HP NW280-200X User Manual

HP Prime Graphing Calculator
User Guide
Edition1 Part Number NW280-200X
Legal Notices
This manual and any examples contained herein are provided "as is" and are subject to change without notice. Hewlett-Packard Company makes no warranty of any kind with regard to this manual, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability, non­infringement and fitness for a particular purpose.
Hewlett-Packard Company shall not be liable for any errors or for incidental or consequential damages in connection with the furnishing, performance, or use of this manual or the exam­ples contained herein.
Product Regulatory & Environment Information
Product Regulatory and Environment Information is provided on the CD shipped with this prod­uct.
Copyright © 2013 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. Reproduction, adaptation, or translation of this manual is prohibited without prior written per­mission of Hewlett-Packard Company, except as allowed under the copyright laws.
Printing History
Edition 1 May 2013
Manual conventions ................................................................ 9
Notice ................................................................................. 10
1 Getting started
Before starting ........................................................................ 9
On/off, cancel operations...................................................... 10
The display .......................................................................... 11
Sections of the display ...................................................... 12
Navigation........................................................................... 14
Touch gestures ................................................................. 14
The keyboard ....................................................................... 15
Context-sensitive menu ...................................................... 17
Entry and edit keys................................................................ 17
Shift keys......................................................................... 19
Adding text...................................................................... 20
Math keys ....................................................................... 20
Menus ................................................................................. 25
Toolbox menus................................................................. 26
Input forms ........................................................................... 26
System-wide settings .............................................................. 27
Home settings .................................................................. 27
Specifying a Home setting ................................................. 31
Mathematical calculations ...................................................... 32
Choosing an entry type ..................................................... 33
Entering expressions ......................................................... 34
Reusing previous expressions and results ............................. 36
Storing a value in a variable.............................................. 39
Complex numbers ................................................................. 40
Sharing data ........................................................................ 40
Online Help ......................................................................... 42
2 Reverse Polish Notation (RPN)
History in RPN mode ............................................................. 44
Sample calculations............................................................... 45
Manipulating the stack........................................................... 47
3 Computer algebra system (CAS)
CAS view............................................................................. 51
Contents 1
CAS calculations ...................................................................52
Settings ................................................................................53
4 An introduction to HP apps
Application Library ................................................................ 61
App views ............................................................................ 62
Symbolic view ..................................................................63
Symbolic Setup view ......................................................... 64
Plot view..........................................................................64
Plot Setup view ................................................................. 65
Numeric view................................................................... 66
Numeric Setup view .......................................................... 68
Quick example......................................................................69
Common operations in Symbolic view......................................71
Symbolic view: Summary of menu buttons............................76
Common operations in Symbolic Setup view.............................76
Common operations in Plot view .............................................77
Zoom ..............................................................................78
Plot view: Summary of menu buttons....................................86
Common operations in Plot Setup view.....................................86
Configure Plot view ...........................................................86
Common operations in Numeric view ...................................... 90
Zoom ..............................................................................90
Evaluating........................................................................ 92
Custom tables................................................................... 93
Numeric view: Summary of menu buttons............................. 94
Common operations in Numeric Setup view.............................. 95
Combining Plot and Numeric Views.........................................96
Adding a note to an app........................................................ 96
Creating an app.................................................................... 97
App functions and variables ...................................................99
5 Function app
Getting started with the Function app ..................................... 103
Analyzing functions .............................................................109
The Function Variables .........................................................114
Summary of FCN operations.................................................116
6 Advanced Graphing app
Getting started with the Advanced Graphing app ............... 118
Getting started with the Geometry app...................................123
2 Contents
Plot view in detail................................................................ 129
Plot Setup view............................................................... 134
Symbolic view in detail........................................................ 136
Symbolic Setup view....................................................... 138
Numeric view in detail......................................................... 138
Geometric objects ............................................................... 141
Geometric transformations ................................................... 148
Geometry functions and commands....................................... 151
Symbolic view: Cmds menu ............................................. 152
Numeric view: Cmds menu.............................................. 160
Other Geometry functions................................................ 164
8 Spreadsheet
Getting started with the Spreadsheet app............................... 171
Basic operations ................................................................. 175
Navigation, selection and gestures ................................... 175
Cell references ............................................................... 176
