Features ..................................................................................................................................................................... 5
Organization of the Manual .................................................................................................................................................. 6
CONFIGURATION OF TB3026B AND TB3026B-W CONTROLLERS .................................................................................. 7
Digital Signature ............................................................................................................................................................. 8
Connecting to Platform ..............................................................................................................................................12
Adding New Station ...................................................................................................................................................12
Starting New Station .................................................................................................................................................14
Adding BACnet Network to Niagara Network ............................................................................................................16
Adding TB3026B Controller to the BACnet Network .................................................................................................18
Field Description for TB3026B Configuration Wizard ....................................................................................................20
AHU ...............................................................................................................................................................................22
General Display .........................................................................................................................................................23
Zone Setpoints ..........................................................................................................................................................27
Control Settings .........................................................................................................................................................30
Fan / Humidity ...........................................................................................................................................................32
Air Source Heat Pump ...................................................................................................................................................37
General Display .........................................................................................................................................................38
Zone Setpoints ..........................................................................................................................................................42
Control Settings .........................................................................................................................................................45
Fan / Humidity ...........................................................................................................................................................47
Water Source Heat Pump..............................................................................................................................................52
General Display .........................................................................................................................................................53
Zone Setpoints ..........................................................................................................................................................57
Control Settings .........................................................................................................................................................60
Fan / Humidity ...........................................................................................................................................................62
Two Pipe Fan Coil Unit ..................................................................................................................................................67
General Display .........................................................................................................................................................69
Zone Setpoints .......................................................................................................................................................... 73
Control Settings ........................................................................................................................................................ 76
Fan / Humidity ........................................................................................................................................................... 80
Four Pipe Fan Coil Unit ................................................................................................................................................. 85
General Display ........................................................................................................................................................ 87
Zone Setpoints .......................................................................................................................................................... 91
Control Settings ........................................................................................................................................................ 94
Fan / Humidity ........................................................................................................................................................... 97
Value Limits ................................................................................................................................................................ 110
Current Value .............................................................................................................................................................. 110
Refresh alarm list ........................................................................................................................................................ 110
Auto Refresh / Update auto refresh rate ..................................................................................................................... 110
Time Sync ....................................................................................................................................................................... 111
Set Outputs to Auto ..................................................................................................................................................... 113
HONEYWELL SOFTWARE END USER LICENSE AGREEMENT .................................................................................... 114
Figure 4: WEBStation-N4TM – Getting Started ........................................................................................................................10
Figure 5: Open Platform .........................................................................................................................................................12
Figure 7: Authentication during connecting Platform ..............................................................................................................12
Figure 8: Identity Verification during Connecting to Platform ..................................................................................................12
Figure 9: Adding New Station .................................................................................................................................................13
Figure 10: New Station Wizard Window .................................................................................................................................13
Figure 11: Entering Admin Password for New Station............................................................................................................13
Figure 12: Location of New Station (BACnetFF) ...................................................................................................................13
Figure 13: Application Director ...............................................................................................................................................14
Figure 14: Selecting the Station to Start .................................................................................................................................14
Figure 15: Starting the Station ................................................................................................................................................14
Figure 16: Started Station ......................................................................................................................................................14
Figure 17: Newly added Station .............................................................................................................................................15
Figure 24: Adding ‘honeywellTB3026BWizard’ to BACnet Network .......................................................................................18
Figure 25: BACnetFF in Palette TAB......................................................................................................................................18
Figure 26: Drag and drop BACnetFF on BacnetNetwork .......................................................................................................18
Figure 30: Field description for TB3026B Configuration Wizard Screen ................................................................................20
Figure 32: Equipment Type ....................................................................................................................................................21
Figure 33: AHU window ..........................................................................................................................................................22
Figure 34: General Display Screen (AHU) .............................................................................................................................23
Figure 63: Two Pipe Fan Coil Unit Window............................................................................................................................ 67
Figure 64: General Display Screen (Two Pipe Fan Coil Unit) ................................................................................................ 69
Figure 72: Four Pipe Fan Coil Unit window ............................................................................................................................ 85
Figure 73: General Display Screen (Four Pipe Fan Coil Unit)................................................................................................ 87
Figure 93: BACnet FF Batch Operations’ view while loading the Mode Status .................................................................... 113
4 31-00121—02
BACnet FF Controller
The BACnet Fixed Function (TB3026B) is a
communicating sensor/fixed application controller with a
built-in humidity sensor. The TB3026B-W is the wireless
version with an onboard wireless receiver for wireless
occupancy control.
