Hewlett-Packard Company makes no warranty of any kind with regard to this material, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of
merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. Hewlett-Packard shall not be liable for errors contained herein or for incidental or
consequential damages in connection with the furnishing, performance, or use of this material.
This document contains proprietary information, which is protected by copyright. No part of this document may be photocopied, reproduced, or
translated into another language without the prior written consent of Hewlett-Packard. The information is provided “as is” without warranty of any
kind and is subject to change without notice. The only warranties for HP products and services are set forth in the express warranty statements
accompanying such products and services. Nothing herein should be construed as constituting an additional warranty. HP shall not be liable for
technical or editorial errors or omissions contained herein.
Microsoft, and Windows are U.S. registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation.
UNIX is a registered trademark of The Open Group.
Linux is a U.S. registered trademark of Linus Torvalds.
Java is a U.S. trademark of Sun Microsystems, Inc.
IMPORTANT: For late breaking, supplemental information, access the latest version of the HP
StorageWorks Fabric OS 5.x release notes using the following steps.
To access current Fabric OS related documents:
1. Locate the IT storage products section of the web page.
2. Under Networked storage, click SAN infrastructure.
3. From the SAN Infrastructure web page, locate the SAN Infrastructure products section.
4. Click Fibre Channel Switches.
5. Locate the B-Series Fabric-Enterprise Class section. Click 4/256 SAN Director and 4/256 SAN Director
power pack, to access Fabric OS 5.x documents (such as this document).
The switch overview page displays.
6. Go to the Product Information section, located on the right side of the web page.
7. Click Technical documents.
8. Follow the onscreen instructions to download the applicable documents.
HP StorageWorks Fabric OS 5.x master glossary
This guide uses industry standard SAN terminology. However, some terms are intrinsic to Fabric OS 5.x.
See the HP StorageWorks Fabric OS 5.x master glossary for a complete list of terms and definitions.
Access the master glossary from the HP StorageWorks SAN Switch Documentation CD that shipped with
your switch. Also, access from the HP web site using the procedure outlined in ”Related documentation”.
Fabric OS 5.x administrator guide13
Document conventions and symbols
Table 1 Document conventions
Medium blue text: Figure 1Cross-reference links and e-mail addresses
Medium blue, underlined text
Bold font• Key names
Italics fontText emphasis
Monospace font• File and directory names
Monospace, italic font• Code variables
Monospace, bold fontEmphasis of file and directory names, system output, code, and text
Web site addresses
• Text typed into a GUI element, such as into a box
• GUI elements that are clicked or selected, such as menu and list
items, buttons, and check boxes
• System output
• Code
• Text typed at the command-line
• Command line variables
typed at the command line
WARNING!Indicates that failure to follow directions could result in bodily harm or death.
CAUTION: Indicates that failure to follow directions could result in damage to equipment or data.
IMPORTANT: Provides clarifying information or specific instructions.
NOTE: Provides additional information.
TIP:Provides helpful hints and shortcuts.
HP technical support
Telephone numbers for worldwide technical support are listed on the HP support web site:
Collect the following information before calling:
• Technical support registration number (if applicable)
• Product serial numbers
• Product model names and numbers
• Applicable error messages
• Operating system type and revision level
• Detailed, specific questions
For continuous quality improvement, calls may be recorded or monitored.
HP strongly recommends that customers sign up online using the Subscriber's choice web site:
• Subscribing to this service provides you with e-mail updates on the latest product enhancements,
newest versions of drivers, and firmware documentation updates as well as instant access to numerous
other product resources.
• After signing up, you can quickly locate your products by selecting Business support and then Storage
under Product Category.
HP-authorized reseller
For the name of your nearest HP-authorized reseller:
• In the United States, call 1-800-282-6672.
• Elsewhere, visit the HP web site: http://www.hp.com
telephone numbers.
