 1 FM 2.
• C hanges to AM m ode.
• Each time the key is pressed, the m ode changed in order of AM .
N am e D escription
PW R/ VO L knob
•Each time the key is pressed, the m ode is changed in order of CD, USB, iPod Music m odes.
In Setup>D isplay, the m edia pop up screen
will be displayed w hen [M ode Pop up] is turned .
W hen the pop up screen is displayed, use the
select the desired m ode.
• R adio M ode : Autom atica lly searches for broadcast frequencies.
• CD, USB, iPod
- S hortly press the key : Moves to next or pre vious song(file)
- Pre ss and hold the ke y : Rewinds or fast-for wards the current song(file)
• Power Knob : Turns pow er On/Off by pressing the knob
• Volum e K nob : Sets volum e by turning the knob left/right
• R adio M ode : Saves frequencies (channels) or receives saved frequencies (channels)
• CD, USB, iPod
- : R epeat
- : R andom
TUNE knob or keys ~ to
, My Music m odes :
1 2
, My Music m ode
, AU X , My
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Audio H ead Unit (For RDS m odel)
N am e D escription
• Each time the button is shortly pressed, it sets the screen Off Screen On Screen Off
Audio operation is maintained and only the screen will be turned Off. In the screen Off state, press any key to turn the screen On again.
Set TA (Traffic Announcem ent) feature On/Off.
• S hortly press the key : Moves to the Display, Sound, S ystem setting m odes
• Displays menus for the current m ode.
• MP3, CD, USB m ode : Folder S earch May differ depending on the selected audio
• R adio m ode : C hanges frequency by turning
the knob left/right
• CD, USB, iPod m ode: S earches songs (files)
by turning the knob left/right
W hen the desired song is displayed, press
the knob to play the song.
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Multimedia System
Audio H ead Unit (For Bluetooth equipped m odel)
N am e D escription
Ejects the disc.
• Convert to R adio m ode.
• Each time the key is pressed,the m ode is changed in order of FM 1,FM 2, AM .
N am e D escription
•Each time the key is pressed, the m ode is changed in order of CD, USB, iPod Music, BT Audio m odes.
In Setup>D isplay, the m edia pop up screen
will be displayed w hen [M ode Pop up] is turned .
W hen the pop up screen is displayed, use the
TUNE knob or keys ~ to
select the desired m ode.
Wireless Technology equipped
m odel)
• Converts to Phone m ode W hen a phone is not connected, the
connection screen is displayed.
• R adio M ode : Autom atica lly searches for
broadcast frequencies.
• CD, USB, iPod
, My Music m odes :
- S hortly press the key : Moves to next or
previous song(file)
- Pre ss and hold the ke y : Rewinds or fast-
forwards the current song(file)
VO LUM E knob
• Power Knob : Turns pow er On/Off by
pressing the knob
• Volum e K nob : Sets volum e by turning
the knob left/right
• R adio M ode : Saves frequencies (channels)
or receives saved frequencies (channels)
• CD, USB, iPod, My Music m ode
- : R epeat
- : R andom
, AU X , My
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N am e D escription
• Each time the button is shortly pressed, it sets the screen Off Screen On Screen Off
Audio operation is maintained and only the screen will be turned Off. In the screen Off state, press any key to turn the screen On again.
N am e D escription
• R adio M ode
- S hortly press the key : Preview s each broadcast for 5 seconds each
- Pre ss and hold the key : Preview s the broadcasts saved in Preset for 5 seconds each.
Press the key again to continue
listening to the current frequency.
• CD, USB m ode
Shortly press the key : Preview s each song
(file) for 10 seconds each
Press the key again to continue
listening to the current song (file).
• S hortly press the key : Moves to the Display, Sound, P hone, S ystem setting m odes
• Displays menus for the current m ode.
• MP3, CD, USB m ode : Folder S earch May differ depending on the selected audio
• R adio m ode : C hanges frequency by turning
the knob left/right
• CD, USB, iPod m ode: S earches songs (files)
by turning the knob left/right
W hen the desired song is displayed, press
the knob to play the song.
Multimedia System
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Multimedia System
Audio H ead Unit
N am e D escription
Ejects the disc.
• C hanges to FM m ode.
• Each time the key is pressed, the m ode changed in order of FM 1 FM 2.
• C hanges to AM m ode.
• Each time the key is pressed, the m ode changed in order of AM .
N am e D escription
•Each time the key is pressed, the m ode is changed in order of CD, USB, iPod Music m odes.
In Setup>D isplay, the m edia pop up screen
will be displayed w hen [M ode Pop up] is turned .
