Technical Information from the Laboratories of Hewlett-Packard Company
FEBRUARY 1981 Volume 32 • Number 2
A High-Purity, Fast-Switching Synthesized Signal Generator, by
phase noise and high frequency
Digital Control for a
Programmable Signal Generator, by Hamilton C.
and remote
of a complex instrument calls for a micro-
8662A Power-On and Self-Test Sequences, by Albert W.
The ROM and RAM
tests have some clever twists.
Low-Noise RF Signal Generator Design, by Dieter
liam J. Crilly, Jr., and Donald W.
Bill S. Chan, Fred H.
Seven phase-locked loops and some innova-
tive techniques did the job.
A Switching Power Supply for a Low-Noise Signal Generator, by Gerald L Ainsworth
choice, because of switching noise, but the benefits outweighed the problems.
A High-Purity Signal Generator Output Section, by David L. Plan and Donald T.
This section
a low-noise output with unprecedented
Product Design for Precision and Purity, by Robert L DeVries Shielding and reliability
are major considerations.
Verifying High Spectral Purity and Level Accuracy in Production,
John W. Richardson
The question is how to test a state-of-the-art product without losing production-line efficiency.
In this Issue:
The quality of a precision laboratory signal generator is measured by how little noise and
spurious signals are present in its output along with the single-frequency signal that's
supposed to be there. No noise at all is an impossible ideal, but the subject of this issue, Model
| 8662A
I now available in its frequency range, which is 0.01 to 1280 megahertz.
I transmitters and receivers, and for testing this kind of equipment. In these systems, informaI tion is superimposed on a single-frequency carrier signal by modulating the carrier's
amplitude, frequency, or phase. A noisy carrier, one whose phase or amplitude jitters significantly, can severely
limit the performance of a system. Phase noise tends to be particularly troublesome, and so the measurement of
phase noise has become especially important. For phase-noise measurements, the 8662A is used as a stable
source with which to compare the equipment under test. These measurements are done in the development
laboratory, in production (where the 8662A's programmability makes automatic testing possible), and in
In receiver testing, an important measurement is adjacent channel selectivity, aimed at finding out how well a
receiver picks up a weak signal in one of its channels when there are strong interfering signals in adjacent
channels. A clean interfering signal is needed for this test so the performance that's measured is the receiver's
and not the signal generator's. Today, channels are being made narrower in an attempt to accommodate more
customers in an increasingly crowded electromagnetic spectrum. The narrower the channels, the cleaner the
test signal must be; hence the need for the 8662A.
Many applications lie above the 8662A's frequency range, but even in these cases, the 8662A's output can
often be multiplied to the needed frequency and still be clean enough, even though its phase noise is multiplied,
too. Our cover suggests an application like this. The 8662A feeds a step-recovery diode multiplier to provide the
transmitted signal in a pulsed Doppler radar system. (In practice, a pair of 8662As would be used to generate
both the transmitted signal and the receiver local oscillator signal). The radar scope in the foreground belongs to
the U.S. Federal Aviation Administration's Oakland TRACON (Traffic Control). This radar actually operates at
MHz, within the 8662A's frequency range. We thank the FAA for letting us photograph it.
Signal Generator, comes as close to the ideal as any signal generator
Where are such super-clean, stable signals needed? Mostly in communications and radar
Illustrator, Nancy S. Vanderbloom • Administrative Services, Typography, Anne S. LoPresti • European Production Manager, Dick Leeksma
Editor, Richard P.
• Associate Editor, Kenneth A. Shaw • Art Director, Photographer, Arvid A. Danielson
Generator suitable for such demanding applications as receiver
adjacent channel
measurements with closely spaced
channels and low-noise local oscil-
lator service. Fast frequency
switching and sweep capability
make the 8662A useful in
frequency-agile and swept local
oscillato applications. All functions are remotely programmable.
Spectral Purity
Spectral purity is a measure of how much the spectrum of the
output of a signal generator deviates from that of a pure sine wave.
