The thermostatic mixing valve comprises:
• Threaded or soldered union connectors
•Adjuster knob
• Protective cap for locking the set mixed temperature
• Dezincification resistant brass housing
• Brass threaded connections
• Moving parts of high-quality, scale-resistant synthetic
• Transparent plastics protective cap
• Plastics adjuster knob
• NBR seals
• Stainless steel spring
EN0H-1306GE23 R0807 • Subject to change
Thermostatic mixing valve
with scald protection
Product specification sheet
Thermostatic mixing valves of this type provide control of the
water temperature and are used:
• For centralised control on hot water supply units or for localised control adjacent to point-use outlets
• In heating systems with underfloor heating or for limiting boiler
return temperatures
Where a system includes a hot water circulation circuit, a KB 191
return flow retarder unit (see accessories) must be fitted to
prevent cold water backfeeding and cooling the mixed water at
the outlets.
Special Features
• Highly sensitive thermal element with good all-round watertemperature sensing, even at low flow rates
• Simple setting of the required water temperature
• Scald protection - the hot water inlet is automatically cut off if
the cold supply fails provided that the hot water inlet temperature is at least 10 K higher than that of mixed water setting
• The cold water inlet is automatically cut off if the hot supply
• Meets KTW recommendations for potable water
• Inner components are of scale-resistant materials
Range of Application
Medium Water
Operating pressure Max. 10 bar
Maximum pressure difference between hot and
cold inlet supplies
Technical Data
Installation position As required
Hot water inlet temperature
Connection size R
Setting range 30 °C - 60 °C
Flow rate at 1.0 bar pressure differential across
valve approximately
Control accuracy < ± 4 K
2.5 bar
Max. 90 °C
/4" or ∅ 22
Set during manufacture 40 °C
27 l/min
www.honeywell.com 31

TM200 Thermostatic mixing valve
Method of Operation
a) As a mixing valve for hot water supply systems and heating
The highly sensitive thermal element located in the outlet of the
valve controls a plug which regulates the flow proportions of cold
and hot water in relation to the mixed hot water setting selected.
Soft seatings are fitted to both hot and cold water inlets.
They provide:
• A positive hot inlet shutoff if the cold water supply is interrupted, provided that the hot water inlet temperature is at
least 10 K higher than that of the mixed water setting.
• The cold water supply is cut off if the hot water supply is interrupted.
b) As a diverter valve on central heating systems:
For this application flow through the valve is in the reverse direction compared with its use as a hot water mixing valve. The inlet
water passes around the sensing element and regulates the
control piston so that for temperatures above the set value the
water is returned to the heating circuit and for temperatures
lower than the set value the water is diverted to the boiler.
A protective cap is supplied with the valve to lock the mixed
temperature setting.
Connection size R
Dimensions (mm)
/4" ∅ 22 mm
TM200-3/4A = With R
/4" threaded male connections
TM200-3/4B = With ∅ 22 mm soldered connections
KB191-3/4 Return flow-retarder unit
for fitting to systems which include a hot water circulation circuit - to prevent cold water backfeeding and
cooling the mixed water at the outlets.
Operating pressure:max. 10 bar
Operating temperature:max. 90 °C
Installation orientation:Arrow pointing in flow
32 www.honeywell.com
EN0H-1306GE23 R0807 • Subject to change