Honeywell Galaxy Printer Interface Installation Manual

Galaxy Printer Interface Installation Guide
The Galaxy Printer Interface allows connection of the full range of Galaxy control panels to a serial printer with a suitable RS232 port.
The Printer Interface can be connected anywhere along the AB (RS585) data Line 1. The serial printer set up requirements are as follows. For information on setting up printer parameters please refer to the printer user guide.
Baud Rate 1200 Start Bits 1 Data Bits 8 Stop Bits 1 Parity None Printer columns 40
Table 1: Printer Settings.
Figure 1: Galaxy Printer Interface Connection
6-way DIN) A161
25-way DIN) 0v (Green) Pin 5 Pin 7 TXD (Blue) Pin 3 Pin 3 CTS (Red) Pin 2 Pin 20
There are two models of Printer Interface available: Part number A134 is fitted with a
six way DIN plug.
Part number A161 is fitted with a
25-way Sub-D type connector. Both are fitted with a four way IDC socket for connection to the AB data 1.
The wiring connections for both Printer Interfaces are as follows:
RS232 AB Line 1 (RS485)
RS232 RS485
Red-12v Black-0v Yellow-A line Blue-B line
Control Panel
IDC Connector A Yellow B Blue
+ Red
- Black
Table 2: Wiring Connections
There is a portable serial printer and power supply available from Ademco Microtech, the part numbers are;
Portable serial printer ……. B019
Printer power supply …….. B020
RS485 Communications LED
In the event of an RS485 line failure an error message is printed out by the printer (see Figure 3) and the RS485 communications LED starts to flash. The LED flashes until communication with the Galaxy control panel has been restored.
RS485 \ !! / ========!!======== / !! \
Figure 3: RS485 Failure error message
RS232 Communications LED
If the printer goes off-line the Printer Interface will communicate this to the Galaxy control and start flashing the RS232 communications LED.
CE Compliance Notification
As a result of the more stringent EMC test requirements of EN50130-4 it has been discovered that under extreme electrical conditions the Printer Interface may, on occasion, cause the printer to spool or output spurious characters.
The performance of the unit has in no way been degraded.
Apr 2004 II1-0145 rev 2