Memory Configuration
Memory ConfigurationMemory Configuration
Memory Configuration
The memory DIMMs used in the HP 9000 rp8420 Server is sold in quads and is custom designed by HP.
Each DIMM contains 36×4 SDRAM memory chips qualified to run at 125 MHz, with full ECC
protection. DIMM sizes of 512 MB, 1 GB, 2 GB, and 4 GB are supported. HP 9000 rp8400 memory
modules can be carried forward to the rp8420 server. Each HP 9000 rp8420 Server cell board supports
up to 16 DIMM slots and 16 GB/s of peak memory bandwidth. The 16 GB memory modules (4×4GB
DIMMs) cannot be mixed with other memory DIMM sizes. When purchased from the factory, any given
partition can ordered with 4 GB DIMMs or non stacked DIMMs (512 MB, 1 GB or 2 GB), but not both.
When field integrated, cell boards can contain 4 GB DIMMs or non stacked DIMMs (512 MB, 1 GB or 2
GB), but not both.
HP 9000 rp8420 Server Memory DIMMs
HP 9000 rp8420 Server Memory DIMMsHP 9000 rp8420 Server Memory DIMMs
HP 9000 rp8420 Server Memory DIMMs
Quad Size
Quad SizeQuad Size
Quad Size
rp8420 Product Number
rp8420 Product Numberrp8420 Product Number
rp8420 Product Number
rp8400 Product
rp8400 Productrp8400 Product
rp8400 Product
Numbers that are
Numbers that areNumbers that are
Numbers that are
HP 9000 rp8420 Server
HP 9000 rp8420 ServerHP 9000 rp8420 Server
HP 9000 rp8420 Server
Maximum Capacity Using 1 DIMM
Maximum Capacity Using 1 DIMMMaximum Capacity Using 1 DIMM
Maximum Capacity Using 1 DIMM
2 GB
32 GB
512 MB
4 GB
64 GB
1024 MB
8 GB
128 GB
2048 MB
16 GB
256 GB
4096 MB
Memory Loading Rules
Memory Loading RulesMemory Loading Rules
Memory Loading Rules
Memory must be installed in quads (4 DIMMs of equal density)
Memory is available in four densities: 2 GB (4×512MB), 4 GB (4×1024MB), 8 GB
(4×2048MB), and 16-GB (4 x 4096MB)
Minimum memory is 2-GB per cell
Maximum memory per system is 256 GB-using sixteen 16 GB Quads.
On each cell board, Memory Quads must be installed in the following order:
1st (0A, 0B, 1A, 1B), 2nd (2A, 2B, 3A, 3B), 3rd (4A, 4B, 5A, 5B), 4th (6A, 6B, 7A, 7B)
Performance Tuning
Performance TuningPerformance Tuning
Performance Tuning
For best performance, a cell should be configured with a multiple of 8 DIMMs or two quads
(although the server will execute properly with an odd number of quads. It takes 8 DIMMs to
populate both buses. Populating only one of the two memory buses on a cell board will deliver
only half the peak memory bandwidth.
Load memory equally across the available cell boards.
If growth is planned for the system, then plan on configuring high density 4, 8-GB, or 16-GB
modules to minimize future memory slot constraints.
Memory Latencies
Memory LatenciesMemory Latencies
Memory Latencies
There are two types of memory latencies within the HP 9000 rp8420 Server:
Memory latency
the cell refers to the case where an application either runs on a partition
that consists of a single cell or uses cell local memory.
Memory latency
between between
cell refers to the case where the partition consists of two or more cell
and cell interleaved memory is used. For example, for an rp8420 Server with four cells in the
partition, 25% of the addresses are to memory on the same cell as the requesting processor, and
the other 75% of the addresses are to memory on the other three cells.
The HP 9000 rp8420 Server memory latency depends on the number of processor modules in the
partition. Assuming that memory accesses are equally distributed across all cell boards and memory
controllers within the partition, the average idle memory latency (load-to-use) is as shown below:
HP 9000 rp8420 Server
HP 9000 rp8420 ServerHP 9000 rp8420 Server
HP 9000 rp8420 Server
DA - 11894 Worldwide — Version 25 — March 1, 2007
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