Helpful web sites
For other product information, see the following HP web sites:
. Click Contact HP to find locations and
• http://www.hp.com
• http://www.hp.com/go/storage
• http://www.hp.com/support/
• http://www.docs.hp.com
Fabric OS 5.x administrator guide15
1Introducing Fabric OS CLI procedures
This chapter contains procedures for configuring and managing an HP StorageWorks Storage Area
Network (SAN) using the Fabric OS Command Line Interface (CLI).
The guide applies to the following HP StorageWorks product models:
• HP StorageWorks switches: 4/8 SAN Switch, 4/16 SAN Switch, SAN Switch 2/8V, SAN Switch
2/16V, SAN Switch 2/32, Brocade 4Gb SAN Switch for HP p-Class BladeSystem, and SAN Switch
These HP StorageWorks models contain a fixed number of ports (they are fixed-port switches). The
SAN Switch 4/32, 4/8 SAN Switch, and 4/16 SAN Switch allow you to license and activate extra
fixed ports with the Ports on Demand feature.
• HP StorageWorks directors: Core Switch 2/64, SAN Director 2/128, and 4/256 SAN Director
These HP StorageWorks models can contain a variable number of ports, which you install by plugging
port blades into the director chassis. The 4/256 SAN Director can have up to 256 ports; the Core
Switch 2/64 and SAN Director 2/128 can have up to 128 ports.
About procedural differences
As a result of the differences between fixed-port and variable-port devices, procedures sometimes differ
among HP StorageWorks models. Also, because the domain architecture of the Core Switch 2/64 differs
from that of the SAN Director 2/128 and 4/256 SAN Director, there are sometimes procedural
differences among these models. As new HP StorageWorks models are introduced, new features
sometimes apply only to those models.
When procedures or parts of procedures apply to some models but not others, this guide identifies the
specifics for each model. For example, a number of procedures that apply only to variable-port devices
are found in ”Configuring Core Switch 2/64, SAN Director 2/128, and 4/256 SAN Director” on
page 87. Procedures that apply only to the SAN Switch 4/32 are labeled as such.
NOTE: When command examples in this guide show user input enclosed in quotation marks, the
quotation marks are required for versions of Fabric OS earlier than 4.0.0. They are optional in later
versions, unless specifically called for in the procedures.
Scope and references
Although many different software and hardware configurations are tested and supported by HP,
documenting all possible configurations and scenarios is beyond the scope of this guide. In some cases,
earlier releases of Fabric OS are documented to present considerations for interoperating with them.
The installation guides for HP StorageWorks products describe how to power up devices and set their IP
addresses. After the IP address is set, you can use the CLI procedures contained in this guide.
This guide provides only the level of detail required to perform the procedures. If you need more
information about the commands used in the procedures, see online help or the HP StorageWorks Fabric OS 5.x command reference guide.
You can use several access methods to configure a switch:
• A telnet session into logical switches
• A telnet session into active and standby CPs for director class switches
• A serial console, including active and standby CPs for director class switches
• An optional modem, which behaves like a serial console port
For CLI details, see the HP StorageWorks Fabric OS 5.x command reference guide.
Fabric OS 5.x administrator guide17
• Advanced Web Tools: For Advanced Web Tools procedures, see the HP StorageWorks Fabric OS
5.x Advanced Web Tools administrator guide.
• Fabric Manager: For Fabric Manager procedures, see the HP StorageWorks Fabric Manager 5.x
administrator guide.
• A third-party application using the API: For third-party application procedures, see the third-party API
About the CLI
The Fabric OS CLI is the complete fabric management tool for HP StorageWorks SANs that enables you
• Access the full range of Fabric OS features, based on license keys
• Configure, monitor, dynamically provision, and manage every aspect of the SAN
• Configure and manage the HP StorageWorks fabric on multiple, efficient levels
• Identify, isolate, and manage SAN events across every switch in the fabric
• Manage switch licenses
• Perform fabric stamping
To manage a switch using telnet, Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP), and Advanced Web
Tools, the switch must be connected to a network through the switch Ethernet port (out of band) or from the
Fibre Channel (in band). The switch must be configured with an IP address to allow for the network
connection. See the installation guide for your switch model for information on physically connecting to
the switch.
