OmniBook Notes
21 February, 2000
Late release notes will be posted to HP website at
This file contains up-to-date information on the OmniBook XE2. The notes are categorized by
operating system.
Notes for all operating systems
> Saving Power with Speed Step Technology
> Losing sound in MS-DOS mode
Notes for Windows 95
> Installing the zoom video driver
Notes for Windows 98
> Installing the zoom video driver
> Maintaining Advanced Power Management
> Running Winstone 99 tests
Notes for all operating systems
Saving Power with Speed Step Technology
Certain new OmniBook products contain high-speed Pentium III processors that can run at two
speeds using Intel SpeedStep Technology. The computer uses less power when the processor runs
at the lower speed.
The processor automatically switches to high speed when the ac adapter is connected, and
switches to the lower speed when running on battery power.
You can change how the processor speed switches. To disable this feature or configure the speed
at boot, run BIOS Setup and change the Intel SpeedStep Technology setting in the Power menu.
To configure the speed changes while Windows is running, double-click the SpeedStep
Technology icon in the taskbar.
Losing sound in MS-DOS mode
When you are operating your OmniBook in MS-DOS mode (for example, when running MSĀDOS games) you may find that the sound does not operate properly. Use Windows applications
for full use of sound capabilities.
Notes for Windows 95
Installing the zoom video driver
If you want to use zoom video in Windows 95, you must install a supplemental driver.

1. Click Start, Programs, Windows Explorer.
2. Open the folder c:\omnibook\drivers\video\zoomvid.
3. Double-click the Setup application and follow the onscreen directions.
4. When installation has completed, reboot the computer.
Notes for Windows 98
Installing the zoom video driver
If you want to use zoom video in Windows 98, you must install a supplemental driver.
1. Click Start, Programs, Windows Explorer.
2. Open the folder c:\omnibook\drivers\video\zoomvid.
3. Double-click the Setup application and follow the onscreen directions.
4. When installation has completed, reboot the computer.
Maintaining Advanced Power Management
When Windows 98 detects that your Advanced Power Management (APM) system is not
operating properly, it may ask you whether you would like to disable APM. Answer No to ensure
longer battery use.
In some cases, Windows 98 will automatically disable APM. Check the web at
search.microsoft.com/default.asp for instructions and further information about this Windows 98
feature. On this page, enter Q188134, select Support & the Knowledge Base as your search
category, and click Search Now. When the search is complete, click on the article entitled
"Standby Missing from Windows Shutdown Dialog Box."
Running Winstone 99 tests
If you would like to run Winstone 99 hardware tests on your computer, check to see that
QuickLink MessageCenter III fax software is not installed as the default printer. (QuickLink will
not allow Winstone to clean up and close properly.)
Before you run Winstone 99:
* Install a different printer and configure it to be the default.
* Open My Computer and double-click Printers, then highlight the QuikLink icon and delete it.
If you delete QuickLink, you can reinstall it by opening the folder
c:\omnibook\programs\quiklink and running runsetup. Do not install QuickLink as the default
printer when prompted.