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opSpecifies the accumulation buffer operation. Symbolic constants
valueSpecifies a floating-point value used in the accumulation buffer
operation. op determines how value is used.
The accumulation buffer is an extended-range color buffer. Images are not rendered into
it. Rather, images rendered into one of the color buffers are added to the contents of the
accumulation buffer after rendering. Effects such as anti-aliasing (of points, lines, and
polygons), motion blur, and depth of field can be created by accumulating images
generated with different transformation matrices.
Each pixel in the accumulation buffer consists of red, green, blue, and alpha values. The
number of bits per component in the accumulation buffer depends on the
implementation. You can examine this number by calling glGetIntegerv four times, with
Regardless of the number of bits per component, the range of values stored by each
component is [- 1, 1]. The accumulation buffer pixels are mapped one-to-one with frame
buffer pixels.
glAccum operates on the accumulation buffer. The first argument, op, is a symbolic
constant that selects an accumulation buffer operation. The second argument, value,isa
floating-point value to be used in that operation. Five operations are specified:
All accumulation buffer operations are limited to the area of the current scissor box and
applied identically to the red, green, blue, and alpha components of each pixel. If a
glAccum operation results in a value outside the range [- 1, 1], the contents of an
accumulation buffer pixel component are undefined.
The operations are as follows:
GL_ACCUMObtains R, G, B, and A values from the buffer currently selected for
reading (see glReadBuffer).
Chapter 1
Each component value is divided by 2n -1, where n is the number of
bits allocated to each color component in the currently selected buffer.
The result is a floating-point value in the range [0, 1], which is
multiplied by value and added to the corresponding pixel component in
the accumulation buffer, thereby updating the accumulation buffer.
GL_LOADSimilar to GL_ACCUM, except that the current value in the
accumulation buffer is not used in the calculation of the new value.
That is, the R, G,B, and A values from the currently selected buffer are
divided by 2n - 1, multiplied by value, and then stored in the
corresponding accumulation buffer cell, overwriting the current value.
GL_ADDAdds value to each R, G, B, and A in the accumulation buffer.
GL_MULTMultiplies each R, G,B, and A in the accumulation buffer by value and
returns the scaled component to its corresponding accumulation buffer
GL_RETURNTransfers accumulation buffer values to the color buffer or buffers
currently selected for writing. Each R, G, B, and A component is
multiplied by value, then multiplied by 2n- 1, clamped to the range [0,
2n - 1], and stored in the corresponding display buffer cell. The only
fragment operations that are applied to this transfer are pixel
ownership, scissor, dithering, and color writemasks.
To clear the accumulation buffer, call glClearAccum with R, G, B, and A values to set it
to, then call glClear with the accumulation buffer enabled.
Only pixels within the current scissor box are updated by a glAccum operation.
•GL_INVALID_ENUM is generated if op is not an accepted value.
•GL_INVALID_OPERATION is generated if there is no accumulation buffer.
•GL_INVALID_OPERATION is generated if glAccum is executed between the
execution of glBegin and the corresponding execution of glEnd.
Associated Gets
glGet with argument GL_ACCUM_RED_BITS
glGet with argument GL_ACCUM_GREEN_BITS
glGet with argument GL_ACCUM_BLUE_BITS
GL_NOTEQUAL, GL_GEQUAL, and GL_ALWAYS are accepted. The
initial value is GL_ALWAYS.
refSpecifies the reference value that incoming alpha values are compared
to. This value is clamped to the range 0 through 1, where 0 represents
the lowest possible alpha value and 1 the highest possible value. The
initial reference value is 0.
The alpha test discards fragments depending on the outcome of a comparison between
an incoming fragment’s alpha value and a constant reference value.
glAlphaFunc specifies the reference value and the comparison function. The comparison
is performed only if alpha testing is enabled. By default, it is not enabled. (See glEnable
and glDisable of GL_ALPHA_TEST.)
func and ref specify the conditions under which the pixel is drawn. The incoming alpha
value is compared to ref using the function specified by func. If the value passes the
comparison, the incoming fragment is drawn if it also passes subsequent stencil and
depth buffer tests. If the value fails the comparison, no change is made to the frame
buffer at that pixel location. The comparison functions are as follows:
GL_NEVERNever passes.
GL_LESSPasses if the incoming alpha value is less than the reference value.
GL_EQUALPasses if the incoming alpha value is equal to the reference value.
GL_LEQUALPassesif the incoming alpha value is less than or equal to the reference
GL_GREATERPasses if the incoming alpha value is greater than the reference value.
