Installing a WL110 Wireless
PCMCIA Card on a
T1010 Thin Client
This WL110 wireless PCMCIA card is intended for installation on the
T1010 Thin Client that is running Windows CE or Windows NTe.
Item Description
1 Integrated antennas
2 Radio LED
3 Power On/Off LED
4 Optional external antenna connector
Off—no wireless activity
Blinking—sensing/transmitting wireless data
Solid green—standard operational mode
Blinking green—power management mode

Do not install the new wireless PCMCIA card on your
T1010 Thin Client until you complete the software installation
and configuration.
Audience Assumptions
Installing a WL110 wireless PCMCIA card requires the same level of
expertise that you need to install a standard Ethernet network adapter
card. You must have a working knowledge of standard Windows
operations and of installing network adapter cards.
Preparing the Server
The process to install the wireless PCMCIA card depends on the
operating system installed on the T1010 Thin Client. For
Windows CE-based systems, add-on software is required and can
be downloaded from your server using either Thin Client Manager or
Rapport Administrative Software for Compaq Thin Clients.
Windows NTe-based systems do not require this additional software
because it already exists on the factory-installed image.
1. Confirm that the wireless PCMCIA card add-on software is located
on the server (to download to Windows CE-based systems).
2. Verify that TCP/IP services, SNMP services, and Thin Client
Manager (TCM) or Rapport are installed.
3. Note the SSID (service set identifiers) or Access Point name (the
network name for the Access Point).
4. If you will be using encryption, locate the encryption keys for your

Using Thin Client Manager to Download Add-on
Software to Windows CE Thin Clients
If the Thin Client is running Windows NTe, the WL110 wireless
1. Power up the Thin Client to be updated and confirm that it is
2. From the server, access the Thin Client Manager application. From
3. From the Utilities program, highlight the Upload/Download utility
4. From the Download/Upgrade Firmware window, select the client to
PCMCIA card drivers are already included with the
factory-installed image. Continue with the “Preparing the
Windows NTe Thin Client” section.
connected to the network.
the menu bar highlight Utilities and then select Discover from the
drop-down menu. This utility finds all the clients on the network.
and select the Download Firmware feature.
be upgraded.
5. In the Enter the firmware path field, enter the location of the
WL110 wireless card add-on software and then click OK.
6. A Download Client Manager window is displayed to confirm the
download. Click OK to continue.
7. After the add-on software has successfully downloaded to the client,
the Thin Client reboots.
8. Continue with the “Preparing the Windows CE Thin Client” section.