HP IMC Branch Intelligent Management Software User Manual

HP Intelligent Management Center — Branch Intelligent Management System (BIMS) User Guide
This guide contains basic information for network administrators, engineers, and operators who use the Branch Intelligent Management System, an add-on service module for the HP Intelligent Management Center.
HP Part Number: 5998-3961 Edition: 1
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Revision History
31 October 2012Revision 1


1 BIMS Introduction.......................................................................................7
BIMS overview page.................................................................................................................8
Using the BIMS overview page..............................................................................................8
2 BIMS Quick Start......................................................................................10
Authenticate and add CPEs......................................................................................................10
Define device groups, and manage privileges............................................................................10
IP ping test.............................................................................................................................10
3 Typical BIMS applications..........................................................................11
Authenticate and add CPEs......................................................................................................11
Modify CPE configuration .......................................................................................................12
Deploy CPE configuration........................................................................................................12
Deploy CPE software ..............................................................................................................13
4 Resource management..............................................................................14
Import/export CPEs................................................................................................................14
Batch operations ...................................................................................................................14
Configure the inform interval...............................................................................................15
Configure the polling interval..............................................................................................15
Configure the access parameters.........................................................................................15
Set the auto-restore strategy.................................................................................................15
CPE information log ...............................................................................................................16
CPE management tasks ..........................................................................................................16
Query CPEs......................................................................................................................17
Add CPEs.........................................................................................................................17
Delete CPEs......................................................................................................................18
Synchronize CPEs...............................................................................................................18
IP ping test........................................................................................................................18
Open Web Manager.........................................................................................................19
View CPE details................................................................................................................19
Modify the polling interval..................................................................................................20
Modify the access parameters.............................................................................................20
View and modify CPE configuration.....................................................................................20
Modify file transfer type......................................................................................................21
Data model.......................................................................................................................21
WAN IP connection management........................................................................................21
Query WAN IP connections...........................................................................................22
View WAN IP connection details.....................................................................................22
Add/Modify WAN IP connections..................................................................................22
Delete WAN IP connections...........................................................................................23
WAN PPP connection management......................................................................................23
Query WAN PPP connections.........................................................................................24
View WAN PPP connection details..................................................................................24
Add/Modify WAN PPP connections................................................................................24
Delete WAN PPP connections.........................................................................................24
WAN DSL link management................................................................................................25
Query WAN DSL links...................................................................................................25
View WAN DSL link details............................................................................................25
Remotely reboot.................................................................................................................25
Factory reset......................................................................................................................26
CPE additional information......................................................................................................26
Add/Modify CPE additional information...............................................................................27
Contents 3
Delete CPE additional information........................................................................................27
5 CPE group management............................................................................28
CPE group management tasks..................................................................................................28
Add/Modify CPE group.....................................................................................................28
Add a Level-1 CPE Group...............................................................................................28
Modify a CPE Group.....................................................................................................28
Add a Subgroup for a CPE Group...................................................................................29
Delete CPE group..............................................................................................................29
Delete a CPE Group......................................................................................................29
Delete a CPE Subgroup..................................................................................................29
Remove CPEs from CPE group..............................................................................................29
6 Configuration management.......................................................................31
Configuration template library..................................................................................................32
Query configuration templates.............................................................................................32
Import a configuration template...........................................................................................33
Add/Modify/Copy a configuration template.........................................................................33
Export a configuration template...........................................................................................34
Deploy a configuration template .........................................................................................34
Delete a configuration template...........................................................................................34
Add a folder.....................................................................................................................34
Modify a folder.................................................................................................................34
Delete a folder..................................................................................................................34
CPE software library...............................................................................................................35
Query CPE software...........................................................................................................35
Modify CPE software..........................................................................................................35
Rename CPE software.........................................................................................................35
Delete CPE software...........................................................................................................35