Cell naming................................................................... 176
Entering content ............................................................. 177
Copy and paste ............................................................. 180
External references .............................................................. 180
Referencing variables...................................................... 181
Buttons and keys ................................................................. 183
Formatting options .............................................................. 184
Spreadsheet functions.......................................................... 186
9 Statistics 1Var app
Getting started with the Statistics 1Var app ............................ 187
Entering and editing statistical data....................................... 191
Computed statistics.............................................................. 194
Plotting .............................................................................. 195
Plot types....................................................................... 196
Setting up the plot (Plot Setup view) .................................. 197
Exploring the graph ........................................................ 197
10 Statistics 2Var app
Getting started with the Statistics 2Var app ............................ 199
Entering and editing statistical data....................................... 204
Numeric view menu items................................................ 205
Defining a regression model................................................. 206
Computed statistics.............................................................. 208
Plotting statistical data ......................................................... 210
Plot view: menu items...................................................... 211
Contents 3
Plot setup .......................................................................211
Predicting values.............................................................212
Troubleshooting a plot .....................................................213
11 Inference app
Getting started with the Inference app....................................215
Importing statistics ...............................................................219
Hypothesis tests...................................................................221
One-Sample Z-Test ..........................................................222
Two-Sample Z-Test ..........................................................223
One-Proportion Z-Test ......................................................224
Two-Proportion Z-Test ......................................................225
One-Sample T-Test ..........................................................227
Two-Sample T-Test...........................................................228
Confidence intervals ............................................................229
One-Sample Z-Interval .....................................................229
Two-Sample Z-Interval...................................................... 230
One-Proportion Z-Interval .................................................231
Two-Proportion Z-Interval..................................................232
One-Sample T-Interval......................................................232
Two-Sample T-Interval ......................................................233
12 Solve app
Getting started with the Solve app .........................................235
One equation.................................................................235
Several equations ...........................................................239
Solution information............................................................. 240
13 Linear Solver app
Getting started with the Linear Solver app............................... 243
Menu items.........................................................................245
14 Parametric app
Getting started with the Parametric app..................................247
15 Polar app
Getting started with the Polar app .........................................253
16 Sequence app
Getting started with the Sequence app ................................... 257
Another example: A table of cubes ........................................ 261
17 Finance app
4 Contents
Getting Started with the Finance app..................................... 263
Cash flow diagrams ............................................................ 265
Time value of money (TVM) .................................................. 266
TVM calculations: Another example....................................... 267
Calculating amortizations..................................................... 268
18 Triangle Solver app
Getting started with the Triangle Solver app ........................... 271
Choosing triangle types ....................................................... 273
Special cases ..................................................................... 273
19 The Explorer apps
Linear Explorer app............................................................. 275
Quadratic Explorer app....................................................... 277
Trig Explorer app................................................................ 280
20 Functions and commands
Keyboard functions ............................................................. 285
Math menu......................................................................... 288
Numbers ....................................................................... 288
Arithmetic...................................................................... 289
Trigonometry.................................................................. 291
Hyperbolic .................................................................... 292
Probability..................................................................... 292
List................................................................................ 297
Matrix........................................................................... 297
Special ......................................................................... 297
CAS menu.......................................................................... 298
Algebra ........................................................................ 299
Calculus ........................................................................ 299
Solve ............................................................................ 302
Rewrite.......................................................................... 304
Integer .......................................................................... 306
Polynomial..................................................................... 307
Plot............................................................................... 311
App menu .......................................................................... 312
Function app functions .................................................... 312
Solve app functions ........................................................ 313
Spreadsheet functions ..................................................... 314
Statistics 1Var app functions ............................................ 330
Statistics 2Var app functions ............................................ 331
Inference app functions ................................................... 332
Finance app functions ..................................................... 333
Contents 5
Linear Solver app functions ..............................................334
Triangle Solver app functions ...........................................335
Linear Explorer functions ..................................................336
Quadratic Explorer functions ............................................336
Geometry app function....................................................337
Common app functions....................................................337
Ctlg menu...........................................................................338
