Huawei APM User Manual

User Guide
Issue 01
Date 2021-01-05
Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 2021. All rights reserved.
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Issue 01 (2021-01-05) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. i
APM User Guide Contents


1 Before You Start....................................................................................................................... 1
2 Permissions Management..................................................................................................... 2
2.1 Creating a User and Granting Permissions.....................................................................................................................2
2.2 Creating a Custom Policy..................................................................................................................................................... 3
3 Application Overview............................................................................................................. 5
3.1 Dashboard..................................................................................................................................................................................5
3.2 Inventory.................................................................................................................................................................................... 6
4 Topology.................................................................................................................................... 7
5 Tracing......................................................................................................................................11
5.1 Call Chain.................................................................................................................................................................................11
5.2 Method Tracing......................................................................................................................................................................14
6 Transactions............................................................................................................................ 16
7 SQL Analysis........................................................................................................................... 19
8 JVM Monitoring..................................................................................................................... 22
9 ICAgent Installation and
9.1 Agent Management (HUAWEI CLOUD Host).............................................................................................................28
9.1.1 Installing the ICAgent (Linux)....................................................................................................................................... 28
9.1.2 Upgrading the ICAgent (Linux).................................................................................................................................... 32
9.1.3 Uninstalling the ICAgent (Linux)................................................................................................................................. 33
9.2 Agent Management (Non-HUAWEI CLOUD Host)...................................................................................................35
9.2.1 Installing the ICAgent...................................................................................................................................................... 35
9.2.2 Upgrading the ICAgent....................................................................................................................................................38
9.2.3 Uninstalling the ICAgent.................................................................................................................................................39
9.3 Collection Conguration.....................................................................................................................................................40
9.4 Conguration Center........................................................................................................................................................... 41
Conguration.......................................................................... 28
10 Alarm Center........................................................................................................................ 43
10.1 Viewing Alarms................................................................................................................................................................... 43
10.2 Viewing Events.................................................................................................................................................................... 46
10.3 Setting Alarm
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Notication.............................................................................................................................................. 47
APM User Guide 1 Before You Start

1 Before You Start

This document describes how to use Application Performance Management (APM).
Topology The call and dependency relationships between applications are
displayed, and abnormal instances can be automatically discovered.
Call Chain Information such as the call status, duration, and API is displayed,
helping you further locate fault causes.
TransactionsKey metrics of transactions are displayed and Application
Performance Index (Apdex) values intuitively reect users' satisfaction with applications.
● When a transaction is abnormal, an alarm is reported.
● For transactions with poor user experience, faults can be located based on topology and tracing.
Method Tracing
SQL Analysis
JVM Monitoring
Developers are able to locate method-level performance problems online.
Database performance problems caused by abnormal SQL statements are analyzed. The topology displays the key metrics of databases and SQL statements.
The memory and thread metrics of the JVM running environment are monitored in real time, enabling you to quickly detect problems such as memory leakage and thread exceptions.
● The topology displays the JVM metrics of instances.
● When a JVM metric is abnormal, an alarm is reported.
Issue 01 (2021-01-05) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 1
APM User Guide 2 Permissions Management

2 Permissions Management

2.1 Creating a User and Granting Permissions

This section describes the ne-grained permissions management provided by Identity and Access Management (IAM) for your Application Performance Management (APM). With IAM, you can:
Create IAM users for employees based on the organizational structure of your enterprise. Each IAM user has their own security credentials, providing access to APM resources.
Grant only the permissions required for users to perform a task.
Entrust a cloud account or service to perform professional and on your APM resources.
If your account does not need individual IAM users, then you may skip over this chapter.
This section describes the procedure for granting permissions (see Figure 2-1).
Before assigning permissions to user groups, you should learn about the APM permissions listed in Permissions Management. For the system permissions of other services, see System Permissions.
ecient O&M
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APM User Guide 2 Permissions Management
Figure 2-1 Granting APM permissions
1. Creating a User Group and Assigning Permissions
Create a user group on the IAM console, and assign the APM ReadOnlyAccess policy to the group.
2. Creating an IAM User
Create a user on the IAM console and add the user to the group created in 1.
3. Logging In Using an IAM User and Verifying Permissions
Log in to the APM console as the created user, and verify that it has only the read permissions for APM.