It supports the following equipment types:
1. AHU
2. Air Source Heat Pump
3. Water Source Heat Pump
4. Two Pipe Fan Coil Unit
5. Four Pipe Fan Coil Unit
Each equipment type has other various configurable
settings, which provide multiple options and flexibility to the
user. Configuration of the TB3026B and TB3026B-W
controllers involves selection of the appropriate settings
from available options as per the application requirement.
It can be configured using the ‘TB3026B Configuration
Wizard’. This configuration wizard is developed under
Framework® software. It utilizes BACnet
communication technology (MS/TP).
The WEBStation-N4™, powered by the Niagara N4
Framework® is a flexible network server for all connected
WEBs-N4 controllers.
WEBStation-N4™ creates a powerful network environment
with comprehensive database management, alarm
management and messaging services.
WEBStation-N4™ hosts an application called ‘TB3026B
Configuration Wizard’, which provides an engineering
environment for configuration of TB3026B and TB3026B-W
software tool which uses the NiagaraN4
•Provisioning of multi-controller systems (tools for
updating and installation of software modules).
• Central database storage for attached controllers.
• Archive destination/repository for log and alarm data.
• Central server of graphics and aggregated data (single
point of access to the system – one IP address).
•Platform for optional enterprise applications.
WEBStation-N4™ acts as a network server or a
‘Supervisor’ for all connected WEBs-N4™ Controllers. It
creates a network environment for the management of
these controllers, alarms and messaging services.
TB3026B Configuration Wizard
It is a special application developed in the WEBStation-N4
to configure the TB3026B and TB3026B-W controllers. All
configurable network variables of theTB3026B and
TB3026B-W controllers are accessible through this
application for configuration.
TB3026B Configuration Wizard provides a means to select
settings for all equipment types, control strategy and
parameters as per the application requirement.
The following operations can be performed using this
1. Add a TB3026B controller on the BACnet network.
2. Configure and set the parameters as per the
application requirements.
3. Download and upload the configuration into the
selected TB3026B controller (Online Operation).
4. Set the time and date.
31-00121—02 5
BACnet FF Controller
TB3026B Configuration
TB3026B controller is configured using following:
With WEBStation- N4 Software Tool
In the WEBStation-N4
Configuration Wizard application is integrated for TB3026B
and TB3026B-W controllers’ configuration.
• Configuration through PC
TB3026B controllers can be accessed with a personnel
computer with WEBStation-N4
Via BACnet converter, which connects a PC, TB3026B
controller can be accessed for configuring, uploading,
downloading operations.
• Configuration through WEBs Controller
If the TB3026B controller is on the BACnet network of
WEBs controller, it can be accessed through WEBs
controller using a PC with WEBStation-N4
When WEBs controller is already commissioned, then it
can be accessed through an IP address via Browser. All
required operations on the TB3026B controller can be
performed by accessing WEBs controller.
2. Through TB3026B touch screen
Configurable network parameters are also accessible
through the TB3026B touch screen. Access to the
configurable parameters is password protected with a
default password of 0000. For details refer to, ‘BACnet
Fixed Function System Engineering Guide, 31-00098.’
software tool, the TB3026B
software tool installed.
tool installed.
Organization of the Manual
This manual is divided into two basic parts: Introduction
and Configuration.
The Introduction provides information for the TB3026B
configurable controllers, WEBStation-N4TM Software tool,
“TB3026B Configuration Wizard”, control application, and
Configuration provides information for the engineering
about configurable TB3026B and TB3026B-W controllers’
different application types through “TB3026B Configuration
Wizard” using its various settings options.
6 31-00121—02
TB3026B AND TB3026B-W
Before proceeding to the “TB3026B Configuration Wizard”,
configuration wizard.