W hen the pop up screen is displayed, use the
TUNE knob or keys ~ to
select the desired m ode.
• R adio M ode : Autom atica lly searches for broadcast frequencies.
• CD, USB, iPod
, My Music m odes :
- S hortly press the key : Moves to next or pre vious song(file)
- Pre ss and hold the ke y : Rewinds or fast-for wards the current song(file)
PW R/ VO L knob
• Power Knob : Turns pow er On/Off by pressing the knob
• Volum e K nob : Sets volum e by turning the knob left/right
• R adio M ode : Saves frequencies (channels) or receives saved frequencies (channels)
• CD, USB, iPod
- : R epeat
- : R andom
, My Music m ode
, AU X , My
SETUP(for RDS m odel)
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Display Settings
Press the key Select [Display]
M ode Pop up
[M ode Pop up] C hanges . selection m ode
• During O n state, press the or
change pop up screen.
key to disp lay the m ode
Scroll text
[Scroll text]Set /
• : Maintains scroll
• : Scrolls only one (1) time.
Song Info
W hen playing an M P 3 file, select the desired display info from ‘Folder/File’ or ‘Album /Artist/Song’.
Sound Settings
Press the key Select [S ound]
Multimedia System
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Multimedia System
Audio Settings
This m enu allow s you to set the ‘Bass, Middle, Treble’ and the S ound Fader and Balance.
Select [Audio Settings]Select menu through TU N E knob
Turn TUNE knob left/right to set
• Bass, Middle, Treble : Selects the sound tone.
• Fader, Balance : Moves the sound fader and balance.
• Default : Restores default settings.
Return : While adjusting values, re-
pressing the TU N E knob w ill restore the parent menu.
Speed Dependent Volum e C ontro l
This feature is used to autom atically con­trol the volum e level according to the speed of the vehicle.
Select [S peed D ependent Vol.]Turn SDVC O n/Off by pressing the
TUNE knob
System Settings
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Press the key Select [S ystem ]
Memory Information (if equipped)
Displays currently used m em ory and total system memory.
Select [Memory Inform ation] O K
The currently used m em ory is displayed on the left side w hile the total system memory is displayed on the right side.
May differ depending on the selected
This menu is used to set the display and voice recognition language.
Select [Language] S et through TUNE knob
The system w ill reboot after the lan-
guage is changed.
Language support by region
Multimedia System
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Multimedia System
Display Settings
P ress the key Select [Display]
M ode Pop up
[M ode Pop up] C hanges
selection m ode
•During On state, press the
or key to display the m ode
change pop up screen.
Text Scroll
[Text Scroll]Set /
•: Maintains scroll
•: Scrolls only one (1) time.
Media Display
W hen playing an MP3 file, select the desired display info from ‘Folder/File’ or ‘Album /Artist/S ong’.
Sound Settings
P ress the key Select [Sound]
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Sound Settings
This m enu allow s you to set the ‘Bass, Middle, Treble’ and the S ound Fader and Balance.
Select [S ound Settings] S elect menu through TU N E knob Turn
TUNE knob left/right to set
•Bass, Middle, Treble : Selects the
sound tone.
• Fader, Balance : Moves the sound
fader and balance.
•Default : Restores default settings.
Back : While adjusting values, pressing the TU N E knob w ill restore the parent menu.
Speed Dependent Volum e C ontro l
This feature is used to autom atically control the volum e level according to the speed of the vehicle.
Select Speed D ependent Vol. Turn SDVC O n/Off by pressing the Tune knob.
Multimedia System
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Multimedia System
Phone Setup (for Bluetooth
Wire less
Technology equipped m odel)
P ress the key Select [Phone]
Pair Phone
To pair a B luetooth®Wire less Technology enabled m obile phone, authentication and connection processes are firs t require d . As a result, you cannot pair your m obile phone while driving the vehicle. Firs t park your vehicle before use.
Select [Pair Phone] Set through
TUNE knob
Search for device nam es as displayed
on your m obile phone and connect.
Input the passkey displayed on the
screen. (P asskey : 0000)
The device nam e and passkey will
be displayed on the screen for up to 3 minutes. If pairing is not com ­pleted w ithin the 3 m inutes, the m obile phone pairing process w ill
autom atically be canceled. Pairing com pletion is displayed. In som e m obile phones, pairing
will autom atically be follow ed by
It is possible to pair up to five
Wireless Technology
enabled m obile phones.
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Phone List
The nam es of up to 5 paired phones will be displayed.
A [] is displayed in front of the currently connected phone.