You can access switches from different connections, such as Advanced Web Tools, CLI, and API. When
these connections are simultaneous, changes from one connection might not be updated to the other, and
some modifications might be lost. When simultaneous connections are used, make sure that you do not
overwrite the work of another connection.
In a mixed fabric containing switches running various Fabric OS versions, you should use the latest-model
switches running the most recent release for the primary management tasks. The principal management
access should be set to the core switches in the fabric. For example, to run Secure Fabric OS, use the
latest-model switch as the primary Fabric Configuration Server (FCS), the location to perform zoning tasks,
and the time server.
A number of management tasks are designed to make fabric-level changes; for example, zoning
commands make changes that affect the entire fabric. When executing fabric-level configuration tasks,
allow time for the changes to propagate across the fabric before executing any subsequent tasks. For a
large fabric, it might be take a few minutes.
Help information
Each Fabric OS command provides Help information that explains the command function, its possible
operands, its level in the command hierarchy, and additional pertinent information.
Displaying command help
To display help information:
1. Connect to the switch and log in as admin.
2. To display a list of all command help topics for a given login level, issue the help command with no
For example, if you are logged in as user and issue the help command, a list of all user-level
commands that can be executed is displayed. The same rule applies to the admin role. In addition,
any user-configured command that uses a switchAdmin role also displays commands available to
users with the switchAdmin role.
3. To display help for a specific command for a given login level, issue help command, where
command is the name of the command for which you need information.
18Introducing Fabric OS CLI procedures
For example:
switch:admin> help configure
Administrative Commands configure(1m)
configure - change system configuration settings
This command changes some system configuration settings,
o Arbitrated loop settings
o Switch fabric settings
o System services settings
o Virtual channel settings
(output truncated)
Additional help topics
The following commands provide help files for specific topics:
• diagHelp provides diagnostic information
• ficonHelp provides Fibre Connection (FICON) information
• fwHelp provides Fabric Watch information
• licenseHelp provides license information
• perfHelp provides Performance Monitoring information
• routeHelp provides routing information
• trackChangesHelp provides Track Changes (TC) information
• zoneHelp provides zoning information
Fabric OS 5.x administrator guide19
20Introducing Fabric OS CLI procedures
2Performing basic configuration tasks
This chapter contains procedures for performing basic switch configuration tasks using the Fabric OS CLI.
Connecting to the Command Line Interface
You can connect to the CLI either through a telnet connection or through the serial port.
Connecting with telnet
1. Verify that the switch is connected to the IP network through the RJ-45 Ethernet port.
Switches in the fabric that are not connected through Ethernet can be managed through switches that
use IP over Fibre Channel. The embedded port must have an assigned IP address.
2. Open a telnet connection using the IP address of the logical switch to which you want to connect.
If you telnet to the active Control Processor (CP) or log in to the active CP console, you are prompted
for the switch number when the platform is set up in dual (or multiple) switch mode. For example, the
SAN Director 2/128 does not prompt you if you are using configuration option 1, but does prompt
you if you have used configuration options 2–4. See ”Configuring Core Switch 2/64, SAN Director
2/128, and 4/256 SAN Director” on page 87 for details about director configuration options.
The Core Switch 2/64 and SAN Director 2/128 (configured with two domains) have two logical
switches (sw0 and sw1).
The login prompt is displayed when the telnet connection finds the switch in the network.
3. Enter the account ID (defaults are user or admin) at the login prompt.
4. Enter the password.
The default password is password.
If you have not changed the system passwords from the default, you are prompted to change them.
Enter the new system passwords, or press Ctrl-c to skip the password prompts.