Installation of WEBStation-N4TM Tool
WEBStation-N4TM software is distributed via the web or a
DVD, and has the following minimum hardware
Processor: Intel Pentium
Operating System:
32-bit: Microsoft Windows XP Professional, Windows 2003
or 2008 Server (if Microsoft IIS is disabled), Vista Business
or Windows 7
64-bit: Windows XP Professional, Windows 7
Browser: Microsoft IE versions 7, 8, 9, Google Chrome
version 15, and Mozilla Firefox version 8, 10, 12
Memory: 1 GB minimum, 2 GB or more recommended for
large systems, 8 GB or more recommended for the
windows 64-bit version
Hard Drive: 1 GB minimum, 5 GB for applications that
need more archiving capacity
Display: Video card and monitor capable of displaying
1024 x 768 pixel resolution or greater
Network Support: Ethernet adapter (10/100 Mb with
RJ-45 connector)
Modem: 56 KB minimum, full time high speed ISP
connection1111 recommended for remote site access (i.e.
T1, ADSL, cable modem).
These requirements can vary for the different versions of
is added. For the latest product data, visit
After selecting the setup for installation, proceed by
clicking ‘Next’ to accept the license agreement.
should be installed as it hosts the
IV, 2 GHz or higher
as support for newer operating systems
BACnet FF Controller
Figure 1: Installing WEBStation-N4TM
Select the installation location, (It will create a path in ‘C’
drive under ‘Honeywell’ folder by default)
Figure 2: Installing WEBStation-N4
installation location)
Click ‘Next’ button to proceed after selecting appropriate
options. Wait until the installation gets finished.
It is recommended to secure the WEBStation-N4 system
in order to make it resistant to the attacks.
Refer to the security documents available within
WEBStation-N4 software build to make WEBStation-N4
system secure.
31-00121—02 7
BACnet FF Controller
Getting Started
Digital Signature
All the Honeywell WEBs software tools are now signed. Users can verify the signature using any OpenSSL tool.
Below are the steps to verify signature using OpenSSL community distribution.
•Download the Honeywell public key BuildingsCommonSupervisor.crt from location- same location as the
software release location
•Download the batch file “VerifyWEBsToolsSignature.bat” from location- same location as the software
elease location. This file has the commands to verify the module signature using the public key specified i
ep 1
•Download OPENSSL from this link- https://www.openssl.org/source/openssl-1.0.2o.tar.gz
•Extract the file using any ZIP utility to get the folder “openssl-1.0.2o”
•In the extracted folder find the file “openssl.cnf”
•Set Windows environment variable OPENSSL_CONF=<PATH TO openssl.cnf>, for example
Steps to verify the signature:
1.Place the files BuildingsCommonSupervisor.crt, VerifyWEBsToolsSignature.bat, WEBs tools modules and
signature file in the same location. For example: Following files are in one place
2.Open the command prompt and navigate to the location of the above files.
3.Execute the batch file VerifyWEBsToolsSignature.bat against a module for verifying its signature, for example
4.OpenSSL will verify this module’s signature and printout the below verification details:
5.If the Niagara module is compromised then user will get the below log, where verification has failed:
TB3026B Configuration Wizard is a user interface where a
user can set and adjust various types of parameters.
BACnet FF Controller
Hash Value: Honeywell publishes the Hash Value with
the TB3026B Configuration Wizard module. It is
available as “honeywellTB3026BWizard_HashValue.txt”
with the released module.
The Hash Value generated at user’s end should match
the Hash Value published with the TB3026B
Configuration Wizard module. It is recommended to
perform this check in order to ensure the authenticity of
the TB3026B Configuration Wizard module.
To start working with the configuration wizard, go to ‘Start’
menu, select ‘All Programs’, navigate to ‘WEBStation-N4’ folder and click on it. Click ‘Install Platform
Daemon’ as shown in Figure 3.
•If more than one version of WEBStation-N4 is
installed on the same PC, It is mandatory to install
Platform Daemon when switching from one version
of WEBStation-N4 to other.
It is not required to install Platform Daemon if the
same version of WEBStation-N4 needs to open
•If only single version of WEBStation-N4 is installed,
then it may not be required to install Platform
Daemon every time while opening WEBStation-N4.
After installing Platform Daemon completely, go to ‘Start’
menu again and select ‘All Programs, navigate to
‘WEBStation-N4’ folder and click on it. Click
‘WEBStation.’ It will open ‘WEBStation-N4’ window. Refer
to Figure 4.
