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Confidential computer software. Valid license from HP required for possession, use or copying. Consistent with FAR 12.211 and 12.212,
Commercial Computer Software, Computer Software Documentation, and Technical Data for Commercial Items are licensed to the U.S.
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Microsoft and Windows NT are U.S. registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation.
Audience assumptions
This document is for the person who installs, administers, and troubleshoots servers and storage systems.
HP assumes you are qualified in the servicing of computer equipment and trained in recognizing hazards
in products with hazardous energy levels.
Help subsystem ....................................................................................................................................... 34
Output format ......................................................................................................................................... 36
Interactive user output format .......................................................................................................... 36
Scriptable output format .................................................................................................................38
Configuring the Virtual Connect domain using the CLI..................................................................... 40
Virtual Connect is a set of interconnect modules and embedded software for HP BladeSystem c-Class
enclosures that simplifies the setup and administration of server connections. HP Virtual Connect includes
the HP 1/10Gb Virtual Connect Ethernet Module for c-Class BladeSystem, the HP 4Gb Virtual Connect
Fibre Channel Module for c-Class BladeSystem, and the HP Virtual Connect Manager.
Virtual Connect implements server edge virtualization so that server administrators can upgrade, replace,
or move server blades within their enclosures without changes being visible to the external LAN and SAN
The Virtual Connect Manager is embedded on the HP 1/10Gb Virtual Connect Ethernet Module for cClass BladeSystem and is accessed by users through web links provided by the Onboard Administrator or
through direct connection to the embedded web server.
The HP 1/10Gb VC-Enet Module supports the HP BladeSystem c7000 Enclosure, HP BladeSystem c3000
Enclosure, and all the server blades and networks contained within the enclosure and enables connection
to all brands of data center Ethernet switches.
The HP 4Gb VC-FC Module enables connection of the enclosure to Brocade, Cisco, McData, or Qlogic
data center Fibre Channel switches, but does not appear as a switch to the Fibre Channel fabric.
A Virtual Connect domain currently includes a single HP c-Class BladeSystem enclosure for a total of 16
servers. Within the domain, any server blade can access any LAN or SAN connected to a VC module,
and a server blade can be used as a spare for any server blade within the same enclosure.
By stacking (cabling) the Ethernet modules within the domain, every server blade in the domain can be
configured to access any external network connection. Fibre Channel modules within different I/O bays
are each connected directly to the same set of FC SAN(s). With this configuration, the Virtual Connect
Manager can deploy and migrate a server blade profile to any server in the Virtual Connect domain
without the need to change external LAN or SAN configurations.
Command line overview
The CLI can be used as an alternative method for managing the Virtual Connect Manager. Using the CLI
can be useful in the following scenarios:
• HP Management Applications (for example: Systems Insight Manager or Insight Control tools) can
query the Virtual Connect Manager for information these tools need to present a complete
management view of HP BladeSystem enclosures and the devices contained within. This interface is
also used by the Management tools to execute provisioning and configuration tasks to devices within
the enclosure.
• Users can develop tools that utilize Virtual Connect Manager functions for data collection and for
executing provisioning and configuration tasks.
Introduction 5
• When no browser is available or you prefer to use a command line interface, you can access
management data and perform configuration tasks.
Command line syntax
CLI input is case-insensitive except when otherwise noted. The general CLI syntax format is as follows:
subcommand Operation performed on a managed element
managed element Management entity being operated on
parameters Command extensions for a particular management operation
options Attributes used to customize or control command execution behavior such as output
format, quiet-mode, and others
properties One or more name or value pairs that are accessories to the command operation,
Example: ->add user mark password=asdf89g fullname="Mark Smith" enabled=true
mainly for set and add operations
In the above example, add is the subcommand, user is the managed element, mark is a required
parameter for the operation, password is a required property, and fullname and enabled are
optional properties.
Depending on the specific command being executed, certain parameters or properties might be required.
For example, when adding a new user, both a parameter representing the user name, as well as a
password (in the form of a property) are required to be specified. All other user properties are optional at
the time the user is added. In general, the properties are in the format name=value, and more than one
property is separated by a space.
Parameters are command extensions that provide extra information needed for the execution of a
particular command. Whether or not a parameter is required depends on the specific command being
executed. For example, the show user command has an optional parameter, which represents the user
name if the user instance is being managed. If show user is entered, then a summary listing of all users
is shown. However, if the optional parameter (user name) is provided, only a single user instance is
displayed, for example, show user paul.
Some commands require that a parameter be specified, for example, the add user command. The
required parameter is the user name (add user jake), and if the username is not provided, an error
message displays indicating that a required parameter is missing.
Options enable users to control certain behavior characteristics available during the command execution.