GL_NOTEQUAL Passes if the incoming alpha value is not equal to the reference value.
GL_GEQUALPasses if the incoming alpha value is greater than or equal to the
reference value.
Chapter 1
GL_ALWAYSAlways passes (initial value).
glAlphaFunc operates on all pixel write operations, including those resulting from the
scan conversion of points, lines, polygons, and bitmaps, and from pixel draw and copy
operations. glAlphaFunc does not affect screen-clear operations.
Alpha testing is performed only in RGBA mode.
•GL_INVALID_ENUM is generated if func is not an accepted value.
•GL_INVALID_OPERATION is generated if glAlphaFunc is executed between the
execution of glBegin and the corresponding execution of glEnd.
Associated Gets
glGet with argument GL_ALPHA_TEST_FUNC
glGet with argument GL_ALPHA_TEST_REF
glAreaTexturesResident: determine if textures are loaded in texture memory.
C Specification
GLboolean glAreTexturesResident(
GLsizei n,
const GLuint *textures,
GLboolean *residences)
nSpecifies the number of textures to be queried.
texturesSpecifies an array containing the names of the textures to be queried.
residencesSpecifies an array in which the texture residence status is returned.
The residence status of a texture named by an element of textures is
returned in the corresponding element of residences.
GL establishes a “working set” of textures that are resident in texture memory. These
textures can be bound to a texture target much more efficiently than textures that are
not resident.
glAreTexturesResident queries the texture residence status of the n textures named by
the elements of textures. If all the named textures are resident, glAreTexturesResident
returns GL_TRUE, and the contents of residences are undisturbed. If not all the named
textures are resident, glAreTexturesResident returns GL_FALSE, and detailed status is
returned in the n elements of residences. If an element of residences is GL_TRUE, then
the texture named by the corresponding element of textures is resident.
The residence status of a single bound texture may also be queried by calling
glGetTexParameter with the target argument set to the target to which the texture is
bound, and the p_name argument set to GL_TEXTURE_RESIDENT. This is the only
way that the residence status of a default texture can be queried.
glAreTexturesResident is available only if the GL version is 1.1 or greater.
glAreTexturesResident returns the residency status of the textures at the time of
invocation. It does not guarantee that the textures will remain resident at any other
If textures reside in virtual memory (there is no texture memory), they are considered
always resident.
Chapter 1
Some implementations may not load a texture until the first use of that texture.
•GL_INVALID_VALUE is generated if n is negative.
•GL_INVALID_VALUE is generated if any element in textures is 0 or does not name a
•GL_INVALID_OPERATION is generated if glAreTexturesResident is executed
Associated Gets
glGetTexParameter with parameter name GL_TEXTURE_RESIDENT retrieves the
residence status of a currently bound texture.
texture. In that case, the function returns GL_FALSE and the contents of residences
is indeterminate.
between the execution of glBegin and the corresponding execution of glEnd.
Chapter 1
glArrayElement: render a vertex using the specified vertex array element.
C Specification
void glArrayElement(
GLint i)
iSpecifies an index into the enabled vertex data arrays.
glArrayElement commands are used within glBegin/glEnd pairs to specify vertex and
attribute data for point, line, and polygon primitives. If GL_VERTEX_ARRAY is enabled
when glArrayElement is called, a single vertex is drawn, using vertex and attribute data
taken from location i of the enabled arrays. If GL_VERTEX_ARRAY is not enabled, no
drawing occurs but the attributes corresponding to the enabled arrays are modified.
Use glArrayElement to construct primitives by indexing vertex data, rather than by
streaming through arrays of data in first-to-last order. Because each call specifies only a
single vertex, it is possible to explicitly specify per-primitive attributes such as a single
normal per individual triangle.
Changes made to array data between the execution of glBegin and the corresponding
execution of glEnd may affect calls to glArrayElement that are made within the same
glBegin/glEnd period in non-sequential ways. That is, a call to glArrayElement that
precedes a change to array data may access the changed data, and a call that follows a
change to array data may access original data.
glArrayElement is available only if the GL version is 1.1 or greater.
glArrayElement is included in display lists. If glArrayElement is entered into a display
list, the necessary array data (determined by the array pointers and enables) is also
entered into the display list. Because the array pointers and enables are client-side
state, their values affect display lists when the lists are created, not when the lists are
glBegin, glEnd: delimit the vertices of a primitive or a group of like primitives.
