Honeywell Touchpoint PRO User Manual

Operating Manual
Touchpoint Pro
Touchpoint Pro Pt. No. 2400M2566_6_EN ii Operating Manual
Revision History
Issue 1
Nov 2016
Issue 2
Jan 2017
Issue 3
Oct 2017
Issue 4
Mar 2018
Issue 5
Apr 2019
Issue 6
July 2019
Touchpoint Pro Pt. No. 2400M2566_6_EN iii Operating Manual
In no event shall Honeywell be liable for any damages or injury of any nature or kind, no matter how caused, that arise from the use of the equipment referred to in this manual.
Strict compliance with the safety procedures set out and referred to in this manual, and extreme care in the use of the equipment, are essential to avoid or minimise the chance of personal injury or damage to the equipment.
The information, figures, illustrations, tables, specifications, and schematics contained in this manual are believed to be correct and accurate as at the date of publication or revision. However, no representation or warranty with respect to such correctness or accuracy is given or implied and Honeywell will not, under any circumstances, be liable to any person or corporation for any loss or damages incurred in connection with the use of this manual.
The information, figures, illustrations, tables, specifications, and schematics contained in this manual are subject to change without notice.
Unauthorised modifications to the gas detection system or its installation are not permitted, as these may give rise to unacceptable health and safety hazards.
By installing this equipment on a computer network, the owner accepts full and unequivocal responsibility for ensuring that it is protected against all cyber threats and illegal tampering during the lifetime of the equipment.
Any software forming part of this equipment should be used only for the purposes for which Honeywell supplied it. The user shall undertake no changes, modifications, conversions, translations into another computer language, or copies (except for a necessary backup copy).
In no event shall Honeywell be liable for any equipment malfunction or damages whatsoever, including (without limitation) incidental, direct, indirect, special, and consequential damages, damages for loss of business profits, business interruption, loss of business information, or other pecuniary loss, resulting from any violation of the above prohibitions.
Honeywell Analytics warrants the Touchpoint Pro system against defective parts and workmanship, and will repair or (at its discretion) replace any components that are or may become defective under proper usage within 12 months from the date of commissioning by a Honeywell Analytics approved representative* or 18 months from shipment from Honeywell Analytics, whichever is sooner.
This warranty does not cover consumables, batteries, fuses, normal wear and tear, or damage caused by accident, abuse, improper installation, unauthorized use, modification or repair, ambient environment, poisons, contaminants or abnormal operating conditions.
This warranty does not apply to sensors or components that are covered under separate warranties, or to any 3rd-party cables and components.
Any claim under the Honeywell Analytics Product Warranty must be made within the warranty period and as soon as reasonably practicable after a defect is discovered. Please contact your local Honeywell Analytics Service representative to register your claim.
This is a summary. For full warranty terms Refer to the Honeywell Analytics’ General Statement of Limited Product Warranty, which is available on request.
* A Honeywell Analytics approved representative is a qualified person trained or employed by Honeywell Analytics, or a qualified person trained in accordance with this manual.
Copyright Notice
Microsoft, MS and Windows are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corp. Other brand and product names mentioned in this manual may be trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective
companies and are the sole property of their respective holders. Honeywell is the registered trademark of Honeywell Safety and Productivity Solutions (SPS).
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Touchpoint Pro Pt. No. 2400M2566_6_EN iv Operating Manual
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Touchpoint Pro Pt. No. 2400M2566_6_EN v Operating Manual
1 Important Safety Information ......................................................................................................... 1
1.1 International Standards ....................................................................................................... 1
1.2 Warnings ............................................................................................................................. 2
1.3 Cautions .............................................................................................................................. 3
1.3.1 Intended Readers .......................................................................................................... 3
1.3.2 Conventions Used ......................................................................................................... 3
1.3.3 TPPR Documentation Suite ........................................................................................... 4
1.3.4 Document Translations .................................................................................................. 4
1.3.5 Associated Documents ................................ .................................................................. 4
1.3.6 How to Use this Document ............................................................................................ 4
1.3.7 Further Information and Help ......................................................................................... 4
2 Safety Hazards, Warnings and Cautions ....................................................................................... 5
2.1 Safety .................................................................................................................................. 5
2.1.1 Warnings and Cautions ................................................................................................. 5
2.1.2 Safety Hazards .............................................................................................................. 6
2.2 Location and Description of Warning Labels ....................................................................... 8
2.2.1 Safety Warning Labels ................................................................................................... 8
2.2.2 Equipment Rating Labels (Hazardous Locations) .......................................................... 9
2.2.3 Warning Labels ............................................................................................................ 10
3 Touchpoint Pro Introduction ........................................................................................................ 11
3.1 TPPR Access Levels ........................................................................................................ 11
3.2 TPPR Control System Layout ........................................................................................... 12
3.2.1 Centralised Command and Control Option .................................................................. 13
3.2.2 Distributed Command and Control (Remote Units) Option .......................................... 13
3.3 TPPR System Key Components ....................................................................................... 14
3.3.1 Enclosures and Racks ................................................................................................. 14
3.3.2 TPPR Controller User Interfaces ................................................................................. 14
3.3.3 SD Card ....................................................................................................................... 15
3.3.4 USB Port ...................................................................................................................... 15
3.3.5 PC Configuration Software .......................................................................................... 15
3.3.6 PC Operating Systems ................................................................................................ 15
3.3.7 Webserver Software .................................................................................................... 15
3.3.8 Licences....................................................................................................................... 16
3.3.9 TPPR Controller Hardware .......................................................................................... 16
3.3.10 TPPR Backplane ......................................................................................................... 17
3.3.11 Ring Network ............................................................................................................... 17
3.3.12 TPPR Modules ............................................................................................................. 19
3.3.13 Sensor Catalogue ........................................................................................................ 19
3.4 Power Supply Options ...................................................................................................... 20
3.4.1 Power Supply Unit Modules (PSU) .............................................................................. 20
3.4.2 Power Redundancy Module (RDN) .............................................................................. 21
Touchpoint Pro Pt. No. 2400M2566_6_EN vi Operating Manual
3.4.3 DC Uninterruptible Power Supply (DC-UPS) Module .................................................. 22
3.4.4 Backup Batteries .......................................................................................................... 23
4 Configuration Files........................................................................................................................ 25
4.1 Viewing and Editing the Configuration .............................................................................. 25
4.1.1 To View or Edit the Configuration ................................................................................ 25
4.2 To Back Up the Configuration ........................................................................................... 26
4.3 Restoring the Configuration .............................................................................................. 26
4.4 Deleting the Configuration ................................................................................................ 26
5 Normal Day-to-Day Operation ...................................................................................................... 27
5.1 TPPR Controller Touchscreen Interface ........................................................................... 27
5.2 TPPR PC Configuration Software Interface ...................................................................... 27
5.3 TPPR Webserver Interface ............................................................................................... 27
5.4 TPPR Safety Function ...................................................................................................... 28
5.5 Touchscreen Operation .................................................................................................... 28
5.5.1 System Status Screen Alert Icons ............................................................................... 28
5.5.2 Active Event History ..................................................................................................... 29
5.5.3 Touchscreen Layout .................................................................................................... 29
5.5.4 Touchscreen Navigation .............................................................................................. 30
5.5.5 Login Requirements ..................................................................................................... 32
5.6 How to Recalibrate the Touchscreen ................................................................................ 32
5.7 How to View Input Channels and Input Details ................................................................. 32
5.8 How to View Output Channels .......................................................................................... 33
5.9 How to View the Trend Graph ................................ ........................................................... 34
5.9.1 To View the Trend Graph............................................................................................. 34
5.10 How to View Event History ................................................................................................ 35
5.11 How to View Event Reports .............................................................................................. 35
5.11.1 How to Generate Reports ............................................................................................ 35