‘WEBStation-N4’ can also be open by clicking an icon
named ‘WEBStation-N4 Workbench’ on the desktop
Figure 3: Installing Platform Daemon
31-00121—02 9
BACnet FF Controller
Title Bar
Menu Bar
Standard Toolbar
Path Bar
View Tab
Right Pane
Left Pane
Figure 4: WEBStation-N4TM – Getting Started
The field description for Figure 4is as follows:
1. Title Bar:
Top of the WEBStation interface is the Title bar. It displays
the title of the screen.
2. Controls
An application can be minimized, maximized and closed
with these controls.
3. Menu Bar
It displays heading for drop-down menus.
According to function, commands are group in to the menu
tabs. These are File, Edit, Search, Bookmarks, Tools,
Window, and Help.
I. File: A user can open, close and save the file,
directory, query, new tab, new window using File tab.
II. Edit: Cut, copy, paste, duplicate delete options are
III. Search: A file can be searched and navigate from one
file to other file.
IV. Bookmarks: A user can add or manage bookmarks.
V. Tools: A user can maintain certificates, license,
migration and credential details.
VI. Window: A user can add/ hide Side Bar, Console
window, check Active Plug-in.
VII. Help: A user can get assist by clicking F1 or help tab.
10 31-00121—02
BACnet FF Controller
4. Standard Tool Bar
Various functions can be accessed using this tool bar. It
provides a quick shortcut to frequently used functions.
5. Ribbon
It includes menu bar and standard toolbar.
6. Path Bar
A path of a particular function can be tracked using this.
7. View Tab
9. Right Pane
Details about Version, License and Certificate are found
over here.
It is used to switch between various views, such as, Html
View, Text File Editor, Text File Viewer, and Hex File
8. Left pane
Nav tree details can be viewed over here.
31-00121—02 11
BACnet FF Controller
TB3026B Configuration Wizard Initial
The TB3026B Configuration Wizard’s user interface
window is obtained by following these steps:
1. Connecting to platform
2. Adding new station
3. Starting/Running new station
4. Adding a BACnet network
5. Adding TB3026B device to the BACnet network
Connecting to Platform
To perform various operations, it is necessary to connect
to the Platform initially.
To connect Platform, follow the process:
Navigate to ‘My Host: …’ in the Left pane, by right clicking
on it, select ‘Open Platform’. Refer to Figure 5.
Enter Username and Password and click ‘OK’
Figure 7: Authentication during connecting Platform
Figure 5: Open Platform
A window will pop up to connect to the Host’s secure
platform daemon. Click ‘OK’ to proceed.
Figure 6: Connect Platform
An Identity Verification window may pop up during the first
time configuration. Click ‘Accept’ to verify. (Refer to
Figure 8)
12 31-00121—02
Figure 8: Identity Verification during Connecting to
Adding New Station
The next stage is to add a new station under platform.
Different controllers can be added to the respective
network assigned to the station.
To add a new station:
•Navigate to the Platform by clickingsign of Host in
the left pane.
• Click ‘Tools’ tab on menu bar.
• Navigate to ‘New station’ and click on it.
BACnet FF Controller
Figure 11: Entering Admin Password for New Station
Figure 9: Adding New Station
•After clicking ‘New Station’, it opens ‘New Station
Wizard, window. (Refer to Figure 10)
•Enter name in Station Name field. For example,
‘BACnetFF’ is added here. Station Directory displays a
path by default.
•Click ‘Next’
It creates a station at ‘My Host > My File System> User
Home > Stations > (created station)’. Refer to Figure 12.
•Click ‘Finish’ to complete action.
Figure 10: New Station Wizard Window
•Enter a password in the ‘Admin Password’ field. Enter
the same password in ‘Confirm Admin Password’ field.
Password must contain:
− at least 10 character(s)
− at least 1 digit(s)
− at least 1 lower case character(s)
− at least 1 upper case character(s)
31-00121—02 13
Figure 12: Location of New Station
BACnet FF Controller
Starting New Station
To start configuration of controller, it is necessary to start
the station. The following is the process to start a newly
added station:
Double click on ‘Platform’, it opens a screen as shown in
Figure 13.
Double click on ‘Application Director’ at the right pane.
(Refer to Figure 13).
Figure 13: Application Director
Select the newly created station (‘BACnetFF’ in this case)
by just clicking on it. Status for this station will be Idle at
this stage.
