EN1B-0478GE51 R1216 8
Windows 7 and 8 Administrator Privileges
If CARE 10.07.00 is installed on a Windows 7 or Windows 8 PC, the CARE user
must have administrator privileges. If the CARE user has set up the PC on which
CARE will be installed, administrator privileges are automatically assigned to the
user by default. If the CARE user has not set up the PC, the administrator must
provide administrator privileges to the user or must install CARE on the user´s PC.
CARE can only be run as non-administrator if it has been installed in any
of the fore-mentioned ways.
The following CARE components cannot be installed under Windows 64Bit Versions:
- LiveCARE
- ASPECD Editor
- RACL Editor
Windows 8 .NET
When installing CARE the first time, you must be connected to the internet to
ensure proper installation of .NET.
With Windows 8 you cannot support LNS. Hence, all functions based on LNS, e.g.
database synchronization and plugins, will not work. Normal LON engineering
within CARE is fully supported.
Several Licenses of It is only possible to install one Version of CARE 10.07.00 on the same PC.
CARE 10.07.00 on Same PC?
Different CARE Versions When installing CARE 10.07.00 into a CARE folder where a previous CARE version
on Same PC is installed, all files of the previous CARE installation will be deleted. If you want to
keep an old CARE version running on the same PC additionally to CARE 10.07.00,
you should install CARE 10.07.00 into a different folder.
In case of installation of CARE 1.3.X and CARE 10.07.00 on the same PC, CARE
10.07.00 should not be installed into the "CARE"-subdirectory because this is the
directory automatically used by the CARE 1.3.X setup procedure. Choose a
different name, e.g. C:\CAR10.07.00 instead.
In case the element library of an already installed CARE version is different from the
element library of CARE 10.07.00, run an element library backup in your legacy
CARE version. This is required only for CARE 1.4.1 and higher. The element library
backup could then be merged in the new CARE version via the
“Database/Import/Element Library” command as soon as the new CARE version is
Installation Path The DOS path is restricted to 17 characters. This limit can easily be reached when
selecting an installation directory consisting of several folder levels of which each
level is relatively long. To use long paths to be displayed in the Windows Explorer
without exceeding the DOS restriction it is recommended to use no subfolders. The
folder name can then be as long as desired:
The length of the DOS path affects also the function of the CAREDB.TAF file which
CARE uses for its database functions. Your PC may already have an older version
of this file that is in use by other RAIMA-type applications. To ensure that CARE
finds the correct CAREDB.TAF file, the DOS path to the CARE installation directory
should be less than 17 characters.
CentraLine Software and CARE It is possible to run CARE and ARENA, and COACH on the same PC at the same
General Procedure 1. Start Windows software, if not already operating.