5.11.2 How to Print Active Events........................................................................................... 35
5.12 How to Access Diagnostic information .............................................................................. 36
5.13 Managing the Integral SD Card......................................................................................... 36
5.13.1 SD Card Purposes ....................................................................................................... 36
5.13.2 SD Card Management ................................................................................................. 37
5.13.3 SD Capacity Reporting ................................................................................................ 37
5.13.4 How to Check the SD Card Capacity ........................................................................... 37
5.13.5 Ejecting the SD Card ................................................................................................... 37
5.13.6 Replacing an SD Card ................................................................................................. 37
5.14 Accessing Help ................................................................................................................. 37
5.15 System State Relays ......................................................................................................... 38
5.15.1 ROM Output Relays on System Fail ................................................................ ............ 38
6 Alarms, Faults, Warnings and Inhibits ........................................................................................ 39
6.1 Latching Alarms ................................................................................................................ 39
6.2 STEL / LTEL Alarms ......................................................................................................... 39
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6.2.1 Using the STEL Alarm ................................................................................................. 39
6.2.2 Assigning the STEL Alarm to an Output Relay ............................................................ 40
6.3 Rate Alarm ........................................................................................................................ 40
6.4 Relay Activated Outputs ................................................................................................... 40
6.5 Sensor Over Range Operation.......................................................................................... 40
6.5.1 Gas Readings .............................................................................................................. 41
6.6 Catalytic Sensor Over Range Operation ........................................................................... 41
6.7 Full Scale Exceeded and Over Range Warning Operation ............................................... 41
6.7.1 Event Status with a Rising Gas Reading ..................................................................... 42
6.7.2 Event Status as the Gas Concentration Decreases ..................................................... 42
6.7.3 Special Considerations when using Catalytic Sensors ................................................ 43
6.7.4 Configuration of Relay Outputs .................................................................................... 43
6.8 Responding to Alarms, Faults and Warnings .................................................................... 44
6.8.1 To View Active Alarms ................................................................................................. 45
6.8.2 To Acknowledge an Active Alarm ................................................................................ 45
6.8.3 To Reset a Latched Alarm ........................................................................................... 46
6.9 Viewing Faults and Warnings............................................................................................ 46
6.9.1 To View Faults and Warnings ...................................................................................... 46
6.9.2 To Acknowledge (Accept) a Fault or Warning.............................................................. 47
6.9.3 To Reset a Latched Fault or Warning .......................................................................... 47
6.10 Inhibiting a Channel .......................................................................................................... 47
6.10.1 How to Inhibit a Channel .............................................................................................. 47
6.10.2 Channel Auto-Inhibits .................................................................................................. 48
7 Maintenance Procedures .............................................................................................................. 49
7.1 Routine Maintenance ........................................................................................................ 49
7.2 Periodic Maintenance ....................................................................................................... 50
7.2.1 Battery Enclosure Maintenance ................................................................................... 50
7.2.2 Cable Maintenance ...................................................................................................... 50
8 How to Test the TPPR System ..................................................................................................... 51
8.1 Introduction ....................................................................................................................... 51
8.2 LED Panel Test ................................................................................................ ................. 52
8.3 Field Inputs Test ............................................................................................................... 52
8.4 Configuration Settings Test ............................................................................................... 53
8.4.1 How to use the Configuration Settings Test Mode ....................................................... 53
8.5 Cause and Effect Test ...................................................................................................... 54
8.5.1 How to use the Cause and Effect Test Mode:.............................................................. 54
8.6 Analog Output Test ........................................................................................................... 55
8.7 Panel Button Test ............................................................................................................. 55
8.8 System Relay Test ............................................................................................................ 56
8.9 LCD Screen Test .............................................................................................................. 57
8.10 How to Exercise the Output Relays .................................................................................. 57
9 Calibrating Gas Sensors ............................................................................................................... 58
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9.1.1 Calibration Definitions .................................................................................................. 58
9.2 Calibrating AIM-mV Input Channels .................................................................................. 59
9.3 Calibrating AIM-mA Input Channel Loops ......................................................................... 59
10 System Troubleshooting .............................................................................................................. 61
10.1 Observed Problem ............................................................................................................ 61
10.2 Other Issues...................................................................................................................... 65
10.2.1 Modules Reporting a Fault ........................................................................................... 65
11 Error Codes ................................................................................................................................... 66
12 Other Potential Issues .................................................................................................................. 77
12.1 Batteries Fail to Come Online ........................................................................................... 77
12.2 DC-UPS Shows that Batteries are Failing ......................................................................... 77
12.3 Module Faults ................................................................................................................... 77
12.4 Modules Reporting a Fault ................................................................................................ 77
12.5 Spurious Fault Reporting .................................................................................................. 78
13 Further Assistance and Training ................................................................................................. 79
14 EU Declaration of Conformity ...................................................................................................... 80
14.1 Applicable National and International Standards .............................................................. 80
14.2 National and International Certificates for Zone 2 Div. 2 ................................................... 81
14.3 European Performance Approval (DEKRA Exam) for Systems ........................................ 82
14.3.1 Approved Components ................................................................................................ 82
14.3.2 Special Conditions for Use When Used for Explosion Protection ................................ 83
14.3.3 Special Conditions for Use When Used for Measurement of Toxic Gases or Oxygen . 83
14.3.4 Configuration of Relay Outputs for safety-related switching operations ....................... 84
14.3.5 Compliance with EN 45544-2 (Toxic Gases) ............................................................... 84
14.3.6 Compliance with EN 50104 (Oxygen) .......................................................................... 84
14.4 Important Notes on Certification........................................................................................ 84
15 Ordering Information .................................................................................................................... 85
15.1 TPPR System ID Configuration......................................................................................... 85
15.2 TPPR Components Part Numbers .................................................................................... 86
16 Disposal of Redundant / Unserviceable Parts ............................................................................ 87
16.1 Restriction of Hazardous Substances (RoHS) Directive ................................................... 87
16.2 Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) Directive ................................ .......... 87
16.3 TPPR System Construction .............................................................................................. 87
16.3.1 TPPR Safe Area Enclosures: ....................................................................................... 87
16.3.2 TPPR Battery Enclosure .............................................................................................. 87
16.3.3 TPPR 19 Inch Rack ..................................................................................................... 87
16.3.4 TPPR I/O Modules ....................................................................................................... 87
16.3.5 TPPR Power Supply Units ........................................................................................... 88
16.3.6 TPPR Ring Coupling Module ....................................................................................... 88
16.3.7 TPPR Backplanes ........................................................................................................ 88
16.3.8 TPPR Packaging ......................................................................................................... 88
17 Table of Icons ................................................................................................................................ 89
Touchpoint Pro Pt. No. 2400M2566_6_EN ix Operating Manual
18 List of Illustrations ................................................................ ........................................................ 91
19 List of Tables ................................................................................................................................. 93
Touchpoint Pro Pt. No. 2400M2566_6_EN 1 Operating Manual