Creating your own functions ................................................. 371
21 Variables
Home variables...................................................................377
App variables .....................................................................378
Function app variables ....................................................378
Geometry app variables ..................................................379
Spreadsheet app variables...............................................379
Advanced Graphing app variables ................................... 380
Solve app variables ........................................................380
Statistics 1Var app variables ............................................ 381
Statistics 2Var app variables ............................................ 383
Inference app variables ...................................................385
Parametric app variables ................................................. 387
Polar app variables.........................................................387
Finance app variables .....................................................388
Linear Solver app variables.............................................. 388
Triangle Solver app variables ........................................... 389
Linear Explorer app variables...........................................389
Quadratic Explorer app variables .....................................389
Trig Explorer app variables .............................................. 389
Sequence app variables ..................................................390
22 Units and constants
Units ..................................................................................391
Unit calculations .................................................................. 392
Unit tools............................................................................ 394
Physical constants................................................................ 395
List of constants...............................................................396
23 Lists
Create a list in the List Catalog..............................................399
The List Editor .................................................................401
Deleting lists .......................................................................403
Lists in Home view ...............................................................403
List functions........................................................................405
6 Contents
Finding statistical values for lists............................................ 408
24 Matrices
Creating and storing matrices............................................... 412
Working with matrices......................................................... 413
Matrix arithmetic................................................................. 416
Solving systems of linear equations ....................................... 419
Matrix functions and commands............................................ 421
Matrix functions .................................................................. 422
Examples....................................................................... 426
25 Notes and Info
The Note Catalog ............................................................... 429
The Note Editor .................................................................. 430
26 Programming
The Program Catalog .......................................................... 438
Creating a new program ..................................................... 441
The Program Editor ......................................................... 441
The HP Prime programming language ................................... 450
The User Keyboard: Customizing key presses .................... 455
App programs ............................................................... 459
Program commands ............................................................ 464
Commands under the Tmplt menu..................................... 465
Block ............................................................................ 465
Branch .......................................................................... 465
Loop ............................................................................. 466
Variable........................................................................ 470
Function ........................................................................ 470
Commands under the Cmds menu .................................... 470
Strings .......................................................................... 470
Drawing........................................................................ 473
Matrix........................................................................... 480
App Functions ................................................................ 482
Integer .......................................................................... 483
I/O .............................................................................. 485
More ............................................................................ 489
Variables and Programs .................................................. 492
27 Integer arithmetic
The default base ................................................................. 514
Changing the default base............................................... 515
Examples of integer arithmetic .............................................. 516
Integer manipulation............................................................ 517
Contents 7
Base functions .....................................................................518
28 Limiting functionality
Exam configurations ............................................................519
Modifying the default configuration...................................520
Creating a new configuration ........................................... 521
Activating Exam Mode .........................................................522
Cancelling exam mode....................................................524
Modifying configurations......................................................524
To change a configuration ...............................................524
Deleting configurations ....................................................524
A Glossary B Troubleshooting
Calculator not responding ....................................................531
To reset .........................................................................531
To restore factory settings................................................. 531
If the calculator does not turn on .......................................531
Operating limits ..................................................................532
Status messages ..................................................................532
C Product Regulatory Information
Federal Communications Commission Notice..........................535
European Union Regulatory Notice........................................537
Index ...................................................................................541
8 Contents
Manual conventions
The following conventions are used in this manual to represent the keys that you press and the menu options that you choose to perform operations.
A key that initiates an unshifted function is represented by an image of that key:
e,B,H, etc.
A key combination that initiates a shifted unction (or inserts a character) is represented by the appropriate shift key ( function or character:
Sh initiates the natural exponential function
Az inserts the pound character (#)
S or A) followed by the key for that
The name of the shifted function may also be given in parentheses after the key combination:
SJ(Clear), SY (Setup)
A key pressed to insert a digit is represented by that digit:
5, 7, 8, etc.
All fixed on-screen text—such as screen and field names—appear in bold:
CAS Settings,
A menu item selected by touching the screen is represented by an image of that item:
, , .