5. Verify that the login was successful.
The prompt displays the switch name and user ID to which you are connected.
login: admin
password: xxxxxxx
6. Observe the following considerations for telnet connections:
• Never change the IP address of the switch while two telnet sessions are active; if you do, your next
attempt to log in fails. To recover, gain access to the switch by one of these methods:
• Perform a fast boot using Advanced Web Tools. When the switch comes up, the telnet quota is
cleared. (For instructions on performing a fast boot with Advanced Web Tools, see the HP StorageWorks Fabric OS 5.x Advanced Web Tools administrator guide.)
• If you have the required privileges, connect through the serial port, log in as root, and use
operating system commands to identify and kill the telnet processes without disrupting
the fabric.
• For admin level accounts, Fabric OS limits the number of simultaneous telnet sessions per switch to
two. For details on session limits, see ”Configuring the telnet interface” on page 41 and ”Creating
and maintaining user-defined accounts” on page 43.
Connecting through the serial port
1. Connect the serial cable to the serial port on the switch and to an RS-232 serial port on
the workstation.
If the serial port on the workstation is RJ-45 instead of RS-232, remove the adapter on the end of the
serial cable and insert the exposed RJ-45 connector into the RJ-45 serial port on the workstation.
Fabric OS 5.x administrator guide21
2. Open a terminal emulator application (such as HyperTerminal on a PC, or TERM, TIP, or Kermit in a
UNIX® environment), and configure the application as follows:
• In a Windows® environment:
Bits per second9600
Stop bits1
Flow controlNone
• In a UNIX environment, enter the following string at the prompt:
tip /dev/ttyb -9600
If ttyb is already in use, you can use ttya (enter tip /dev/ttya -9600).
3. Observe the following considerations for serial connections:
• Some procedures require that you connect through the serial port, for example, setting the IP
address or setting the boot PROM password.
• If secure mode is enabled, connect through the serial port of the primary FCS switch.
• For the Core Switch 2/64, SAN Director 2/128, and 4/256 SAN Director, you can connect to
CP0 or CP1 using either of the two serial ports.
Setting the IP address
You must connect through the serial port to set the IP address (see ”Connecting through the serial port” on
page 21). After connecting, issue the ipAddrSet command to set the IP address.
CAUTION: The use of IP address is not supported. Do not use this address.
Fabric OS versions beginning with 2.6.0, 3.1.0, and 4.0.0 support Classless Inter-Domain
Routing (CIDR).
Setting the default account passwords
For each logical switch (domain), there are admin and user default access accounts. These accounts
designate the following levels of authorization—called roles—for using the system:
• Admin level for administrative use
• User level for non-administrative use, such as monitoring system activity
• SwitchAdmin level for administrative use, except for security, user management, and zoning
Two accounts—factory and root—are reserved for development and manufacturing. You can change their
passwords, which is optional, but do not use these accounts under normal circumstances.
Table 2 shows the number of simultaneous login sessions allowed for each role.
Table 2 Maximum number of simultaneous sessions
User nameMaximum sessions
For the 4/8 SAN Switch, 4/16 SAN Switch, SAN Switch 2/8V, SAN Switch 2/16V, SAN Switch 2/32,
Brocade 4Gb SAN Switch for HP p-Class BladeSystem, SAN Switch 4/32, SAN Director 2/128, and the
4/256 SAN Director (default configuration with one domain), there is one set of default access accounts.
22Performing basic configuration tasks
For the Core Switch 2/64 and SAN Director 2/128 (configured with two domains), each logical switch
has its own set of default access accounts. The default account names and passwords are the same for
both of the logical switches.
You can also create up to 15 additional accounts per logical switch and designate their roles as either
admin, switchAdmin, or user. See the procedures for doing so in ”Creating and maintaining user-defined
accounts” on page 43.
For large enterprises, Fabric OS supports RADIUS services, as described in ”Setting up RADIUS AAA
service” on page 45.