Some examples of options include controlling output format and specifying a quiet mode for
suppressing interactive prompts that would normally require input from the user.
Options are distinguished from other command line elements by using a hyphen (-) in front of the option.
Option arguments are required or optional depending on the option being specified. For example, the -
Introduction 6
output option requires an argument, which is a list of one or more output format attributes. However,
the -quiet option does not require any arguments to be specified.
The general format of a CLI option is as follows:
-<option>[=argument1>,<argument2>, . . .]
Example: ->show user suzi -output=script1
In the example, -output is the option, and script1 is an option argument.
Properties are specific configuration attributes of a managed element. Properties are commonly used
during set operations or add operations where a managed element is being modified or created. In
some limited circumstances, properties might also be used as a part of a show or other command.
IMPORTANT: If a property value contains embedded spaces, then the entire property value
must be contained within single or double quotes. Likewise, if a double quote is part of a
property value, it should be contained within single quotes, and if a single quote is part of a
property value, it should be contained within double quotes.
CLI command execution modes
The Virtual Connect Manager CLI provides two different methods for executing commands: interactive
shell mode and non-interactive mode.
Interactive Shell Mode
This mode is used to invoke CLI command operations using the dedicated management shell. The shell is
provided after the user logs in with valid credentials, and only accepts known VCM CLI commands as
input. Users can quit the shell by using the exit command. An example of logging into the interactive
management shell is provided below. In the example, the primary VCM is located at IP address
login as: michael
password: ***********
-------------------------------------------------------------------HP Virtual Connect Management CLI v1.20
(C) Copyright 2006-2007 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.
All Rights Reserved
help : displays a list of available subcommands
exit : quits the command shell
<subcommand> ? : displays a list of managed elements for a subcommand
<subcommand> <managed element> ? : displays detailed help for a command
Introduction 7
Non-Interactive Mode
In some cases, users might want to write automated scripts that execute a single command at a time.
These scripts can be used to batch several commands in a single script file from the SSH client. An
example of how to use the non-interactive mode for CLI command execution is provided below. In the
example, the primary VCM is located at IP address
IMPORTANT: To suppress prompting for a password during login, you must first setup the SSH
encryption keys using the VCM Web GUI, and configure your SSH client properly with the
keys. For additional information on configuring the SSH keys, see the HP Virtual Connect for c-Class BladeSystem User Guide.
->ssh Administrator@ show enclosure
<command output displayed to console>
Remote access to the Virtual Connect Manager
The Virtual Connect Manager CLI can be accessed remotely through any SSH session:
1. Start an SSH session to the Virtual Connect Manager using any SSH client application.
2. When prompted, type the assigned IP address or DNS name of the Virtual Connect Manager, and
then press Enter.
3. Type a valid user name, and then press Enter.
4. Type a valid password, and then press Enter. The CLI command prompt displays.
5. Enter commands for the Virtual Connect Manager.
6. To terminate the remote access SSH session, close the communication software or enter exit at the
CLI command prompt.
Introduction 8
Command line
Command Description
Add a new object to the domain or to another object
Assign a server profile to a server bay
Delete the Virtual Connect domain configuration
Exit the Virtual Connect Manager command-line shell
Display help for a command or object
Import an enclosure into the domain
Power off one or more servers
Power on one or more servers
Reboot one or more servers
Remove or delete an existing object (for example, users or profiles)
Reset one or more servers or other objects
Modify one or more configuration properties of an object
Display properties or information about an object
Unassign a server profile from a device bay
Update firmware on one or more interconnect modules
Managed elements
Managed element Description
devicebay (on page 10)
domain (on page 10)
enclosure (on page 12)
enet-connection (on page 13)
external-manager (on page 15)
fabric (on page 16)
fc-connection (on page 17)
firmware (on page 18)
igmp (on page 19)
interconnect (on page 19)
ldap (on page 20)
Display general enclosure device bay settings and information
Manage general Virtual Connect domain settings and
Manage general enclosure settings and information
Manage Ethernet network connections
Manage external settings and information
Manage FC SAN fabrics
Manage Fibre Channel SAN fabric connections
Manage interconnect module firmware
Ethernet IGMP Snooping settings
Manage I/O interconnect modules
Manage LDAP configuration settings
Command line 9
Managed element Description
ldap-group (on page 21)
mac-cache (on page 22)
network (on page 23)
profile (on page 24)
server (on page 26)
stackinglink (on page 28)
status (on page 29)
systemlog (on page 29)
uplinkport (on page 29)
uplinkset (on page 31)
user (on page 32)
vcm (on page 34)
version (on page 34)
Manage LDAP group configuration settings
Manage Ethernet MAC cache failover settings
Manage Virtual Connect Ethernet networks
Manage VC server profiles
Manage server blades in the enclosure device bays
Display stacking link information and status
Display overall domain status information
Display Virtual Connect Manager system event log
Manage interconnect module uplink ports
Manage shared uplink port sets
Manage local domain user configurations
Reset the Virtual Connect Manager that manages the domain
Display CLI version information
The following sections provide detailed information on how the subcommands are used with each
managed element.
