The information in this manual is subject to change without notice.
M.B. Foster Software Labs makes no warranties, either express or implied, regarding this manual or the
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This manual is copyrighted by M.B. Foster Associates Limited, with all rights reserved. Under the copyright
laws, this manual may not be copied, in whole or in part, without the written consent of M.B. Foster
Associates Limited. Under the law, copying includes translating to another language.
ODBCLink/SE is a trademark of M. B. Foster Software Labs, Inc.
Impromptu, PowerPlay, Axiant and PowerHouse PDL are trademarks of Cognos Incorporated.
Jetform is a trademark of Jetform Corporation.
PowerBuilder is a trademark of Powersoft Corporation.
Reflection, Reflection for Windows, Reflection Network Series and PPL (Process-to-Process Link) are
trademarks of WRQ, Inc.
IMAGE/SQL, ALLBASE/SQL, Query, MPE/XL and MPE/iX are trademarks of the Hewlett-Packard
Windows, Windows for Workgroups, Microsoft Access, Visual Basic, Visual C++, Visual FoxPro, Excel 5.0,
MS-Query and Word for Windows are trademarks of Microsoft Corporation.
⊗Access to IMAGE/SQL database environments (DBE)
⊗Access to a single DBE
⊗DSN and DSNless connections
The additional features of DataExpress for Client-Server are:
⊗Connectivity to TurboIMAGE and Oracle databases
⊗Serial/Modem connection
⊗Create a mini-dictionary for access to Image data sets, KSAM or
MPE files.
⊗Read/Write KSAM, MPE and Suprtool files
⊗Support for PowerHouse PDL dictionaries
⊗Support for TPI keyword indexes used by Omnidex and Superdex
⊗Enhanced security via field level access controls
⊗Multi-threaded access to host-based data ensures fast and reliable
data access
⊗Use-able in MTS/IIS environments
⊗Secure reliable access to data through browser clients
Introducing MBF-Console
For monitoring and controlling ODBCLink/SE or MBF-UDALink
activities such as:
⊗Providing a list of each client connection to the server
⊗Changing logging levels in real time
⊗Start/stop logging for a single process
⊗Kill a single process as required
Inquire about available upgrading programs to DataExpress Client Server at
If you require any of the following features:
•Support for Serial and/or Modem connections
•Read/Write access to KSAM files
•Read/Write access to MPE files
•Native read/write access to TurboIMAGE databases
•Read/Write access to Suprtool files
•Support for PowerHouse dictionaries including PDL and PowerHouse subfiles support
•Support for TPI keyword indexes used by Omnidex and Superdex
•Access to Oracle databases on HP3000 and HP9000 platforms
•Access to Multiple DBE’s
•Access to HP intrinsics and procedures via a remote procedure call mechanism
•Enhanced security via field level access controls
Please contact M. B. Foster Associates at 613-448-2333 or 1-800-ANSWERS (800267-9377) or use the enclosed faxback sheet to order a fully functional evaluation
copy of MBF-UDALink.
__I am interested in a demo, please send one immediately!
HPSUSAN NUMBER: _______________________
Media Required:__DAT__Tape
CALL 1-800-ANSWERS (267-9377) NOW!
We can also be reached at:
PHONE: 613-448-2333
FAX: 613-448-2588
ODBCLink/SE Reference ManualOverview and Specifications
Overview and Specifications
ODBCLink/SE is an implementation of Microsoft's Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) interface that enables
Microsoft Windows based applications and tools to access IMAGE/SQL on the HP3000 and ALLBASE/SQL on the
HP3000 and HP9000, in a client/server environment.
In this environment, application developers and end-users can take advantage of the Client PC's graphical user
interface (GUI) and processing power, while relying on the security, integrity, and database management capabilities
ODBCLink/SE runs under MPE/iX 5.0 or higher on the HP3000 server, or under HP-UX Versions 9.x, 10.x and 11.x
on the HP9000 Series 7xx and 8xx servers. ODBCLink/SE runs under Windows95, or WindowsNT, on the client.
Connection via Winsock is available regardless of the host environment.
