Print a Test Label
Impression d’une étiquette de test
en Sie eine Testetikett
Stampa di un’etichetta di prova
Impressão de uma etiqueta de teste
Печать тестовой этикетки
Impresión de una etiqueta de prueba
Where to Find More Information
Où trouver d’autres détails
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Per ulteriori informazioni
In the U.S.A and Canada, call 1.800.755.5505
Caution: See Compliance Insert for use restrictions associated with this product.
Attention: Consultez la Déclaration de conformité pour les restrictions d’usage
associées à ce produit.
Vorsicht: Das Konformitätsblatt führt etwaige Verwendungseinschränkungen für
dieses Produkt an.
Attenzione: consultare l’inserto sulla conformità per informazioni sulle limitazioni
d’uso di questo prodotto.
Cuidado: Consulte as informações sobre as restrições de uso associadas a este
produto no encarte sobre conformidade.
Острожно: См. ограничения, связанные с использованием
устройства, на вкладыше с требованиями по обеспечению
Precaución: Consulte el Inserto de cumplimiento para ver las restricciones de uso
asociadas con este producto.
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This product is protected by one or more patents. Ce produit
est protege par un brevet ou plus. Dieses Produkt ist durch ein oder mehrere Patente geschutzt.
Questo prodotto è protetto da uno o più dei seguenti brevetti. Este produto está protegido por
uma ou mais patentes. Этот продукт защищен одним или несколькими патентами.
Este producto esta protegido por una o varias patentes.
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| PM
Mid-Range Printer
Electrical rating. . Cote électrique. Stromversorgung. Specifi che elettriche. Especifi cações eléctricas. Питание. Califi cacón eléctrica: v 100-240 V, 4A 50/60 Hz
Worldwide Headquarters
6001 36th Avenue West
Everett, Washington 98203
PM43 and PM43c Mid-Range Printer Quick Start Guide
/N 930-256-001
tel 425.348.2600
fax 425.355.9551
© 2011 Intermec Technologies
Corporation. All rights reserved.
Quick Start Guide
Guide de démarrage de l’imprimante milieu de gamme
Kurzanleitung für Drucker mit mittlerer Reichweite
Mid-Range Guida rapida della stampante
Guia de iniciação rápida da impressora de médio alcance
Краткое руководство по эксплуатации принтера средней
Guía de comienzo rápido para la impresora de rango medio

and PM23
and PM23 and PM23
and PM23
Range Printer Quick Start
Range Printer Quick Start Range Printer Quick Start
Range Printer Quick Start
PM43 |
PM43 | PM43c
PM43 | PM43 |
Mid----Range Printer
PM43c (With standard cover / short cover)
PM43c (With standard cover / short cover)
PM43c (With standard cover / short cover)PM43c (With standard cover / short cover)
Dimensions: 181.00 x 252.20 x 431.80 mm (7.31 x 9.90 x 17.00 ”)
Weight: 12.55 kg (27.66 lb)
PM43c (mega top cover)
PM43c (mega top cover)
PM43c (mega top cover)PM43c (mega top cover)
Dimensions: 244.87 x 252.50 x 500.22 mm (9.64 x 9.90 x 19.69 ”)
Weight: 12.71 kg (28.02 lb)
Dimensions: 294.61 x 284.20 x 483.54 mm (11.61 x 11.19 x 19.04 ”)
Weight: 15.83 kg (34.89 lb)
Dimensions: 181.00 x 210.00 x 431.80 mm (7.31 x 8.27 x 17.00 ”) (estimated)
Weight: 11.00 kg (24.25 lb) (estimated)
Power Specifications
Power Specifications
Power SpecificationsPower Specifications
Printer Voltage: 100-240 V, 4A, 50-60Hz
Temperature and Humidity Specifications
Temperature and Humidity Specifications
Temperature and Humidity SpecificationsTemperature and Humidity Specifications
Operating Temperature: 5°C to 40°C (41°F to 104°F)
Storage Temperature: -20°C to 70°C (-4°F to 158°F)
Relative Humidity: 20 to 80% non-condensing
Communications and Connectivity
Communications and Connectivity
Communications and ConnectivityCommunications and Connectivity
• Serial port (RS-232/RS-485/RS422) (optional)
• •
• USB 2.0
• •
• USB full speed host
• •
• Ethernet, 100 Mbps
• •
• 802.11b/g/n (RC12BGN) (optional)
• •
• IPv6
• •
•••• UHF RFID (INRD01u) (optional)
• Parallel port (IEEE 1284) (optional)
• •
• 128MB SDRAM (DDR2) •
• •
Range Printer
Range PrinterRange Printer
PM43c | PM23
PM43c PM43c
| PM23 Physical Specifications
| PM23 | PM23
• 128MB NAND Flash •
• •
Physical Specifications
Physical SpecificationsPhysical Specifications
• USB mass storage (USB 2.0)
• •