Factors affecting spectral purity are:
• Phase noise, manifested as random fluctuations of zero crossings in the time domain and spectrum spreading in the fre-
quency domain
• AM noise, manifested as envelope fluctuations in the time domain and spectrum spreading in the frequency domain
called spurs
• Harmonically related sidebands caused by harmonic
Phase noise is of particular importance in establishing the limits
of many modern communications systems. Harmonic distortion,
on the other hand, is not an important factor for the great majority
of applications in communications systems. It can be substan-
tially reduced by means of simple low-pass filtering.
AM noise levels are generally at least
levels in most signal sources. Furthermore, many operating systems rely on angle modulation (phase or frequency) and are
therefore not sensitive to AM noise.
Discrete sidebands can cause both amplitude and phase
modulation but occupy a much more restricted portion of the
spectrum than random modulation caused by random phase and
amplitude fluctuations.
The total unwanted power occupying a particular communication channel consists of the sum of the power in the discrete
sidebands plus the integral of the noise power in the channel
bandwidth. Both components therefore need to be minimized.
Phase Noise
The spectrum spreading of the carrier that is caused by the
existence of phase noise extends from less than 1 Hz offset from
the carrier to wherever the effect of additive
active device
MHz away from the carrier. Close-in phase noise is understood to
include offsets within 5 kHz of the carrier, while far-out phase
noise is understood to be that beyond 5 kHz.
Phase noise, or more generally, sideband noise (i.e., a combi-
nation of phase and AM noise), is responsible for limiting the
resolving power of heterodyne systems such as FM receivers and
spectrum analyzers. Resolving power in this case means the
ability to detect a small signal in the presence of a large one (see
Most mobile communications systems of the frequency multi-
plex kind have channel
high density of communications traffic. The system's ability to
extract a desired low-level signal from an undesired high-level
one (a nearby transmitter, for example) is limited by the sideband
noise of the receiver local oscillator and the selectivity of the IF
system. It is assumed in Fig. 1 that the received signals are
spectrally pure. In fact, any sideband noise on the undesired high-
level signal has the same effect as noise on the local oscillator.
low-noise sources to simulate the undesired high-level signal.
channel spacing is now used in some areas having a
Selectivity tests on high-quality mobile FM receivers require
related discrete sidebands, sometimes
dB below phase noise
to dominate. This could be several
that exceed 5 kHz.
Close-in Phase Noise
Many modern developments have created a need for good
long-term stability and low close-in phase noise. Moving-targetindicator radars, navigation systems (e.g., Navstar), very-large-
baseline interferometry and PSK (phase-shift keying) represent
some of the applications where close-in phase noise plays a
major role.
The measurement of close-in phase noise on RF and microwave sources is becoming a very fundamental one, because
some crucial aspects of performance in the above-mentioned
systems are related to this effect.
A common application for a low-noise signal generator such as
the 8662A is as a reference source in phase-noise measurement
setups.1 The 8662A's combination of good long-term phase sta-
bility, excellent close-in phase noise and very good far-out phase
noise makes it possible to test signal sources at offsets from the
carrier ranging from fractions of a hertz to many MHz.
Frequency Agility
Several new communications networks have an additional requirement for frequency switching on the order of several milliseconds. To provide dynamic test conditions for these systems,
it is necessary for the test signal source to settle to a new frequency in somewhat under a millisecond.
The combination of this level of agility, low close-in and far-out
noise and spurious sidebands represents an unusual engineering
challenge. How these objectives were achieved in the 8662A is
discussed in the accompanying article.
1. D. Scherer, "Design Principles and Test Methods for Low Phase Noise RF and
Microwave Sources," Hewlett-Packard RF and Microwave Symposium,
This is accomplished by measuring the actual level with an
accuracy of ±0.5 dB at a large number of frequencies, de-
termining the proper error
storing this informa-
tion in ROM, and then using it to correct the errors in output
level as a function of frequency and attenuator setting. The
8662A's unprecedented level accuracy is essential for accu-
rate receiver sensitivity measurements.
Although primarily designed for high signal purity, the
8662A's indirect-type oscillator switches frequency with a
typical 12 ms total switching time (to within 100 Hz). RF
settling time is 0.5 ms. For testing frequency-agile receiv-
ers, a special learn mode may be used with the HP-IB*
programming bus to drive frequencies directly from the
bus, with
switching speed.