C Specification
void glBegin(
GLenum mode)
void glEnd(void)
modeSpecifies the primitive or primitives that will be created from vertices
presented between glBegin and the subsequent glEnd. Ten symbolic
constants are accepted:
glBegin and glEnd delimit the vertices that define a primitive or a group of like
primitives. glBegin accepts a single argument that specifies in which of ten ways the
vertices are interpreted. Taking n as an integer count starting at one, and n as the total
number of vertices specified, the interpretations are as follows:
GL_POINTSTreats each vertex as a single point. Vertex n defines point n. n points
are drawn.
GL_LINESTreats each pair of vertices as an independent line segment. Vertices
2n - 1 and 2n define line n. n/2 lines are drawn.
Draws a connected group of line segments from the first vertex to the
last. n - 1 lines are drawn.
Draws a connected group of line segments from the first vertex to the
last, then back to the first. Vertices n and n+1 define line n. The last
line, however, is defined by vertices n and 1. n lines are drawn.
Treats each triplet of vertices as an independent triangle. Vertices 3n-
2, 3n - 1, and 3n define triangle n. n/3 triangles are drawn.
Draws a connected group of triangles. One triangle is defined for each
vertex presented after the first two vertices. For odd n, vertices n, n+1,
and n+2 define triangle n. For even n, vertices n+1, n, and n+2 define
triangle n. n2 triangles are drawn.
Chapter 2
Draws a connected group of triangles. One triangle is defined for each
vertex presented after the first two vertices. Vertices 1, n+1, and n+2
define triangle n. n - 2 triangles are drawn.
Treats each group of four vertices as an independent quadrilateral.
Vertices 4n - 3, 4n - 2, 4n - 1, and 4n define quadrilateral n. n/4
quadrilaterals are drawn.
Draws a connected group of quadrilaterals. One quadrilateral is
defined for each pair of vertices presented after the first pair. Vertices
2n -1, 2n, 2n+2, and 2n+1 define quadrilateral n. n/21 quadrilaterals
are drawn. Note that the order in which vertices are used to construct
a quadrilateral from strip data is different from that used with
independent data.
Draws a single, convex polygon. Vertices 1 through n define this
Only a subset of GL commands can be used between glBegin and glEnd. The commands
are glVertex, glColor, glIndex, glNormal, glTexCoord, glEvalCoord, glEvalPoint,
glArrayElement, glMaterial, and glEdgeFlag. Also, it is acceptable to use glCallList or
glCallLists to execute display lists that include only the preceding commands. If any
other GL command is executed between glBegin and glEnd, the error flag is set and the
command is ignored.
Regardless of the value chosen for mode, there is no limit to the number of vertices that
can be defined between glBegin and glEnd. Lines,triangles, quadrilaterals, and polygons
that are incompletely specified are not drawn. Incomplete specification results when
either too few vertices are provided to specify even a single primitive or when an
incorrect multiple of vertices is specified. The incomplete primitive is ignored; the rest
are drawn.
The minimum specification of vertices for each primitive is as follows: 1 for a point, 2 for
a line, 3 for a triangle, 4 for a quadrilateral, and 3 for a polygon. Modes that require a
certain multiple of vertices are GL_LINES (2), GL_TRIANGLES (3), GL_QUADS (4),
and GL_QUAD_STRIP (2).
•GL_INVALID_ENUM is generated if mode is set to an unaccepted value.
•GL_INVALID_OPERATION is generated if glBegin is executed between a glBegin
and the corresponding execution of glEnd.
•GL_INVALID_OPERATION is generated if glEnd is executed without being
preceded by a glBegin.
•GL_INVALID_OPERATION is generated if a command other than glVertex, glColor,
glIndex, glNormal, glTexCoord, glEvalCoord, glEvalPoint, glArrayElement,
glMaterial, glEdgeFlag, glCallList, or glCallLists is executed between the execution
of glBegin and the corresponding execution glEnd.
Chapter 2
Execution of glEnableClientState, glDisableClientState, glEdgeFlagPointer,
glTexCoordPointer, glColorPointer, glIndexPointer, glNormalPointer, glVertexPointer,
glInterleavedArrays, or glPixelStore is not allowed after a call to glBegin and before the
corresponding call to glEnd, but an error may or may not be generated.
gluBeginCurve, gluEndCurve: delimit a NURBS curve definition.
C Specification
void gluBeginCurve(
GLUnurbs* nurb)
void gluEndCurve(
GLUnurbs* nurb)
nurbSpecifies the NURBS object (created with gluNewNurbsRenderer).
