Hobart 770 500 Owner's Manual

OM-254 957B 2013−12
Oxy-Fuel Welding and Cutting
Portable Tote Oxy-Acetylene
Cutting and Welding Outfit
770 500
File: Accessory
SECTION 1 − SAFETY PRECAUTIONS - READ BEFORE USING 1.................................
1-1. Symbol Usage 1.......................................................................
1-2. Welding, Cutting, Brazing, And Heating Hazards 1...........................................
1-3. California Proposition 65 Warnings 3......................................................
1-4. Principal Safety Standards 3.............................................................
SECTION 2 − INTRODUCTION 4...............................................................
SECTION 3 − HAZARDOUS EVENTS 4.........................................................
SECTION 5 − SPECIFICATIONS 5..............................................................
5-1. Equipment Included With The Kit 5........................................................
5-2. Specifications 5........................................................................
5-3. Welding (Brazing) Tip And Gas Pressure Guide 6...........................................
5-4. Cutting Tip And Gas Pressure Guide 6....................................................
5-5. Victor-Compatible Components 6.........................................................
SECTION 6 − INSTALLATION 7................................................................
6-1. Installing Cylinders 7...................................................................
6-2. Installing Regulators On Cylinders 8......................................................
6-3. Installing Hoses On Regulators 9.........................................................
6-4. Attaching Hoses To Torch Flashback Arrestors/Check Valves 10................................
6-5. Attaching Cutting Attachment To Torch Handle 10............................................
6-6. Installing Cutting Tip On Cutting Attachment 11..............................................
6-7. Attaching Welding/Brazing Tip To T orch Handle 11............................................
6-8. Testing The System For Leaks 12.........................................................
SECTION 7 − OPERATION 13...................................................................
7-1. Purging Oxygen From The System And Adjusting Oxygen Pressure 13..........................
7-2. Purging Fuel From The System And Adjusting Fuel Pressure 14................................
7-3. Lighting And Using The Cutting Torch 15....................................................
7-4. Lighting And Using The Brazing Tip 16.....................................................
Hobart is registered to the ISO 9001 Quality System Standard.
OXY FUEL 2013−0
Protect yourself and others from injury — read, follow , and save these important safety precautions and operating instructions.
1-1. Symbol Usage
DANGER! − Indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided, will result in death or serious injury. The possible hazards are shown in the adjoining symbols or explained in the text.
Indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could result in death or serious injury. The possible hazards are shown in the adjoining symbols or ex­plained in the text.
NOTICE − Indicates statements not related to personal injury .
. Indicates special instructions.
This group of symbols means Warning! Watch Out! ELECTRIC SHOCK, MOVING P AR TS, and HOT PARTS hazards. Consult sym bols and related instructions below for necessary actions to avoid the hazards.
1-2. Welding, Cutting, Brazing, And Heating Hazards
The symbols shown below are used throughout this manual to call attention to and identify possible hazards. When you see the symbol, watch out, and follow the related instructions to avoid the hazard. The safety information given below is only a summary of the more complete safety information found in the Safety Standards listed in Section 1-4. Read and follow all Safety Standards.
Only qualified persons should install, operate, maintain, and repair this equipment.
During operation, keep everybody, especially children, away.
Do not use this equipment unless you are trained in its proper use or are under competent supervision. Follow the proced­ures described in this booklet every time you use the equip­ment. Failure to follow these instructions may cause fire, ex­plosion, asphyxiation, property damage, or personal injury. This equipment must be used in accordance with all Federal, State, and local regulations as well as DOT (Department of Transportation) and CGA (Compressed Gas Association) regulations. Contact your gas supplier for more information on the proper use of compressed gases.
. In this document, the phrase “welding and cutting” also refers to oth-
er oxy-fuel operations like brazing and heating.
D Read and follow all labels and the Owner’s
Manual carefully before installing, operating, or servicing equipment. Read the safety informa­tion at the beginning of the manual and in each section.
D Use only genuine replacement parts from the manufacturer. D Perform maintenance and service according to the Owner’s
Manuals, industry standards, and national, state, and local codes.