1 Important Safety Information

The Equipment referred to in this manual contains components and assemblies that are each certified for use in a variety of differing environments, and it is the site owner’s responsibility to confirm the suitability of the equipment and any associated computer networks prior to its installation and use.
The Equipment assemblies referred to in this manual are collectively certified for use in a gas detection system only. Any other use is not currently certified and is not authorised by the manufacturer.
For installation in Canada and the USA, for both ordinary and hazardous locations, all connections, cabling, overcurrent protection and installations must strictly adhere to both the National Electrical Code (NEC) and the Canadian Electrical Code (CEC).
Check the product rating plate and look for the following marks to ensure that the supplied equipment is suitable for its intended location and purpose:
Products bearing the CE mark conform to all applicable European Directives as stated on the Honeywell product specific EU Declaration of Conformity.
Products bearing the CSA mark conform to the requirements for Ordinary Locations, and where marked on components and apparatus, Zone 2 and Division 2 Hazardous Locations.
Products, components and apparatus bearing the ATEX Explosion Protection mark conform to the requirements for Zone 2 Potentially Explosive Atmospheres.

1.1 International Standards

All personnel should acquaint themselves with the contents of the following standards before commencing work on gas detection systems:
IEC 60079-29-2, which gives guidance on, and recommended practice for, the selection, installation, safe use and maintenance of electrically operated group II apparatus intended for use in industrial and commercial safety applications for the detection and measurement of flammable gases complying with the requirements of EN 60079-29-1.
IEC 60079-20-1, which gives guidance on material characteristics for gas and vapour classification; test methods and data. It also explains how to convert test and calibration gas (span gas) concentrations from %LFL to %v/v.
EN 45544-4, which gives guidance on electrical apparatus used for the direct detection and direct concentration measurement of toxic gases and vapours and a guide for their selection, installation, use and maintenance.
Touchpoint Pro Pt. No. 2400M2566_6_EN 2 Operating Manual