Click ‘Start’ button as shown in Figure 14. After clicking
‘Start’, the ‘Status’ of this station will change to ‘Starting’ as
shown in Figure 15.
Figure 14: Selecting the Station to Start
Figure 15: Starting the Station
Figure 16: Started Station
14 31-00121—02
Once the station is started, its status will change to
‘Running’ (Refer to Figure 16).
Double click on the started station, a ‘verification window
will pop up as shown in Figure 8. Click ‘Accept’ to proceed.
It opens an authentication window. Enter username and
password. Click ‘OK’ to proceed.
Check ‘Remember these credentials’ box to remember
the username and passwords so that it will not be
required to enter it every time during opening the
Check newly added station as shown in Figure 17.
BACnet FF Controller
Figure 17: Newly added Station
31-00121—02 15
BACnet FF Controller
Adding BACnet Network to Niagara
TB3026B controller works with BACnet network.
To add a BACnet network (Refer to Figure 18):
•Navigate to Drivers and double click on it.
•Click on ‘New’ tab
Figure 18: Adding BACnet Network
•A window will pop out as shown in Figure 19, asking
‘Type to Add’.
•Select ‘Bacnet Network’ from the drop down list.
Figure 19: Selecting BACnet Network to add
Required number of networks can be added in
‘Number to Add’ field. (In this guide since only one
network is shown, Number is added as ‘1’)
• Click ‘OK’ to proceed.
• Next, a new window will appear, showing ‘Name’,
‘Type’ and ‘Enabled’(keep its value to ‘True’). Refer to
Figure 20.
•Click ‘OK’.
Figure 20: Adding Specification to add BACnet
BACnet FF Controller
•A newly added ‘BacnetNetwork’ can be seen under
‘Device manager’ on the right pane highlighted in
Amber color as shown in Figure 21
(An amber colored background highlight appears, as
BacnetNetwork is offline. Background will turn white when
it is online.)
Figure 21: Newly added BACnet Network
31-00121—02 17
BACnet FF Controller
Adding TB3026B Controller to the
BACnet Network
•After adding a Bacnet Network to the Drivers, the next
step is to add a TB3026B controller to the Bacnet
•Click on the ‘Window’ option in Menu bar; navigate to
‘Palette’ through sub menu of ‘Side Bars’.
(Refer to Figure 22).
Figure 24: Adding ‘honeywellTB3026BWizard’ to
BACnet Network
•After adding ‘honeywellTB3026BWizard’, it
reflects in the ‘Palette’ tab as ‘BACnetFF’ as seen
in Figure 25.
Figure 22: Adding Palette
•This will add a ‘Palette’ tab in the left pane. (Refer to
Figure 23). Click ‘Open Palette’ option.
Figure 23: Opening Palette
•An ‘Open Palette’ window will open. Find a module
named ‘honeywellTB3026BWizard’ as shown in
Figure 24, Select it and click ‘OK’ button to add into
the Palette.
Figure 25: BACnetFF in Palette TAB
•Drag ‘BACnetFF’ and Drop it on ‘BacnetNetwork’
added under created station. Refer to Figure 26.
Figure 26: Drag and drop BACnetFF on BacnetNetwork
18 31-00121—02
BACnet FF Controller
A window will pop up as ‘BACnetFF’ is dropped on
BacnetNetwork to name the controller. Enter the name
accordingly. In this guide, it is named as ‘BACnetFF’ as
shown in Figure 27.
Figure 27: Naming Controller
A newly added TB3026B controller can be seen by
clicking sign as shown in Figure 28.
Figure 28: Location of Controller
TB3026B Configuration Wizard
To start working with the TB3026B wizard, navigate to
Bacnet Network (Refer to Figure 28). Double click on
added controller (here, ‘BACnetFF’). It will open the
TB3026B Configuration Wizard window. .
Field Description for TB3026B Configuration Wizard
Figure 30: Field description for TB3026B Configuration Wizard Screen
1. Title Bar
It displays the name ‘TB3026B Configuration View’.
2. Configuration Parameters
It displays the list of setting buttons for various groups
of configuration parameters.
3. Configuration Settings
It displays Configuration settings as per the selected
group of parameters.
4. Action Buttons
It displays following buttons:
It is used to save the configuration
It is used to reset actions to its
default value.