To display command help, type a command followed by ? or -help. For additional information on the
help subcommand, see "Help subsystem (on page 34)."
Manage general enclosure device bay settings and information.
Supported actions: help, show
Item Description
show devicebay
Display all device bays in the domain
show devicebay [<DeviceBayID>|*]
The reference ID of a device bay in the domain
The format of the device bay name is <EnclosureID:DeviceBay>
When Enclosure ID is not specified, it defaults to the local enclosure
->show devicebay
Displays a summary listing of all device bays
->show devicebay *
Displays detailed information for all device bays
->show devicebay enc0:2
Displays detailed information for a specific device bay of a specific enclosure
Manage general Virtual Connect domain settings and information.
Command line 10
Supported actions: delete, help, set, show
Item Description
delete domain
Delete the existing Virtual Connect domain configuration.
Deleting the domain removes the entire Virtual Connect domain configuration
and resets it back to the original defaults. After the domain has been deleted,
you are logged out and the Virtual Connect Manager resets.
delete domain [-quiet]
->delete domain
Deletes the Virtual Connect domain configuration and prompts for user
->delete domain -quiet
Deletes the Virtual Connect domain quietly without prompting for user
confirmation (primarily used in automated scripting scenarios)
The new name of the domain. Valid characters include alphanumeric, "_", and
".". The maximum length of the name is 64 characters.
Enables or disables the Virtual Connect domain IP address. If enabled, then a
valid IP address subnet mask must be configured. If disabled, then DHCP is used
to obtain a valid IP address.
Enabling domain IP address configuration, or changing the domain IP address
can cause a temporary loss of connectivity to the Virtual Connect Manager. Use
caution when changing these settings.
A valid IP address to use for the domain IP address configuration
A valid subnet mask for the domain IP address configuration
A valid gateway address for the domain IP address configuration
The type of MAC address source to use for assignment. Valid values include VC-
Defined, Factory-Default, and User-Defined
The pre-defined MAC pool to use for address assignment. Valid values include
integers 1-64. This property is only valid if the MacType is set to "VC-Defined". If
not specified, the default pool ID is 1.
The starting MAC address in a custom user-defined range. This property is only
valid if the MacType is set to "User-Defined".
The ending MAC address in a custom user-defined range. This property is only
valid if the MacType is set to "User-Defined".
The type of WWN address source to use for assignment. Valid values include
VC-Defined and Factory-Default.
Command line 11
Item Description
The pre-defined WWN pool to use for address assignment. Valid values include
integers 1-64. This property is only valid if the WwnType is set to "VC-Defined".
If not specified, the default pool ID is 1.
->set domain Name=MyNewDomainName
Changes the name of the Virtual Connect domain
The name of an existing profile to which the new connection is added.
The name of an existing network to associate with the connection. If the
network name is not specified, or is set to "unassigned," then the
network remains unassigned. (optional)
Command line 13
Item Description
Enables or disabled PXE on the network connection. Valid values are
enabled, disabled, and UseBios. If this value is not specified, the default
is "UseBios."
Only one connection can have PXE enabled per profile.
The source of MAC address assignments to be used during the creation
of the new connection. If not specified, the default is the domain default.
If "User-Defined" is specified, then both an Ethernet MAC Address and
iSCSI MAC Address must also be specified. Valid values include VcDefined, Factory-Default, and User-Defined.
The user-defined Ethernet MAC address to use for the connection. This
property is required if the AddressType specified is "User-Defined."
The user-defined iSCSI MAC address to use for the connection. This
property is required if the AddressType specified is "User-Defined."
The name of an existing profile to which the new connection is added.
The name of an existing fabric to associate with the connection. If the fabric
name is not specified, it will be assigned to the next available SAN Fabric.
The port speed of the connection port. Valid values include Auto, 2Gb, 4Gb,
and Disabled. If not specified, then the default port speed is set to "Auto".
The source of WWN address assignments to be used during the creation of
the new connection. If not specified, the default is the domain default. If
"UserDefined" is specified, then both a Port WWN and Node WWN must
also be specified. Valid values include Vc-Defined, Factory-Default, and UserDefined.
The user-defined Port WWN address to use for the connection. This property
is required if the AddressType specified is "User-Defined".
The user-defined Node WWN address to use for the connection. This
property is required if the AddressType specified is "User-Defined".
->add fc-connection MyNewProfile Fabric=SAN_5
Adds a new FC SAN fabric connection to a profile