1.2 Warnings

Read the following Warnings and Cautions before starting any work on the TPPR system.
1. For safety reasons this equipment must be operated by qualified personnel only. Read and understand the Instruction Manual completely before operating or servicing the equipment.
2. The equipment specified in this manual is only to be installed by the Manufacturer’s trained personnel, or by competent persons trained in accordance with the Manufacturer’s installation instructions.
3. Installation must be in accordance with the recognized standards of the appropriate authority in the country concerned. Refer to local, national and company regulations.
4. To protect against cyber threats, installation on a computer network must be carried out in collaboration with your Company’s IT department or professional IT consultants, and the guidelines and recommendations in the Honeywell Network Security Guide should be followed.
5. Do not operate the Touchpoint Pro system or its components outside of their rated operating specification.
6. Touchpoint Pro must not be operated in Oxygen enriched atmospheres, i.e. greater than 25% v/v Oxygen.
7. All equipment containing a User Interface must be suitably protected from direct sunlight and rain.
8. Power Supply Fluctuations are not to exceed DC 18 – 32 V SELV Supply or ±10 % of nominal.
9. All versions of Enclosure are electrical Class 1, and must be connected to Protective Earth (Ground).
10. The Touchpoint Pro installation must include a means of isolating or disconnecting the input voltage supply. The isolation or disconnection device must be conveniently located close to the system and be clearly labelled. For an AC mains voltage supply, the isolation or disconnection device must disconnect both the line and neutral poles, but maintain earth (ground) continuity.
11. The Touchpoint Pro input voltage supply must include over-current protection.
12. All cabling must be appropriately rated and approved in accordance with local, national and company regulations, and suitable for the installation. Additionally, cabling must satisfy requirements defined in the manuals of connected field devices, in particular if the field device is certified for use in a hazardous location.
13. All signal cables and interconnections must be shielded and the shields terminated only at the unified earth (ground) bus bar situated inside the enclosure.
14. All conduits and cable armour shall be bonded to protective earth (ground). To avoid ground loops, isolating cable entry glands shall be used at the enclosure end where conduits or armour are earthed at the sensor end.
15. Cable entry glands, blanking plugs, reducers, adaptors and breather devices must be suitably approved and must not reduce the IP rating or protection levels. Items should not be used if there is a high risk of mechanical damage to the equipment or enclosure.
16. Cable gland plates or blanking plates must be installed using the supplied gaskets and metal fixings. Failing to do so will invalidate the IP rating.
17. Access doors and entry points must not be opened when a flammable gas atmosphere is present (Class 1 Div.2, Class 1 Zone 2, and Zone 2 [ATEX]).
18. Access doors and entry points must be kept closed when the system is energised in normal operation.
19. All equipment in this manual is rated to +2000 m (6562 ft.) altitude maximum.
20. Touchpoint Pro systems may contain hazardous live terminals. Appropriate precautions should be taken during operation, installation, and maintenance and servicing. Specifically, operators must have appropriate training and experience to be aware of the hazards to which they may be exposed, and of measures to minimise risk to themselves or other people.
21. The protection provided by the equipment may be impaired if the equipment is used in a manner not specified or authorised by the manufacturer. This includes being connected to an insecure TCP/IP network.
22. Be aware that extended exposure of a sensor element to certain concentrations of combustible gases and air can introduce stress to the element that may seriously affect its performance, and therefore recalibration should be carried out or the sensor replaced, or both, after an alarm due to an indication of a high concentration.
23. Risk Assessments should be carried out and alternative safety arrangements should be put in place BEFORE beginning any servicing or maintenance.
Touchpoint Pro Pt. No. 2400M2566_6_EN 3 Operating Manual

1.3 Cautions

1.3.1 Intended Readers

This Manual should be read by everyone who operates or monitors the TPPR gas detection system. In addition this manual may be used to train people who operate or monitor the TPPR gas detection system.
Only personnel who have been fully trained by Honeywell are authorised to Install, Set-up, Commission, Service, Test, Repair, or Recondition Honeywell gas detection systems.

1.3.2 Conventions Used

The following conventions are used in this manual:
TPPRrefers to the Touchpoint Pro Gas Detection System.
‘Start up’ refers to the action of switching on the system ready for use.
‘Power Cycle’ refers to cycling the power off and then on again.
‘Boot up’ refers to the action of starting the software from cold.
‘Reboot’ refers to shutting down and restarting the software without interrupting the power supply.
1. The USB Device port is for Maintenance use only. End users shall use only the USB Host port with a USB Flash drive, and backup / restore / upgrades shall only be performed with the system in a safe (i.e. inhibited) mode.
2. Touchpoint Pro power supply units, Ring Coupling Modules and Input / Output Modules have no user serviceable parts. In the unlikely event of a failure, the power supply unit or module must be replaced using only manufacturer supplied parts.
3. Do not use sharp objects to operate the Touchscreen as this could irreparably damage the User Interface and adversely affect its IP rating.
4. Use only soft, damp cloths or screen wipes to clean the Touchpoint Pro. Do not use solvents or abrasives as they will damage the User Interface.
5. Once commissioned, Touchpoint Pro is intended for continuous operation.
Personnel, who work on, or in the area of, the Touchpoint Pro Gas detection system must be made aware of
Chapter 2 – Safety Hazards, Warnings and Cautions.
Before unpacking the system, please read the documentation that accompanies it.
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1.3.3 TPPR Documentation Suite

The TPPR documentation is supplied on CD-ROM with new systems, and is available to download from the Honeywell Analytics website, whose address is on the back cover.
The downloadable TPPR documentation suite consists of:
Touchpoint Pro Technical Handbook
Touchpoint Pro Operating Manual (this document)
PC Configuration Software Operating Guide
Webserver Software Operating Guide
Touchpoint Pro Safety Manual
Touchpoint Pro Security Guide

1.3.4 Document Translations

TPPR Technical documents are available in English only, but this document is available in:
Deutsch (DE)
English (EN)
Español (ES)
Français (FR)
Italiano (IT)
Nederlands (NL)
pусский (RU)

1.3.5 Associated Documents

TPPR documents should be read in conjunction with 3rd-Party or ancillary component and sensor documentation.

1.3.6 How to Use this Document

This document is not designed to be read ‘end-to-end’. Rather it is intended to be used as an authoritative reference work and source of safety information and operational procedures. As such it is organised into logical sections and chapters that allow all levels of reader to quickly access the required information.
This document is organised so that individual sections, chapters or pages can be copied or printed as a quick reference source. All new chapters start on an odd facing page to allow them to ‘stand-alone’ when printed, and some end pages are deliberately blank for the same reason.
It is strongly recommended that the hyperlinked Contents, Figures, and Table lists, and the PDF bookmark tool, are used for easy navigation.

