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ClusterPack V2.5 Release Note
ClusterPack V2.5 Release Note
This release note describes the release of ClusterPack V2.5.
NOTEClusterPack V2.5 supports both HP-UX 11iv2 and HP-UX 11iv3. The cluster
operating system should be the same for the management server and all
Compute Nodes. Mixing HP-UX 11iv2 and HP-UX 11iv3 within the same
cluster is not supported.
ClusterPack is a powerful clustering software technology that provides a centralized and
comprehensive cluster management solution: cluster setup and installation, system
administration workload management, and system inventory/consistency.
The core components of ClusterPack V2.5 are:
•ClusterPack Online Tutorial
•HP Cluster Management Utility Zone V2.5
•HP Application ReStart (AppRS) V2.5
ClusterPack V2.5 Release Note
What’s in This Version
What’s in This Version
Manageability is one of the key considerations in cluster technology. ClusterPack V2.5
provides several benefits to system management.
•Reduces time and effort spent on repetitive tasks
•Reduces overhead associated with maintaining system configurations, software updates,
and user management
•Maintains similar or identical configurations of nodes (or groups of nodes) in a cluster
•Provides proactive problem detection
•Provides flexibility and extensibility
Platforms Supported
ClusterPack V2.5 is available on HP Integrity Servers running either HP-UX 11iv2 Technical
Computing Operating Environment (TCOE) or HP-UX 11iv3 TCOE as the management
server and compute servers. It supports industry-standard Ethernet and InfiniBand as the
cluster interconnect. It also provides console management via the on-board management
processor on HP Integrity Servers.
New features for ClusterPack V2.5 include:
•New command line utility for cluster power management (clpower)
•New command line utility to manage system file customizations on Compute Nodes
•Integration with HP system management tools
•Flexible configurations
•Utilities to preserve system file customizations during cloning
•Support for non-intrusive Compute Node addition and deletion
•Removal of key configuration restrictions
ClusterPack V2.5 Release Note
What’s in This Version
•Easy upgrade path from supported ClusterPack versions.
•Improvements to the online tutorial
New command line utility for cluster power management (clpower)
This utility performs multiple power operation on Compute Nodes using the Management
Processor interface. System administrators will be able to use this utility to turn the power on
and off, turn the indicator lights on and off, and inquire about the power status of Compute
New command line utility to manage system file customizations on Compute Nodes
This utility creates and manages customizations to system files for installation on Compute
Nodes. This allows system administrators to preserve customizations across Golden Image
cloning operations.
Integration with HP system management tools
ClusterPack configures and performs basic integration with HP Systems Insight Manager
(HP SIM) if it is installed on the Management Server.
Flexible configurations
The following services are now optional:
•Integration with other HP system management tools
•Secondary DNS servers
Utilities to preserve system file customizations during cloning
This utility packages files for installation on Compute Nodes during a cloning operation. Files
are created on the Management Server, and packaged into an SD bundle. The resulting file
bundle can be associated with a Golden Image. During a cloning operation, the file bundle will
be automatically installed on the Compute Nodes. Multiple file bundles can be maintained, for
use with multiple Golden Images. The file bundles can be manually installed on a given
Compute Node. Removing the file bundle will restore the original files to the Compute Node.
ClusterPack V2.5 Release Note
What’s in This Version
Support for non-intrusive Compute Node addition and deletion
The Compute Nodes in the cluster that are not candidates for addition or removal will not be
touched during these operations. Jobs can continue to run on those nodes while these
operations are being performed.
Removal of key configuration restrictions
ClusterPack now has the ability to configure cluster networking with just the management
LAN. It also now works in NIS and non-NIS environments.
Easy upgrade path from supported ClusterPack versions
ClusterPack V2.5 supports the upgrade for existing customers using supported versions of
ClusterPack V2.3 or V2.4. ClusterPack V2.5 provides a toolset to retain the configuration
settings from a ClusterPack V2.3 or ClusterPack V2.4 cluster.
See “Upgrading from V2.4 to V2.5” on page 36 or “Upgrading from V2.3 to V2.5” on page 38
for detailed instructions on how to upgrade from either V2.3 or V2.4 to V2.5.
Improvements to the online tutorial
The ClusterPack online tutorial now includes a QuickStart Installation Guide for experienced
HP-UX system administrators. Comprehensive installation instructions are also provided
with detailed directions for installation and for the use of Golden Images.