ODBCLink/SE can be used in two ways: either by direct calls to the Windows DLL from a Windows program
(Foxbase, etc.) or else through an ODBC-compliant application such as Microsoft Access, Visual Basic, etc.
ODBCLink/SE supports the ODBC LongVarBinary data type for binary large objects (BLOBs), such as compressed
photographs or document images. These are stored on the host as ALLBASE/SQL LongVarBinary items.
Overview and SpecificationsODBCLink/SE Reference Manual
ODBC Compliancy Level
ODBCLink/SE is ODBC Level 3 with the following exceptions:
SQLBrowseConnect, SQLExtendedFetch, SQLSetPos are not supported. Scalar Functions are not support.
SQL_BIT, SQL_TINYINT and SQL_BIGINT data types are not supported.
Client Environment
ODBCLink/SE and application software reside on the PC client. Using ODBCLink/
SE and applications software you can develop SQL applications, generate reports,
and query ALLBASE/SQL or IMAGE/SQL on the database server. The tested client
applications include:
Cognos AxiantCognos Impromptu
JetformCold Fusion
Lotus 123PowerBuilder
Crystal ReportsMSExcel
Visual BasicVisual C++
Visual FoxProParadox
and many more.
Server Environment
The networked HP 3000 Series 900 with ALLBASE/SQL and/or IMAGE/SQL or the HP9000 Series 7xx or 8xx with
ALLBASE/SQL provide the relational database environment on the server. Security is provided by the MPE/iX or
HP-UX logon system and ALLBASE/SQL or IMAGE/SQL.
The Connecting Link
ODBCLink/SE links the client to the server with a collection of dynamic link libraries (DLLs) and other files that
reside on the client and run under Microsoft Windows95 and greater or Microsoft WindowsNT. ODBCLink/SE
routes requests, made from the PC client application, over the network to an ALLBASE/SQL or IMAGE/SQL
database on the database server, and returns replies to the client application.
A listener process establishes the connection between the PC client application and the target database on the server.
The listener works with HP ThinLAN 3000/iX on the HP3000 or ARPA Services on the HP9000.
ODBCLink/SE Reference ManualOverview and Specifications
Microsoft ODBC Overview
ODBC applications make functions calls into ODBC32.DLL, the Microsoft driver manager. Since a single
application can make calls to more than one ODBC database (e.g. Sybase, Microsoft SQL server) the driver manager
is in charge of routing ODBC calls to the appropriate driver. The ODBC.INI file contains a list of drivers and
associated data sources (one driver may have several data-sources). In Windows 95 or NT, some of this information
is kept in the system registry.
To connect to an ODBC database, you call SQLDriverConnect (or you let your ODBC-compliant application call it
for you) and specify your data-source name in the connection string variable, which is in the form
"DSN=data_source”. The driver manager reads ODBC.INI or the registry, to find out which driver handles that data
source and passes the call on to the driver. The driver opens the communication channel and does all necessary
The ODBC.INI file (or the ODBC System Registry) is maintained through the ODBC Control Panel application
ODBCADM.EXE , or the 32-bit ODBC Control Panel application ODBCAD32.EXE. The control panel application
will call the setup DLL for the driver it is accessing ODBCLS32.DLL, in the case of ODBCLink/SE, which will
update ODBC.INI or the system registry.
ODBCLink/SE Reference ManualPreparing the Database Server
Preparing the Database Server
Before you install ODBCLink/SE on the PC client, perform the following steps to prepare the database server:
⊗Verify the software version numbers.
⊗Verify the Connection Assurance Parameters.
⊗Starting and Stopping the listener.
⊗Gather information.
⊗Create the DBEnvironment
Verify Software Version Numbers
Note:If you are using ALLBASE/SQL, version A.G1.15 or higher is
On the HP3000 enter:
Note:If you are using IMAGE/SQL, the version number should be
On the HP9000 enter:
Note:If both ALLBASE/SQL and IMAGE/SQL are installed, both
B.G1.10 or higher. Type:
must be either the respective version state above or newer in
order to use ODBCLink/SE.