Select the desired nam e to setup the selected phone.
C onnecting a phone
Select [Phone List]Select m obile phone through TU N E knob S elect [C onnect P hone]
C onnection com pletion is displayed.
If a phone is a lready connected, dis-
connect the currently connected phone and select a new phone to con­nect.
Disconnecting a connected phone
Select [Phone List]Select m obile phone through TU N E knob S elect [Disconnect P hone]
Select the currently connected m obile phone.
Disconnect the selected m obile phone.
Disconnection com pletion is dis­played.
C hanging connection sequence
This is used to change the order (priori­ty) of autom atic connection for the paired m obile phones.
Select [P hone List]Select [Priority] through TU N E knob S elect No. 1 Priority m obile phone
Select [Priority].
From the paired phones, select the
phone desired for No.1 priority.
The changed priority sequence is dis-
Once the connection sequence (prior-
ity) is changed, the new no. 1 priority m obile phone will be connected.
- w hen the no. 1 priority cannot be con­nected: Autom atically attem pts to con­nect the m ost recently connected phone.
- C ases w hen the m ost recently con­nected phone cannot be connected: Attem pts to connect in the order in which paired phones are listed.
Multimedia System
Select a m obile phone that is not cur­rently connected.
C onnect the selected m obile phone.
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Multimedia System
Select [Phone List]Select m obile phone through TU N E knob S elect [Delete]
Select the desired m obile phone. Delete the selected m obile phone. Deletion com pletion is displayed.
W hen attem pting to delete a currently
connected phone, the phone is first disconnected.
• W hen you delete a m obile phone, the m obile phone contactswill also be erased.
For stable B luetooth®Wire less Technology com m unication, delete the m obile phone fro m the audio and also delete the audio fro m your m obile phone.
Contacts Download
This feature is used to dow nload con­tacts and call histories into the audio sys­tem .
Select [C ontactsDownload] Select through
Audio Stream ing
Songs (files) saved in your Wireless Technology enabled can be played through the audio system .
Select [Audio S tream ing] Set /
The download feature m ay not be supported in som e m obile phones.
•If a differen t operation is per­form ed while Contactsare being dow nloaded, dow nloading will be discontinued. C ontactsalready dow nloaded will be saved.
• W hen dow nloading new C ontacts, delete all previously saved Contactsbefore starting dow n­load.
Auto Download
W hen connecting a m obile phone, it is possible to autom atically dow nload new C ontacts and Call Histories.
Select [Auto Download] Set /
through TU N E knob
The audio stream ing feature may not be supported in som e m obile phones.
Outgoing Volum e
This is used to set the volum e of your voice as heard by the other party w hile on a enabled handsfree call.
Select [Outgoing Volum e] Set vol­um e through
Even while on a call, the volum e can
be changed by using the key.
m obile phone
through TU N E knob
Bluetooth®Wire less Technology
Wireless Technology
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Wire less
Technology S ystem Off
This feature is used w hen you do not wish to use the Technology
system .
Select [Bluetooth S ystem O ff]Set through TU N E knob
If a phone is already connected, dis-
connect the currently connected phone and turn the Technology
Using the
system off.
Wire less
Wire less
Technology System
To use
w hen the system is currently off, follow these next steps.
• T u rn ing O n Technology
Press the key S creen Guidance
Moves to the screen w here
Wireless Technology used and disp lays guidance.
Wireless Technology
Wire less
through the Key
functions can be
• Turning O n
Technology through the
Press the key S elect [P hone]
A screen asking w hether to turn on
On the screen, select to turn on
display guidance.
If the
system is turned on, the system w ill autom atically try to connect the m ost recently connected Wireless Technology
Wireless Technology
Wireless Technology
Wireless Technology
m obile phone.
will be
•Bluetooth®Wire less Technology connection may becom e interm it­te n tly disconn ected in som e m obile phones. Follow these next steps to try again.
1) Turn the B luetooth®Wire less
Technology function w ithin the m obile phone ON/O FF and try to connect again.
2) Turn the m obile phone power
ON/O FF and try to connect again.
3) Com pletely rem ove the m obile
phone battery, reboot, and then try to connect again.
4) Reboot the audio system and try
to connect again
5) Delete all paired devices in your
m obile phone and the tem and pair again for use.
audio sys-
Multimedia System
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Multimedia System
System Settings
Press the key Select [S ystem ]
Memory Inform ation
Displays currently used memory and total system memory.
Select [Memory Inform ation] O K The currently used m em ory is dis-
played on the left side while the total system memory is displayed on the right side.
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