F50F and F300E Electronic
Air Cleaners
Operating Your Electronic Air Cleaner ....................... 2
Getting the Most From Your Electronic Air Cleaner 2
Cleaning Prefilter(s), Cell(s) and Postfilter(s) ......... 3
How Electronic Air Cleaning Works ............................. 5
Before You Call for Service .............................................. 6
Honeywell 10 Year Ultraclean Coil Guarantee™ ..... 6
Limited Five-year Warranty ............................................ 7
Product Registration ......................................................... 8

Turn the On-Off switch on the power
box to On.
NOTE: Set the switch to 1 for On
and set the switch to O for
The air cleaner now operates
whenever your furnace/air
conditioning system fan operates.
For maximum air cleaning benefit
and cleaner air conditioner coils,
leave the air cleaner switch turned
on at all times and the thermostat
fan switch set to On. Of course,
continuous fan operation adds to
your electric bill each month. Check
your equipment for the amount of
electricity needed to run your
System fan.
When the fan and air cleaner come
on, the neon indicator lights.
You may hear a snapping (electrical
arcing) sound occasionally as the air
cleaner operates. This is usually
caused by a larger dust par ticle that
causes a high voltage discharge.The
snapping sound means that your air
cleaner is working as it should.To
hear the snapping sound,
momentarily press the test button
near the botton of the door. Use the
test button any time you want to
prove air cleaner operation.
The switch remains in the On
position to keep the air cleaner
When the fan and air cleaner stops,
the neon light goes off. The air
cleaner is off until the heating or air
conditioning and fan start again.
If you do not want the air cleaner to
run, set the On-Off switch to Off to
turn off the air cleaner. Your furnace
and air conditioner continue to
operate normally, but without the
added benefit of air cleaning.
Normally, this switch should be turn
to On at all times.
Run the electronic air cleaner as much
as possible
For greatest efficiency, the air cleaner should run all
the time. To do this, set the Fan switch on your
thermostat to On, and make sure the air cleaner is
turned on. The fan and air cleaner run even when the
furnace or air conditioner is off.
NOTE: A manual fan switch may be built into the fur-
nace or furnace fan controller.
The air cleaner uses less power than a 40 watt light
bulb (two-cell model—33 watts; single cell model—22
watts). Many believe that the added cost is more than
offset by the added benefits of full-time air cleaning
and full-time air circulation. And you may feel that the
room temperature stays more even when the fan is
always on.
Even if your thermostat does not have a Fan On
position, you can obtain maximum available air
cleaning benefit by making sure the air cleaner is
always turn to On so it operates whenever the furnace
or air conditioner is on.
Keep the cell(s) and prefilter(s) clean
Although the air cleaner is designed to be efficient
over a wide range of cell dirt loading conditions,
regular cleaning is your best assurance of consistent
performance. Also, a very dirty prefilter and cell
reduces air flow and, in turn, this reduces the
efficiency of the furnace or air conditioner. The cell
wash reminder schedule or the optional W8600 Air
Cleaner Indicator should be used to maintain a regular
wash schedule.
Replace postfilter regularly
A high-efficiency postfilter is sometimes installed in
the air cleaner. This filter increases the efficiency of
the air cleaner and should be changed every six
months of usage.
If you have a humidifier
All Honeywell whole house humidifiers can be used in
a system with the Honeywell Electronic Air Cleaner
without any additional filters or system modification.
If your system includes an atomizing humidifier, you
may want to install a standard furnace filter between
the humidifier and the air cleaner.This filter would
keep the humidifier spray mineral deposits from
collecting on the air cleaner.This filter should be
checked regularly and changed when it shows signs of
mineral or dirt buildup. If you do not install a filter, you
will probably need to wash the cell(s) and prefilter(s)
more often to remove the mineral buildup.
If an ultrasonic room humidifier is used often,
especially if filled with tap (undistilled) water, the
cell(s) and prefilter(s) require more frequent washing.
A white residue accumulates on the cell(s) from the
minerals in the water. This residue may also contribute
to "white dust.” See About lint or “white dust” section
for more information.
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Sharp edges.
Can cause personal injury.
Carefully handle cell(s) or wear protective
gloves to avoid cuts from sharp metal edges.
NOTE: You may let the heating or air conditioning
system operate normally while the cell(s) are
being washed. Simply turn off the air cleaner
Cleaning your Prefilter
1. The quickest and easiest way to clean your pre-
filter is to use the brush attachment of your vacuum cleaner to vacuum the lint off the dirty side
of the prefilter. Greasy dirt may require soaking
the prefilter in a tub or rinsing with the garden
hose. Do not wash the prefilter in the dishwasher
or car wash
2. The prefilter should be cleaned every 6 months
or more frequently with heavy use. This will keep
the prefilter clean of air choking lint that can
make your system work harder.
Vacuum the prefilter with a brush attachment, rinse it
with a hose, or soak it in a tub. Do not wash the
prefilter(s) in the dishwasher or car wash.
Cleaning your Cells
1. A quick cleaning of the cells can be done by sim-
ply wiping down the ionizer wires with a damp
cloth. This will help boost the efficiency of the air
Setting a regular cleaning schedule
To ensure optimum performance from the air cleaner,
the prefilter(s) and cell(s) must be cleaned regularly—
twice a year with normal use or more frequently with
heavy use. Use the wash reminder schedule below to
help establish and maintain a regular cleaning
schedule. Mount the wash reminder schedule in a
convenient location.
cleaner between full cleaning cycles. Ths quick
clean can be done every time the prefilters are
2. A full cleaning of the cells will return the air
cleaner to its peak efficiency. An easy way to
wash the cells is in a tub of hot, soapy water. Just
soak the cells until the water cools, agitate and
rinse. For details on cleaning cells, see below for
Washing the cell(s) in a tub or Washing the
cell(s) in your automatic dishwasher.
3. Because the efficiency of the air cleaner remains
high even as it loads up with dirt, a full cleaning
of the cells can be put off for yearly maintenance
and a quick cleaning can be done more often.
Those wishing to renew to peak efficiency or with
heavier use may want to wash more frequently.
Replacing your Postfilter
1. The postfilter is an optional filter that boosts the
efficiency of the air cleaner. Do not wash the
postfilter because that will neutralize the factory
applied charge.
2. The postfilter should be replaced every six
months to ensure peak performance.
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