All other front-panel functions are programmable via the
HP-IB, which is a standard feature. The microprocessor also
provides powerful diagnostic and error routines to aid the
user and service routines to aid in maintenance.
Flexible Control
A major design objective of the front-panel layout was to
improve measurement efficiency so that engineering and
production test productivity could be increased. Key func-
tions are grouped centrally. Frequencies are key-set to 0.1
Hz (or 0.2 Hz) and levels to
dB resolution. Values can be
incremented or decremented with up/down keys or a rotary
knob after keying in the desired step size. A store/recall
function allows up to nine complete front-panel control
settings to be retained and recalled singly or in a sequence
of up to 10 steps.
Most increment and sequence steps can be triggered by
rear-panel inputs. A series of pins available on a rear-panel
connector allows certain commands to be executed when
one of the pins is connected to ground (a debounce circuit is
provided internally) or pulsed with a negative-going TTL-
compatible pulse of at least
duration. This allows out-
puts to be tied back to inputs directly, thus creating a sequential system, or through decision-making logic. For
example, if the sweep output is tied to the step-up pin, the
whole frequency range of the 8662A can be sequentially
swept in specified increments. If a detector circuit and some
logic are also used, then the sweeping action can be stopped
whenever a signal is detected.
Powerful sweep capability that preserves synthesizer
stability, resolution, and accuracy makes the 8662A ideal
for characterizing high-stability components such as crys-
tal filters. Start/stop or span sweeps can be selected. Five
key-set markers plus linear or log sweep are available. By
using the sequence
multiple sweeps can be ob-
served simultaneously.
Full signal-generator capability is provided, with high-
performance AM and FM modulation. AM rates to 40 kHz
are possible depending on modulation depth and carrier
frequency. FM deviations to 200 kHz and rates to 100 kHz
are available for external modulation inputs. A 400 or
internal source can be selected.
The architecture of the 8662A reflects the major design
goals, which included low phase noise close to the carrier
(less than 5 kHz offsets), low phase noise far from the car-
rier, submillisecond frequency switching speeds, spurious
sidebands more than 90 dB below the carrier,
quency resolution, and quality modulation capability.
The phase-locked loop approach to frequency synthesis
was chosen because these objectives could be met with
a lower level of product complexity. Fig. 2 is the 8662A
block diagram.
Divide ratios have been chosen so that noise on any of the
reference signals going into the phase detectors does not
undergo multiplication by more than 2 at the output. The
use of
divider techniques (see article, page 12)
allows the achievement of a specific frequency resolution
while maintaining a wider loop bandwidth (leading to
higher switching speed) than would be possible without
the use of fractional-N. At the same time, the divide ratio is
kept small.
Sidebands caused by reference signals leaking into the
VCOs (voltage-controlled oscillators) are kept below -100
dBc on the output signal in the majority of cases. This is
accomplished by filtering, isolation, and shielding.
The provision of frequency modulation required the ad-
dition of two phase-locked loops in the block diagram. One
loop is used to generate the frequency modulated signal by
applying the modulating signal to the VCO. The loop
bandwidth is less than the lowest modulating signal frequency. The other loop is used to sum the modulated signal
into the system.
Below 10 kHz, phase noise of the reference section domi-
nates. From 10 to 500 kHz the reference loop and sum loop
determine the phase noise performance, while beyond 500
kHz the sum loop oscillator is the dominant phase noise
This noise profile indicates that the HP 8662A is not only
an RF synthesizer with exceptional close-in noise perfor-
mance, but that it can also compete well at farther-out offset
frequencies where cavity oscillators were traditionally far
superior. With its switching speed of 500
(RF settling
time), the HP 8662A meets the usually conflicting require-
ments of low phase noise and high frequency agility.
Assuring Reliability
The required improvements in signal generator spectral
purity and switching speed have made the 8662A an ex-
tremely complex product. The design philosophy for com-
plex products must include reliability and serviceability to
achieve operating cost levels acceptable to the user. There-
fore, reliability and serviceability goals were an integral
part of the early 8662A definition along with performance
and cost
Reliability was the subject of significant
planning throughout the course of the project. Management
support at all levels was inspirational in steadfastly pursu-
ing a goal that is difficult to measure.
