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Hewlett-Packard Company shall not be liable for technical or editorial errors or omissions contained herein or for
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The warranties for HP products are set forth in the express limited warranty statements accompanying such
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graphics administration guide
for HP-UX 11.X (IPF version)
First Edition (June 2003)
Documentation for each graphical application is provided by two manuals: one specific to the
application and this manual which provides information common to all of the applications. For
example, the primary user interface of the workstation is X Windows which is required whether
or not you use any 3D APIs. Because each API interacts with the X Server in the same way,
X Server information is provided in this guide.
document conventions
This table lists the typographical conventions used in this document:
Typographical Conventions
Typographical ConventionMeaning
mknod /usr/include
. . .the <device_id. . .>Conceptual values are in italic type, enclosed in angle
In every case... Emphasized words are in italics.
. . .device is a freen. . . New terms being introduced are in bold-faced type.
Verbatim computer literals are in computer font. Text in this
style is letter-for-letter verbatim and, depending on the
context, should be typed in exactly as specified, or is named
exactly as specified.
brackets. These items are not verbatim values, but are
descriptors of the type of item it is, and the user should
replace the conceptual item with whatever value is
appropriate for the context.
Graphics Administration Guide1–1
1–2Graphics Administration Guide
path names
This chapter contains information on locating files that reside in the file system.
finding files with “whence” and “whereis”
There are two main methods of finding commands if you know the name of the command you’re
looking for. The first method is to use the Korn shell command whence, which tells you where
a command resides. If you’re not using the Korn shell, you can use the system command
whereis. To use whence, enter:
$ whence mknod
The path for the command you’re looking for is returned:
The above approach has two limitations:
■Both whence and whereis only find executable files; that is, commands (both compiled
programs and shell scripts). whence and whereis do not find non-executable files, even
if they are in your PATH. To find nonexecutable files, use find, which is described in the
next section.
■The directory in which the command resides must be one of the entries in the PATH variable;
if it is not, it won’t be found. So in a sense, whence and whereis can only find things if
you tell them where to look. They are valuable when a command is in your PATH but you do
not remember where it is. Also, if you have two commands of the same name in two dif ferent
directories, whence and whereis tell you which one will be found first, and thus
finding files with “find”
The find command finds any file in your file system, executable or not. For example, to locate
an include file, you would execute:
$ find / -name ’<file_name>’
where <file_name> is the name of the file you’re looking for. In this example, “/” is the root
directory. If you specify the correct file name, and it is somewhere in the file system, the find
command will find it, though it make take a while. You can shorten the search time by including
a subdirectory. For example:
find /opt -name ’<file_name>’
searches only the /opt directory.
You also can specify a partial filename. The find command locates all files that contain a
specified substring in their names.
find has many other options for refining a search; see the man page for details.
Graphics Administration Guide2–1
path names
path names
/opt/graphics/OpenGL files
Utilities found in the OpenGL Utility Toolkit as
mentioned in the OpenGL Programming for the X Window System manual
contrib/libwidgetMotif widget library and source code
contrib/xglinfoUtility to print display and visual information for
OpenGL with the X Window system
demosSample OpenGL programs, including source code
docOpenGL documentation including reference pages
include/GLHeader files needed for OpenGL development
lbinRun-time executables
lib/hpux3232-bit run-time shared libraries
lib/hpux6464-bit run-time shared libraries
/usr/lib files
32-bit extension libraries needed to run OpenGL with
the X Server
64-bit extension libraries needed to run OpenGL with
the X Server
/opt/graphics/common/lib files
32-bit run-time shared libraries needed to run OpenGL
hpux6464-bit run-time shared libraries needed to run OpenGL
2–2Graphics Administration Guide
compiling your application
This chapter provides information for compiling your application using the OpenGL application
programming interface (API). Compiling examples are given for C.
compiling OpenGL applications
To compile a program that does not use the OpenGL utilities, use a makefile that looks like this:
All OEM graphics devices on HP-UX IPF systems use multiple kernel graphics drivers. These
kernel drivers include GVID (General VIDeo driver) and separate graphics DLKM (Dynamic
Loadable Kernel Modules). All DLKMs are loaded when needed, instead of being statically
linked into the kernel. This means that a new kernel does not need to be built every time a new
graphics module is needed. GVID is not a DLKM, but it is statically built into the kernel. GVID
is device-independent.