1.3.7 Further Information and Help

Contact Honeywell Analytics Technical Support for advice if you notice any conflicts between this and other documents. Contact Honeywell Analytics Sales Support for a list of TPPR-compatible sensors, filters, test gases or other components. The Honeywell contact details are on the back page of this document.
Touchpoint Pro Pt. No. 2400M2566_6_EN 5 Operating Manual

2 Safety Hazards, Warnings and Cautions

2.1 Safety

Incorrect set-up, maintenance, operation or modification of the Touchpoint Pro gas detection system or its installation may constitute a serious hazard to the health and safety of personnel and their environment. It is therefore imperative that the contents of this chapter are thoroughly understood by everyone who has access to the gas detection system or its associated equipment.
When properly installed, fully-enclosed gas detection systems are rated IP65. Standard systems may be installed in a Pollution Degree 2 (i.e. laboratory, office or control room) or Pollution Degree 3 (i.e.
unheated boiler room) environment as defined by IEC/UL/EN 61010–1: Safety requirements for electrical equipment for measurement, control and laboratory use.
In all cases, several hazards may be present when operating or servicing the equipment and extreme caution must be exercised at all times. The hazards that may be encountered include:
Class 1 electrical hazards (AC 110/220 V, DC 18–32 V)
Mechanical hazards (Heavy components, swinging access doors)
Environmental hazards (toxic atmospheres)
Fire and Ignition hazards (Touchpoint Pro is not ATEX/IECEx Zone 1 certified, and cannot be used in flammable
atmospheres, or where oxygen concentrations >25% v/v O2)

2.1.1 Warnings and Cautions

Safety of this equipment is reinforced by the use of safety labels that are fixed to the equipment in a visible manner. The type of safety labels used and their location is detailed in this chapter. In addition, specific hazards are detailed throughout this manual.
The degree of seriousness of a hazard is indicated in this manual by the use of the following signal words (in red) accompanied by a suitable hazard symbol:
Indicates an imminent hazard that, if not avoided, is extremely likely to result in death or serious injury.
Indicates a potentially hazardous situation that, if not avoided, could result in death or serious injury.
Indicates a potentially hazardous situation that, if not avoided, may result in minor or moderate injury. It is also
used to alert the user against unsafe working practices and potential damage to equipment.
Touchpoint Pro Pt. No. 2400M2566_6_EN 6 Operating Manual

2.1.2 Safety Hazards

The following specific hazards are associated with the use of this equipment:
The Touchpoint Pro range includes a wall mounted enclosure that is certified as ATEX/IECEx Zone 2, Class I Div. 2
and Class I (Zone 2) safe, but this enclosure can only be installed as a remote unit.
ATEX certified components may be used within the Touchpoint Pro and these bear the ATEX imprint shown to the
Lethal voltage may be present both internally and externally to the system.
All installations, including cabinets, racks and remote units, must be connected to true earth, and must be capable of
staying earthed (grounded) when the power supply is interrupted.
The Protective Earth (Ground) symbol is shown on the left, and it always has a green background.
Do not confuse it with the chassis earth symbol shown below it.
The Touchpoint Pro Controller is NOT ATEX/IECEx safe, and it may only be installed in safe areas where there are
no flammable atmospheres, and no oxygen concentrations >25 % v/v O2.
Toxic waste and harmful by-products may accumulate within parts of the system. Suitable respiratory, eye and skin
protection should be worn when servicing these items. Stringent industrial hygiene precautions should also be
taken. Do not allow non-essential personnel into the work area.
The Touchpoint Pro system and/or its sensors may become contaminated by the ambient environment in which it or
they are used. It is the Customer’s sole responsibility to ensure that all appropriate safety precautions are taken
before handling any components or transferring them to any other party.
All power supplies must be hard wired and must include a circuit breaker (RCD / RCCB), and (close by and
unobstructed) a means of manually isolating and locking out the power supply without breaking the true earth
(ground) connection.
Removable plug and socket connection is not permitted under any circumstance.
Lethal voltage may be present in this equipment when electrical power is applied. There is a danger of death or
injury from electrical shock. Isolate power before opening electrical access panels. Ensure residual current is fully
discharged before touching live terminals.
Touchpoint Pro Pt. No. 2400M2566_6_EN 7 Operating Manual
Safety Hazards (continued)
Contact your Honeywell authorised representative if you need further advice on any of the above.
The Touchpoint Pro system may contain sealed lead-acid batteries that may pose an eye hazard if the batteries
have become damaged or pressurised. Always wear suitable eye protection when handling the UPS or batteries, or
when clearing up chemical spills.
Always wear suitable eye protection and PPE when installing or removing the Touchpoint Pro system, or any of its
This equipment may contain batteries containing corrosive substances that may pose a health or environmental
hazard if improperly handled or carelessly disposed of.
Touchpoint Pro enclosures are heavy and may become unstable when moved. Always wear PPE and ensure that
mechanical means and sufficient personnel are available to assist when moving or handling these items.
This equipment contains a number of potentially toxic substances that may pose a health or environmental hazard if
exposed to very high temperatures, VOCs or corrosives, or if improperly handled or carelessly disposed of.
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2.2 Location and Description of Warning Labels

2.2.1 Safety Warning Labels

Warning labels are mounted in specified locations on the equipment. This is to indicate conditions under which the user could be subjected to electrical or other hazards.
Figure 1. Electrical Warning Label 1
Figure 2. Electrical Warning Label 2
Figure 3. Protective Earth (Ground) Point
Figure 4. Equipment Earth (Ground) Point
Note: Earth (Ground) Location Point labels are used inside the system and are not normally visible to the operator.
Figure 5. Controller Rear Cover with Example Labels
See next page for further information.
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2.2.2 Equipment Rating Labels (Hazardous Locations)