Use gluBeginCurve to mark the beginning of a NURBS curve definition. After calling
gluBeginCurve, make one or more calls to gluNurbsCurve to define the attributes of the
curve. Exactly one of the calls to gluNurbsCurve must have a curve type of
GL_MAP1_VERTEX_3 or GL_MAP1_VERTEX_4. To mark the end of the NURBS curve
definition, call gluEndCurve.
GL evaluators are used to render the NURBS curve as a series of line segments.
Evaluator state is preserved during rendering with glPushAttrib(GL_EVAL_BIT) and
glPopAttrib().See the glPushAttrib reference page for details on exactly what state these
gluBeginPolygon, gluEndPolygon: delimit a polygon description.
C Specification
void gluBeginPolygon(
GLUtesselator* tess)
void gluEndPolygon(
GLUtesselator* tess)
tess Specifies the tessellation object (created with gluNewTess).
gluBeginPolygon and gluEndPolygon delimit the definition of a nonconvex polygon. To
define such a polygon, first call gluBeginPolygon. Then define the contours of the polygon
by calling gluTessVertex for each vertex and gluNextContour to start each new contour.
Finally, call gluEndPolygon to signal the end of the definition. See the gluTessVertex and
gluNextContour reference pages for more details.
Once gluEndPolygon is called, the polygon is tessellated, and the resulting triangles are
described through callbacks. See gluTessCallback for descriptions of the callback
This command is obsolete and is provided for backward compatibility only. Calls to
gluBeginPolygon are mapped to gluTessBeginPolygon followed by gluTessBeginContour.
Calls to gluEndPolygon are mapped to gluTessEndContour followed by
gluBeginSurface, gluEndSurface: delimit a NURBS surface definition.
C Specification
void gluBeginSurface(
GLUnurbs* nurb)
void gluEndSurface(
GLUnurbs* nurb)
nurbSpecifies the NURBS object (created with gluNewNurbsRenderer).
Use gluBeginSurface to mark the beginning of a NURBS surface definition. After calling
gluBeginSurface, make one or more calls to gluNurbsSurface to define the attributes of
the surface. Exactly one of these calls to gluNurbsSurface must have a surface type of
GL_MAP2_VERTEX_3 or GL_MAP2_VERTEX_4. To mark the end of the NURBS
surface definition, call gluEndSurface.
Trimming of NURBS surfaces is supported with gluBeginTrim, gluPwlCurve,
gluNurbsCurve, andgluEndTrim. See the gluBeginTrim reference page for details.
GL evaluators are used to render the NURBS surface as a set of polygons. Evaluator
state is preserved during rendering with glPushAttrib(GL_EVAL_BIT) and
glPopAttrib().See the glPushAttrib reference page for details on exactly what state these
gluBeginTrim, gluEndTrim: delimit a NURBS trimming loop definition.
C Specification
void gluBeginTrim(
GLUnurbs* nurb)
void gluEndTrim(
GLUnurbs* nurb)
nurbSpecifies the NURBS object (created with gluNewNurbsRenderer).
Use gluBeginTrim to mark the beginning of a trimming loop, and gluEndTrim to mark
the end of a trimming loop. A trimming loop is a set of oriented curve segments (forming
a closed curve) that define boundaries of a NURBS surface. You include these trimming
loops in the definition of a NURBS surface, between calls to gluBeginSurface and
The definition for a NURBS surface can contain many trimming loops. For example, if
you wrote a definition for a NURBS surface that resembled a rectangle with a hole
punched out, the definition would contain two trimming loops. One loop would define the
outer edge of the rectangle; the other would define the hole punched out of the rectangle.
The definitions of each of these trimming loops would be bracketed by a
gluBeginTrim/gluEndTrim pair.
The definition of a single closed trimming loop can consist of multiple curve segments,
each described as a piece wise linear curve (see gluPwlCurve) or as a single NURBS
curve (see gluNurbsCurve), or as a combination of both in any order. The only library
calls that can appear in a trimming loop definition (between the calls to gluBeginTrim
and gluEndTrim) are gluPwlCurve and gluNurbsCurve.
The area of the NURBS surface that is displayed is the region in the domain to the left of
the trimming curve as the curve parameter increases. Thus, the retained region of the
NURBS surface is inside a counterclockwise trimming loop and outside a clockwise
trimming loop. For the rectangle mentioned earlier, the trimming loop for the outer edge
of the rectangle runs counterclockwise, while the trimming loop for the punched-out hole
runs clockwise.