The usage of DLKMs is very different for the 11.22 version of HP-UX and subsequent versions
of HP-UX. Both versions of DLKMs are discussed in this section.
Like any other part of the system, there is the potential that the DLKMs become corrupted. There
are simple commands that allow you to determine if the DLKMs are functioning properly.
correctly configured 11.22 system
To determine if the DLKMs are loaded correctly on HP-UX 11.22 systems, run the command
/usr/sbin/kmadmin -s (as root). This displays the currently loaded/used DLKMs. The
DLKMs that you should see for a correctly configured graphics system are gvid_info, the DRM,
and the HIM (Hardware Init Module). For example, for an ATI FireGL X1 device, you should
verify that the following three modules are present (there may be other modules listed, bu t these
three are needed):
required DLKMs
The status of the drmfglrx and gvid_him_rad modules may be LOADED if you are currently
using the graphics device (for example, the X Server is running). If you do not see the above
modules listed, you may have to reload the modules.
3–2Graphics Administration Guide
correctly configured 11.23 and later system
To determine if the DLKMs are loaded correctly on HP-UX 11.23 and later systems, run the
command /usr/sbin/kcmodule -v -q <DLKM Name> (as root). This displays the
status of the specified DLKM. The DLKMs that you should look for in a correctly configured
graphics system included: gvid_info, the DRM, and the HRM. For example, for an ATI FireGL
X1 device, you should verify the following three modules are present: gvid_info, drmfglrx, and
gvid_him_rad. The output for the kcmodule command with each of these DLKMs would look
something like this:
DescriptionFireGL X1 3D DLKM
State at Next
Cause for Next
Capableunused loaded auto unloadable
Depends Oninterface HPUX_11_23:1.0.0
compiling your application
The status of the drmfglrx/gvid_him_rad modules may be loaded if you are currently using the
graphics device (for example, the X Server is running). If the kcmodule command returns an
error that it cannot find the specified DLKM with a message similar to:
Error: There are no modules matching the name you specified.
You may have to reload the modules. To see the complete name of all of the possible DLKMs,
see the following paragraphs.
To quickly determine if gvid is loaded and running correctly, run the cat command on the
/dev/gvid_info device f ile. This returns all of the v alid gvid de vice f iles (for example, /de v/gvid0,
/dev/gvid1, and so forth).
loading a graphics DLKM on HP-UX 11.22
All graphics DLKMs are loaded using the same commands. You must change into the directory
where the DLKM resides. This directory should contain three files:
The actual DLKM
The master file for configuring the DLKM
The system file for configuring the DLKM
Graphics Administration Guide3–3
compiling your application
After going into the proper directory, run the following commands as root. /usr/bin is
required in the path when running the config command. Even though the command may be
specified using the full path, config is relying on /usr/sbin being in the path when it tries to
execute the kmupdate command.
cd <DLKM directory>
/usr/sbin/kminstall -d <DLKM Name>
# See below for correct directory.
# See below for correct name.
You can check the kernel message buf fer to see if an y of these commands f ailed. As root, run the
command /etc/dmesg. As a reminder, the kmadmin command cannot be used to load the
DRM or the hw_init module. If used, the command will fail. Xf86 loads these modules when it
first starts.
loading a graphics DLKM on HP-UX 11.23 and later
All graphics DLKM s are loaded using the same commands. First change into the directory
where the DLKM resides. This directory should contain one file:
<DLKM Name>: The actual DLKM, this is listed below.