HOT PARTS can burn.
D Do not touch hot parts bare handed. D Allow cooling period before working on equip
D To handle hot parts, use proper tools and/o
wear heavy, insulated welding gloves and cloth ing to prevent burns.
D Keep your head out of the fumes. Do not breathe the fumes. D If inside, ventilate the area and/or use local forced ventilation at the
flame to remove welding and cutting fumes and gases. Some gases (natural gas and acetylene) are lighter than air and will col­lect in high areas. Other gases (propane and butane) are heavier than air and will collect in low areas. Heavier-than-air gases are more d i fficult to diffuse and are more likely to accumulate. The rec­ommended way to determine adequate ventilation is to sample for the composition and quantity of fumes and gases to which person­nel are exposed.
D If ventilation is poor, wear an approved air-supplied respirator. D Read and understand the Safety Data Sheets (SDSs) and the
manufacturer’s instructions for adhesives, coatings, cleaners, consumables, coolants, degreasers, fluxes, and metals.
D Work in a confined space only if it is well ventilated, or while
wearing an air-supplied respirator. Always have a trained watch­person nearby. Welding and cutting fumes and gases can displace air and lower the oxygen level, causing injury or death. Be sure the breathing air is safe. Test atmospheres in confined spaces for ex­plosive and toxic gases before using oxy-fuel equipment.
D Do not weld or cut in locations near degreasing, cleaning, or spray-
ing operations. The heat from welding or cutting flame can react with vapors to form highly toxic and irritating gases.
D Do not weld or cut on coated metals, such as galvanized, lead, or
cadmium-plated steel unless the coating is removed from the af­fected area, the area is well ventilated, and while wearing an air­supplied respirator. The coatings and any metals containing these elements can give off toxic fumes if welded or cut.
D Do not weld or cut on sealed air conditioning or refrigeration sys-
tems unless all refrigerants have been removed from the system.
D Wear approved face protection fitted with a proper shade of filter
lenses to protect your face and eyes from light rays and sparks when welding, cutting, or watching (see ANSI Z49.1 and Z87.1 listed in Safety Standards).
D Wear welding goggles, or wear welding helmet /welding faceshield
over approved goggles/safety glasses with side shields.
D Use protective screens or barriers to protect others from flash,
glare and sparks; warn others not to watch the welding or cutting.
D Wear body protection made from durable, flame-resistant material
(leather, heavy cotton, wool). Body protection includes oil-free clothing such as leather gloves, heavy shirt, cuffless trousers, high shoes, and a cap.
FUMES AND GASES can be hazardou
Welding and cutting produces fumes and gases Breathing these fumes and gases can be hazardou to your health.
LIGHT RAYS can burn eyes and skin
Light rays from the welding and cutting process produce intense visible and invisible (ultraviolet and infrared) rays that can burn eyes and skin. Sparks fly off from the weld.
OM-254 957 Page 1
fire or explosion.
Welding and cutting on closed containers, such a tanks, drums, or pipes, can cause them to blow u Sparks can fly off from the welding or cuttin
equipment can cause fires and burns. Check and be sure the area safe before doing any welding or cutting.
D Do not use this welding and cutting equipment with gases and
pressures other than those for which it is intended. Oxygen is not flammable; however, the presence of pure oxygen will drastically increase the speed and force with which burning takes place. Oxy­gen must never be allowed to contact grease, oil, or other petro­leum-based substances; therefore, be sure there is no oil or grease o n the regulator, cylinder, valves, or equipment. Do not use petroleum-based pipe sealants. Do not use or store near excess­ive heat (above 125° F/51.5° C) or open flame. Do not refer to oxy­gen as air and do not use oxygen as a substitute for compressed air. Do not use oxygen to clean clothes or work area, for ventilation, or to operate pneumatic tools. Open oxygen cylinder valves slow­ly. Be sure regulator adjusting handle is in the full out (off) position before opening oxygen cylinder valve.
