HP AdvanceStack 100Base-T Hub-8TXE Installation And Reference Manual

HP AdvanceStack 100Base-T Hub-8TXE
Installation and Reference Guide
© Copyright 1996 Hewlett-Packard Company All Rights Reserved
Reproduction, adaptation, or translation without prior written permission is prohibited, except as allowed under the copyright laws.
Publication Number
Applicable Product
HP J3235A AdvanceStack 100Base-T Hub-8TXE
The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. HEWLETT-PACKARD COMPANY MAKES NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND WITH REGARD TO THIS MATERIAL, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Hewlett-Packard shall not be liable for errors contained herein or for incidental or consequential damages in connection with the furnishing, performance, or use of this material.
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Hewlett-Packard Company 8000 Foothills Boulevard, m/s 5551 Roseville, California 95747-5551 http://www.hp.com/go/network_city
Package Contents
Carefully unpack the contents of the package and verify them against the checklist given below.
Package Checklist
æ HP AdvanceStack 100Base-T Hub-8TXE (Part No. HP J3235A) æ Power cord, one of the following:
Australia/New Zealand (8120-6810) Denmark (8120-6814) Europe (8120-6811) Japan (8120-6798) Switzerland (8120-6815) United States/Canada (8120-6812) United Kingdom (8120-6809)
æ Four rubber foot pads æ Installation and Reference Guide (J2325-90001) æ Warranty booklet
Please inform your dealer immediately should there be any wrong, missing, or damaged parts.
If possible, retain the carton, including the original packing materials. Use them again to repack the unit in case there is a need to return it for repair.
Package Contents i
Quick Inst allation
The HP J3235A AdvanceStack 100Base-T Hub-8TXE contains 8 100Base-TX Fast Ethernet ports. The smart design built into the front display panel provides a friendly interface that simplifies installation and network troubleshooting. If you are already familiar with basic network operations, you should be able to install this hub as described below:
1. Unpack the HP Hub-8TXE.
2. Find a location close to the network devices you need to connect, and within
easy reach of an electrical outlet.
3. Mount the hub on a desktop or any other flat surface. If you are installing
multiple hubs, you can stack them on top of each other (after attaching the foot pads).
4. Connect any devices that use a standard network interface to the RJ-45
(MDI-X) ports (e.g., a workstation, server, bridge or router). Use 100 Category 5 STP or 100W Category 5 UTP cable to connect to the hub, and be sure the length of any twisted-pair connection does not exceed 100
meters. Refer to Chapter 3 for sample configurations.
5. To cascade to another hub or switch, run straight-through twisted-pair cable
from the (8MDI) cascade port on this switch to any (MDI-X) port on the other device (or vice versa). Refer to Figure 3.2.
If necessary, you can also cascade between two ports using crossover cable.
However, be sure not to exceed the maximum length between end nodes as described in Chapter 2.
Quick Installation iii
HP Hub-8TXE Installation and Reference Guide
6. This hub can serve as a stand-alone repeater for small networks, can be
cascaded with compatible devices (e.g., Fast Ethernet hub or switch), or can be connected to a network interconnection device (e.g., Fast Ethernet bridge or router).
7. Verify network communications by ensuring that:
you have made all the necessary connections
you can access any connected resources
the hub’s indicators are functioning properly
If you encounter any problems in installing the HP Hub-8TXE, refer to Chapter 2 for a detailed description of installation procedures, Chapter 3 for sample configurations, or Appendix A for help in troubleshooting.
Note: Refer to Chapter 2 for a more detailed description of calculating the maximum cable length permitted between two end nodes for Fast Ethernet.
iv Quick Installation
About this Guide
This guide is designed for the experienced network installer. It describes how to install and operate the HP Hub-8TXE. After reading this manual, you should be able to use the front display panel and configure options to manage all your network connections.
This manual covers the following topics: Chapter 1 -
Product Overview
Brief description of Fast Ethernet, followed by a description of this hub and a summary of its important features and specifications.
Chapter 2 -
Installing the System
Installing an HP Hub-8TXE and making basic network connections. Chapter 3 -
Configuring the Network
Shows sample network configurations for a local area network. Chapter 4 -
Hardware Reference
Detailed description of indicator panel and ports. Appendices -
Troubleshooting, cable assignments, and product specifications.