ClusterPack V2.5 Release Note
Known Problems and Workarounds
Known Problems and Workarounds
•ClusterPack V2.5 does not support secure shell ssh.
•Giving clsh an unknown node name will cause the application to terminate.
•The InfiniBand drivers are not active following a Golden Image installation of a Compute
Node. The IB4X-00 driver bundle can be swcopy'd to the ClusterPack depot
/var/opt/clusterpack/depot. If the InfiniBand drivers are in that depot,
compute_config will offer the user an option to re-install the drivers on the Compute
Nodes. Installation of the InfiniBand drivers will cause the Compute Nodes to reboot.
•If the Management Server IP address is changed, System Images will not install on
Compute Nodes. Re-running sysimage_register for each image will correct the problem
and allow the System Images to be installed on the Compute Nodes.
ClusterPack V2.5 Release Note
QuickStart Install Instructions
QuickStart Install Instructions
If you have installed ClusterPack before, follow the instructions in this section as a quick
reminder. Refer to “Comprehensive Install Instructions” on page 13 for detailed instructions.
If you have not installed ClusterPack before, use the Comprehensive Install Instructions
section instead. This QuickStart Guide does NOT cover the use of Golden Images. If you wish
to use Golden Images, use the Comprehensive Install Instructions section instead.
IMPORTANT If you perform these steps out of order or omit steps, your installation will leave
your systems in an unknown and non-deterministic state.
Step 1. Fill Out the ClusterPack Installation Worksheet
To help you collect the information needed for the installation, you may print a
worksheet from <DVD mount point>/CPACK-HELP/Tutorials/opt/clusterpack/share/help/ohs/docs/cpack_worksheet.pdf. Fill out all the information for each
node in your cluster.
NOTEYou will not be able to complete the following steps if you have not
collected all of this information.
Step 2. Install Prerequisites
The installation prerequisites for ClusterPack are important. You should read and
understand all the prerequisites for ClusterPack installation before beginning the
cluster setup.
ClusterPack v2.5 can be used with either HP-UX 11iv2 or HP-UX 11iv3. The
version of the operating system on the cluster must be the same for the
management server, and all the Compute Nodes.
For HP-UX 11iv2
Install the following software on the Management Server.
•HP-UX 11iv2 TCOE
•HP-UX 11i Ignite-UX (B5725AA)
Install the following software on each Compute Node.
ClusterPack V2.5 Release Note
QuickStart Install Instructions
•HP-UX 11iv2 TCOE
•HP-UX 11i Ignite-UX (B5725AA)
For HP-UX 11iv3
Install the following software on the Management Server.
•HP-UX 11iv3 TCOE
•HP-UX 11i Ignite-UX (IGNITE)
Install the following software on each Compute Node.
•HP-UX 11iv3 TCOE
•HP-UX 11i Ignite-UX (IGNITE)
Allow the default choices to install.
ClusterPack requires a homogeneous operating system environment. That is, all
Compute Nodes and the Management Server must have the same release of HP-UX
installed as well as the same operating environment.
The Management Server requires at least one LAN connection. The manager must
be able to contact all the Compute Nodes using a "management network" that will
be configured by ClusterPack. In addition, the management server must be able to
connect to all the MP cards on the Compute Nodes. No network connections need to
be configured before installing ClusterPack. The console interface can be used for
all installation and configuration steps.
The Compute Nodes must have Management Processor (MP) cards.
ClusterPack depends on certain open source software which is normally installed as
a part of the operating environment. The minimum release versions required are:
HP-UX 11iv2
•Perl Version 5.8 or higher
HP-UX 11iv3
•Perl Version 5.8 or higher
Step 3. Allocate File System Space
Allocate file system space on the Management Server. Minimum requirements are
listed below.
ClusterPack V2.5 Release Note
QuickStart Install Instructions
HP-UX 11iv2
•/var - 4GB
•/opt - 4GB
HP-UX 11iv3
•/var - 8GB
•/opt - 4GB
Step 4. Obtain a License File
•Get the Host ID number of the Management Server.
•Contact Hewlett-Packard Licensing Services to redeem your license certificates.
•If you purchased the ClusterPack Base Edition, redeem the Base Edition
license certificate.
NOTEIt may take up to 24 hours to receive the license file. Plan
Step 5. Prepare Hardware Access
Get a serial console cable long enough to reach all the Compute Nodes from the
Management Server.