Note that you must use your finger to select a menu item. Using a stylus or something similar will not select whatever is touched.
XSTEP, Decimal Mark, etc.
Preface 9
Items you can select from a list, and characters on the entry line, are set in a non-proportional font, as follows:
Function, Polar, Parametric, Ans, etc.
Cursor keys are represented by You use these keys to move from field to field on a screen, or from one option to another in a list of options.
Error messages are enclosed inverted commas:
“Syntax Error”
This manual and any examples contained herein are provided as-is and are subject to change without notice. Except to the extent prohibited by law, Hewlett-Packard Company makes no express or implied warranty of any kind with regard to this manual and specifically disclaims the implied warranties and conditions of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose and Hewlett-Packard Company shall not be liable for any errors or for incidental or consequential damage in connection with the furnishing, performance or use of this manual and the examples herein.
=, \, >, and <.
10 Preface
1994–1995, 1999–2000, 2003–2006, 2010–2013 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.
The programs that control your HP Prime are copyrighted and all rights are reserved. Reproduction, adaptation, or translation of those programs without prior written permission from Hewlett-Packard Company is also prohibited.
For hardware warranty information, please refer to the HP Prime Quick Start Guide.
Product Regulatory and Environment Information is provided on the CD shipped with this product.
Getting started
The HP Prime Graphing Calculator is an easy-to-use yet powerful graphing calculator designed for secondary mathematics education and beyond. It offers hundreds of functions and commands, and includes a computer algebra system (CAS) for symbolic calculations.
In addition to an extensive library of functions and commands, the calculator comes with a set of HP apps. A HP app is a special application designed to help you explore a particular branch of mathematics or to solve a problems of a particular type. For example, there is a HP app that will help you explore geometry and another to help you explore parametric equations. There are also
Before starting
apps to help you solve systems of linear equations and to solve time-value-of-money problems.
The HP Prime also has its own programming language you can use to explore and solve mathematical problems.
Functions, commands, apps and programming are covered in detail later in this guide. In this chapter, the general features of the calculator are explained, along with common interactions and basic mathematical operations.
Charge the battery fully before using the calculator for the first time. To charge the battery, either:
Connect the calculator to a computer using the USB cable that came in the package with your HP Prime. (The PC needs to be on for charging to occur.)
Getting started 9
Connect the calculator to a wall outlet using the HP­provided wall adapter.
When the calculator is on, a battery symbol appears in the title bar of the screen. Its appearance will indicate how much power the battery has. A flat battery will take approximately 4 hours to become fully charged.
Battery Warning To reduce the risk of fire or burns, do not
disassemble, crush or puncture the battery; do not short the external contacts; and do not dispose of the battery in fire or water.
To reduce potential safety risks, only use the battery provided with the calculator, a replacement battery provided by HP, or a compatible battery recommended by HP.
Keep the battery away from children.
If you encounter problems when charging the
calculator, stop charging and contact HP immediately.
Adapter Warning To reduce the risk of electric shock or damage to
equipment, only plug the AC adapter into an AC outlet that is easily accessible at all times.
To reduce potential safety risks, only use the AC adapter provided with the calculator, a replacement AC adapter provided by HP, or an AC adapter purchased as an accessory from HP.
On/off, cancel operations
To turn on Press
To cancel When the calculator is on, pressing the J key cancels
the current operation. For example, it will clear whatever you have entered on the entry line. It will also close a menu and a screen.
to turn on the calculator.
To turn off Press
10 Getting started
To save power, the calculator turns itself off after several minutes of inactivity. All stored and displayed information is saved.
(Off) turn the calculator off.
The Home View Home view is the starting point for many calculations.
Most mathematical functions are available in the Home view. Some additional functions are available in the computer algebra system (CAS). A history of your previous calculation is retained and you can re-use a previous calculation or its result.
To display Home view, press
The CAS View CAS view is the where you use the computer algebra
system. CAS view enables you to perform symbolic calculations. It is largely identical to Home view—it even has its own history of past calculations—but the CAS view offers some additional functions.