2.2 Creating a Custom Policy

Custom policies can be created as a supplement to the system policies of Application Performance Management (APM). For the actions supported for custom policies, see Permissions Policies and Supported Actions.
You can create custom policies in either of the following two ways:
Visual editor: Select cloud services, actions, resources, and request conditions without the need to know policy syntax.
JSON: Edit JSON policies from scratch or based on an existing policy.
For details, see Creating a Custom Policy. The following section contains examples of common APM custom policies.
Example Custom Policies
Example 1: Allowing a user to install the ICAgent
{ "Version": "1.1",
Issue 01 (2021-01-05) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 3
APM User Guide 2 Permissions Management
"Statement": [ { "Eect": "Allow", "Action": [ "apm:icmgr:create" ] } ] }
Example 2: Denying collection component uninstallation
A deny policy must be used in conjunction with other policies to take
eect. If the permissions assigned to a user contain both Allow and Deny actions, the Deny actions take precedence over the Allow actions.
To grant a user the APM FullAccess system policy but forbid the user to uninstall collection components, create a custom policy that denies the uninstallation of collection components and grant both the APM FullAccess and deny policies to the user. Because the Deny action takes precedence, the user can perform all operations except uninstalling collection components. The following is an example deny policy:
{ "Version": "1.1", "Statement": [ {
"Eect": "Deny", "Action": [ "apm:icmgr:delete" ] } ] }
Example 3:
Dening permissions for multiple services in a policy
A custom policy can contain actions of multiple services that are all of the project-level type. The following is an example policy containing actions of multiple services:
{ "Version": "1.1", "Statement": [ {
"Action": [ "aom:*:list", "aom:*:get", "apm:*:list", "apm:*:get" ] }, {
"Action": [ "cce:cluster:get", "cce:cluster:list", "cce:node:get", "cce:node:list" ] } ] }
"Eect": "Allow",
"Eect": "Allow",
Issue 01 (2021-01-05) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 4
APM User Guide 3 Application Overview

3 Application Overview

3.1 Dashboard

An application is a logical group of the same or similar services categorized based on service requirements. You can put services that one application for performance management. For example, you can put accounts, products, and payment services into the Mall application.
You can quickly obtain the health status of applications through the dashboard. On the Dashboard page, you can perform the following operations:
Figure 3-1 Dashboard page
fulll the same function into
The Enterprise Project option is displayed only when you have enabled the enterprise project function. After this function is enabled, both historical and new probe applications are added to the default enterprise project by default. To change the enterprise project to which an application belongs, click Enterprise Project on the application card to go to the enterprise project page and migrate the Application Performance Management (APM) application. Enterprise Project Management Service (EPS) provides a manage cloud resources and personnel by enterprise project. The default project is default. For details about how to enable, create, and manage enterprise projects, see Enterprise
Management User Guide.
You can delete a service card in the following scenarios:
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unied method to
APM User Guide 3 Application Overview
The service connected to APM has been deleted.
The ICAgent has been uninstalled and service data does not need to be collected.
If the service connected to APM is still running, the service card will be displayed again three minutes after it is deleted.

3.2 Inventory

The Inventory page displays metrics such as the service type, resource ID, response time, calls, and errors, facilitating fault locating.
Figure 3-2 Inventory page
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APM User Guide 4 Topology