After you are in the proper directory, run the following commands as root:
DLKM Name: drmfgl
ATI FIre GL4 hw_init DLKM:
DLKM Name: gvid_him_fgl
DLKM Name: drmfglrx
ATI FireGL X1 and ATI FireGL Z1 hw_init DLKM:
DLKM Name: gvid_him_rad
3–4Graphics Administration Guide
configuring an X Server on HP-UX
This chapter documents information specific to the HP Xf86 X Server. The X Server is based on
the XFree86 version 4.1.0 or later X Server. This section describes features unique to HP's
implementation of the X Server, provides information on how to configure the X Server and
includes a list of supported X configurations. For each supported graphics device,
device-dependent configuration information is provided.
using SAM to configure X Server
Configuration of the X Server is supported through SAM via an icon titled “X Server
Configuration.” This icon resides either at SAM’s top le vel or under the top-le v el “Display” icon.
The SAM graphical user interface for X Server configuration is provided to simplify modifying
the X Server configuration file, XF86Config. The X Server uses the XF86Config file for its
configurations. While it is still possible to modify this file manually (see the XF86Conf ig file on
page 4-2), using the SAM interface can greatly simplify the process.
The SAM component has the following actions. For more information on configuring the X
Server and these actions, see the SAM online help.
global actions
These actions are typically active regardless of what has been selected. If any of these menu
items are not visible it is because they are not supported under the current configuration.
■Configure Print Server lets you manage print servers. From this menu item you can create,
stop or remove print servers
■Modify Server Options lets you specific X Server options. See the menu item for specific
■Modify Multi-Screen Layout is grayed out and is not available.
■Single Logical Screen (SLS) lets you create, modify, or undo your SLS configuration. SLS
is a mechanism for treating multidisplay configurations as a single “logical” screen. This
allows the moving or spanning of windows across multiple physical monitors. SLS
configurations may include up to four screens. All component screens share the same input
devices (for example, one keyboard and mouse for the SLS configuration).
Graphics Administration Guide4–1
configuring an X Server on HP-UX
screen actions
These actions are activated depending on which screens have been chosen.
■Describe Screen prov ides information about the device.
■Identify Screen flashes the monitor that is connected to the graphics device.
■Modify Default Visual lets you set the default visuals, depth and resolution on a graphics
device. It lets you identify which of these should be the default settings.
■Modify Screen Options contains options that are specific to each graphics device. The
options differ depending on the capabilities of each card.
other actions
Grayed out screen icons represent screens that have not been configured for use by the X Server.
Use these commands to add and remove screens to and from the configuration file.
■Add Screen to Configuration lets you add grayed out screen icons to the configuration file.
Select the grayed out icons and choose the Add Screen to Configuration menu
item to add screens to the configuration file.
■Remove Screen from Configuration operates on configured screens. Each configured
screen selected is removed from the configuration and becomes “Unused.” The X Server is
not brought up on Unused screens. If this menu option is grayed out, it may be activated by
selecting a configured screen. This menu item is not visible when there is only one screen
present which must remain in the configuration.
using setmon to configure the monitor
setmon is a configuration tool used to change the settings for a monitor attached to a graphics
device. This tool permits you to change the monitor's refresh rate, frame buffer resolution, and
frame buffer memory configuration (for example, Stereo, Double Buffer), when the device
supports multiple options. To change the monitor type, the setmon command can be executed
directly or done through SAM.
The setmon executable is located at /opt/graphics/common/bin/setmon. Under
SAM, this component is an icon called Monitor Configuration located under the top-level
Display folder, next to the X Server Configuration icon.
NOTE: Changing the monitor type while the X Server is running requires stopping and
restarting the X Server. To change the monitor settings, the X Server needs to be running on the
device specified. For these graphics cards, it may not be possible to test some of the monitor
settings before making the change permanent.
the XF86Config file
The XF86Config file is located in /etc/X11/XF86Config. It can be generated automatically
or modified using SAM. A working configuration file is also delivered on the system. You must
be root to create or edit this file. The XF86Config manual page provides additional information
regarding the configuration f ile. F or an y changes made to the XF86Conf ig f ile to tak e effect, it is
necessary to restart the X Server.