It is used to generate proxy
points under TB3026B controller "points" folder for the
selected configuration.
20 31-00121—02
Application is the first tab of the Configuration Wizard.
The Application screen allows a user to select the required
Equipment Type.
BACnet FF Controller
Figure 31: Application Screen
Equipment Type
A user can select the required equipment type through this
option. This is a fundamental setting in a configuration as
selection of various other parameters from the different
settings depend on the Equipment Type.
A required Equipment Type can be selected from the
1. AHU
2. Air Source Heat Pump
3. Water Source Heat Pump
4. Two Pipe Fan Coil Unit
5. Four Pipe Fan Coil Unit
31-00121—02 21
Figure 32: Equipment Type
BACnet FF Controller
Figure 33: AHU window
Output Stages
Equipment Type ‘AHU’ consists of two types of ‘Output
1. One Stage Heat/One Stage Cool
2. Two Stage Heat/Two Stage Cool
22 31-00121—02
One Stage Heat/One Stage Cool: Select this option if
One stage of cooling and one stage of Heating is required
in the application.
Two Stage Heat/Two Stage Cool: Select this option if
Two stages of cooling and two stages of Heating are
required in the application.
BACnet FF Controller
General Display
Click ‘General Display’ to view the general display
settings. The following parameters are used to configure
the controller’s display settings.
1. Engineering Units
2. Time Functions
3. Display
4. Contractor Access Codes
Figure 34: General Display Screen (AHU)
Engineering Units
Application Unit: The application units contain two
options to change the controller’s units. By default, the
controller’s application units are set to ‘English’. Application
Units can be changed to ‘English’ or ‘Metric’.
31-00121—02 23
BACnet FF Controller
Time Function
Clock Format: A user can select a clock format as
12-hour format or 24-hour format.
This feature allows a user to select the Display settings.
Outside Air Temp: A user has an option to hide/show an
outside air temperature.
Clock Adjustment: This option allows a user to
enable/disable the clock adjustment on the controller
Keypad Lockout: This option allows a user to lock/unlock
the clock adjustment.
When an option, ‘Temperature Settings Only’ is selected, a
user can only set the temperature through keypad.
Backlight: A user can keep the backlight always on or set
to delayed off through this option.
Daylight Savings Time: This feature enables to select the
Daylight Savings Time settings. By default, Daylight
Savings Time is set to ‘Disabled’. Daylight Savings Time
can be changed to ‘Pre-2007’ or ‘Post-2007’.
Contractor Access Codes
An access to the controller can be restricted with the help
of Access Codes.
Field Service Pin and Installer Service Pin can be set.
These codes should be enabled to restrict an access to the
A user can set only numerical PIN code for ‘Field
Service Pin’ and ‘Installer Service Pin’. PIN codes
should be set within 0000 – 9999. The following Error
Window pops up if this field is left blank after selecting.
Note: When error message pops up, it displays the text
field twice in the error window.
24 31-00121—02
Schedule Options
‘Schedule’ tab displays Schedule options.
The following parameters are used to configure the
schedule options (i.e. Occupancy Configuration and
Bypass and Standby).
BACnet FF Controller
Figure 35: Schedule Options Screen (AHU)
Occupancy Configuration
Schedule Model: A user can set the device’s schedule
model as;
1. Setpoint Mode or
2. Occupancy Mode
Setpoint Mode: In setpoint mode, the controller logically
emulates residential thermostats. The space temperature
is controlled to "SP Mode Cooling SP" and "SP Mode
Heating SP". Each schedule period consists of a start time,
a heating setpoint, and a cooling setpoint.
Occupancy Mode: By default, ‘Schedule Model’ is in
‘Occupancy Mode’. The system will be switched to
‘Occupied Mode’ when the occupancy sensor detects
occupancy. Occupied Mode allows a user to configure
‘Comm Fails Occupied’, ‘System Block’ & ‘Internal
Schedule’ settings.
If a user selects ‘Setpoint Mode’ from the available
‘Schedule Model’, the fields for ‘Comm Fails Occupied’
and ‘System Block’ settings become disabled.