To display CAS view, press
Protective cover The calculator is provided with a slide cover to protect the
display and keyboard. Remove the cover by grasping both sides of it and pulling down.
You can reverse the slide cover and slide it onto the back of the calculator. This will ensure that you do not misplace the cover while you are using the calculator.
To prolong the life of the calculator, always place the cover over the display and keyboard when you are not
The display
To adjust the contrast
To clear the display Press J or O to clear the entry line.
Getting started 11
using the calculator.
To adjust the contrast of the display, press and hold O, then press the contrast. The contrast will change with each press of the
SJ (Clear) to clear the entry line and the
key to increase or decrea se t he
Sections of the display
Title bar
Menu buttons
Entry line
Home view has four sections (shown above). The title bar shows either the screen name or the name of the app you are currently using—Function in the example above. It also shows the time, a battery power indicator, and a number of symbols that indicate various calculator settings. These are explained below. The a record of your past calculations. The
history displays
entry line
displays the object you are currently entering or modifying. The object could be a parameter, expression, list, matrix, line of programming code, etc. The
are options that are relevant to the current
display. These options are selected by tapping the corresponding menu button. (Only a labeled button has a function.) You close a menu without making a selection from it by pressing
Annunciators. Annunciators are symbols or characters
that appear in the title bar. They indicate that certain settings are current, and also provide time and battery power information.
Annunciator Meaning
12 Getting started
[Lime green] The angle mode setting is currently
[Lime green] The angle mode setting is currently
Annunciator Meaning (Continued)
[Cyan] The Shift key is active. The function
shown in blue on a key will be activated when a key is pressed. Press
S to cancel shift mode.
CAS [White] You are working in CAS view, not
Home view.
[orange] The Alpha key is active. The charac-
ter shown in orange on a key will be entered in uppercase when a key is pressed. See “Adding text” on page 20 for more information.
[orange] The Alpha–Shift key combination is
active. The character shown in orange on a key will be entered in lowercase when a key is pressed. See “Adding text” on page 20 for more information.
[Yellow] The user keyboard is active. All the
following key presses will enter the customized objects associated with the key. See “The User Keyboard: Customizing key presses” on page 455 for more information.
[Yellow] The user keyboard is active. The
next key press will enter the custom­ized object associated with the key. See “The User Keyboard: Customiz­ing key presses” on page 455 for more information.
[Time] Current time. The default is 24-hour
format, but you can choose
format. See “Home settings” on page 27 for more information.
Getting started 13
Annunciator Meaning (Continued)
Battery-charge indicator.
The HP Prime offers two modes of navigation: touch and keys. In many cases, you can tap on an icon, field, menu, or object to select (or deselect) it. For example, you can open the Function app by tapping once on its icon in the Application Library. However, to open the Application Library, you will need to press a key:
Selections can often be made either by tapping or by using the keys. For instance, as well as tapping an icon in the Application Library, you can also press the cursor keys— highlighted, and then press E. In the Application Library, you can also type the first one or two letters of an app’s name to highlight the app. Then either tap the app’s icon or press
Sometimes a touch or key–touch combination is available. For example, you can deselect a toggle option either by tapping twice on it, or by using the arrow keys to move to the field and then tapping a touch button along the bottom of the screen (in this case ).
Note that you must use your finger to select an item by touch. Using a stylus or something similar will not select
=,\,<,>—until the app you want to open is
E to open it.
Touch gestures
14 Getting started
whatever is touched.
In addition to selection by tapping, there are other touch­related operations available to you:
To quickly move from page to page, flick:
Place a finger on the screen and quickly swipe it in the desired direction (up or down).
To pan, drag your finger horizontally or vertically across the screen.
To quickly zoom in, make an open pinch:
Place the thumb and a finger close together on the screen and move them apart. Only lift them from the screen when you reach the desired magnification.
To quickly zoom out, make an closed pinch:
Place the thumb and a finger some distance apart on the screen and move them toward each other. Only lift them from the screen when you reach the desired magnification.
Note that pinching to zoom only works in applications that feature zooming (such as where graphs are plotted). In other applications, pinching will do nothing, or do something other than zooming. For example, in the Spreadsheet app, pinching will change the width of a
The keyboard
column or the height of a row.