If you use more than one curve to define a single trimming loop, the curve segments
must form a closed loop (that is, the endpoint of each curve must be the starting point of
the next curve, and the endpoint of the final curve must be the starting point of the first
curve). If the endpoints of the curve are sufficiently close together but not exactly
coincident, they will be coerced to match. If the endpoints are not sufficiently close, an
error results (see gluNurbsCallback).
Chapter 2
If a trimming loop definition contains multiple curves, the direction of the curves must
be consistent (that is, the inside must be to the left of all of the curves). Nested trimming
loops are legal as long as the curve orientations alternate correctly. If trimming curves
are self-intersecting, or intersect one another, an error results.
If no trimming information is given for a NURBS surface, the entire surface is drawn.
glBindTexture: bind a named texture to a texture target.
C Specification
void glBindTexture(
GLenum target,
GLuint texture)
target Specifies the target to which the texture is bound. Must be either
GL_TEXTURE_1D or GL_TEXTURE_2D. Initially, both
GL_TEXTURE_1D and GL_TEXTURE_2D are bound to texture 0.
texture Specifies the name of a texture.
glBindTexture binds the texture named texture to the specified target. If the name does
not exist, it is created. target must be either GL_TEXTURE_1D or GL_TEXTURE_2D.
When a texture is bound to a target, the previous binding for that target is broken.
Texture names are unsigned integers. The value 0 is reserved to represent the default
texture for each texture target. glGenTextures may be used to generate a set of new
texture names.
When a texture is first bound, it assumes the dimensionality of its target: A texture first
bound to GL_TEXTURE_1D becomes one-dimensional and a texture first bound to
GL_TEXTURE_2D becomes two-dimensional. The state of a one-dimensional texture
immediately after it is first bound is equivalent to the state of the default
GL_TEXTURE_1D at GL initialization, and similarly for two-dimensional textures.
While a texture is bound, GL operations on the target to which it is bound affect the
bound texture, and queries of the target to which it is bound return state from the bound
texture. If texture mapping of the dimensionality of the target to which a texture is
bound is active, the bound texture is used. In effect, the texture targets become aliases
for the textures currently bound to them, and the texture name “0” refers to the default
textures that were bound to them at initialization.
A texture binding created with glBindTexture remains active until a different texture is
bound to the same target, or until the bound texture is deleted with glDeleteTextures.
When a bound texture is deleted, the default texture is bound to that target.
Once created, a named texture may be re-bound to the target of the matching
dimensionality as often as needed. It is usually much faster to use glBindTexture to bind
an existing named texture to one of the texture targets than it is to reload the texture
image using glTexImage1D or glTexImage2D. For additional control over performance,
use glPrioritizeTextures.
Chapter 2
glBindTexture is available only if the GL version is 1.1 or greater.
•GL_INVALID_ENUM is generated if target is not one of the allowable values.
• GL_INVALID_OPERATION is generated if texture has a dimensionality that
doesn’t match that of target.
•GL_INVALID_OPERATION is generated if glBindTexture is executed between the
execution of glBegin and the corresponding execution of glEnd.
Associated Gets
glGet with argument GL_TEXTURE_1D_BINDING
glGet with argument GL_TEXTURE_2D_BINDING
width, heightSpecify the pixel width and height of the bitmap image.
xorig, yorigSpecify the location of the origin in the bitmap image. The origin is
measured from the lower left corner of the bitmap, with right and up
being the positive axes.
xmove, ymoveSpecify the x and y offsets to be added to the current raster position
after the bitmap is drawn.
bitmap Specifies the address of the bitmap image.
A bitmap is a binary image. When drawn,the bitmap is positioned relative to the current
raster position, and frame buffer pixels corresponding to 1s in the bitmap are written
using the current raster color or index. Frame buffer pixels corresponding to 0s in the
bitmap are not modified.
glBitmap takes seven arguments. The first pair specifies the width and height of the
bitmap image. The second pair specifies the location of the bitmap origin relative to the
lower left corner of the bitmap image. The third pair of arguments specifies x and y
offsets to be added to the current raster position after the bitmap has been drawn. The
final argument is a pointer to the bitmap image itself.
The bitmap image is interpreted like image data for the glDrawPixels command, with
width and height corresponding to the width and height arguments of that command,
and with type set to GL_BITMAP and format set to GL_COLOR_INDEX.
Modes specified using glPixelStore affect the interpretation of bitmap image data; modes
specified using glPixelTransfer do not.
If the current raster position is invalid, glBitmap is ignored. Otherwise, the lower left
corner of the bitmap image is positioned at the window coordinates
xw =xr - x
yw = yr - y
Chapter 2
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