Import CPE software...........................................................................................................36
Export CPE software...........................................................................................................36
Deployment guide..................................................................................................................36
Deploy CPE configuration...................................................................................................36
Deploy CPE software..........................................................................................................38
Auto Deploy CPE configuration ...........................................................................................38
Create an automatic CPE configuration deployment task by CPE:........................................38
Create an automatic CPE configuration deployment task by CPE class:.................................39
Auto Deploy CPE software .................................................................................................39
Create an automatic software deployment task by CPE:......................................................39
Create an automatic software deployment task by CPE class:..............................................40
Deployment tasks....................................................................................................................40
Query deployment tasks.....................................................................................................40
View the status of a deployment task....................................................................................40
View the details of a deployment task...................................................................................41
Modify a deployment task ..................................................................................................41
Copy a deployment task.....................................................................................................41
Delete deployment tasks.....................................................................................................41
Execute deployment tasks immediately .................................................................................41
Suspend deployment tasks..................................................................................................42
Resume deployment tasks....................................................................................................42
CPE configuration center.........................................................................................................43
Query CPE configuration....................................................................................................43
View CPE details ...............................................................................................................43
View the startup configuration and running configuration of a CPE...........................................43
View the CPE configuration.................................................................................................43
Deploy CPE software..........................................................................................................43
4 Contents
Deploy CPE configuration...................................................................................................44
Restore CPE software to baseline .........................................................................................44
Restore CPE configuration to baseline ..................................................................................44
Backup CPE configuration ..................................................................................................44
CPE configuration management tasks........................................................................................44
Manually backup CPE configuration.....................................................................................44
Set attributes for auto backup .............................................................................................44
Deploy CPE software..........................................................................................................45
Set the baseline software version for the CPE.........................................................................45
CPE configuration backup history.........................................................................................45
Modify a configuration file.............................................................................................45
Export a configuration file..............................................................................................46
Set the CPE configuration as the baseline.........................................................................46
Compare configuration files............................................................................................46
Restore CPE configuration...............................................................................................47
Delete CPE configuration history......................................................................................47
CPE software deployment history.........................................................................................47
Restore CPE software.....................................................................................................47
Delete Software deployment history.................................................................................47
Backup CPE configuration........................................................................................................47
Backup history record..............................................................................................................48
General configuration comparison............................................................................................49
7 System configuration.................................................................................50
CPE class management tasks....................................................................................................50
Query CPE Classes............................................................................................................50
Add/Modify CPE classes....................................................................................................50
Delete CPE Classes............................................................................................................50
CPE authentication user tasks...................................................................................................50
System settings.......................................................................................................................51
Option tool............................................................................................................................51
8 CPE alarm management............................................................................53
Real-time alarms.....................................................................................................................53
All alarms..............................................................................................................................53
Alarm details.........................................................................................................................53
Recover alarms.......................................................................................................................54
Acknowledge alarms...............................................................................................................54
Delete alarms.........................................................................................................................54
Edit maintenance experience....................................................................................................54
Alarm notification...................................................................................................................54
Set mail notification............................................................................................................55
Add/Modify mail notification.........................................................................................55
Copy mail notification....................................................................................................56
Set mail server settings...................................................................................................56
Set alarm forwarding rule...................................................................................................56
Add/Modify alarm forwarding rule.................................................................................57
Copy alarm forwarding rule...........................................................................................57
Set message notification.....................................................................................................58
Add/Modify message notification...................................................................................58
Copy message notification.............................................................................................59
SMSC settings..............................................................................................................60
Add/Modify alarm definition...................................................................................................60
Contents 5
9 BIMS report.............................................................................................61
10 FAQ......................................................................................................62
Standard terms, abbreviations and acronyms..................................................63
6 Contents