D Inspect all equipment before use. Do not use damaged, defective,
or improperly adjusted welding and cutting equipment. Make sure levers and valves work properly, threads on equipment are clean (no grease or oil) and not deformed, gauges are intact and easy to read, regulator is clean and free of oil or dirt, and fittings are prop­erly sized for the cylinder . Make sure hoses are clean (no grease or oil) and f e r rules are properly installed so the fitting does not slip in­side the hose. Be sure all connections are tight.
D It is recommended that a reverse-flow check valve or a flashback
arrestor be installed between the torch handle and the regulator. Check valves do not prevent the propagation of a flame upstream (flashback) but are designed to prevent the unintentional backflow of gases into the cutting attachment, torch, hoses, or regulator which could cause an explosion or fire. A flashback arrestor can be installed on the torch handle instead of a check valve. Miller flashback arrestor have a reverse flow check valve and prevent the propagation of a flame upstream. If a flashback arrestor is in­stalled, a check valve is not necessary. Using a flashback arrestor and a check valve may reduce gas flow and affect torch operation. To help prevent the reverse flow of gases, be sure the cylinders contain enough gas to complete the work.
D Perform work only in an area with a fireproof floor (concrete). Do
not heat concrete because it may expand and explode violently.
D Perform work on a fireproof surface. Use heat resistant shields to
protect nearby walls and flooring.
D Do not use if grease or oil is present on equipment or if equipment is
damaged. Have equipment cleaned/repaired by a qualified per­son.
D Do not open a cylinder valve quickly or the regulator may be dam-
aged and cause a fire.
D Do not open acetylene cylinder valve more than 3/4 turn. (For all
gases except acetylene, open cylinder valve fully to backseal the cylinder valve.) Keep cylinder wrench on the cylinder for quick shut-off.
D Do not slightly open or “crack” fuel cylinder valve to blow debris
from the valve outlet. Remove the debris using nitrogen, air, or a clean, oil-free rag.
D Always purge gas from the system before lighting torch. Purge gas
in a well-ventilated area and away from flame or sparks.
D Keep torch flame or sparks away from cylinder, regulator, and gas
D Use only the gases recommended by the manufacturer of the
oxy-fuel equipment being used.
D Never light a torch with matches or a lighter. Always use a striker. D Do not use acetylene above 15 psi (103 kPa) flowing. It is accept-
able to use acetylene regulators that indicate a static pressure up to 22 psi (151 kPa).
D Check oxy-fuel system for leaks with an approved leak detection
solution or leak detector. Never test for gas leaks with a flame.
D Remove all flammables within 35 ft (10.7 m) of the welding or cut-
ting operation. If this is not possible, tightly cover them with ap­proved covers.
OM-254 957 Page 2
operations. The flying sparks, hot workpiece, and h
D Do not weld or cut where flying sparks can strike flammable
D Protect yourself and others from flying sparks and hot metal. D Be alert that welding and cutting sparks and hot materials from
welding and cutting can easily go through small cracks and open­ings to adjacent areas.
D Watch for fire, and keep a fire extinguisher nearby. D Be aware that welding or cutting on a ceiling, floor, bulkhead, or
partition can cause fire on the hidden side.
D Do not weld or cut on containers that have held combustibles, or on
closed containers such as tanks, drums, or pipes unless they are properly prepared according to AWS F4.1 and AWS A6.0 (see Safety Standards).
D Do not weld or cut where the atmosphere may contain flammable
dust, gas, or liquid vapors (such as gasoline).
D Wear body protection made from durable, flame-resistant material
(leather, heavy cotton, wool). Body protection includes oil-free clothing such as leather gloves, heavy shirt, cuffless trousers, high shoes, and a cap.
D Do not use fuel gases to clean clothes or work area. D Remove any combustibles, such as a butane lighter or matches,
from your person before doing any welding or cutting.
D After completion of work, inspect area to ensure it is free of sparks,
glowing embers, and flames.
D Follow requirements in OSHA 1910.252 (a) (2) (iv) and NFPA 51B
for hot work and have a fire watcher and extinguisher nearby.
BUILDUP OF GAS can injure or kill.