A number of steps were taken to make a substantial im-
provement in reliability. A series of educational sessions for
the project team were held by the corporate and divisional
reliability groups. The strong commitment of all team
members to reliability was a significant factor in maintain-
ing the emphasis over a period of several years.
The main thrust of the reliability effort in the develop-
ment phase was the creation of an environment within the
product that would favor component longevity. It was de-
cided very early to limit semiconductor junction tempera-
tures to less than
the specified maximum of
when the ambient temperature is at
Junction temperature is a
parameter that is directly related to semiconductor failure
rate. It was measured by making body temperature
using thermocouples on well over 100 components at several stages throughout the development cycle.
Junction temperature was then computed with the knowl-
edge of the power dissipated in the device and its published
junction-to-body thermal resistance. The goal was met with
the exception of a microwave transistor chip used in the
output amplifier, whose junction temperature can reach
125°C (computed) in the very worst case. The use of a
high-efficiency switching regulated power supply that
saves approximately 70W and a carefully planned thermal
design approach were necessities in achieving the junction
temperature goal.
Another step taken was the reduction of electrical stress
on the components used. Power dissipation, voltage and
current were checked on all transistors and passive compo-
nents. The reliability group helped establish safe derated
limits to which the designers adhered. Design margins on
such crucial parameters as phase-locked loop acquisition
ranges were made very substantial.
Humidity and condensation tests carried out in the
course of a battery of environmental tests revealed some
harmful chemical action. Growth of a clear, amorphous,
nonconducting substance gave rise to intermittent contact
between printed circuit board connector fingers and their
sockets. The microprocessor-based controller was espe-
cially vulnerable to this, since missing a single pulse can
change a legitimate instruction to an unintelligible stream
of information. A task force consisting mainly of product
assurance and printed circuit board processing groups
traced the problem to contaminants in the water used in
the wash cycle. They were eliminated and the problem
went away.
A number of assemblies containing novel designs were
put through life tests. This included prolonged periods of
operation at elevated ambient temperature
Two of
four switched reactance oscillators exhibited identical fail-
ure modes on the tenth and eleventh days of testing. A thin
layer of insulation was punched through causing a
function. The condition was corrected. The life tests proved
very useful in identifying a number of systematic problems
that generally only show up after lengthy periods of time
and may not be diagnosed as problems when not viewed in
the context of a disciplined test.
Furthermore, a sufficient number of prototypes were
built, operated almost continuously, and exercised
whenever possible to uncover weaknesses. This intensive
search for problems proved quite effective.
Most of the semiconductors used in the product are
burned in according to a program developed by HP's Stanford Park Division product assurance group. A 5:1 reduc-
tion in failure rate has been observed in a pilot program.
Failures detected are carefully analyzed and when systematic patterns emerge, the suppliers of the faulty devices
are notified.
The 8662A was a large project that spanned a considerable period of time. Many people have contributed to it in
various disciplines. The reliability of the product has benefitted both in planning and execution from the close involvement of the Stanford Park Division Reliability Group
under the leadership of Julius Trager, especially Randy
White and Charles Sallsey. Bill Whitney's leadership and
Gary Sprader's inputs were very valuable in the field of
serviceability. Introduction to manufacturing was planned
and organized by Bob
The long involvement of Marilyn Lawrence and Tom Cottrell as test technicians, together
with the assembly team of Shirley Flock and Edna Fleck,
was much appreciated by the R&D team. Marketing activity
was managed by Mike Gallagher. Original product defini-
tion benefited from the inputs of Ned Barnholt, Marc Saun-
ders and
Rasmussen. The development project took
place in the Stanford Park Division R&D lab managed by
John Page and was part of Brian Unter's R&D section re-
sponsibility. I also wish to acknowledge John Hasen's many
contributions as a member of the design team, especially in
the later stages of the project.
Roland Hassun
Hassun received his BSEE degree
from the Politecnico di
and his
State University at San Jose in 1963.