1 BIMS Introduction

Branch Intelligent Management System (BIMS) is an independent network management system. It uses the TR-069 protocol to remotely, centrally manage a large number of customer premises equipment items (CPEs). It solves problems in dynamic IP management, saves network maintenance costs, and improves network management efficiency.
BIMS provides the resource management, service management, configuration management, alarm management, report management, and system management for the CPEs, and manages the CPEs in the service provider network. BIMS provides the following functions:
Resource Management: This function provides the following capabilities:
CPE Management: Provides the functionality for adding/deleting/querying/synchronizing
CPEs, viewing CPE details, viewing and modifying CPE configuration, modifying the polling interval, and modifying access parameters.
CPE Additional Information: Use this function to configure and manage CPE additional
Import/Export CPEs: the functionality for importing/exporting CPEs.
Batch Operation: Configures CPEs in batches to reduce repeated configurations for multiple
CPEs and facilitate CPE attribute configuration.
CPE Interaction Log: Displays the information exchanged between the system and the
CPEs, such as the CPE request message and file upload complete notification.
CPE Group Management: Provides the functionality for assigning different privileges to different
authorized users by grouping CPEs.
Configuration Management: This function provides the following capabilities:
Configuration Template Library: The CPE configuration resources are the basis for setting
up the CPE configuration library. You can import the expected CPE configuration to flexibly manage and deploy it.
Software Library: The CPE software resources are the basis for setting up the CPE software
library. You can import the expected CPE software, so that you can flexibly manage and deploy these resources.
Deployment Guide: Provides a simple, visual, and fast way of deploying CPE configuration
and CPE software.
Deployment Task: BIMS implements configuration deployment and software deployment
in deployment tasks. You can view the current execution status and execution result of a task, and create a new task as needed by copying and modifying an existing task.
Configuration Center: Displays the current software and configuration information of all
CPE Configuration Management: Displays the basic software information, configuration
backup history, and software deployment history of a single CPE.
Backup CPE Configuration: Creates an automatic backup plan as needed. The system
can perform backup periodically as scheduled. In addition, you can manually backup the configuration.
Backup History Record: Provides the backup task execution results.
General Configuration Comparison: Allows you to compare the configuration of the
specified device to the configuration of another device.
System Configuration: This function provides the following capabilities:
CPE Class Management: Manages the CPE classes in the system, including querying CPE
classes, adding/modifying CPE classes, and deleting CPE classes.
CPE Authentication User: Authenticates the CPE before adding it to the system.
System Settings: Configures the public parameters for the system.
Option Tool: Converts between DHCP Option 43 and ACS URL.
CPE Alarm Management: This function provides the following capabilities:
Real-Time Alarms: Displays the unacknowledged alarms at warning and higher levels in
real time.
All Alarms: Views and queries all alarms in the system.
Alarm Details: Displays the detailed information of the selected alarm.
Recover Alarms: Recovers an alarm to change its recovery status.
Acknowledge Alarms: Acknowledges an alarm to change its Ack status.
Delete Alarms: Deletes the redundant alarms from the system.
Edit Maintenance Experience: Edits the maintenance experience for the current alarm,
and saves the maintenance experience, so that you can troubleshoot the network more easily.
Set Mail Notification: Sets the mail notification function so that the system can inform the
maintainer of alarms by sending mails.
Set Message Notification: Sets the message notification function so that the system can
inform the maintainer of alarms by sending messages.
Add/Modify Alarm Definition: Allows you to add or modify an alarm definition.
BIMS Report: Displays all predefined report templates that you can operate, including CPE
Asset Report, CPE Connectivity Summary Report, CPE Connectivity Detail Report, and CPE
Connectivity Count Report.

BIMS overview page

The BIMS overview page shows CPE summary information of the BIMS, including CPE status snapshot, CPE group snapshot, and CPE class snapshot, to familiarize you with the CPE operation status in the BIMS.

Using the BIMS overview page

1. Select the Service tab, and then select Overview from the navigation tree to display the BIMS overview page .
2. The CPE status snapshot shows status distribution of all CPEs in the system. CPE statuses include critical, major, minor, warning, normal, and unknown. By clicking a section on the CPE status snapshot pie chart, you can display the CPE list page and view the CPEs in the specified status.
3. The CPE group snapshot shows all CPE group links in the current system. If no CPE group exists in the system, a Create CPE Group link is displayed. Click the link to display the Adding CPE group page. The status of a CPE group is determined by the CPE with the most severe alarm status. By clicking a CPE group link, you can display the CPE group list page.
8 BIMS Introduction
4. The CPE class snapshot shows existing CPE classes, each of which contains at least one CPE.
By clicking a CPE class name link, you can display the CPE list page and view the CPEs of the specified class.
BIMS overview page 9

2 BIMS Quick Start

Use this content to guide you through key aspects of network management in BIMS.

Authenticate and add CPEs

The first step of using BIMS is adding the devices in the network to the system. For more information, see Authenticate and add CPEs.

Define device groups, and manage privileges

After devices have been added to the network, the administrator can create device groups, and specify the device groups to be managed by each operator. For more information, see CPE group

IP ping test

Establish device groups and privileges for the network, then run IP ping test to check connectivity between the selected server and the CPE. For more information, see IP ping test.
10 BIMS Quick Start

3 Typical BIMS applications

The scenarios described in this section are provided to help you better understand how BIMS is typically applied to aid in network management:

Authenticate and add CPEs

Add a CPE to BIMS, so that you can centrally, effectively manage the CPE. For tutorial or illustration purposes, assume the IP address of the CPE to be added to BIMS is
CAUTION: Because BIMS authenticates the CPE before adding it, make sure that the BIMS system
parameters match the related parameters of the CPE to be added.
1. Configure the BIMS system parameters, including the default polling time, periodic inform interval, CPE access parameters, CPE adding policy, and common password. As shown in the figure below:
With the common password enabled, when the username and password of a CPE do
2. Configure the following CWMP-related parameters for the CPE, including the
# Enter CWMP view. [Test] cwmp. # Configure the BIMS server address and port. The default port through which the CPE accesses the BIMS server is 9090. [Test-cwmp] cwmp acs url
polling interval
periodic inform interval
CPE access parameters
CPE. BIMS can actively connect to a CPE only when the username and password of the CPE match the access parameters of BIMS. When a new CPE is added, the CPE uses the default access parameters of BIMS. You can modify the access parameters for a CPE on the CPE details page.
CPE adding policy
not match those of the CPE authentication user configured for the CPE in BIMS, the CPE uses the common password for authentication. By default, the common password is bims. You can modify the common password as needed.
is the interval at which BIMS polls the connectivity status of CPEs.
is the interval at which the CPE accesses BIMS.
are the username and password that BIMS uses to connect to the
specifies whether adding CPEs automatically is allowed.
, and
ACS password
Authenticate and add CPEs 11
# Configure the username that the CPE uses to accessthe BIMS server. [Test-cwmp] cwmp acs username bims # Configure the password that the CPE uses to access the BIMS server. If the common password is not enabled, the CPE can connect to BIMS successfully only when the username and password of the CPE match those of the CPE authentication user configuration for the CPE in BIMS. [Test-cwmp] cwmpacs password bims # Configure the username that BIMS uses to access the CPE, which should be the same as the system parameter. [Test-cwmp] cwmp cpe username bims # Configure the password that BIMS uses to access the CPE, which should be the same as the system parameter. [Test-cwmp] cwmp cpe password imcbims # Specify the egress port for the communication between the CPE and the BIMS. The IP address of Ethernet 0/0 is [Test-cwmp] cwmp cpe connect interface Ethernet0/0
3. After the configuration above is completed, the CPE sends a connection request to the BIMS
server. After passing the authentication, the CPE is added to BIMS. Click the Resource tab, select All CPEs from the navigation tree, and you can see the new CPE.

Modify CPE configuration

Modify the configuration of a CPE. For tutorial or illustration purposes, assume the IP address of the CPE is Modify the periodic inform interval of the CPE to 720 seconds.
CAUTION: When you modify the CPE configuration, BIMS must actively request to connect to
the CPE. Make sure that the CPE access parameters of BIMS are the same as those of the CPE. For more information, see Authenticate and Add CPEs.
1. Select the Resource tab, and select All CPE from the navigation tree to display the All CPE
2. Click the name of the CPE with IP address in the CPE list to display the CPE details page.
3. Click the Modify CPE Configuration link to display the modify CPE configuration page.
4. Modify the periodic inform interval to 720 seconds.
5. Set other parameters.
6. Click Apply to modify the configuration for the CPE.

Deploy CPE configuration

Deploy a configuration segment in the configuration template library to one or multiple CPEs. As needed, use the configuration deployment guide.
For example, you can deploy the configuration segment ip route-static, which is named addRoute.txt in the Configuration Template Library , on
CPEs with IP addresses and, and execute the deployment task immediately as configured.
1. Click the Configuration tab, select Deployment Guide from the navigation tree, and click
Configuration Deployment
2. Select the configuration segment file addRoute.txt.
3. Select the two CPEs with IP addresses and
4. Enter the task name.
5. Select the execution enter One-off.
6. Select the task execution time Immediately.
7. enter the task description.
8. Click Apply to deploy the configuration on the two CPEs.
12 Typical BIMS applications

Deploy CPE software

Deploy a system software in the Software Library to one or multiple CPEs. As needed, use the CPE software deployment guide. For example, you can deploy the software named mainmsr201xB81D001.bin in the CPE software library to two MSR20-15 routers with IP addresses and, and execute the deployment task immediately as configured.
CAUTION: Because each CPE software is applicable to the specific CPE models, make sure that
the CPE models match the CPE software to be deployed.
1. Click the Configuration tab, select Deployment Guide from the navigation tree, and click
Software Deployment
2. Select the CPE software mainmsr201xB81D001.bin.
3. Select the two CPEs with IP addresses and
4. Enter the task name.
5. Select the task execution time Immediately.
6. Enter the task description.
7. Click Apply to deploy the configuration on the two CPEs.
Deploy CPE software 13

4 Resource management

Use this function to manage all CPEs in the BIMS, including managing CPEs, managing CPE classes, importing/exporting CPEs, managing CPE interaction logs, operating CPEs in batches, and managing CPE groups.