31-00121—02 25
BACnet FF Controller
Comm Fails Occupied: It allows a user to switch the
system in Occupied Mode in case of MS/TP
communication failure. If the MS/TP communication fails,
the system enters into Occupied Mode when this option is
selected as ‘Enable’, otherwise the system remains in its
current state when this option is selected as ‘Disable’.
System Block: The System Block is hidden when the
schedule model is in ‘Setpoint Mode’. When the schedule
model is in ‘Occupancy Mode’, it allows a user to switch
between the available options. Selecting “Show
Unoccupied/Off” places the controller in unoccupied state.
Internal schedule: It can be configured in both Occupancy
Mode & Setpoint Mode. By default, ‘Internal Schedule’ is
If the internal schedule is ‘Disable’, a user can adjust the
setpoint (within setpoint limits).
Display Settings
When a user selects, ‘Two Periods’ or ‘Four Periods’
options an additional ‘Display Settings’ appears as follows:
Bypass and Standby
Bypass Time: In the Unoccupied state, it forces the
controller into the occupied state for up to 4 hours (default
value). The override time limit is adjustable from a
minimum of 0.2 hours to a maximum of 9.5 hours.
Standby Delay: In Occupied Mode, if any window or door
is opened and closed with no motion detected after the
time mentioned for the Standby Delay, the room status
switches to Standby state. The default value is 180
Schedule Access: When a user selects ‘Edit’, it allows a
user to view and edit the schedule and when a user selects
‘View’, it allows a user to view the schedule. When a user
selects ‘None’, it will not allow a user to view or edit the
Vacation Hold: It allows/denies a user to override the
scheduled setpoint from TB3026B display to “Vacation
Permanent Hold: It allows/denies a user to override the
scheduled setpoint from TB3026B display to “Permanent
26 31-00121—02
BACnet FF Controller
Zone Setpoints
Zone Setpoints , allows a user to set the following
parameters as per the requirement:
1. Temperature Setpoints
2. Setpoint Limits
3. Standby Settings
4. Display Options
Figure 36: Zone Setpoints Screen (Occupancy Mode)
Temperature Setpoints
Occupied Setpoint: It is a setpoint in Occupied Mode.
Enter the value within the range of 45 ºF to 99 ºF. The
default value is 70ºF.
Cooling Offset: In the Occupied state, the cooling setpoint
is calculated as cooling offset plus occupied setpoint. Enter
31-00121—02 27
the value within the range of 0ΔºF to 12.1ΔºF. The default
value is 2 ΔºF.
Heating Offset: In the Occupied state, the heating setpoint
is calculated as heating offset minus occupied setpoint.
Enter the value within the range of 0ΔºF to 12.1ΔºF. The
default value is 1 ΔºF.
Unoccupied Heating Setpoint: It is a setpoint for Heating
in Unoccupied mode. Enter the value within the range of
45 ºF to 99 ºF. The default value is 55 ºF.
Unoccupied Cooling Setpoint: It is a setpoint for Cooling
in Unoccupied mode. Enter the value within the range of
45 ºF to 99 ºF. The default value is 85 ºF.
BACnet FF Controller
Setpoint Limits
Setpoint High Limit: A user can enter a Setpoint High
Limit in Occupied Mode within the range of 45 ºF to 99 ºF.
The default value is 78 ºF.
Setpoint Low Limit: A user can enter a Setpoint Low Limit
in Occupied Mode within the range of 45 ºF to 99 ºF. The
default value is 62 ºF.
1. Unoccupied Cooling Setpoint should always be set
GREATER than Unoccupied Heating Setpoint.
Following Error window appears if Unoccupied
Cooling Setpoint is set lower than Unoccupied
Heating Setpoint.
2. Setpoint High Limit should always be set
GREATER than Setpoint Low Limit.
Following Error window appears if Setpoint High
Limit is set lower than Setpoint low Limit.
Standby Settings
Standby state is a power-saving function of Occupancy
mode. It occurs when the space is scheduled as Occupied,
but sensors detect (When the Standby input is active)
there are no humans in the space.
Standby Offset: In this case, the Standby Offset relaxes
the occupied setpoints. The value of the Standby Offset
[SO] can be set between a minimum of 0ΔºF and a
maximum of 12.1ΔºF degrees. The default value is 4 ΔºF.
Reverse Standby Input: It allows a user to configure two
types of inputs, ‘Normally Open (NO)’ and ‘Normally Close
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