In addition to the account access passwords, each switch can set a boot PROM password. For greater
security, HP recommends that you set this password to protect system boot parameters from unauthorized
access. See ”Setting the boot PROM password” on page 67.
Each of the default access accounts has an associated password. The first time you connect to a
Fabric OS switch, you are prompted to change these default account passwords.
If you do not change the default passwords, you are prompted to do so at each subsequent login until all
system passwords have been changed from their default values. Thereafter, use the passwd command to
change passwords.
For more background information on passwords, see ”Changing an account password” on page 45.
Changing the default passwords at login
1. Connect to the switch and log in as admin.
The default password for all default accounts is password.
2. At each of the Enter new password prompts, either enter a new password or skip the prompt.
You can skip a prompt by pressing Enter. You can bypass all further prompts by pressing Ctrl-c.
Although the root and factory accounts are not meant for general use, change their passwords if
prompted to do so, and save the passwords in case they are needed for recovery purposes.
You cannot reuse the default passwords.
Fabric OS 5.x administrator guide23
NOTE: Record the passwords exactly as entered and store them in a secure place; recovering
passwords requires significant effort and fabric downtime. The initial login prompt accepts a maximum
password length of eight characters. Characters beyond the eighth are ignored. Only the default
password is subject to the eight-character limit. Any password set by the user can have a length of 8 to 40
login: admin
Please change your passwords now.
Use Control-C to exit or press 'Enter' key to proceed.
for user - root
Changing password for root
Enter new password: *****
Password changed.
Saving password to stable storage.
Password saved to stable storage successfully.
Please change your passwords now.
for user - factory
Changing password for factory
Enter new password: *****
Password changed.
Saving password to stable storage.
Password saved to stable storage successfully.
Please change your passwords now.
for user - admin
Changing password for admin
Enter new password: *****
Password changed.
Saving password to stable storage.
Password saved to stable storage successfully.
Please change your passwords now.
for user - user
Changing password for user
Enter new password: *****
Password changed.
Saving password to stable storage.
Password saved to stable storage successfully.
Setting the date and time
Switches maintain the current date and time in flash memory. Date and time are used for logging events.
Switch operation does not depend on the date and time; a switch with an incorrect date and time value
still functions properly. Because the date and time are used for logging, set them correctly.
NOTE: If secure mode is not enabled, a change in date or time to one switch is forwarded to the
principal switch and distributed to the fabric. If secure mode is enabled, you can make date or time
changes only on the primary FCS switch and then distribute the changes to the fabric.
24Performing basic configuration tasks
Setting the date and time
1. Connect to the switch and log in as admin.
2. Issue the date command using the following syntax:
date “mmddHHMMyy”
• mm is the month; valid values are 01 through 12.
• dd is the date; valid values are 01 through 31.
• HH is the hour; valid values are 00 through 23.
• MM is minutes; valid values are 00 through 59.
• yy is the year; valid values are 00 through 99 (values greater than 69 are interpreted as
1970–1999, and values less than 70 are interpreted as 2000–2069). For example:
switch:admin> date
Fri Jan 29 17:01:48 UTC 2000
switch:admin> date "0227123003"
Thu Feb 27 12:30:00 UTC 2003
For details about changing time zones, see the tsTimeZone command in the HP StorageWorks Fabric
OS 5.x command reference guide.
Synchronizing local time with an external source
To synchronize the local time of the principal or primary FCS switch to an external NTP server:
1. Connect to the switch and log in as admin.
2. Issue the following command:
tsclockserver “ipadd”
where ipaddr is the IP address of the NTP server, which the switch must be able to access. This
operand is optional; by default its value is LOCL, which uses the local clock of the principal or primary
switch as the clock server. For example:
HP recommends that you synchronize time with an external NTP server, as described on ”Synchronizing
local time with an external source”. If you cannot do so, use the next procedure.