Import/export CPEs

The CPE exporting function exports the CPE information in the system and stores the information in a local file. You can import the file into the system as needed. The CPE exporting/importing function allows you to back up and reuse the CPE information, facilitating your management.
NOTE: Only administrators are authorized to import and export CPEs.
The exported CPE file is saved only in the client, and is not backed up in the server. You can customize the file to be imported. However, the customized file must meets the following
requirements in both parameters and format:
Only .txt or .csv files can be imported
Each imported file must contain, in left-to-right order, comma-separated values for
Serial ID,OUI,Vendor
If the imported CPE exists in the BIMS system, then only the CPE name of the CPE will be modified. (You can modify CPE names in batches. See View CPE details.)
1. Select the Service tab, and click Resource Import/Export CPE in the BIMS navigation tree to display the Import/Export CPE page.
2. Select the Export radio button, and click Export to export the CPE information in the system into a file.
3. Select the Import radio button to select the file you want to import, and then click Import. Then, an imported CPE list is generated according to the CPE information in the file.
4. Select the checkboxes of one or more CPE that you do not want to import, and then click Delete to delete them.
5. When specifying the additional information field, you can select Do not select from the file from the drop-down, and then enter a specific value in the Additional information text box.
6. Click Import to re-generate the CPE information in the CPE list.
7. Click OK to display the CPE import result.

Batch operations

The batch operation function in BIMS reduces repeated configurations for multiple CPEs, and facilitates CPE attribute configuration.
1. Select the Service tab, and then click Resource Batch Operate in the BIMS navigation tree to display the Batch Operate page.
2. Select a batch operation type.
3. Select the CPEs you want to configure.
, and
CPE name
14 Resource management
4. Set the parameters. These include:
Polling Interval
Inform Interval
is the interval at which the CPE tries to connect to the ACS and invokes the inform method.
Connection Request Username
request to the CPE.
Connection Request Password
to the CPE. The password read from CPEs is a null string, rather than the actual value.
: The system reads all information of the specified CPEs at the interval.
: With periodic inform enabled, the inform interval (an integer in seconds)

Configure the inform interval

Use this function to configure the interval at which the system polls the specified CPEs. The system reads the configuration information of the specified CPEs at the interval, and updates the system database.
1. Select the Service tab, and then in the BIMS navigation tree click Resource > Batch Operate to enter the Batch Operate page.
2. Click Configure Inform Interval to enter the page for configuring the inform interval.
3. Click Select CPE, and select one or more CPEs on the CPE list.
4. Configure the inform interval.
5. Click Apply.
: Username that the ACS uses to initiate a connection
: Password that the ACS uses to initiate a connection request

Configure the polling interval

Use this function to configure the interval at which the system polls the specified CPEs. The system reads the configuration information of the specified CPEs at the interval, and updates the system database.
1. Select the Service tab, and then in the BIMS navigation tree click Resource > Batch Operate to enter the Batch Operate page.
2. Click Configure Polling Interval to enter the page for configuring the polling interval.
3. Click Select CPE, and select one or more CPEs on the CPE list.
4. Configure the polling interval.
5. Click Apply.

Configure the access parameters

Use this function to configure the interval at which the system polls the specified CPEs. The system reads the configuration information of the specified CPEs at the interval, and updates the system database.
1. Select the Service tab, and then in the BIMS navigation tree click Resource > Batch Operate to enter the Batch Operate page.
2. Click Configure Access Parameters to enter the page for configuring the access parameters.
3. Click Select CPE, and select one or more CPEs on the CPE list.
4. Set the connection request username and connection request password.
5. Click Apply.

Set the auto-restore strategy

Use this function to configure multiple CPEs in batches to automatically restore configuration or software to the baseline version..
1. Select the Service tab, and then in the BIMS navigation tree click Resource > Batch Operate to enter the Batch Operate page.
2. Click Set Auto Restore Strategy to enter the page for setting the auto-restore strategy.
Batch operations 15
3. Click Select CPE, and select one or more CPEs on the CPE list.
4. Set the connection request username and connection request password.
5. Click Apply.