4–2Graphics Administration Guide
XF86Config file format
Most of the content in this section has been copied from the XF86Config(5) manual page listed
on “The XFree86 Project, Inc.” web site (
Configuration file ke ywords are case-insensitiv e, and underscore (_) characters are ignored. Most
strings (including option names) are also case insensitive, and insensitive to white space and
underscore “_” characters.
Each configuration file entry usually takes up a single line in the file. Each entry consists of a
keyword, which is possibly followed by one or more arguments, with the number and types of
the arguments depending on the keyword. The argument types are:
■Integer — an integer number in decimal, hex or octal
■Real — a floating point number
■String — a string enclosed in double quote marks (“)
NOTE: Hex integer values must be prefixed with “0x”, and octal values with “0”.
A special keyword called Option may be used to provide free-form data to various components
of the server . The Option keyword takes either one or two string arguments. The first is the option
name, and the optional second argument is the option value:
configuring an X Server on HP-UX The manual pages are available
■Integer — an integer number in decimal, hex or octal
■Real — a floating point number
■String — a sequence of characters
■Boolean — a boolean value (see below)
■Frequency — a frequency value (see below)
NOTE: All Option values, not just strings, must be enclosed in quotes.
Boolean options may optionally have a va lue specified. When no value is specified, the option's
value is TRUE. The following boolean option values are recognized as TRUE:
1, on, true, yes
and the following boolean option values are recognized as FALSE:
0, off, false, no
If an option name is prefixed with “No”, then the option value is negated.
Frequency option values consist of a real number that is optionally followed by one of the
following frequency units:
Hz, k, kHz, M, MHz
When the unit name is omitted, the correct units are determined from the value and the
expectations of the appropriate range of the value. It is recommended that the units always be
specified when using frequency option values to avoid any errors in determining the value.
Graphics Administration Guide4–3
configuring an X Server on HP-UX
ServerLayout section
The ServerLayout section identifies which Screen sections are to be used in a multiheaded
configuration, the relative layout of those screens, and which InputDevice sections are to be
used. Each ServerLayout section has an Identifier, a list of Screen section identifiers, and a list
of InputDevice section identifiers. Options may also be included in the ServerLayout section. A
ServerLayout section may be made active b y referencing (via its Identif ier) on the command line
that starts X. In the absence of this, the first one found in the file is chosen by default, as there
may be multiple ServerLayout sections in the configuration file. The format of the ServerLayout
section is as follows:
A number specifying the preferred screen number for that screen may optionally follow each
Screen. When no screen number is specified, it is numbered according to the order in which it is
listed. Next comes the ScreenID, a required field that must be enclosed in double quotes. The
ScreenID must match an Identifier in a Screen section. The remaining information on the line is
optional. Next comes the physical position of the screen, either in absolute terms or relative to
another screen (or screens). Finally the XY coordinates of the screen may be specified.
The position keywords are:
The preferred method of specifying the layout is to explicitly specify the screen's location in
absolute terms or relative to another screen.
The examples are based on the examples listed in the DESIGN document from XFree86.
In the absolute case, the upper left corner's coordinates are given after the Absolute keyword. If
the coordinates are omitted, a value of (0,0) is assumed. An example of absolute positioning
When the Relative keyw ord is used, the coordinates of the new screen's origin relative to
reference screen follow the reference screen name. The following example shows how to use
some of the relative positioning options:
Each InputDevice is followed by an InputDeviceID, a required field that must be enclosed in
double quotes. The InputDeviceID must match an Identifier in an InputDevice section. Last, an
option may be provided. The option can also be specified in the InputDevice section. Typical
options specified here are: CorePointer, CoreKeyboard, and SendCoreEvents. The option
must be enclosed in double quotes. See input devices on page 4-38 for more information
regarding the options. Normally, at least two InputDevices are present: a keyboard and a mouse.
Options that apply to the X Server may also be specified in this section. The following table lists
all options that may be set in the ServerLayout section. This information is from the XF86Conf ig
manual page.