Verify the Connection Assurance Parameters
When the connected PC client application terminates abnormally or aborts, connection assurance parameters, set
under MPE/iX, determine the length of time that the server takes to time out the connection. Because the server
process may be holding locks when the PC aborts, it is important that these parameters are set properly.
Your network administrator should verify that the settings for Connection Assurance Interval and Maximum
Connection Assurance Retransmissions parameters are set appropriately.
The Connection Assurance Interval specifies the amount of time between each polling event. The default value is
600 seconds.
The Maximum Connection Assurance Retransmissions specifies the number of retries the server is polled after a PC
client abort has been detected by the polling event. The default value is four times.
After the connection abort, the server polls the connection five times (the polling event plus four retries). The
connection times out after 4 ten-minute intervals plus the amount of time between the polling event and the first retry
after the connection aborted.
Preparing the Database ServerODBCLink/SE Reference Manual
To change the network assurance parameters, you must bring the network down. The sequence of commands used to
set network assurance parameters are as follows:
Next, press the function keys in the sequence shown in the following example (these function key labels are for MPE/
iX 5.0):
F1 Open Config
F2 Unguided Config
F1 Go To Netxport
F2 Go To TCP
Modify values for Connection Assurance Interval (e.g. 60) and Maximum Connection Assurance Retransmissions
(e.g. 2).
F6 Save Data
Note:Connection assurance parameter values control polling
times on all active server LAN connections (not just
ODBCLink/SE connections). More frequent polling uses
more server CPU time and increases LAN traffic.
Starting and Stopping the Listener
To start the listener on the HP3000 data base server, enter:
Note:PM and NM capability is required to start the listener job,
To start the listener on the HP9000 database server, enter:
/usr/bin/odbcse/odbclnse server On a 9.x server
/opt/allbase/bin/odbcse/odbclnse serverOn a 10.x server and 11.x server
Note:You should start the listener as root user-id preferably in
Note: When the server is started it makes a call to sqlver and puts
therefore it is normal for the job to be started by
your system startup file.
the output into a file called odbcver in the same directory
that the server is running from. For this reason, upon
startup, it may take 20 or more seconds for the program to
return. The odbcver file is used to determine the DBMS
version for a SQLGetInfo call. If the odbcver file is deleted
the SQLGetInfo call for DBMS version will return
The resulting display will be something like this:
root7223 1 015:37:15?0:00/usr/bin/odbcse server
paw72267223 015:40:56?0:00/usr/bin/odbcse server
root72387230 115:41:29ttys20:00grep odbcse
The first line shows the server running. The second line shows a user with a login of “paw” is using the server and the
last line shows the command you just entered.
To stop the listener:
On the HP3000 database server, enter:
Note: If there is a connection open when the stop command is
On the HP9000 database server, enter:
/usr/bin/odbcse/odbclnse stop On HP-UX 9.x
/opt/allbase/bin/odbcse/odbclnse stopOn HP-UX 10.x and 11.x
Note that in Unix, the STOP command will prevent any new connections but will not affect connections that were
active at the time the command was issued.
issued the process will not be stopped. If you are not able to
stop the listener in the normal way, or if you want to
terminate active ODBC client sessions, you may abort the
listener Job with the :ABORTJOB command
You may also use the following command to stop the listener. It is, however, strongly suggested that you use the
“odbcse stop” command to stop the listener.
kill -16 “pid” where “-16" is the “siguser1" and “pid” is the process ID number
Preparing the Database ServerODBCLink/SE Reference Manual
In the example above, if the “pid” was 7223" then “kill -16 7223" would stop the server. Using a “kill -16" is less
dangerous than using “kill (pid)”. If you issue a kill command without the -16 and enter the wrong “pid” number then
you may stop a server process that does not belong to you. Using “kill -16" will prevent this from happening.
Gather Information
When you install ODBCLink/SE on the PC client, you will need database server information. Now is a good time to
Note it. The database administrator will have information about the database.
⊗Host or node name of the HP3000 or HP9000 database server, or its IP
address (For example: HP3000 or HP9000 or 123.456.789.123)
To obtain the host name used by the ARPA interface:
⊗On the HP3000 check the HOSTS.NET.SYS file. If the hosts file does not
exist, check the domain name service file. This file contains the names of the
systems that have hosts files.