CPE information log

This function displays the information exchanged between BIMS and the CPEs, such as the CPE request messages and file upload complete notifications.
1. Select the Service tab, and Resource > CPE Interaction Log in the BIMS navigation tree click to display the CPE Interaction Log page.
2. Enter the
3. Click Query to view the matching interaction logs.
4. Click Reset to clear the query conditions and view all CPE interaction logs.
CPE name,operation description

CPE management tasks

This function manages the CPEs in the system, including adding, deleting, querying and synchronizing CPEs, viewing CPE details, viewing and modifying CPE configuration, modifying the polling interval, and modifying access parameters.
The following parameters are used in these tasks:
CPE name
: Identifies a CPE.
: Vendor of the CPE.
, and
operation time
in the appropriate fields.
: Organizationally unique identifier of the vendor. The OUI consists of six hexadecimal
Serial ID
CPE Class
CPE Group
CPE does not belong to any CPE group.
CWMP Status
be in the HTTP or HTTPS URL format, and restores to the factory default after reboot.
ACS Username
CWMP. The username applies to only HTTP authentication.
ACS Password
CWMP. The password applies to only HTTP authentication.
Periodic Inform Status
CPE information to the ACS.
Inform Interval
the CPE tries to connect to the ACS and invokes the inform method.
Periodic Inform Start Time
periodic inform method. Then, the CPE invokes the inform method at the time points (start time ± inform intervals). If the start time is not specified, the CPE selects a local time as the start time.
: Serial ID of the CPE.
: CPE class of the CPE.
: The group that the CPE belongs to after being added to the system. By default, a
: Indicates whether CWMP is enabled for the CPE. The status cannot be modified.
: The URL of the ACS that the CPE is to connect through CWMP. The ACS URL must
: Username used for authenticating the CPE connecting to the ACS through
: Password used for authenticating the CPE connecting to the ACS through
: Indicates whether the CPE uses the Inform method to periodically send
: With periodic inform enabled, the interval (an integer in seconds) at which
: The absolute time in UTC format when the CPE starts using the
Connection Request URL
Connection Request Username
to the CPE.
16 Resource management
: URL that the ACS uses to initiate a connection request to the CPE.
: Username that the ACS uses to initiate a connection request

Query CPEs

Use this function to query and view CPEs in the BIMS. The query conditions include CPE name, vendor, serial number, CPE status, IP address, and CPE class.
1. Select the Service tab, and click Resource > All CPEs in the BIMS navigation tree to display
2. Enter the CPE name, vendor serial number and select the CPE status.
3. Click Query to view the matched CPE information.
4. Click Reset to restore the default query conditions and view the CPE information matching the

Add CPEs

Connection Request Password
the CPE. The password read from CPEs is a null string, rather than the actual value.
Polling Interval
checks whether the CPEs are connected, and updates the CPE status.
the All CPEs list page.
default query conditions.
: The interval at which the system reads all information of the specified CPEs,
: Password that the ACS uses to initiate a connection request to
Use this function to add CPEs to BIMS. Specify the CPE parameters, including
OUI,Serial ID,CPE class
the CPE passes the authentication, the CPE status is updated to its actual status.
NOTE: “CPE groups” refer to those groups of CPE which those operators identified as authorized
users of these groups can manage. If you select a CPE group, the CPE will be added to the specified group; if you fail to select a CPE group for the CPE, or if the selected CPE group is deleted later, then the CPE remains or becomes ungrouped. In this case, no other users can manage it.
If the selected CPE class is deleted, the CPE is placed in the “no class” list by default.
TIP: You can add CPEs quickly by scanning CPE Serial IDs with a barcode scanner. See Quickly
add CPE.
1. Select the Service tab, and click Resource > All CPEs in the BIMS navigation tree to display
the page for adding CPEs.
2. Enter the CPE information, including CPE name, OUI, serial number, CPE class, and CPE group.
3. Click Apply.
Quickly add CPE
1. Select the Service tab, and click Resource > All CPEs in the BIMS navigation display the page for adding CPEs.
2. Click Quickly Add CPE to display the Quickly Add CPE page.
3. Enter the CPE information, including including and
CPE group
4. Move the cursor over the Serial ID text box, and use a barcode scanner to scan the serial ID of a CPE. The CPE can then be added to the system. The system then updates the Serial ID and CPE name, and reserves other values of the CPE. BIMS next clears the fields and the cursor is again moved over the serial ID text box.
5. Add other CPEs in the same way.
, and
CPE group
. The
of a CPE added in this way is unknown. After
CPE name,Vendor,OUI,Serial ID,CPE class
CPE name,Vendor
CPE management tasks 17