The numbers in the legend below refer to the parts of the keyboard described in the illustration below the legend.
Number Feature
1 LCD and touch-screen: 320 × 240 pixels
2 Context-sensitive touch-button menu
3 HP Apps keys
4 Home view and preference settings
5 Common math and science functions
6Alpha and Shift keys
7 On, Cancel and Off key
Getting started 15
8 List, matrix, program, and note catalogs
9Last Answer key (Ans)
10 Ent e r key
11 Backspace and Delete key
Number Feature
12 Menu (and Paste) key
13 CAS (and CAS preferences) key
14 View (and Copy) key
15 E s c a p e ( a n d C l e a r) key
16 H e l p ke y
17 Rocker wheel (for cursor movement)
16 Getting started
Context-sensitive menu
A context-sensitive menu occupies the bottom line of the screen.
The options available depend on the context, that is, the view you are in. Note that the menu items are activated by touch.
There are two types of buttons on the context-sensitive menu:
menu button: tap to display a pop-up menu. These buttons have square corners along their top (such as
command button: tap to initiate a command. These buttons have rounded corners (such as in the illustration above).
in the illustration above).
Entry and edit keys
The primary entry and edit keys are:
Keys Purpose
N to r Enter numbers
or J Cancels the current operation or
clears the entry line.
Enters an input or executes an operation. In calculations, acts like “=”. When or
is present as a menu key,
acts the same as pressing
or .
Getting started 17
Keys Purpose (Continued)
For entering a negative number. For example, to enter –25, press
Q25. Note: this is not the same
operation that is performed by the subtraction key (
F Math template: Displays a palette
of pre-formatted templates repre­senting common arithmetic expres­sions.
Enters the independent variable (that is, either X, T,  or N, depend- ing on the app that is current).
Sv Relations palette: Displays a palette
of comparison operators and Bool­ean operators.
Sr Special symbols palette: Displays a
palette of common math and Greek characters.
Sc Automatically inserts the degree,
minute, or second symbol accord­ing to the context.
C Backspace. Deletes the character to
the left of the cursor. It will also return the highlighted field to its default value, if it has one.
(Clear) Clears all data on the screen
Delete. Deletes the character to the right of the cursor.
(including the history). On a set­tings screen—for example Plot Setup—returns all settings to their default values.
18 Getting started
Keys Purpose (Continued)
Cursor keys: Moves the cursor around the display. Press move to the end of a menu or screen, or start.
Displays all the available characters. To enter a character, use the cursor keys to highlight it, and then tap . To select multiple characters, select one, tap , and continue likewise before pressing . There are many pages of characters. You can jump to a particular Unicode block by tapping and selecting the block. You can also flick from page to page.
to move to the
Shift keys
There are two shift keys that you use to access the operations and characters printed on the bottom of the
Key Purpose
Press S to access the operations printed in blue on a key. For instance, to access the settings for Home view, press
A Press the A key to access the
characters printed in orange on a key. For instance, to type Z, press
and then press y. For a
lowercase letter, press and then the letter. To type more than one letter, press time to lock the alpha shift.
a second
Getting started 19
Adding text
The text you can enter directly is shown by the orange characters on the keys. These characters can only be entered in conjunction with the uppercase and lowercase characters can be entered, as explained in the following.
Keys Effect
A and S keys. Both
A Makes the next character upper-
AA Lock mode: makes all characters
uppercase until the mode is reset
S With uppercase locked, makes the
next character lowercase
AS Makes the next character lowercase
ASA Lock mode: makes all characters
lowercase until the mode is reset
Math keys
S With lowercase locked, makes the
next character uppercase
SA With lowercase locked, makes all
characters uppercase until the mode is reset
A Reset uppercase lock mode
Reset lowercase lock mode
You can also enter text (and other characters) by displaying the characters palette:
The most common math functions have their own key on the keyboard (or a key in combination with the
S key).
20 Getting started
Example 1: To calculate SIN(10), press e10 an d
angle measure setting is radians).
