Data sheet
HP Wired Desktop 320K Keyboard
1. External power supplies, power cords,
cables and peripherals are not Low
Halogen. Service parts obtained after
purchase may not be Low Halogen.
2. Select household wipes can be
safely used to clean HP Elite Presenter
Mouse, HP Premium keyboard (wireless
and USB) and HP desktop wired 320
KB/Mouse up to 1,000 wipes: See
wipe manufacturer’s instructions for
disinfecting and the HP cleaning guide
for HP tested wipe solutions at How to
Sanitize Your HP Device Whitepaper
Pro-class productivity for your workspace
Work eciently and enhance your everyday productivity with
the comfortable, reliable HP Wired Desktop 320K Keyboard.
Designed for your comfort
Enjoy a comfortable t with a reduced-sized keyboard and low-prole quiet keys. The familiar
three-zone layout has a number pad and arrow keys, as well as 6° adjustable slope for optimal
wrist positioning.
Easy to connect and use
Get plug and play simplicity and essential design features. Connect the keyboard to any available
USB port on your laptop. The LED indicator alerts you to locked keys for a quick status while
Safe to clean
Feel good knowing you can safely clean your keyboard with everyday disinfecting wipes as HP
keyboards have been tested up to 1,000 wipes.
Designed with the environment in mind
Make a purchase you can feel good about with a keyboard that has 50% post-consumer recycled
plastic content and low halogen
Maintain high performance
Deploy the keyboard with condence into industrial settings with a design that undergoes
improved ne dust testing versus its predecessor.
printed circuit boards.

Data sheet | HP W ired Desktop 320K Keyboard
HP Wired Desktop 320K Keyboard
Part number 9S R37A A
Dimensions (L x W x H) 16.77 x 4.36 x 0.65 in (426.2 x 110.9 x 16.7 mm)
Cable length 1800 mm
Keys 104, 105, 107, 109 layout (depending on countr y)
Operating voltage
Power consumption
Interface USB
Switch life 10M
Switch type Plunger
Operating temperature 10°C to 50°C
Non-operating temperature 30°C to 65°C
Operating humidity 10% to 90%
Non-operating humidity 0% to 90%
Sustainability Greater than 50% post-consumer recycled plastic content and low halogen PCBA
System required Windows 10 (64 and 32 bit), (UWP) RS4 and above
Approvals FCC
What´s in the box Keyboard, QSP, Warranty Card, Product Notice
14.57 oz (413g)
50mA - 100 mA
India BIS
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4AA7-8227ENW, Au gust 2020
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