The following labels are fixed in prominent positions on the enclosure and on relevant modules. It is the user’s responsibility to check individual rating plates before installation and to ensure that specifications are not exceeded during operation. Exceeding the approved ratings invalidates product certification and the manufacturers’ warranties.
Some early and OEM Controllers may not have the label shown in Fig. 5, but will have a label similar to the one in Fig. 6.
Key 1 Manufacturer
Part Numbers
ID and Serial Number
Modification State
Safety Warnings
Ingress Ratings
Manufacturer Details
Equipment Title
Limits for Voltage / Power / T
CE Mark and Notified Body for Production Supervision
SIRA ATEX / IECEx Certificate Numbers
ATEX / IECEx Hazardous Area Certification Details
US/Canadian Hazardous Location and Zone Certification Details
CSA Monogram Canada and USA Certified
Manufacturer’s Master Contract
Number and Canadian / US Performance Identification
Figure 6. Example of a Typical System Rating Label
Note: The CE mark and Notified Body number nnnn shown on product labels does not apply to Type ‘n’ approval.
Figure 7. Typical TPPR Product Label
Note: Similar labels appear on the Modules.
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2.2.3 Warning Labels

The following symbols may be found on product labels and on the backup batteries:
Figure 8. Keep Children Away
Figure 9. No Naked Flames
Figure 10. Use Caution
Figure 11. Electrical Hazard
Figure 12. Read The Instruction Manual
Figure 13. Wear Eye Protection
Figure 14. Hazardous Waste
(Pb = Lead)
Figure 15. Recycle Only
Touchpoint Pro Pt. No. 2400M2566_6_EN 11 Operating Manual

3 Touchpoint Pro Introduction

Touchpoint Pro (TPPR) is a Command and Control System designed for the Honeywell Analytics’ (and third party) range of fixed sensors and detectors. It provides constant sensor monitoring with automatic alarm response and notification. Its alarm levels and responses are fully customisable and all events and errors are logged on a removable SD card for easy archiving.
TPPR is certified to monitor hazardous areas such as Zone 2 Div. 2 via remote Z2D2 enclosures. TPPR can be used indoors or outdoors, in pollution degrees 2 to 4, and up to IP66, depending on the enclosure that is used. In addition it can be securely networked and either controlled or monitored via a secure network connection and the
Honeywell PC Configuration software or via the secure Honeywell Webserver browser interface. Note: Both access methods are optional licensed extras. Please visit the Honeywell website for further information or to
download the Operating Instructions.

3.1 TPPR Access Levels

The table below details the access levels for the Local User Interface (UI). Broadly speaking, an Administrator can commission modules and configure channels, an Engineer can edit channel configuration and do calibrations and testing, and an Operator can acknowledge and reset events during normal day-to-day operation. Other users can view current and historical events and trend data, and generate reports.
TPPR is supplied with a default Administrator level account. For security reasons this password will be attached to the system Touchscreen. When the system is configured, at least one new Administrator account should be created. The default Administrator should then log out and then log back in as the new Administrator, and should then delete the default Administrator account to prevent unauthorized access. The Administrator can create other users with
Administrator level access or lower and the Maintenance Engineer can create users with Engineer level access or lower. Note: Forgotten or deleted passwords cannot be recovered so it is advisable to keep a copy of the master password in a
secure place or have two Administrator accounts. Authorised users can carry out the following tasks:
Key: Yes , No Read only Engineer and Operator
Basic System Setup
Change Language
Change My Password
Configuring Channels
Configuring Modules
Configuring System
Help / User Guides
Licence Management
User Management
View and accept and reset System Events
Generate Reports
Table 1. TPPR Access Levels
Note: Only Administrators can end another user’s active session. Note: For security reasons some of these tasks are unavailable through PC Configuration and Webserver software. Refer to
the appropriate User Manual for more information. Note: TPPR’s ability to Accept and Reset events can be restricted to authorised users by changing the software settings.
However, remote switches cannot be restricted through software so alternative switch protection methods should be used where required.
Touchpoint Pro Pt. No. 2400M2566_6_EN 12 Operating Manual

3.2 TPPR Control System Layout

The TPPR Control system can be built from just four main building blocks:
1. One Controller module with colour LCD touch screen User Interface
2. One backplane power and communications rail ( per enclosure or rack)
3. Power Supply modules (AC/DC, DC-UPS, Redundancy, Backup Battery)
4. Plug-in Input / Output (I/O) modules (mV, mA, AIM, DIM, ROM, AOM, Modbus)
Figure 16. TPPR Building Blocks
The illustration above shows wall mounted units but rack mounted and floor standing units use the same building blocks. Enclosures can also hold multiple backplanes to allow for future system expansion.
Small Remote Unit
Controller Unit
24 VDC Power Supply
(120/240/480 W)
Redundancy Module
Relay Output Modules
Digital Input Modules
mV/mA Analog Input Modules
Analog Output Modules
Touchpoint Pro Pt. No. 2400M2566_6_EN 13 Operating Manual

3.2.1 Centralised Command and Control Option

TPPR can be installed as part of a centralised cabling system. With a centralised system, the field devices are individually cabled back to the Controller and the field devices’ distance from the controller is limited only by the cable resistance and whether or not power boosters are used.

