Home Gateway Quick Start
1 Connecting the Cables
a. MODEM interface b. PHONE interface
c. LINE interface 1. Power adapter
2. Computer 3. Telephone
4. Splitter 5. Telephone jack on the wall
To connect the cables, do as follows:
Connect the telephone jack on the wall to the LINE interface on the
Step 1
splitter with a telephone line. Connect the telephone to the PHONE
interface on the splitter with a telephone line.
Connect the ADSL interface on the HG532c to the MODEM
Step 2
interface on the splitter with a telephone line.
Connect the LAN interface on the HG532c to the Ethernet interface
Step 3
on the computer with a network cable.
Connect the Power interface on the HG532c to the power socket
Step 4
with the power adapter.

2 Getting Started
Press down the ON/OFF button on the side of the HG532c to power on the
After you power on the HG532c, the Power indicators turns on and the
ADSL indicator blinks (for less than three minutes), which indicates that the
HG532c is being activated. After the ADSL indicator blinking, the Power
and ADSL indicators keep solid on, which indicates that the HG532c is
working properly.
3 Setting the Internet Access Parameters
To configure the HG532c, do as follows:
Verify the HG532c and the PC have connected properly, and the PC
Step 1
has obtained the IP address automatically.
Power off the HG532c if the embedded dial-up function is enabled but
the HG532c is not used for network access. Otherwise, even if you have
shut down your computer, the network operator may still charge you for
network access.
Log in to the Web-based configuration utility.
Step 2
1. Launch the Internet Explorer on the computer. Enter in the address bar and press Enter.
2. In the displayed dialog box, enter the user name (admin by
default) and the password (admin by default), and then click Login.
After the password authentication is passed, you can access the
Web-based configuration utility.
Enable the embedded dial-up function.
Step 3
1. In the navigation tree on the left, choose Basic > WAN.
2. Click New to create a WAN connection.
3. Select DSL from the Link Type option button.
4. Select Enable for WAN connection.
5. Enter the VPI and VCI parameters that are provided by the
network operator in the VPI/VCI text boxes.
6. Select INTERNET from the Service list option button.