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Publication Number
Edition 1
June 1997
Applicable Product
HP J3231A Rem ote 2C and Advanc eStack Internet
Router Bundle
HP J3138A AdvanceStack Internet Router Module
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The warranty booklet shipped with the HP Remote 2C describes the support for this
product. For module updates, see HP’s Web Site. For white papers and module updates,
see HP’s web site or HP’s fax retrieval service as described below.
World Wid e Web
From this web si te, you can acce ss informatio n on the HP networkin g products. If you
have a growing network, download the Designing HP Adva nceStack Network s Guide
or call 1-800-752-0900 in the U.S. to receive a copy thro ug h the mail.
HP FIRST Fax Retrieval Service
HP FIRST is an automated fax retr ieval ser vice th at is avail able 24 hours a day, seven
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■Product information
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In addition to the above services, you can purchase various HP telephone support
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■Network Phone-In Support provides you support at an hourly rate. In the U.S.,
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HP offers other hardware support services. Please contact your resel ler for more
The features of the HP J3257A AdvanceStack Remote 2C are:
■Two Slots for Modules. Thes e slots will accept the HP J3138A AdvanceStack Internet
Router Modules. (Other modules may be available. Contact your HP-reseller or authorized
dealer for details.)
In the Remote 2C, you can install one of each module above or two modules of the same type.
Each module is hot swappable so that you can leave the power on while inserting or removing
■Auto-Sense of Et hernet o r 100V G Connect ion s. You can connect your remote users to
your Ethernet and 100VG networks through the two RJ-45 connectors on the front of the
Remote 2C. Each connector senses and selects the speed of your network and corresponds
to a module installed in the back of the Remote 2C.
■Redundant Power. When the Remote 2C is connected to the HP J2962A Adva n ceS tack
Redundant Power Supply, the Remote 2C will be protected by redundant power.
■LEDs for troubleshooting. In addition to each module having LEDs, the Remote 2C has
front panel LEDs that show the status of the modules and the connections to the Ethernet
or 100VG network.
■Rack-mountable design. The Remote 2C can be mounted in a 19-inch telco rack using the
included mounting brackets.
This guide shows you how to install one or more module(s) into the Remote 2C and how to connect
the Remote 2C to your Ethernet or 100VG LAN.
The Remote 2C has the following components shipped with it:
■This manual: HP AdvanceStack Remote 2C Installation and Reference Guide (J3257-90004)
■Warranty booklet
Power cord, one of the following:
Australia/New Zealand (8120-6810)
Europe (8120-6811)
South Afri ca(8120-6813)
Switzerland (8120-6815)
United Kin gdom(8120-6809)
United States/Canada(8120-6812)
■Accessory kit (5063-8570):
•two mounting brackets
•two cable ties
•four M3 screws to attach brackets to Remote 2C
•four 5/8-inch number 12-24 screws to attach Remote 2C to rack