3.2.2 Distributed Command and Control (Remote Units) Option

TPPR can be installed as part of a distributed cabling system. In a distributed architecture, the field devices are connected via short cable runs to TPPR Remote units, which are connected back to the controller by the Ring Network.
Remote units can be located up to 1 km (cable length) from the TPPR Controller or from each other, with a maximum cable loop of 3 km for the complete system. The only connection required between the Controller and the Remote units is the shielded network cable itself.
The TPPR Remote unit can be housed in any of the standard Enclosures, a 19” 5U rack, or a suitable 3rd-party enclosure. They do not need a Controller but they do require their own power supplies.
Note: Standard Remote Units can be sited in safe areas to monitor and control devices sited in hazardous areas. You
should comply with all relevant legislation and you should follow the field device manufacturer’s installation and use
The diagram below shows an example of a typical distributed setup showing both safe zone and zone 2 remote units.
Figure 17. TPPR Controller with Remote Units and Field Devices
Max. Loop 3 km
<1 km
<1 km
<1 km
<1 km
Lamp Stack
You can install a Zone 2 Remote unit in Zone 2 to monitor sensors in ATEX Zone 1 provided that you use
appropriate barriers and armoured conduits, and that you follow all national and international cabling regulations.
Touchpoint Pro Pt. No. 2400M2566_6_EN 14 Operating Manual

3.3 TPPR System Key Components

3.3.1 Enclosures and Racks

TPPR can be mounted in various sizes of floor or wall mounted enclosures, or on 19” 5U racks. The floor mounted enclosures can be unventilated, naturally ventilated, or force ventilated. The fully sealed wall mounted enclosures can hold a controller or can be a remote terminal without a controller.
If using a 19” rack, the OEM or installer must ensure the installation is at least IP20 / Type 1 / Class 1 (grounded) to mitigate the risk of electrical shock.
Figure 18. TPPR Enclosures

3.3.2 TPPR Controller User Interfaces

The TPPR Controller is covered with a protective membrane and houses the touch screen user interface (UI), the alarm buzzer, the Accept and Reset buttons, and coloured LEDs for Power, Alarm, Fault, and Inhibit.
The controller has four access methods:
Control Panel touch screen for normal system operation, maintenance and configuration
PC Configuration Software (optional licences) for secure maintenance and configuration over a VPN or cable
Webserver (optional licences) allows up to 5 people to securely view events and carry out basic system operation via
an Ethernet connection or the Internet
Modbus option
Internal System Interfaces consist of:
Two master relays that signal System Failure and System Fault
Connections for one SD Card and one USB drive
10/100 Mbps Ethernet connection (for networked interfacing)
Optional dual RS 485 Modbus RTU interface
Figure 19. TPPR Controller Cover with Connection Map
Touchpoint Pro Pt. No. 2400M2566_6_EN 15 Operating Manual

3.3.3 SD Card

TPPR is supplied with an installed 4GB SD card, which users may replace with a larger capacity if desired. The SD card is used to store the event history of the system. TPPR logs all events and all changes to input readings. Note: The SD Card should remain inserted during normal system operation as the motherboard has limited data storage

3.3.4 USB Port

The USB Host port allows users to save reports, backup and restore configuration.
Note: USB devices must be formatted to FAT32 only; other file systems are not supported and will not work. Note: The USB device is intended for maintenance and support operations only, and should be removed for normal use.

3.3.5 PC Configuration Software

This optional (downloadable) licensed software allows authorised users to configure some TPPR settings by using a remote PC over an Ethernet connection. This is more efficient as you can use a larger screen and keyboard.
More information is available in a separate PC Configuration User Guide, downloadable from

3.3.6 PC Operating Systems

Windows 7, 8 and 8.1 are supported for use with PC Configuration and Webserver; other operating systems may work but are not supported.

3.3.7 Webserver Software

This optional (pre-installed) licensed software allows users to remotely view live status, and analyse event history. Authorised users can also acknowledge, inhibit and reset I/O channels.
The Webserver supports up to 5 concurrent web clients. More than 5 clients can connect but performance may degrade. More information is available in a separate Webserver Operating Manual. Supported Web Browsers
TPPR software is compatible with most current web browsers.
Honeywell will not be held liable for any loss or damage caused by any security breach, no matter how caused.
Touchpoint Pro Pt. No. 2400M2566_6_EN 16 Operating Manual

3.3.8 Licences

The TPPR controller software does not require a licence. Please contact your local Honeywell supplier or distributor to obtain licences for the optional PC Configuration and
Webserver options. Refer to the PC Configuration or Webserver User Guides for details on installing and managing licences. TPPR will notify you shortly before the expiry of your current PC Configuration or Webserver licence. Licence expiry does
not affect local operation using the local controller’s interface.

3.3.9 TPPR Controller Hardware

Internally the Controller houses the Control Centre Board (CCB) and the Communications Board (COB). It also contains an SD Card slot, USB ports and an Ethernet / Printer port.
The CCB handles all functions related to the safety system operation, the Ring network, the LED indicators and buttons on the front panel, and the master system state relays. An optional backup CCB is available for multiple redundancy specifications.
The COB handles the remaining user interfaces (UI) – Touchscreen, bus output and the SD, USB and Ethernet ports. The Communication Board is completely independent from the Safety Function of the system.
Figure 20. TPPR Controller
Always follow the correct procedure to remove/suspend/reinstall a licence if your system software or firmware is
going to be updated or repaired. Full details are contained in the PC Configuration and Webserver User Manuals.
Touchpoint Pro Pt. No. 2400M2566_6_EN 17 Operating Manual

3.3.10 TPPR Backplane

The TPPR Backplane is the power and information highway to which all of the TPPR modules are attached. There can be several backplanes in larger units, and they are installed within the DIN rail to which the modules are clipped.
The Backplane is available in four lengths (270 mm, 350 mm, 430 mm, 480 mm) to suit 5, 7, 9 or 10 I/O modules respectively, but the choice may be restricted by the size of the selected power supply option and the need to maintain adequate cooling space between modules.
Note: The DIN rail is 430 mm for a standard enclosure or 487 mm for the wide enclosure (10 x I/O) option.
Figure 21. TPPR Backplane
The power supply plugs into one of the green sockets on the left hand side of the backplane and supplies power to the modules via the module connectors. The Ring Coupling Module (RCM) is normally positioned next to the power connector and facilitates bi-directional communication between the CCB and the modules again via the module connectors.