Delete CPEs

Use this function to delete unneeded CPEs from the system. Use one of the methods below.
CAUTION: When a CPE is deleted, all records related to the CPE are deleted from the database,
and cannot be recovered.
Method 1
1. Select the Service tab, and click Resource > All CPEs in the BIMS navigation tree to display the All CPEs list page.
2. Select the checkboxes of one or more CPE, click Delete, and view the dialog box prompting you to confirm or cancel the task.
3. Click OK.
Method 2
1. Select he Service tab, and click Resource > All CPEs in the BIMS navigation tree to display the All CPEs list page.
2. Click a CPE name in the CPE list to display its information page.
3. Click Delete in the right action pane, or click , and view the dialog box prompting you to confirm or cancel the task.
4. Click OK.

Synchronize CPEs

Use this function to delete unneeded CPEs from the system. Use one of the methods below.
NOTE: The synchronization operation gets the information directly from the CPE, and may take
several minutes.
Method 1
1. Select the Service tab, and click Resource > All CPEs in the BIMS navigation tree to display
2. Select the checkboxes of one or more CPE.
3. Click Synchronize.
Method 2
1. Select the Service tab, and click Resource > All CPEs in the BIMS navigation tree to display
2. Click a CPE name in the CPE list to display its information page.
3. Click Synchronize in the right configuration pane to synchronize the CPE.

IP ping test

The IP Ping test assesses the connectivity between the selected server and the CPE. Use one of the methods below.
NOTE: If you select CPEs on the All CPEs page to perform an IP ping test, the CPE list on the IP
Ping Test page does not contain the NAT CPEs.
the All CPEs list page.
the All CPEs list page.
Method 1
1. Select the Service tab, and click Resource > All CPEs in the BIMS navigation tree to display the All CPEs list page.
2. Select one or more CPE, and then click IP Ping Test to display the IP Ping Test page.
3. Set IP ping parameters, and click Test.
18 Resource management
Method 2
1. Select the Service tab, and click Resource > All CPEs in the BIMS navigation tree to display the All CPEs list page.
2. Select one or more CPE, and then click IP Ping Test to display the IP Ping Test page .
3. Set IP ping parameters, and click Test in the right configuration pane to run the test.
Method 3
1. Select the Service tab, and click Resource > All CPEs in the BIMS navigation tree to display the All CPEs list page.
2. Click a CPE name to display the information page for the selected CPE.
3. Click the IP Ping Test link at the right configuration pane to display the IP Ping Test page.
4. Set IP ping parameters, and click Test.
Method 4
1. Select the Service tab, and click Resource > All CPEs in the BIMS navigation tree to display the All CPEs list page.
2. Click of a CPE group to enter its subgroup/CPE list page. If there are CPEs, click the icon of a CPE in the Operation column and select IP Ping Test to
display the IP Ping Test page.
3. Set IP ping parameters, and click Test.
Method 5
1. Select the Service tab, and click Resource > Batch Operate in the BIMS navigation tree to display the Batch Operate page.
2. Click IP Ping Test to display the IP Ping Test page.
3. Set IP ping parameters, select the CPEs to be tested, and then click Test.

Open Web Manager

This function allows you to open the CPE Web Manager. Use one of the methods below.
NOTE: The CPE must support web service functionality, and have this functionality enabled.
Method 1
1. Select the Service tab, and click Resource > All CPEs in the BIMS navigation tree to display the All CPEs list page.
2. Click in the Operation column for the target CPE, and select Open Web Manager.
Method 2
1. Select the Service tab, and click Resource > All CPEs in the BIMS navigation tree to display the All CPEs list page.
2. Click the name link of the target CPE.
3. Click Open Web Manager in the right configuration pane.

