Microsoft Windows Server 2012
HP and Microsoft are teaming up to make the Microsoft Private Cloud work for you. Windows Server 2012 paired with Microsoft System
Center 2012 enables customers to accelerate delivery of private clouds through pooling and efficient use of infrastructure resource,
through dynamic resource migration in response to resource availability, through simplified service design and self-service service
delivery, and through efficient ongoing management from infrastructure through applications.
But a great cloud operating system and systems management are not enough.
Our joint customers require infrastructure that delivers best-in-class performance and ensures that valuable, compute, storage,
and networking resources are never wasted.
Customers need to be able to implement private clouds faster and with less risk by relying on HP and Microsoft to conduct the
up-front solution design work; remove the burden of time consuming racking, stacking, and cabling; and by ensuring that the
private cloud environment is implemented correctly each time.
And, most importantly, customers expect to work with HP to chart a path to the private cloud that allows them to realize the
benefits of cloud computing incrementally, without disruption to existing IT services or massive cost over-runs.
HP has partnered with Microsoft to make the private cloud work for you by delivering:
Converged infrastructure horsepower to get your organization "beyond virtualization" and running with unparalleled
performance and scalability in the cloud.
Solutions such as HP VirtualSystem that make it simple to deploy virtualization and private cloud infrastructure, from new twonode SMB and branch office solutions to enterprise data center solutions hosting thousands of VMs, without spending hours
designing, racking, and deploying infrastructure.
And expertise to help you chart a non-disruptive path from your current IT infrastructure to private cloud based on HP
Converged Infrastructure, HP Insight Management, Microsoft Windows Server 2012, and Microsoft System Center.
Whether you are an enterprise, a small or medium-sized business, or a hosting provider, HP and Windows Server 2012 will help you
cloud optimize your IT
HP ProLiant servers and option products are rigorously tested and certified for Windows Server 2012. For a complete list of supported
HP ProLiant servers, visit the OS support matrix at:
HP Windows Server 2012 OEM licenses are available for purchase from HP or your local authorized reseller.
Available OEM licenses:
Foundation: per server licensing; limited to 1 processor only; up to 15 users. No virtualization rights.
Essentials: per server licensing; up to 2 processors; up to 25 users. No virtualization rights.
Standard: processor + CALs, up to 2 processors per license; no processor limit. Virtual use rights: 2 instances per license.
Datacenter: processor + CALs, up to 2 processor per license; no processor limit. Virtual use rights: unlimited instances.
Additional License: available for Standard and Datacenter editions.
Client Access Licenses: 1 or 5 pack, for User or Device.
Remote Desktop Services: 5 pack for User or Device.
All Windows Server 2012 kits include:
x64 DVD media
Certificate of Authenticity (COA) - Sticker that contains your product key and is affixed to your server. The COA is your
proof of license for the operating system.
Licensing model for Standard and Datacenter editions: Per processor based + CALs. Each license grants rights to run on up to 2
processors. Windows Server 2012 will not include bundled CALs. Single Product Key per edition for activation.
From HP: Available for purchase at the time of your HP ProLiant server purchase as pre-installed on selected HP ProLiant servers
or Non-preinstalled (drop in the box) with the operating system DVDs included with the server. Client access licenses (CALs) are
also available for purchase in addition to your server purchase or for a later purchase. Please be sure to review the minimum and
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Microsoft Windows Server 2012
maximum system requirements for Windows Server 2012 at the Microsoft website listed above.
From your local authorized reseller: Available for purchase with your preferred HP ProLiant server as a Windows Reseller Option
Kit or ROK.
For more information on HP's offering of Windows Server 2012 products, go to:
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Microsoft Hardware Specifications for Foundation edition:
Microsoft Windows Server 2012
WS Server 2012
Min. CPU Req.
IA64 Sockets
X64 RAM STD/ Max
Internal optical bay drive allowed
Storage required
Keyboard, Mouse
Microsoft Windows Server Foundation edition will limit the number of permissible user accounts and/or require certain Active
Directory and domain configurations. If not properly configured, the software will generate warnings to correct the configuration. The
warnings will alert you as to the behavior of the software in the absence of corrective measures, which may include the periodic
shutdown of the server. The warnings and shutdowns will cease once the configuration is corrected. For more information about these
features as they apply to the product, please review the product-specific documentation located on
Limited to 1 Proc; per server licensing
Windows Server 2012 Foundation Edition 1P
1.4 GHz x64
multiple NICs supported
32 GB
Pre-Installed on ProLiant Servers
All Foundation Edition part numbers include x64 DVD media and COA. Sold only as a configurable option with
a ProLiant server purchase.
Microsoft Windows Server 2012 Foundation FIO
Windows Server 2012 Foundation Edition 1P
OS Not Pre-Installed
All Foundation Edition part numbers include x64 DVD media and COA. Sold only as a configurable option with
a ProLiant server purchase.
Microsoft Windows Server 2012 Foundation FIO Not Pre-installed
Windows Server 2012 Foundation Edition 1P
Reseller Option Kit
Available for purchase from your local HP authorized reseller. Foundation Edition includes: x64 DVD media
and COA. Reseller must affix the COA to the server and may preinstall the OS before delivery of the server.
Windows Server 2012 Foundation Edition ROK
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Microsoft Windows Server 2012
Microsoft Hardware Specifications for Essentials edition:
WS Server 2012
Min. CPU Req.
IA64 Sockets
X64 RAM STD/ Max
Internal optical bay drive allowed
Storage required
Keyboard, Mouse
Up to 2 Proc; Per server licensing
1.4 GHz x64
multiple NICs supported
160 GB
Windows Server 2012 Essentials Edition 1-2P
Pre-Installed on ProLiant Servers
All Essentials Edition part numbers include: x64 DVD media and COA. Sold only as a configurable option with
a ProLiant server purchase.
Microsoft Windows Server Essentials 2012 FIO
Windows Server 2012 Essentials Edition 1-2P
OS Not Pre-Installed
All Standard Essentials part numbers include x64 DVD media and COA. Sold only as a configurable option
with a ProLiant server purchase.
Microsoft Windows Server 2012 Essentials FIO Not Pre-installed
Windows Server 2012 Essentials Edition 1-2P
Reseller Option Kit
Available for purchase from your local HP authorized reseller. Essentials Edition includes x64 DVD media and
COA. Reseller must affix the COA to the server and may preinstall the OS before delivery of the server.
Windows Server 2012 Essentials Edition ROK
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