⊗On the HP9000 check the /etc/hosts file. If the hosts file does not exist, check
the domain name service file, /etc/resolv.conf. This file contains the names of
the systems that have hosts files.
⊗Fully qualified name or the absolute pathname of the DBEnvironment on
the server: (For example: PartsDBE.SomeGrp.SomeAcct on the HP3000 or
/usr/hpsql/sampledb/PartsDBE on the HP9000)
⊗Logon string and password used to connect to the DBEvironment:(For
example: SomeUser/passwd.SomeAcct/AcctPass,SomeGrp/GrpPass on the
HP3000 orUser1,passwd on the HP9000)
Create the DBEnvironment
For details, see Appendix B - Creating a DBEnvironment.
ODBCLink/SE Reference ManualInstalling ODBCLink/SE on the Client PC
Installing ODBCLink/SE on the Client PC
ODBCLink/SE is contained in a self-extracting archive files. Installing ODBCLink/SE requires:
⊗Downloading the ODBCLink/SE file to a temporary sub-directory.
⊗Extracting the files on your Client PC.
⊗Running the SETUP program to install the driver.
Once the driver has been successfully installed, the sub-directories created as part of the install may be deleted.
Downloading ODBCLink/SE to the Client PC
In the following section, replace Server with the name of your HP3000 or HP9000 server and nn with 32.
Using Reflection® software:
From your Client PC:
⊗Create a directory called ODBCLinkSE
⊗Start Reflection and copy the appropriate ODBCLink/SE self-extracting file
to your Client PC.
For the HP3000 server, press Alt/Y to open the Command Window and enter
receive \odbcsenn\odbcclnn.exe from odbcclnn.odbcse.sys binary
For the HP9000 server use any login as the Username:
For HP-UX Version 9.x
receive \odbcsenn\odbcclnn.exe from \usr\bin\odbcse\odbcclnn binary
ODBCLink/SE Reference ManualInstalling ODBCLink/SE on the Client PC
Extracting the ODBCLink/SE file
From your Client PC, double click the self-extracting file.
Note:If you are installing ODBCLink/SE on a number of Client
PC’s, after extracting the files you might wish to create
installation disks by copying the extracted files onto a
Running the SETUP program
Note:A problem associated with Microsoft ODBC 2.10 setup
causes the setup on a WindowsNT 4.0 system to install as if
it was a Windows95 system. We have therefore created two
information files to be used with the 32-bit setup program. A
batch file copies the appropriate file to odbc.inf depending
on the parameters given.
On a WindowsNT system run “infsetup wnt”
On a Windows95 systems run “infsetup w95"
The batch file will read the parameter entered and copy the appropriate file to odbc.inf. Entering infsetup with no
parameter specified will simply describe the usage but will not copy the file.
Once the above has been accomplished proceed with the setup program as follows:
Select: Start, Run. The Run window is displayed.
Type:C:\ODBCLinkSE\SETUP.EXE in the command field
Note: C:\ODBCLinkSE\SETUP.EXE is the directory the file was
Installing ODBCLink/SE on the Client PCODBCLink/SE Reference Manual
The driver has been successfully installed. You may now create data sources for use in applications that use this
driver. See Section 4 for a complete description of creating data sources.
Notes on 32-bit Access
32-bit data-source information is kept in the registry, and maintained by the 32-bit ODBC control panel application
You do not normally make entries manually into either the registry or the ODBC.INI file. However information has
been provide in the manual to help you do this.
ODBCLink/SE Reference ManualConfiguring Data Sources
Configuring Data Sources
Before you access data defined to ALLBASE/SQL or IMAGE/SQL you must configure one or more data sources for
each Client PC you wish to access your server.
A data source includes the name you wish to give for a database environment and the information necessary to find it.
You configure data sources with the "ODBC" application in the Windows Control Panel.
⊗In Windows95 or greater and WindowsNT 4.0 or greater , click on Start,
Settings, Control Panel and double click on ODBC.
Data sources created in HP ALLBASE/SQL PCAPI can be migrated to ODBCLink/SE using the Data Set Migration
Too l.