He's also done graduate work at Stanford University.
he worked on the
studies on transistor noise, designed
synthesizers, and ultimately served as
project manager for the 8662A Signal
Generator. He's lectured on synthesizers and spectral purity on three
continents in three languages. This arti-
cle is his third contribution to the HP
Journal. A member
Computer Society, and
nis, bridge and spy novels. He's interested in world affairs and has
served as an officer of a large philanthropic organization, receiving its
leadership award.
the IEEE's 1981 western convention. Roily enjoys ten-
he's vice chairman of the program
degree from California
the IEEE, the IEEE
in 1960
Voltmeter, did
Digital Control for a
Programmable Signal Generator
by Hamilton C. Chisholm
Hewlett-Packard 8660A Synthesized Signal Gen-
erator, successfully demonstrates the concept of
keyboard control of a signal generator. By means of the
Hewlett-Packard Interface Bus
means of solving many instrumentation problems calling
for remote control. This previous development served as a
guide in the planning of the 8662A Synthesized Signal
Generator. Many enhancements were developed to pro-
vide full control of all parameters. The panel arrangement
provides the operator with easily understood parameter
control. Interaction with a responding parameter display
reinforces the learning of short key sequences. Where func-
tion control is not obvious from the front panel, a pullout
card beneath the instrument quickly provides assistance.
is basically a signal source of sinusoidal fre-
quencies with exceptional purity. With the addition of
amplitude control and selectable amplitude and frequency
modulation, the source becomes a signal generator. With
step time and step frequency control, the generator is en-
it also provides a
hanced with frequency sweeping capabilities.
Controller Design
The block diagram of the digital control unit of the 8662A
is shown in Fig.
for eleven digits of frequency from 10
resolution (0.2-Hz resolution above 640 MHz). Four
digits of amplitude in either
latched out for the control of electronic and electromechan-
ical attenuation. Modulation drive in the form of two binary
control words is latched out for either AM or FM. The HP
Interface Bus signals are conducted to the rear panel. An
additional set of external inputs can be used to control the
functions increment up, increment down, start sweep, stop
sweep, single sweep, and sequence. Also, a set of lines from
The controller has latched driver outputs
GHz with
units are also
the linear circuits provides the controller with information
pertaining to malfunctions of these circuits. All told, 132
lines are exercised by the digital control unit.
The choice of the 6800 microprocessor for the 8662A
IEEE 488-1978.
control unit was based on the 6800's advanced 8-bit concept, a system of components that includes the 6820
Peripheral Interface Adaptor and compatible ROM and
RAM devices, and availability within HP of suitable assem-
bler and loader programs that operate in HP computers.
The 8662A control system is designed with modularity
for servicing in mind. Access to all circuit boards is assured
by clever configuration of the card frame and by a tilt-down
front panel. The microprocessor circuitry and a few com-
ponents for signature analysis are on the processor control
board. Two boards with 12 kilobytes each of
constitute major memory. The RAM board with 2 kilobytes
of CMOS RAM provides nonvolatile memory for variables,
stored parameters, and stored information for nine blocks of
front-panel data (more about this later).
An input board provides malfunction inputs and the in-
terface to the keyboard and the set of external inputs. Two
output boards contain the latched drivers for frequency and
modulation. The display board contains latching LED
numeric displays and latched drivers for backlighted
nomenclature. Readout control is nonscanning to avoid any
radio frequency interference. All of the circuitry necessary
for the HP-IB, including 2 kilobytes of program memory, is
on a card that can be removed from the controller without
impairing normal local-mode operation.
The keyboards have specially designed keys to meet re-
quirements of random positioning, low profile, minimum
spacing, and control LED lighting. The keystroke is short
and has positive tactile feel. Gold plated, bifurcated spring
contacts make reliable, wiping contact with printed circuit
pads on boards that are readily serviceable.