Setting the time zone
1. Connect to the switch and log in as admin.
2. Issue the tsTimeZone command as follows:
tsTimeZone [houroffset [, minuteoffset]]
•For Pacific Standard Time enter tsTimeZone -8,0.
• For Central Standard Time enter tsTimeZone -6,0.
• For Eastern Standard Time enter tsTimeZone -5,0.
The default time zone for switches is Universal Time Conversion (UTC), which is 8 hours ahead of
Pacific Standard Time. Table 3 shows additional time zone conversion values.
The parameters do not apply if the time zone of the switch has already been changed from the default
(8 hours ahead of Pacific Standard Time).
See the tsTimeZone command in the HP StorageWorks Fabric OS 5.x command reference guide for
detailed information about the command parameters.
Fabric OS 5.x administrator guide25
Repeat the procedure on all switches for which the Time Zone needs to be set. This needs to be done only
once; the value is written to nonvolatile memory. For U.S. time zones, use Table 3 to determine the correct
parameter for the tsTimeZone command.
Table 3 Conversion from UTC to local time
Local timeDifference from UTC for
Atlantic Standard –4, 0
Atlantic Daylight –3, 0
Eastern Standard –5, 0
Eastern Daylight –4, 0
Central Standard –6, 0
Central Daylight –5, 0
Mountain Standard –7, 0
Mountain Daylight –6, 0
Pacific Standard –8, 0
Pacific Daylight –7, 0
Alaskan Standard –9, 0
Alaskan Daylight –8, 0
Hawaiian Standard –10, 0
Maintaining licensed features
Feature licenses might be part of the licensed Power Pack supplied with switch software, or you can
purchase licenses separately from your switch vendor, who will provide you with keys to unlock the
features. License keys are provided on a per-chassis basis, so for products that support multiple logical
switches (domains), a license key applies to all domains within the chassis.
To unlock a licensed feature, you can either use the license key provided in the Power Pack or execute the
following procedure to generate a license key at the HP web site:
NOTE: For each chassis to be licensed, you need a transaction key and a license ID. The transaction key
is in the Power Pack supplied with the switch software; or, when you purchase a license, your switch
vendor gives you a transaction key to be used to obtain a license key. To see a switch license ID, issue the
licenseIdShow command.
Unlocking a licensed feature
1. If you already have a license key, go to step 10.
If you do not have a key, launch an Internet browser and visit the HP web site:
2. Click products.
3. Click Software Products.
4. In the Related Links panel on the right side of the page, select Software License Keys.
The Software License Keys instruction page appears.
26Performing basic configuration tasks
5. If you want to generate a single license key, select Generate 1 license key.
If you want to generate multiple license keys, select Batch Generation of Licenses.
The Software License Key instruction page opens.
6. Enter the requested information in the required fields.
When generating multiple license keys, enter the worldwide names and transaction keys in the table
at the bottom of the screen. If you need additional rows in the table, select Add More Rows.
7. Click Next.
A verification screen appears.
8. Verify that the information is correct.
Click Submit if the information displayed is correct. If the information is incorrect, click Previous and
change the information.
9. After the information is corrected, click Submit.
An information screen displays the license keys. You also receive an e-mail from the HP licensing
10.Activate and verify the license as follows:
a. Connect to the switch and log in as admin.
b. Activate the license using the licenseAdd command:
switch:admin> licenseadd “key”
The license key is case-sensitive and must be entered exactly as given. The quotation marks
are optional.
For the Core Switch 2/64, SAN Director 2/128, and 4/256 SAN Director, licenses are effective
on both CP blades and on all logical switches, but are valid only when the CP blade is inserted
into a chassis that has an appropriate license ID stored in the World Wide Name (WWN) card. If
a CP is moved from one chassis to another, the license works in the new chassis only if the WWN
card is the same in the new chassis. Otherwise, a new license key is generated.
For example, if you swap one CP blade at a time, or replace a single CP blade, the existing CP
blade (the active CP blade) propagates the licenses to the new CP blade.