3.3.11 Ring Network

The Ring Coupling Module (RCM) and Input / Output (I/O) modules connect to a dual ring circuit so that they can communicate with the CCB through each other and through the RCM.
This enables fail-safe redundancy because, if one addressable module fails and interrupts the primary circuit, the addressable modules on either side of it can still communicate with the CCB via the backup ring circuit (see diagram below), and the CCB can identify which module has failed by knowing which addressable modules are still active.
Figure 22. TPPR Controller Typical Schematic
Gas Detectors
TPPR- Activated Field Devices
Output Modules
Input Modules
DIN Rail
Ring 'A'
Ring 'B'
Communication Board
Control Centre Board
TPPR Controller
24 V DC
PSU Input
Input Modules
Field Device
Output Modules
RCM Redundancy
Module (option)
Touchpoint Pro Pt. No. 2400M2566_6_EN 18 Operating Manual
For single cabinet installations, the Ring Network runs directly between the RCM and the Control Module. For Remote units, the network runs additionally over data cable between the Controller and all of the backplanes in the
system. The Ring Network is the only communication link required between the CCB and Remote Units (which have their own
backplanes, PSU and modules, but no Control Module).
Figure 23. Example Ring Circuit
Touchpoint Pro Pt. No. 2400M2566_6_EN 19 Operating Manual

3.3.12 TPPR Modules

TPPR is of modular construction so it can be easily expanded if required. The quantity and mix of I/O modules is optional and expandable.
Power Supply Unit (PSU) modules accept AC 120 240 V at 50/60 Hz single phase and are available in three power outputs: 24 VDC @ 120, 240 or 480 W.
The optional DC-UPS is an uninterruptible DC power supply that links to and charges the optional 2 x 12 V Sealed Lead Acid backup batteries.
The optional Redundancy Module (RDN) can control two DC 20 A power inputs. If one input supply fails, the Redundancy Module will switch over to the other, maintaining the DC output. Alarm relays will open if one of the input supplies fails.
The Ring Coupling Module (RCM) enables fail-safe bi-directional (ring network) communication between modules and the controller. An RCM is required for each backplane in the system.
Various types of I/O modules are available, each containing four channels. A single TPPR system can contain up to 16 input modules offering 64 input channels and up to 32 output modules offering 128 output channels.
Analog Input Module 4–20 mA (AIM mA)
4-channel Analog Input Module for 2 or 3 wire 4-20mA sensor signals
Analog Input Module mV Bridge (AIM mV)
4-channel Module for mV-Bridge signals; supports up to 4 catalytic bead flammable gas sensors
Digital Input Module (DIM)
4-channel Module for switched input devices such as manually operated push buttons. Can also be used for remote access to alarm acknowledge, reset and output inhibit inputs
Relay Output Module (ROM)
4-channel Module incorporating qty 4 SPCO (NO/NC) relays; suitable to activate field mounted external alarms, actuators, drenching or shutter systems, or to de-activate magnetic exit controls etc.
Analog Output Module (AOM)
4-channel Analog Output Module for 2 or 3 wire 4-20mA/0-20mA output signals
Table 2. TPPR Module Types
Figure 24. TPPR Module Types

3.3.13 Sensor Catalogue

The TPPR Controller is pre-loaded with an updatable sensor catalogue that lists all of Honeywell Analytics’ current gas sensors, each with a full default configuration setting that can be loaded when commissioning the Input modules. The full configuration can be viewed afterwards, and individual parameters changed if desired.
The full procedure is explained in the TPPR Technical Handbook, Ch.7 Software Setup and Commissioning.
Relay Output Modules
Digital Input Modules
mV/mA Analog Input Modules
Analog Output Modules
24 VDC Power Supply
(120/240/480 W)
Redundancy Module
Touchpoint Pro Pt. No. 2400M2566_6_EN 20 Operating Manual

3.4 Power Supply Options

TPPR can be supplied from an AC 110/240 V Single Phase industrial supply via the optional Power Supply (PSU) Modules, or from a direct DC 24 V power supply, or from optional 24 VDC backup batteries via the DC Uninterrupted Power Supply module (DC-UPS).
When specifying power supplies, you should consider cabinet internal temperatures and cooling. In addition, power supplies should be rated to allow for current surges and peaks. Contact your Honeywell representative for advice.
Figure 25. Typical Power Supply Setup
A full description of the available module types is given in the following sections.

3.4.1 Power Supply Unit Modules (PSU)

The TPPR System can be equipped with PSU modules of different capacity, depending on the number of I/O modules being used. The power supplies are mounted to the DIN-Rail and are available in the following ratings:
120 W, 24 – 28 VDC (5 A @ DC 24 V)
240 W, 24 – 28 VDC (10 A @ DC 24 V)
480 W, 24 – 28 VDC (20 A @ DC 24 V)
The power supplies have a 'DC Ok' status output that can be used to give a fault warning on failure.
Figure 26. Choice of PSU Size (120 W / 240 W / 480 W)
AC Mains
AC Generator
Main Isolator
Circuit Breaker
AC power supplies must have a permanent connection to a protective earth, according to local regulations.
Touchpoint Pro Pt. No. 2400M2566_6_EN 21 Operating Manual
~ AC 110/240 V Neutral In
~ AC 110/240 V Line In
Protective Earth (Ground)
DC 24 – 28 +V Output 1
DC 24 – 28 +V Output 2
DC V Output 1
DC V Output 2
Relay Contacts 1 & 2
Table 3. PSU Terminal Allocation

3.4.2 Power Redundancy Module (RDN)

The RDN is an optional power supply backup system that can be installed with a second PSU to offer dual power supply redundancy. Often the Mains supply will be connected to the first PSU and a stand-by generator connected to the second PSU. The RDN will take power from either input and output it as a single source. See diagram below for cabling details.
Note: The RDN Output can also provide further redundancies via an optional battery backup and DC Uninterruptible Power Supply (DC-UPS) module.
Figure 27. Power Redundancy Module Operation
20 A Load
+ 72 hidden pages