View CPE details

This function allows you to view CPE details.
1. Select the Service tab, and click Resource > All CPEs in the BIMS navigation tree to display the All CPEs list page.
CPE management tasks 19
2. Click a CPE name in the CPE list to display the page containing the CPE details, including:
CPE Details
action pane to view the latest information of the CPE
Modify CPE Name
Unrecovered Alarms
to query the alarms of the level for the CPE on the all alarms page.
Recent 10 Unrecovered Alarms
corresponding Alarm Details to see them.
Configuration Management
Shortcuts for Configuring and Operating the CPE
refreshing, deleting, and IP ping test. The configurations include modifying the CPE name, modifying the CPE configuration, modifying the access parameters, data model, WAN
DSL link, WAN IP connection, WAN PPP connection, remote reboot, and factory reset.
: Detailed information about the CPE in the system. Click Refresh in the right

Modify the polling interval

Use this function to modify the polling interval.
1. Select the Service tab, and click Resource > All CPEs in the BIMS navigation tree to display the All CPEs list page.
2. Click a CPE name in the CPE list to display the page containing the CPE details.
3. Click Modify Polling Interval in the right configuration pane to display the page for modifying the polling interval.
4. Configure the polling interval.
5. Click OK.
: Click Edit in the right of the CPE name to modify the CPE name.
: Shows the distribution of unrecovered alarms. Click an alarm level
: Shows the 10 most recent unrecovered alarms. Click
: Shows the CPE configuration information.
: The actions include synchronization,

Modify the access parameters

Use this function to modify the access parameters.
1. Select the Service tab, and click Resource > All CPEs in the BIMS navigation tree to display the All CPEs list page.
2. Click a CPE name in the CPE list to display the page containing the CPE details.
3. Click Modify Access Parameters in the right configuration pane to display the page for modifying the access parameters.
4. Enter the connection request username and connection request password.
5. Click OK.

View and modify CPE configuration

Use this function to view and modify the configuration of the connection between the selected CPE and the ACS, such as the URL, username, and password. If you select a virtual CPE, you can view and modify the OUI and serial ID of the CPE.
1. Select the Service tab, and click Resource > All CPEs in the BIMS navigation tree to display the All CPEs list page.
2. Click a CPE name in the CPE list to display the page containing the CPE details.
3. Click Modify CPE Configuration in the right configuration pane to display the page for modifying the CPE configuration. If you selected a virtual CPE in the previous step, the Modify CPE Configuration dialog box displays.
4. Modify the CPE configuration.
5. Click OK.
20 Resource management

Modify file transfer type

This function allows you to modify the protocol, HTTP or HTTPS, used for transferring files between the specified CPE and the BIMS server. The default protocol is HTTP.
1. Select the Service tab, and click Resource > All CPEs in the BIMS navigation tree to display the All CPEs list page.
2. Click a CPE name in the CPE list to display the page containing the CPE details.
3. If the CPE uses HTTPS to access BIMS, a Modify File Transfer Type link is provided in the right configuration pane. Click the link to launch the Modify File Transfer Type dialog box.
4. Select HTTP or HTTPS as the transfer type.
5. Click OK.

Data model

Use this function to view and configure the properties and parameters of the data nodes supported by the CPE.
1. Select the Service tab, and click Resource > All CPEs in the BIMS navigation tree to display the All CPEs list page.
2. Click a CPE name in the CPE list to display the page containing the CPE details.
3. Click Data Model in the right configuration pane, and the data model window displays.
4. Select one or more nodes from the data model tree. Right-click to display the options. Select
Get Parameter Values, Set Parameter Values, Get Parameter Attributes, or Set Parameter Attributes for the selected nodes.
5. Select one node from the data model tree. Right-click to display the options, and select Properties to see the properties of the node.

WAN IP connection management

This module allows you to manage the WAN IP connection of the selected device. You can query
WAN IP connections, view WAN IP connection details, add or modify WAN IP connections, and delete WAN IP connections.
The following parameters can be specified in managing WAN IP connections:
Enable Status
Connection Type
IP_Routed, and IP_Bridged.
Auto Disconnection Time
for this period of time, in seconds. This time is an unsigned integer and 0 indicates that the CPE does not cut the connection automatically.
Idle Disconnection Time
this period of time, in seconds. This time is an unsigned integer and 0 indicates that the CPE does not cut the connection automatically.
NAT Enable
Address Type
including DHCP and Static.
External IP Address
Subnet Mask
can be configured only when the
: Connection status, enabled or disabled. The default is Disable.
: Select the values of the connection instance, including Unconfigured,
: The CPE disconnects the connection after the connection is established
: The CPE disconnects the connection after the connection is idle for
: Indicates whether NAT is enabled or not.
: Method for assigning an IP address to the WAN-side interface of the connection,
: External IP address to be used by NAT.
: The configuration of the subnet mask of the WAN-side interface. This parameter
Address Type
is Static.
Default Gateway
when the
: IP address of the default gateway. This parameter can be configured only
Address Type
is Static.
CPE management tasks 21
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