If you move a standby CP from one chassis to another, the active CP propagates its configuration
(including license keys).
c. Verify that the license was added by issuing the licenseShow command.
The licensed features currently installed on the switch are listed. If the feature is not listed, reissue
the licenseAdd command.
d. Some features may require additional configuration, or you might need to disable and reenable
the switch to make them operational; see the feature documentation for details. For example:
switch:admin> licenseshow
Web license
Zoning license
Fabric license
Remote Switch license
Extended Fabric license
Fabric Watch license
Performance Monitor license
Trunking license
Security license
Ports on Demand license - additional 8 port upgrade
Ports on Demand license - additional 8 port upgrade
Fabric OS 5.x administrator guide27
Removing a licensed feature
1. Connect to the switch and log in as admin.
2. Issue the licenseShow command to display the active licenses.
3. Remove the license key using the licenseRemove command:
switch:admin> licenseremove “key”
The license key is case-sensitive and must be entered exactly as given. The quotation marks
are optional. After removing a license key, the optionally licensed feature is disabled when the switch
is rebooted or when a switch disable or enable is performed.
4. Issue the licenseShow command to verify that the license is disabled. For example:
If there are no license keys, licenseShow displays the message No licenses.
Customizing the switch name
Switches can be identified by IP address, Domain ID, WWN, or by customized switch names that are
unique and meaningful.
Version 4.0.0 (and later) switch names can be from 1 to 15 characters long, must begin with a letter, and
can contain letters, numbers, or the underscore character. It is not necessary to use quotation marks.
The default names are the following:
• For the 4/8 SAN Switch, 4/16 SAN Switch, SAN Switch 2/8V, SAN Switch 2/16V, SAN Switch
2/32, Brocade 4Gb SAN Switch for HP p-Class BladeSystem, and SAN Switch 4/32: the name is
• For the Core Switch 2/64: the name varies depending on the number of logical switches. The two
logical switches have different default names. The name swd77 is used for the logical switch
containing the port blades in slots 1 through 4; swd76 is used for the logical switch containing the
port blades in slots 7 through 10.
• For the SAN Director 2/128 and the 4/256 SAN Director: the name is swd77.
NOTE: Changing the switch name causes a domain address format Registered State Change
Notification (RSCN) to be issued.
Customizing the switch name
1. For the 4/8 SAN Switch, 4/16 SAN Switch, SAN Switch 2/8V, SAN Switch 2/16V, SAN Switch
2/32, Brocade 4Gb SAN Switch for HP p-Class BladeSystem, and SAN Switch 4/32: Proceed to the
next step.
For the Core Switch 2/64, SAN Director 2/128, and 4/256 SAN Director: Open a telnet window
for each logical switch and issue the switchName command.
28Performing basic configuration tasks
2. Connect to the switch and log in as admin.
3. For the 4/8 SAN Switch, 4/16 SAN Switch, SAN Switch 2/8V, SAN Switch 2/16V, SAN Switch
2/32, and SAN Switch 4/32: Proceed to the next step.
For the SAN Director 2/128 and 4/256 SAN Director: If configured for one domain (the default)
proceed to the next step. If configured with two domains, proceed as for the Core Switch 2/64.
For the Core Switch 2/64: Choose the logical switch that you want to change. Enter the value that
corresponds to that logical region:
• Enter 0 to configure logical switch 0 (slot 1 through 4).
• Enter 1 to configure logical switch 1 (slot 7 through 10).
4. Issue the switchName command with the following syntax:
switchname “newname”
where newname is the new name for the switch.
5. Record the new switch name for future reference.
6. For the Core Switch 2/64, SAN Director 2/128, and 4/256 SAN Director configured with two
domains: Disconnect from the session and repeat the procedure for the second logical switch. For
Beginning with Fabric OS 4.4.0, HP recommends that you customize the chassis name for each switch.
Some system logs identify switches by chassis names, so if you assign meaningful chassis names in
addition to meaningful switch names, logs are more useful.