About this Guide v
Chapter 1: Product Overview................................................. 1-1
Introduction to Fast Ethernet.....................................................................................1-1
HP Hub-8TXE...........................................................................................................1-1
Basic Features ...........................................................................................................1-2
Chapter 2: Installing the System............................................ 2-1
Pre-Installation Requirements ...................................................................................2-1
Connecting the Hub System......................................................................................2-2
Making a Connection via an MDI-X Port ............................................................2-2
Making a Connection via the MDI Cascade Port .................................................2-3
Distance Limit for Fast Ethernet Cabling.............................................................2-3
Providing Power to the Hub......................................................................................2-4
Verifying Port Status.................................................................................................2-4
Verifying System Operation......................................................................................2-5
Chapter 3: Configuring the Network......................................3-1
Connecting Multiple Hubs ........................................................................................3-2
Chapter 4: Hardware Reference.............................................4-1
Front Panel ...............................................................................................................4-1
Statistical Display for System Performance....................................................4-3
Port Status Display...............................................................................................4-4
RJ-45 Fast Ethernet Ports.....................................................................................4-5
Rear Panel ...............................................................................................................4-6
Power Socket........................................................................................................4-6
HP Hub-8TXE Installation and Reference Guide
Appendix A: Troubleshooting................................................A-1
Diagnosing Hub Indicators........................................................................................A-1
System Diagnostics ...................................................................................................A-2
Power and Cooling Problems ...............................................................................A-2
Physical Configuration.........................................................................................A-3
Hub Integrity ........................................................................................................A-3
A p pendi x B: Por t and Cable As s i gnmen ts.............................B-1
RJ-45 Port ...............................................................................................................B-1
Appendix C: Specifications.................................................... C-1
Product Specifications...............................................................................................C-1
Appendix D: Safety and Regulatory Statements..................D-1
Power Precautions......................................................................................................D-1
Safety Information......................................................................................................D-2
Informations concernant la sécurité............................................................................D-3
Hinweise zur Sicherheit..............................................................................................D-4
Considerazioni sulla sicurezza ...................................................................................D-5
Consideraciones sobre seguridad ...............................................................................D-6
Safety Information (Japanese)....................................................................................D-7
Regulatory Statements................................................................................................D-8
Appendix E: Product Support Services ................................E-1
Glossary Index
viii Contents
HP Hub-8TXE Installation and Reference Guide
List of Figures
Figure 3.1 Stand-Alone Configuration....................................................................3-1
Figure 3.2 Multiple Hub Configuration Using the Cascade Port.............................3-2
Figure 4.1 Front Panel.............................................................................................4-1
Figure 4.2 Indicators ...............................................................................................4-2
Figure 4.3 Rear Panel ..............................................................................................4-6
Figure B-1 RJ-45 Connector (on the Hub Side) .......................................................B-1
List of Tables
Table B-1 RJ-45 Pin Assignments............................................................................B-1
Contents ix
Chapter 1: Product Overview
Introduction to Fast Ethernet
Standard 10 Mbits/s Ethernet has served well for past generations of 286 and 386 machines performing simple file transfers. However, with the inevitable growth in corporate network size and the introduction of fully-functional 32-bit PC architectures, and operating systems running complex applications, 10 Mbits/s Ethernet has become a serious bottleneck.
With the recent flood of choices for upgrading media bandwidth, 100 Mbits/s Fast Ethernet has become the most popular because of its low cost, compatibility with existing Ethernet applications, and the fact that it can run on top of an installed base of twisted-pair cabling. Fast Ethernet can be easily integrated into an existing 10 Mbits/s Ethernet environment with no need for protocol translation or changes to network software.
The HP J323SA AdvanceStack 100Base-TX Hub-8TXE includes 8 Fast Ethernet ports. It provides a friendly design that simplifies installation and network troubleshooting. The indicator panel includes Utilization and Collision rate LEDs, as well as Partition, Link and Traffic LEDs to ease network management.
The HP Hub-8TXE can be used to relieve common network congestion, regardless of whether it is caused by too many stations contending for limited bandwidth or by a server that is supporting too many users. It can significantly improve access both to key servers and to the network backbone. This hub not only delivers a vast improvement in network response time, but helps you maintain outstanding performance as your user community continues to grow.