Keyboard Operations
The central portion of the keyboard, on the sloping panel,
contains the major function qualifier keys and the numeric
keypad. The expected key sequence is left to right: selection
of function, then numeric data, followed by execution with
a units key such as MHz. The numbers are visible in the
function display as entered. When the units key is held
down, the justified entry is held visible. This is useful in the
x 8 PROM
Fig. 1. Digital control unit of the
8662A Synthesized
Generator exercises 132 control
8662A Power-On and Self-Test
by Albert W. Kovalick
With the introduction of microprocessor-based "smart" instruments, many conveniences were gained. However, some features of worth were lost. A typical instrument without a smart
controller has the ability to remember user settings by virtue of its
front-panel mechanical switches and dial settings. Most smart
instruments, on the other hand, require the user to key in most
front-panel settings each time power is switched on. An alternative is to use the HP-IB and program the instrument externally. For
simple stand-alone applications, however, manual initialization of
the instrument is a drawback.
The 8662A Synthesized Signal Generator solves this problem
by using a CMOS RAM powered by a battery to keep a record of
all front-panel settings. When the user turns off the synthesizer or
the power fails, the existing front-panel setting is saved. When
power is restored the last saved front-panel setting is restored.
Power-on Sequence
When the 8662A is switched on, a hardware power-on circuit
resets all hardware functions and causes the controller program
to begin. Before the settings are restored a checksum is com-
puted from the saved front-panel data. This is compared to a
reference checksum. If both checksums match, a software
routine restores all frequency, modulation, and amplitude settings. If the checksums disagree, RAM data has been altered.
This is unlikely, but it can occur if the battery discharges. In this
event, the first valid front-panel setting from the store/recall memory is recalled. If all nine settings contain altered data then a
default setting of 100 MHz and
RAM Testing
Testing of the entire 2K bytes of RAM is performed each time the
instrument is switched on. This power-on RAM test checks for
stuck bits in every RAM location without destroying any RAM data.
Before the test can begin, a small section or kernel of RAM is
tested. This kernel is needed to perform the larger 2K-byte test.
Each bit of RAM is now tested for the ability to
found faulty, a user code is displayed to indicate this. By use of a
special function code, a user may access this same test and run it
when desired.
A second, more extensive test is accessible by calling a routine
in the diagnostics ROM. It is different from the simpler test in three
ways. First, it checks for the case of multiple chips enabled.
Second, it tests for CMOS memory fade problems. Last, it tests for
row/column decoding errors internal to the chips. This test is
exhaustive. It runs for about
The test for multiple chips enabled must be performed before
decoding problems can be detected. If more than one RAM chip
is enabled, a read or write will affect more than the desired RAM.
The test is structured as follows.
All memory cleared to zero
2. Store a single RAM ID number in each RAM. RAM 1 (0-255) has
a solitary 1 stored. RAM 2
3. The contents of the RAMs are now summed individually. If the
sum of each RAM is equal to its original RAM ID number, then
no RAMs are selected out of their address range.
4. If one or more RAMs are selected out of their address space
dBm is used.
If any bits are
minutes and pinpoints any faulty
has a 2 stored and
then the RAM data will not sum to the value of the RAM ID
number (see Fig.
faulty RAM number is displayed.
If no multiple read/write problems are detected then an exhaustive test for internal row/column decoding is performed. First, a
memory location is set to a known value. Next, all remaining
locations in each RAM are checked for alteration. If any data
alteration is found, then the bad RAM is identified. Each memory
The bad chip is now identified and the
cell is similarly tested.
Finally, a data fade test is performed. Due to the inherent
capacitive memory effect of CMOS memory, it is possible to store
a 1 or 0 even though a given RAM cell is bad. This is a temporary
memory effect, and
leakage. We detect a fade problem by testing data over a period
greater than one second.
ROM Testing
The 8662A has 26 ROMs that contain the operating program.
The traditional method used to test a ROM is by use of a
checksum. The reference checksums are usually stored in known
locations and compared to calculated checksums for each ROM
to prove ROM validity. This technique has the disadvantage of
storing the reference checksum. If it is stored in a known location
outside the ROM, then when a ROM is modified, its reference
(a) To detect multiple chips enabled, each RAM has
only one number stored. The value is the same as its RAM ID
number. Each stored value is at a different location to avoid
(b) Example of multiple chip selection. RAM 3 was
selected during RAM 2 addressing due to a faulty chip select
decoder. The sum of RAM 3 data is 5, not 3 as it should be.