Example 2: To find the square root of 256, press
Sj 256 and press
is 16. Notice that the S key initiates the operator represented in blue on the next key pressed (in this case on the
The mathematical functions not represented on the keyboard are on the chapter 20, “Functions and commands”, starting on page
Note that the order in which you enter operands and operators is determined by the entry mode. By default, the entry mode is textbook, which means that you enter operands and operators just as you would if you were writing the expression on paper. If your preferred entry
j key).
. The answer displayed is –0,544… (if your
Math, CAS, and Catlg menus (see
. The answer displayed
Math template
mode is Reverse Polish Notation, the order of entry is different. (See chapter 2, “Reverse Polish Notation (RPN)”, starting on page 43.)
The math template key (F) helps you insert the framework for common calculations (and for vectors, matrices, and hexagesimal numbers). It displays a palette of pre-formatted outlines to which you add the constants, variables, and so on. Just tap on the template you want (or use the arrow keys to highlight it and press enter the components needed to complete the calculation.
Example: Suppose you want to find the cube root of
1. In Home view, press
E). Then
Getting started 21
2. Select .
The skeleton or framework for your calculation now appears on the entry line:
3. Each box on the template needs to be completed:
4. Press E to display the result: 9.813…
The template palette can save you a lot of time, especially with calculus calculations.
You can display the palette at any stage in defining an expression. In other words, you don’t need to start out with a template. Rather, you can embed one or more templates at any point in the definition of an expression.
Math shortcuts
As well as the math template, there are other similar screens that offer a palette of math characters. For example, pressing special symbols palette, shown at the right. Select a character by tapping it (or scrolling to it and pressing
Sr displays the
A similar palette—the relations palette—is displayed if you press
Sr. The palette displays operators
useful in math and programming. Again, just tap the character you want.
Other math shortcut keys include inserts an X, T, , or N depending on what app you are using. (This is explained further in the chapters describing the apps.)
d. Pressing this key
Fractions The fraction key (c) cycles through thee varieties of
22 Getting started
Similarly, pressing second character. It enters ° if no degree symbol is part of your expression; enters if the previous entry is a value in degrees; and enters if the previous entry is a value in minutes. Thus entering:
yields 36°40′ 20″. See “Hexagesimal numbers” on page 23 for more information.
fractional display. If the current answer is the decimal
Sc enters a degree, minute, or
fraction 5.25, pressing c converts the answer to the
930249 416020
vulgar fraction 21/4. If you press
c again, the answer
is converted to a mixed number fraction (5 + 1/4). If pressed again, the display returns to the decimal fraction (5.25).
The HP Prime will approximate fraction and mixed number representations in cases where it cannot find exact ones. For example, enter to see the decimal approximation:
2.236…. Press
c once to see and again to see
. Pressing c a third time will cycle back to the
original decimal representation.
Any decimal result can de displayed in hexagesimal
format; that is, in units subdivided into groups of 60. This includes degrees, minutes, and seconds as well as hours, minutes, and seconds. For example, enter to see the decimal result: 1.375. Now press 1°2230. Press
S c again to return to the decimal
S c to see
The HP Prime will produce the best approximation in cases where an exact result is not possible. Enter to see the decimal approximation: 2.236… Press S c to see 2°149.84 4719″ .
Note that the degree and minute entries must be positive integers. Decimals are not allowed, except in the seconds.
Note too that the HP Prime treats a value in hexgesimal format as a single entity. Hence any
Getting started 23
operation performed on a hexagesimal value is performed on the entire value. For example, if
you enter 10°25′ 26″2, the whole value is squared, not just
3.21 107–
----------------------------------------------- -----
the seconds component. The result in this case is 108 °3926.854445″ .
EEX key (powers of
Numbers like and are expressed in scientific notation, that is, in terms of powers of ten. This is simpler to work with than 50 000 or 0.000000 321. To enter numbers like these, use the easier than using
Example: Suppose you want to calculate
B functionality. This is
First select Scientific as the number format.
1. O p e n t h e Home Settings window.
2. Select Scientific from the
3. Return home:
4. Enter 4BQ13
5. Press
The result is
equivalent to 8 × 10
E15. This is
24 Getting started
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