NOTEIf you are installing ClusterPack on Compute Nodes for the first
DO NOT power up the systems. ClusterPack will do that for you
automatically. If you do accidentally power the compute nodes,
NOT answer the HP-UX boot questions.
Step 6. Power Up the Management Server
Perform a normal boot process for the Management Server.
Step 7. Configure the ProCurve Switch
•Select an IP address from the same IP subnet that will be used for the Compute
•Connect a console to the switch.
•Log onto the switch through the console.
•Type set up.
•Select IP Config and select the manual option.
•Select the IP address field and enter the IP address to be used for the switch.
Step 8. Copy the License Files to the Management Server
•Put the files in any convenient directory on the Management Server (e.g. /tmp).
Step 9. Install ClusterPack on the Management Server
•Mount and register the ClusterPack DVD as a software depot.
•Install the ClusterPack Manager software (CPACK-MGR) using swinstall.
•Leave the DVD in the DVD drive for the next step.
Step 10. Run manager_config on the Management Server
Provide the following information to the manager_config program:
•The path to the license file(s)
ClusterPack V2.5 Release Note
QuickStart Install Instructions
•The DNS domain and NIS domain for the cluster
•The host name of the manager and the name of the cluster
•The cluster LAN interface on the Management Server
•The IP address(es) of the Compute Node(s)
•Whether to mount a home directory
•Whether to configure HP SIM software
Step 11. Run mp_register on the Management Server
Provide the following information to the mp_register program about each
Management card that is connected to a Compute Node:
•IP address
•Gateway IP address
•username and password to connect
ClusterPack V2.5 Release Note
QuickStart Install Instructions
Step 12. Power Up the Compute Nodes
Use the clbootnodes program to power up all Compute Nodes that have a
connected Management Processor that you specified in the previous step. Provide
the following information to the Compute Nodes:
•Language to use
•Host name
•Time and time zone settings
•Network configuration
•Root password
Step 13. Run compute_config on the Management Server
The compute_config program will register the nodes with various programs.
Step 14. Run finalize_config on the Management Server
This program completes the installation and configuration process, verifies the
Cluster Management Software, and validates the installation. If it reports
diagnostic error messages, repeat the installation process, performing all steps in
the order specified.
ClusterPack V2.5 Release Note
Comprehensive Install Instructions
Comprehensive Install Instructions
ClusterPack uses a two-stage process for setting up an HP-UX cluster.
1. Create a base configuration with a Management Server and one Compute Node.
a. Prepare for installation.
b. Install and configure the Management Server.
c.Install and configure the initial Compute Node and its Management Processor.
d. Verify the Management Server and the initial Compute Node.
2. Configure the remaining Compute Nodes with a Golden Image.
a. Create a Golden Image.
b. Add nodes to the configuration that will receive the Golden Image.
c.Distribute the Golden Image to the remaining nodes.
d. Install and configure the Compute Nodes that received the Golden Image.
e. Verify the final cluster configuration.
These processes are further broken down into a number of detailed steps. Each step contains
the following sections:
The Background section explains why this step is necessary and what will be done for you.
The Overview section explains what this step entails in general terms. The Details section
gives the exact commands that must be entered.
IMPORTANT The steps in this section must be followed in the specified order to ensure that
everything works correctly. Please read all of the following steps BEFORE
beginning the installation process.
Step 1. Fill Out the ClusterPack Installation Worksheet
ClusterPack V2.5 Release Note
Comprehensive Install Instructions
ClusterPack simplifies the creation and administration of a cluster of HP Integrity
Servers running HP-UX by automating the collection, recording, and distribution of
information about the systems in a network. The system administrator must still
make decisions about how to identify and secure those network components. All of
these decisions can be recorded on this form which is then used as the installation
process is performed.
Print out this form and fill out all the information for each node in your cluster.
<DVD mount point>/CPACK-HELP/Tutorials/opt/clusterpack/
NOTEYou will not be able to complete the following steps if you have not
collected all of this information.
At various points during the configuration you will be queried for the following
•DNS Domain name (e.g.
•NIS Domain name (e.g. hpcluster) Optional
•Network Connectivity:
— Information on which network cards in each Compute Node connect to the
Management Server
— Information on which network card in the Management Server connects to
the Compute Node
•HP SIM Administrator password (You will be asked to set it).
Step 2. Install Prerequisites
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