D Shut off compressed gas supply when not in
D Always ventilate confined spaces or use
approved air-supplied respirator.
CYLINDERS can explode if damaged
Compressed gas cylinders contain gas under high pressure. If damaged, a cylinder can explode. Since gas cylinders are normally part of the welding o cutting process, be sure to treat them carefully.
D Protect compressed gas cylinders from excessive heat, mechani-
cal shocks, physical damage, slag, open flames, and sparks.
D Install cylinders in an upright position by securing to a stationary
support or cylinder rack to prevent falling or tipping. Do not lay acetylene cylinders on their sides or acetone will flow out of the cyl­inder and damage the equipment.
D Keep cylinders away from any arc welding, cutting, or other electri-
cal circuits.
D Never drape a welding or cutting torch over a gas cylinder. D Never weld or cut on a pressurized cylinder − explosion will result. D Use only correct compressed gas cylinders, regulators, hoses,
and fittings designed for the specific application; maintain them and associated parts in good condition. Do not use compressed gas cylinder unless an approved gas regulator is attached to the gas valve.
D Turn face away from valve outlet when opening cylinder valve. Do
not stand in front of or behind the regulator when opening the valve.
D Keep protective cap in place over valve except when cylinder is in
use or connected for use.
D Use the right equipment, correct procedures, and sufficient n u m -
ber of persons to lift and move cylinders.
D Store compressed gas and oxygen cylinders in separate loca-
D Store empty cylinders with valves closed and caps in place. D Do not modify or repair cylinders or valves. Store leaking acet-
ylene cylinders outdoors in a safe area. Identify leaking cylinders and return them to the supplier.
D Dispose of used disposable cylinders according to the manufac-
turer’s recommendations. Do not throw cylinders in fire.
D Follow instructions provided by the gas supplier and on com-
pressed gas cylinders, associated equipment, and in Compressed Gas Association (CGA) publication P-1 listed in Safety Standards.
FLYING MET A L o r DIRT can injure eyes.
D Welding, cutting, chipping, wire brushing, and
grinding cause sparks and flying metal.
D Wear welding goggles, or wear welding helmet
/welding faceshield over approved goggles/ safety glasses with side shields.
1-3. California Proposition 65 Warnings
Welding or cutting equipment produces fumes or gases which contain chemicals known to the State of California to cause birth defects and, in some cases, cancer. (California Health & Safety Code Section 25249.5 et seq.)
1-4. Principal Safety Standards
Safety i n W elding, Cutting, and Allied Processes, ANSI Standard Z49.1, is available as a free download from the American Welding Society at http://www.aws.org or purchased from Global Engineering Documents (phone: 1-877-413-5184, website: www.global.ihs.com).
Safe Practices for the Preparation of Containers and Piping for W elding and Cutting, American Welding Society Standard AWS F4.1, from Glob-
al Engineering Documents (phone: 1-877-413-5184, website: www.global.ihs.com).
Safe Practices for W elding and Cutting Containers that have Held Com­bustibles, American Welding Society Standard AWS A6.0, from Global
Engineering Documents (phone: 1-877-413-5184, website: www.global.ihs.com).
Safe Handling of Compressed Gases in Cylinders, CGA Pamphlet P-1, from Compressed Gas Association, 14501 George Carter Way, Suite 103, Chantilly, VA 20151 (phone: 703-788-2700, website:www.cganet.com).
Acetylene, CGA Pamphlet G-1, from Compressed Gas Association, 14501 George Carter Way, Suite 103, Chantilly, VA 20151 (phone: 703-788-2700, website:www.cganet.com).
Safety in Welding, Cutting, and Allied Processes, CSA Standard W117.2, from Canadian Standards Association, Standards Sales, 5060 Spectrum Way, Suite 100, Ontario, Canada L4W 5NS (phone: 800-463-6727, website: www.csa-international.org).
This product contains chemicals, including lead, known to the state of California to cause cancer, birth defects, or other reproductive harm. Wash hands after use.