Because of inherent
sum of RAM 2 is 2, even though RAM 3 is selected.
time, the data fades away because of
on the RAM data bus, the
checksum must also be changed. Hence, two ROMs may need
changing. On the other hand, if each ROM has its checksum
stored within it, then an exact location is required and this may
interrupt the program code.
We have chosen to allocate the negative value of the checksum
dynamically. Suppose a sequence of assembly language code
could be produced that would not affect program operation and
would rarely, if ever, be produced by a programmer. A branch
around a
Once the program development is almost complete, this two-line
code segment
After assembly is complete the machine code is run through a
second program to locate the two-line segment. Next, this program computes the checksum of all ROM data excluding the NOP.
The NOP is then replaced by the two's complement of the
checksum. The controller program is not affected by this change
(no operation) falls into this category.
BRA +3
inserted roughly into the middle of each ROM.
due to the branch. Computing the checksum of a given ROM
yields zero as a result if all data is valid. The programmer never
needs to worry about the value of the checksum or the
location. To allow for easy ROM identification the actual value of
the total computed checksum can be one for ROM
ROM #2, and so on. This allows for easy detection of
Albert W. Kovalick
Kovalick joined HP in
receiving his MSEE degree from the
He's designed printer drive circuitry
for handheld and desktop cal-
culators and contributed to the design of the controller software and
power supply of the 8662A Signal
Generator. He's named as an inven-
tor on two patents and three pend-
ing patents. Al was born
Francisco and now lives in Santa
Clara, California. His wife, who
works in HP's R&D labs as a programmer, has also contributed an
article to the HP Journal. Al is active in his church and enjoys read-
ing, woodworking, racquetball, and recreational mathematics.
of California at Berkeley.
two for
frequency mode where the display may be configured for
sweep display while a new parameter is entered. Should the
operator begin an entry but not complete
the display can
be restored by striking any function select key.
SET key is
to all
and a
function key qualifies its use in entering increment values.
The justified value may be viewed on entry by holding the
units key down. An increment value may be viewed at any
key down.
The right-hand position of the keyboard contains mod-
ifiers in the form of increment up and down keys and a
rotary control for manual tuning. The increment up and
down keys are qualified by the selected function. Holding
either key down will cause a succession of increments at a
of two per
enabled for every new function by pressing either the x 10 or
key. Holding either of these down will enable blinking
of a digit that denotes the resolution digit to which the
rotary control will apply. The digit may be moved by re-
peatedly keying
to get ten times more or less
via the
key may be used by the rotary control as its entry value. This
mode is enabled by pressing the blue key and then the
has the
Another useful mode is the separation of rotary control
operation from the increment key operation with respect to
function. For example, while in the amplitude mode, the
key and
(x 10) are
Then when frequency is selected as the operating function,
the amplitude may be adjusted with the rotary control and
the frequency incremented with the increment up and
down keys.
Sweep Control
The left-hand keyboard contains all the sweep parameter
keys. Either a start/stop sweep or a span-type sweep may be
selected. Parameters are entered, for instance, by keying
The start/stop sweep may be reversed by giving start a
larger frequency value than stop. The sweep step size and
step time keys indicate the selected value with integral
LEDs. Once selected, the values are remembered. A change
from span to start/stop sweep, with different step size and
time values, will be indicated by the LEDs in the keytops.
cause a split
play in the frequency window, five digits for each of the two
full eleven-digit sweep frequency display is presented.
Control of the sweep is provided by dedicated use of the
rotary knob in the right-hand portion of the keyboard. Any
signal generator parameter value may be changed while in
the sweeping mode.
Up to five digital sweep frequency markers are selectable.
Each marker is entered as a frequency. The rear-panel out-
put for sweep markers provides Z-axis beam intensifying
potential to give a bright CRT spot on an oscilloscope. Each
spot may be identified on the CRT by holding the selected
marker key down. Each marker may be moved on the CRT
by means of the increment keys or the rotary control. When
a marker key is held down, its frequency value is displayed.
Front-Panel Storage
To ease user operation of the 8662A, nine front-panel
configurations can be stored in memory. Each stored con-
figuration includes every parameter set on the front panel.
Thus at any time, any of several totally different panel
configurations can be recalled. This helps to reduce test
setup time.
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