4 Topology

A topology graphically displays call and dependency relationships between applications. In a topology, each circle represents a service, each segment in a circle represents an instance, and each arrow represents a call relationship. Application Performance Management (APM) supports calls between applications. The topology can display service call relationships across applications. When a circle represents an application, right-click the circle and choose View Application to go to the topology page.
Topology Page
Dierent colors on the circle represent dierent health statuses of instances. Colors are determined by Application Performance Index (Apdex) values. If an Apdex value is closer to 1, the corresponding application is healthier.
1. Table 4-1 provides topology description.
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APM User Guide 4 Topology
Table 4-1 Topology description
Color Instance Call
Green 0.75 ≤ Apdex ≤ 1
The instance responds quickly when it is called.
Yellow 0.3 ≤ Apdex < 0.75
The instance responds slowly when it is called.
Red 0 ≤ Apdex < 0.3
The instance responds very slowly when it is called.
Gray The instance is not called. N/A
Black The instance is deleted. N/A
2. On the right of the topology page, set a time range to view the following topology details of an application:
Transaction Apdex
Top 5 services ranked by errors and latency
Top 5 transactions ranked by errors and latency
Top 5 SQL statements ranked by response time, calls, and errors
3. In the topology, click a circle (a service) to view metric data, including Service Level Agreement (SLA) metrics, basic service metrics, and transaction details.
4. In the topology, click a segment (an instance) in a circle to view metric data, including basic instance metrics, JVM metrics, node metrics, and transaction details.
0.75 ≤ Apdex ≤ 1
Quick response.
0.3 ≤ Apdex < 0.75
Slow response.
0 ≤ Apdex < 0.3
Very slow response.
Locating Faults Using the Topology
The following describes how to locate an instance with a slow response:
Step 1 Log in to the APM console.
Step 2 In the navigation pane, choose Topology.
Step 3 In the upper right corner of the topology page, set a time range during which a
problem occurs.
Step 4 Check the instance with a long execution time (that is, the instance highlighted in
red) in the topology.
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APM User Guide 4 Topology
Step 5 (Optional) For the service containing multiple instances, right-click the service and
choose Expand from the shortcut menu to view call relationships between instances to preliminarily identify the abnormal instance.
Step 6 Choose Find Call-Chain from the shortcut menu. On the page that is displayed,
further locate the fault based on call duration and other parameters.
Conguring Transaction Apdex Threshold
The response time of dierent transactions is dierent. APM enables you to congure dierent Apdex thresholds for dierent transactions. For example, if a
login takes more than 50 ms, the response is slow. If a query transaction takes more than 10 ms, the response is slow. In this case, you need to set Apdex thresholds for the login and query transactions.
Step 1 In the topology page, move the mouse cursor over a circle, right-click it, and click
Edit Threshold.
Step 2 Modify the transaction Apdex threshold and click Apply.
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APM User Guide 4 Topology
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APM User Guide 5 Tracing

5 Tracing

5.1 Call Chain

With the tracing function, Application Performance Management (APM) traces and records service calls, comprehensively monitors key metrics such as call status and latency, and visually restores the execution traces and statuses of service requests in distributed systems, so that you can quickly locate performance bottlenecks and faults.
Locating Performance Bottlenecks
Step 1 Log in to the APM console.
Step 2 In the navigation pane, choose Tracing > Call Chain.
Step 3 In the upper right of the Call Chain page, select the desired time range,
application, and service from three drop-down lists, and click Search.
Step 4 (Optional) On the Call Chain page, click Advanced in the upper right corner, set
lter criteria, and click Search.
Step 5 Identify a service with long call duration and then locate the performance
Step 6 Click View Call Relationship in the Operation column of the target service.
Step 7 (Optional) View additional information to further locate the cause.
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APM User Guide 5 Tracing
On the call relationship page that is displayed, click View Details in the
Operation column to view call details.
Locating Faults
Step 1 Log in to the APM console.
Step 2 In the navigation pane, choose Tracing > Call Chain.
Step 3 In the upper right of the Call Chain page, select the desired time range,
application, and service from three drop-down lists, and click Search.
Step 4 (Optional) On the Call Chain page, click Advanced in the upper right corner, set
lter criteria, and click Search.
Step 5 Check the service status in the Status column and
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nd out the faulty service.
APM User Guide 5 Tracing
Step 6 Click View Call Relationship in the Operation column, check whether the return
value is normal, and locate the fault.
Step 7 (Optional) View additional information to further locate the cause.
On the call relationship page that is displayed, click View Details in the
Operation column to view call details.
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