Xserver Options for ServerLayout Section
DontZap Boolean OffDisallows use of the Ctrl+Shift+Break
sequence. That sequence is normally used
to terminate the X Server. When this option
is enabled, that key sequence has no
special meaning and is passed to clients.
DontZoom Boolean OffDisallows use of the
Ctrl+Alt+Keypad-Plus and
Ctrl+Alt+Keypad-Minus sequences.
These sequences allow you to switch
between video modes. When this option is
enabled, those key sequences have no
special meaning and are passed to clients.
AllowMouseOpenFailBoolean falseAllows the server to start up even if the
mouse device can't be opened/initialized.
Pixmap Bpp32Sets the pixmap format to use for depth 24.
Allowed values for bpp are 24 and 32.
Default: 32 unless driver constraints don't
allow this (which is rare).
Note: some clients don't behave well
when this value is set to 24.
VerboseInteger-1See logging and verbosity on page 4-19.
NoLoggingNANASee logging and verbosity on page 4-19.
Graphics Administration Guide4–5
configuring an X Server on HP-UX
Xserver Options for ServerLayout Section (Continued)
LogVerboseInteger-1See logging and verbosity on page 4-19.
CursorScaleFactorInteger1See cursor scaling on page 4-19.
MaxCursorSizeInteger64See cursor scaling on page 4-19.
AccelerateIndirectRendering Boolean TrueSpecifies whether or not OpenGL is to do
Files section
The Files section specifies paths to where fonts and modules are located and the location of the
rgb database and the user specified logfile. The Files section format is:
software rendering. A value of False forces
software rendering. The default is for
OpenGL to use accelerated rendering.
Multiple FontPaths and ModulePaths may be specified either by multiple lines or by using a
comma delimiter between paths on the same line.
FontPath elements may be either absolute directory paths, or a font server identifier. Font server
identifiers have the form:
where <trans> is the transport type to use to connect to the font server (for example, Unix for
UNIX® domain sockets or tcp for a TCP/IP connection), <hostname> is the hostname of the
machine running the font server, and <port-number> is the port number that the font server is
listening on (usually 7000).
When FontPath or ModulePath are specified in the configuration file, they override the default
RgbPath can be used to specify the RGB database path. Normally it is ne ver changed. If it is not
specified the built-in path /etc/X11/rgb is used.
In addition, the LogPath can be specified, if server logging information is to be sent somewhere
other than the default log file. The default log file is located at
/var/X11/Xserver/logs/Xf86.n.log, where n is the display number.
All names must be enclosed within double quotes. There may be only one Files section in the
configuration file. This section does not recognize Option as a keyword.
Graphics Administration Guide4–7
configuring an X Server on HP-UX
Module section
The Module section specifies which X Server modules should be loaded. The types of modules
normally loaded in this section are X Server extension modules, and font rasterizer modules.
Most other module types are loaded automatically when they are needed via other mechanisms.
There may only be one Module section in the configuration file. The format of the Module
section is as follows:
Load instructs the server to load the module called ModuleName. The module name given
should be the module's extension name, not the module file name. The extension name is case
sensitive, and does not include the “lib” prefix, or the library suffix (for example, “so.1”).
Example: the Double Buffered Extension (DBE) can be loaded with the following entry:
Load “dbe”
Beginning with the December 2002 patch, the “Load” directive is no longer needed to load
extensions because the brokering mechanism ensures that the correct extensions are loaded
SubSection also instructs the server to load the module called ModuleName. The module name
given should be the module's extension name, not the module file name. The extension name is
case sensitive, and does not include the “lib” prefix, or the library suffix (for example, “so.1”).
The difference is that the listed Options are passed to the module when it is loaded.
Modules are searched for in each directory specified in the ModulePath search path and in the
drivers, input, extensions, fonts, and HP-UX subdirectories of each directory in the ModulePath.
If ModulePath is not specified in the Files section, the default ModulePath is searched.
Noload instructs the server to not load the module called ModuleName.
4–8Graphics Administration Guide
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