Changing the chassis name
1. Connect to the switch and log in as admin.
2. Issue the chassisName command, with the following syntax:
chassisname “newname”
where newname is the new name for the chassis.
Chassis names can contain 1 to 15 characters, must begin with a letter, and can consist of letters,
numerals, and the underscore character. The quotation marks are optional.
3. Record the new chassis name for future reference.
Disabling and enabling a switch
By default, the switch is enabled after power is applied and diagnostics and switch initialization routines
have finished. You can disable and reenable it as necessary.
Disabling a switch
1. Connect to the switch and log in as admin.
2. Issue the switchDisable command.
All Fibre Channel ports on the switch are taken offline. If the switch was part of a fabric, the fabric
Enabling a switch
1. Connect to the switch and log in as admin.
2. Issue the switchEnable command.
All Fibre Channel ports that pass the Power-on Self Test (POST) are enabled. If the switch has
interswitch links (ISLs) to a fabric, it joins the fabric.
Fabric OS 5.x administrator guide29
Disabling and enabling a port
All licensed ports are enabled by default. You can disable and reenable them as necessary. Ports that you
activate with Ports on Demand must be enabled explicitly, as described in ”Activating Ports on Demand”
on page 30.
Disabling a port
1. Connect to the switch and log in as admin.
2. For the 4/8 SAN Switch, 4/16 SAN Switch, SAN Switch 2/8V, SAN Switch 2/16V, SAN Switch
2/32, Brocade 4Gb SAN Switch for HP p-Class BladeSystem, and SAN Switch 4/32: Issue the
following command:
portdisable portnumber
where portnumber is the port number of the port you want to disable.
For the Core Switch 2/64, SAN Director 2/128, and 4/256 SAN Director: Issue the following
portdisable slotnumber/portnumber
where slotnumber and portnumber are the slot and port numbers of the port you want to disable.
NOTE: If the port is connected to another switch, the fabric might reconfigure.
Enabling a port
1. Connect to the switch and log in as admin.
2. For the 4/8 SAN Switch, 4/16 SAN Switch, SAN Switch 2/8V, SAN Switch 2/16V, SAN Switch
2/32, Brocade 4Gb SAN Switch for HP p-Class BladeSystem, and SAN Switch 4/32: Issue the
following command:
portenable portnumber
where portnumber is the port number of the port you want to enable.
For the Core Switch 2/64, SAN Director 2/128, and 4/256 SAN Director: Issue the following
portenable slotnumber/portnumber
where slotnumber and portnumber are the slot and port numbers of the port you want to enable.
(Slots are numbered 1 through 4 and 7 through 10, counting from left to right.)
NOTE: If the port is connected to another switch, the fabric might reconfigure. If the port is connected to
one or more devices, these devices become available to the fabric.
If you change port configurations during a switch failover, the ports might become disabled. To bring the
ports online, reissue the portEnable command after the failover is complete.
Activating Ports on Demand
The SAN Switch 4/32 can be purchased with 16, 24, or 32 licensed ports. As your needs increase, you
can activate unlicensed ports (up to the maximum of 32 ports) by purchasing and installing the HP Ports
on Demand optional, licensed product.
The 4/8 SAN Switch and 4/16 SAN Switch can be purchased with 8 ports and no E_Port, 8 ports with
full-fabric access (4/8 SAN Switch), and 16 ports with full-fabric access (4/16 SAN Switch). If you
purchase the 4/8 SAN Switch with 8 ports enabled, you can activate unlicensed ports in 4-port
increments up to 16 ports by purchasing and installing the HP StorageWorks 4/8 SAN 4-Port Upgrade
License. You can also purchase a full-fabric upgrade license if your switch does not support full-fabric
Ports on Demand is ready to be unlocked in the switch firmware. Its license key might be part of the
licensed software supplied with your switch, or you can purchase the license key separately from your
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