Product Overview 1-1
HP Hub-8TXE Installation and Reference Guide
Basic Features
Transmits data at 100 Mbits/s for demanding applications
Conforms to the IEEE 802.3u repeater specification for 100Base-TX
Provides 8 RJ-45 100Base-TX ports (using MDI-X wiring)
Port 8 can serve as an MDI-X port (for connection to network devices such
as workstations or servers) or as an MDI daisy-chain port (for connection to network devices such as hubs or switches), eliminating the need for crossover cables
Supports 100 Category 5 shielded or unshielded cable (STP or UTP)
Friendly design that monitors network utilization, collisions, link and port
partition status
LED indicator panel includes Utilization and Collision rate indicators for
reporting hub activity and facilitating problem diagnosis
Automatically partitions bad ports to protect the network system
Automatic polarity detection and correction permits automatic adjustment
for wiring errors
Plug-and-play operation
The HP Hub-8TXE also supports the following basic system safeguards:
This hub features automatic partitioning and reconnection, jabber lockup
protection, and automatic polarity detection for network cabling.
With automatic partitioning and reconnection, any port is automatically
isolated if excessive collisions occur on it. When the condition is corrected, the port is automatically reconnected.
1-2 Product Overview
HP Hub-8TXE Installation and Reference Guide
With the jabber lock-up function, the hub automatically stops transmission
of abnormal Ethernet frames that may cause data loss for all network users. (Jabber refers to abnormal Ethernet frames which are much too long and may come from a malfunctioning Ethernet card.)
With automatic polarity detection, the hub recognizes and adjusts for
attached cable assemblies which may be wired with incorrect polarity on the receive pair.
Product Overview 1-3
Chapter 2: Installing the System
This chapter provides information on installing the HP Hub-8TXE, establishing network connections, and configuring the system. You may install this hub on any level su rface (e.g., a table or shelf) o r in a stan da rd EIA equipment rack. However, please take note of the following minimum site requirements before you begin.
Pre-Installation Requirements
Before you start actual hardware installation, make sure you can provide the right operating environment, including power requirements, sufficient physical space, and proximity to other network devices that are to be connected. Verify the following installation requirements:
Power requirements: 100 to 127 VAC / 200 to 240 VAC
Hz. The hub’s power supply automatically adjusts to the input voltage level.
The hub should be located in a cool dry place, with at least 10 cm. of space
at the front and back for ventilation.
Place the hub out of direct sunlight, and away from heat sources or areas
with a high amount of electromagnetic interference.
Check if network cables and connectors needed for installation are available.
Find a suitable location at the center of the devices you want to link, and
near a power outlet.
(± 10%) at 50 to 60
Installing the System 2-1
HP Hub-8TXE Installation and Reference Guide
Connecting the Hub System
The HP Hub-8TXE has 8 RJ-45 ports and 1 RJ-45 cascade port. The ports allow you to make connections to dev ices such as a work station, server, bridge or router. You can also cascade to another compatible hub or switch by connecting an MDI port on one device (e.g ., port port on the other device. Or you can cascade from an MDI port on another device to any MDI-X port on this hub. See Figure 4.1.
Making a Connection via an MDI-X Port
You can connect an RJ-45 port on the hub to any device that uses a standard network interface such as a workstation or server, or also to a network interconnection device such as a bridge or router (depending on the port type implemented).
1. Prepare the network devices you wish to network. Make sure you have installed suitable 100BASE-TX network interface cards for making a
connection to any of the hub’s ports. You also need to prepare straight­through shielded or unshielded twisted-pair ca b l e s with RJ-45 pl u gs at bo t h ends. Use 100
W Category 5 c a b le f o r a l l connections.
8MDI on this hub) to an MDI-X
2. Connect one end of the cable to the RJ-45 port of the network interface card, and the other end to any available (MDI-X) port on the hub. When inserting an RJ-45 plug, be sure the tab on the plug clicks into position to ensure that it is properly seated. Using the hub in a stand-alone configuration, you can network up to 8 nodes.
2-2 Installing the System
Do not plug a phone jack connector into the RJ-45 port. This may damage the hub. Use only twisted-pair cables with RJ-45 connectors that conform with FCC standards.
1. When connecting to port 8, do not use port 8 MDI-X.
2. Make sure each twisted-pair cable does not exceed 100 meters.
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