Hilti RM 800 User Manual

M 800 PC Cement Repair Mortar 7.2.4
onstruction Chemicals
Construction Chemicals
RM 800 PC Cement Repair Mortar 7.2.4
Listings, Approvals & Testing Standards
ASTM C 928 Material Specifications
Working Time
5 mins at 75°F (24°C)
et Time (ASTM C 266)
S Initial (Hrs:Min): 0:20 Final (Hrs:Min): 0:30 Flexural Strength (ASTM C 580) 28 Days 800 psi
Compressive Strength
(ASTM C 109)
3 hrs . . . . . . . . . . . .3000 psi
1 day . . . . . . . . . . . .6000 psi
28 days . . . . . . . . . .7000 psi
Percentage Length Change (ASTM C 157)
Air-cured . . . . . . .–0.06 max
Moist-cured . . . . .+0.06 max
Resistance to deicing salts (ASTM C 672)
(10% Calcium Chloride Solution) 25 cycles - 2 Rating
Water Absorption (ASTM C 642)
Freeze-Thaw Resistance, 3000 cycles (ASTM C 666, Procedure A)
88% Dynamic modulus
Flow, 5 min (ASTM C 109)
Concrete gray Product Description
RM 800 PC is a fast setting concrete patching material which exhibits high early strength. RM 800 PC is a self-bonding patching compound blended with special cements and additives. No bonding agents are required. RM 800 PC can accept
ehicular traffic in three hours and its
v performance exceeds the requirements of ASTM C 928 for very rapid hardening material for concrete repair.
Product Features
• DOT approved (Tennesse & Mississippi)
• Self-bonding, requires no bonding agents or primers
• Minimizes downtime
• Pre-blended; just add water
• Suitable for vehicular traffic in 3 hours at 70°F (21°C)
• Initial set time 20 minutes, final set time 30 minutes Installation Data
Basic Use
RM 800 PC is suitable for repair of damaged concrete on parking structures, airport runways, warehouse floors and loading docks. It can also be used for setting posts, railing and parking meters.
One 50 lb (22.7 kg) bucket yields 0.42 ft (0.011 m3) and covers approximately 10
when applied 1/2" (13 mm) thick.
RM 800 PC is designed for use on horizontal surfaces in thicknesses from 1/2" to 8".
Hilti, Inc. (US) 1-800-879-8000 | www
.us.hilti.com Installation Instructions
Surface Preparation
The damaged area should be prepared by back-cutting, or sawing of a vertical edge. This preparation should be performed in a manner which pr damage to the surr
ounding concrete.
Loose scale or dust must be r
emoved using compressed air or water blasting, leaving only clean, sound concr
ete. The area to be repaired should be saturated with water, but there should be no puddles pr
I en español 1-800-879-5000 I Hilti (Canada) Corp. 1-800-363-4458 I www
RM 800 PC may be mixed in a mortar mixer mixing paddle. Measure 3 quarts of potable water and add to the mixer or bucket, then add RM 800 PC and a medium speed for 3 time is approximately 10 minutes at
F (24
75 the temperature increases. Do Not mix more product than you can place in 10 minutes. Clean mixer or mixing paddle with water between mixes and after last mix, to avoid build-up of product.
, or in a bucket with a drill and a
mix at
minutes. Working
C), and becomes shorter as
I Pr
echnical Guide 2006 333
.2.5 CG 200 PC Cementitious Grout
onstruction Chemicals
Construction Chemicals
7.2.4 RM 800 PC Cement Repair Mortar
• Do Not add excessive amounts of water
• Do Not mix more than can be used in 10 minutes
Up to 1 lb of cement colorant may
• be added to color patch
ir, mix and substrate temperatures
A should be between 40°F (4°C) and 90°F
Installation Instructions
1.Score concrete around dam­aged area at a slight backward angle to a mini­mum depth of 1/2" using Hilti Dry Diamond Blade.
2.Expose fresh concrete sur­face and chip out edges to a depth of 1/2" using a Hilti Combihammer (Hilti TE 56 sug­gested) and chisel or bush­ing head. Remove dust and debris with vacuum or compressed air.
3 Saturate pre-
pared area with water. Add 2 quarts of potable water to an empty 5 gallon pail. Slowly add powdered RM 800PC and mix using a drill (or equivalent) and a mixing paddle (sold below) until free of lumps. Add an additional quart of water, alter­nating with remaining pow­der, until entire contents have been thoroughly blended.
(32°C) during repair and for 24 hours
fterward. Place RM 800 PC in the area
a to be repaired, filling flush with surrounding concrete, and consolidate during placement by rodding. Surface is ready for brooming or texturing in 20 to 30 minutes.
Do Not use in vertical or
• overhead surfaces
4. After removing excess water from prepared area, Using a trowel, place
5.Finish patch with trowel. Protect patch from traffic until cured.
mortar and push into all corners and edges.
Storage Life
One year from date of manufacture, in
riginal, unopened container.
RM 800 PC may be cleaned with most floor cleaning detergents. Aggressive solvents should be avoided.
CAUTION: Contains Silicon
Dioxide, Portland Cement and
Calcium Hydroxide.
Your skin may be sensitive
to cement. Wearing rubber gloves
is recommended. Avoid contact
with eyes or prolonged contact
with skin. In case of contact, flush
thoroughly with water.
For eyes, flush with clean water
for at least 15 minutes and get
prompt medical attention.
Keep out of reach
of children.
Estimating Formula*
Number of Units Required = (L * W * (D
/ 12)) / Y
L = length of void in feet W = width of void in feet D
= ave. depth of void in inches
= Yield for product
Estimated Yield for Repair Mortars & Grout (Yprod) in ft
Product Yprod
RM 800 PC
* Numbers are approximate and
assume no waste. Ordering Information
RM 800 PC is packaged in convenient, reclosable plastic pails, containing 50 lb (22.7 kg) of product.
Item No. Description Size
00020270 RM 800 PC 50 lb pail 00024155
334 Hilti, Inc. (US) 1-800-879-8000 | www
Stainless Steel Paddle Mixer smooth shank
Specially designed for repair mortar. Use with Jacobs style chuck.
I en español 1-800-879-5000 I Hilti (Canada) Corp. 1-800-363-4458 I www
I Pr
echnical Guide 2006