Safe Practice For Occupational And Educational Eye And Face Protec­tion, ANSI Standard Z87.1, from American National Standards Institute,
25 West 43rd Street, New York, NY 10036 (phone: 212-642-4900, website: www.ansi.org).
Standard for Fire Prevention During Welding, Cutting, and Other Hot Work, NFP A Standard 51B, from National Fire Protection Association,
Quincy, M A 0 2 2 6 9 ( p h o n e : 1 - 8 0 0 - 3 4 4 - 3 555, website: w w w.nfpa.org.) OSHA, Occupational Safety and Health Standards for General Indus-
try, Title 29, Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), Part 1910, Subpart Q, and Part 1926, Subpart J, from U.S. Government Printing Office, Super­intendent of Documents, P.O. Box 371954, Pittsburgh, PA 15250-7954 (phone: 1-866-512-1800) (there are 10 OSHA Regional Offices— phone for Region 5, Chicago, is 312-353-2220, website: www.osha.gov).
Applications Manual for the Revised NIOSH Lifting Equation, The Na­tional Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH), 1600 Clifton Rd, Atlanta, GA 30333 (phone: 1-800-232-4636, website: www.cdc.gov/NIOSH).
Recommended Practices for Safe Oxyfuel Gas Cutting Torch Opera­tion C4.2/C4.2M, and Recommended Practices for Safe Oxyfuel Gas Heating T orch Operation C4.3/C4.3M from Global Engineering Docu-
ments (phone: 1-877-413-5184, website: www.global.ihs.com).
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! Inspect all equipment before use. Do not use damaged, defective, or improperly adjusted welding and cutting equipment. Make sure
levers and valves work properly, threads on equipment are clean (no grease or oil) and not deformed, gauges are intact and easy to read, regulator is clean and free of oil or dirt, and fittings are properly sized for the cylinder. Make sure hoses are clean (no grease or oil) and ferrules are properly installed so the fitting does not slip inside the hose. Be sure all connections are tight and there are no leaks in the system.
This booklet of fers basic information regarding the Medium Duty Oxy-Acetylene Cutting and W elding Outfit. Given reasonable care, this equipment will provide trouble-free use for many years.
The following events are very hazardous and can occur in any oxy-fuel system. It is important to understand these hazards and know how to prevent them.
Backfire: The return of the flame into the torch, usually accompanied by a popping sound. The flame may be extinguished or it may re-appear at the tip end.
Sustained Backfire: The return of the flame into the torch that continues to burn inside the torch with a hissing or squealing sound. Flashback: The return of a flame into and t hrough the torch or i nto the h ose. In some instances it can reach the regulator and even enter t he cylinder . T his
is generally caused by the mixing of the o xygen and f uel g as in t he s ystem. This is a very dangerous situation that ca n cause an e xplosion anywhere in t he system. T his is why purgi ng is so impor t ant (see Sections 7-1 and 7-2 ).
! Open oxygen cylinder valves slowly. Opening an oxygen cylinder valve quickly can cause a fire or explosion. Be sure regulato
adjusting handle is in the full out (off) position before opening an oxygen cylinder valve.
Recompressing high pressure oxygen in a low pressure cavity may create heat, resulting in combustion. For combustion to occur, oxygen, fuel, and kindling temperatures must be present. All of these components may be present when oxygen is recompressed by opening the tank valve too quickly.
Oxygen: High purity oxygen accelerates the rate of combustion, increases heat output, and lowers the combustible point at which various materi als will burn.
Fuel: The fuel for combustion may be the regulator itself if enough heat is produced to reach the kindling temperature of the regulator’ s components Kindling Temperatures: Enough heat may be generated to ignite the regulator components by the friction created when recompressing
high-pressure oxygen. This heat is known as the heat of recompression.
! If an internal fire or flashback occurs (indicated by a whistling sound or inverted flame), do the following:
D Turn off the torch oxygen valve immediately. D Turn off the torch fuel valve. D Turn off the oxygen cylinder valve. D Turn off the fuel gas cylinder valve.
Do not relight the torch until the equipment has cooled to the touch and the flashback cause has been determined and corrected.
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