Problem: Unit Does Not Turn On . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
Problem: Bed Frame Controls Do Not Operate . . . . . . . . . . 56
FLEXICAIR® Low Airloss Therapy Unit User Manual (usr101)Page 4
Page 5FLEXICA IR® Low Ai rloss Therapy Unit User Man ual (usr101)
Symbol Definition
This manual contains different typefaces and icons des igned to improve
readabili ty and i ncrease unde rsta nding of it s cont ent. No te the foll owing
• Standard text—used for regular information.
• Boldface text—emphasize s a word or phrase.
• NOTE:—sets apart s p ecial in f o r mation or impo rt a n t in s tr u ction
• The symbol below highlights a WARNING or CAUTION:
Warning and Caution
–A WARNIN G identifies situations or actions that may affect
patient or user safety . Disregarding a warning could result in
patient or user injury.
–A CAUTION points out s pecial procedures or precautions that
personnel must follow to avoid equipment damage.
• The symbol below highlights a CAUGHT HAZARD WARNING:
Caught Hazard Warning
• The symbol below highlights a CHEMICAL HAZARD WA RNING:
Chemical Hazard Warning
• The symbol below highlights an ELECTRICAL SHOCK HAZARD
Electrical Shock Hazard Warning
FLEXICAIR® Low Airloss Therapy Unit User Manual (usr101)Page 6
Intended Use
The management of patients who are particularly vulnerabl e to sk in
breakdown, with al l its implications for the recovery process, is
complex. The starting point is determining the treatment objectives,
assessing the risk, and choosing the prope r support. An inappropriat e
choice can re sult in complic ations tha t impede recove ry and inc reas e the
length of hospit alization. Difficulties arise because differing clinical
conditions and treatment objectives dictate different needs and, in
progressing through the recovery process, a patient can require severa l
different types of support.
The FLEXICAIR® II Low Airloss Therapy Unit is a wound
management system to meet specific pre vention, rehabilitation, and
related patient-ma nagement obj ectives for the intermediate-risk patient.
The FLEXICAIR MC3® Low Airloss Therapy Unit is a wound
management syst em to help wit h pres sure sore preve ntion an d tre atment
when ambulation is a priority or respirati on is compromised.
Based upon the princi ple of low airloss technol ogy, both units offer
beneficial features as well as the cl inical consultation and service of
The features, appl ications, and instructions for use of the uni ts are
described in this user manual. However, this user manual is intended
only as a guideline. Remember that your Hill-Rom Clinical Sales
Consultant is available around the clock to help assess each of your
patients for risk and, on the basis of medical status and treatment
objectives, assist you in se lecting the treatm ent modality to achieve
maximum patient benefit in the most cost-effect ive way . It is this
commitment to serve both the patient and caregiver through products
and a level of expe rtise tha t earne d Hill-Ro m its reputat ion as a re source
in chronic wound management.
Page 7FLEXICA IR® Low Ai rloss Therapy Unit User Man ual (usr101)
The prevention of pres s ure sore development a nd wound deterioration
requires a support that minim ize s the effec ts of the mechanical forces of
pressure, shea r, fricti on, and moisture upon fragile tissue.
Low airloss ther apy is achieved by controlling the low-pressure
distribut ion and the escape of air through infla table cushions used to
support the pat ient. As a result, each patient is supported, according to
the individua l nee d, at reduced pressures. The pote ntial for shear and
frictio n is reduced, pressure on bony promine nces is mini mized, and the
skin is kept comfortably dry.
The FLEXICAIR® II Low Airloss Therapy Unit and the FLEXICAIR
MC3® Low Airloss Therapy Unit maxim ize the benefits and safety of
low airloss ther apy technology for the pati ent and reduce caregiver
involvement in technical, maintenance, and non-nursing activities.
FLEXICAIR® Low Airloss Therapy Unit User Manual (usr101)Page 8
The FLEXICAIR® II Low Airloss Therapy Unit and the FLEXICAIR
MC3® Low Airloss Therapy Unit r educ e pressure and decrease the
potential for friction, shear, and macerati on. In addition, their nursing
management feat ures and resemblance to a standard hospital bed make
the units an efficient and effective preventive and rehabilitative support
in the treatme n t of ti s s u e br eakdow n . S el ect patients wi th ex isting
pressure sores and/or surgical wounds on the basis of clinical status,
treatment objectives, an d priorities.
As a general guideline, use the FLEXICAIR® II Low Airloss Therap y
Unit for the following:
• Patients at moderate-to-high risk for the development of pressure
• Patients with existing early-stage pressure sores.
• Patients with advanced-stage or full-thickness pressure sores whose
clinical sta tus and treatment objectives require continuous high head
elevation, frequent transfer, or frequent ambulation.
As a general guidel ine, use the FLEXICAIR MC3® Low Airloss
Therapy Unit for the following:
• Patients who, due to c linical status, may develop pressure sores.
• Patients with existing early stage (Stage I and II) pressure sores.
• Patients with non-infected (Stage III or IV) wounds, when treatment
objective s that require frequent am bulation and transfe r take priority.
• Patients whose respiratory status requires continuous high head
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FLEXICAIR® Low Airloss Therapy Units
FLEXICAIR® Low Airloss Therapy Unit User Manual (usr101)Page 10
Patient Care Areas o f U se
Conditions that increase the risk of pressure sore development or
deterioration are seen in all areas of medicine. However, it is important
to recognize the co mmon fac tors that predispose a pat ient to pressure
sores, and in which clinical settings they are most likely to occur.
Patient with one or more of the following conditions are at signific ant
• Immobility
• Incontinence
• Poor nutrition
• Diminished level of consciousness
• Reduced subcutaneous tissue
• Dehydration
• Diminished circulation
• Multisystem fail ure
• Use of steroids or seda tives
These conditions are most prevalent in the following clinical settings:
• Gerontology
• Critical care
• Rehabilitation
• Orthopedics
• Neurosurgery
• Oncology
•Burn care
• Dialysis
Page 11FLEXICAIR® Low Airloss Therapy Unit User Manual (usr101)
Pressure Reduction
A set of cushions inflated to specific air pressures forms the foundation
of low airloss therapy. The unit provides support that matches the needs
of the individual patient, distributes the body load uniformly over a
maximum area, and minimizes pressure concentrations at the bony
Special Air Cushion Configuration
The segmented desi gn and arrangement of the air cushions
compartmentalize support, providing greater flexibility and even
displacem ent of the p atien t’ s weight. Cons equent ly, a patient lying in th e
supine position is supported below ca pillary closing pressures.
Automatic Pressure Adjustment
For low ai rloss ther apy to b e ef fe ct ive, airf low in to th e cu shions m ust be
adjusted when the patient changes head elevation. The units provide
automatic pre ssure adjustment at four leve ls of patient elevati on,
significantly reducing the potential for human error and eliminating a
time-consuming nursing responsibility. The patient can freely change
head elevation without compromising pressure relief.
Patient Support
The suspension s ystem of the unit consists of 18 inflatable cus hions
divided into five zones corresponding to m ajor body surface areas.
When the system is activated, co mpresse d air fills the cushion s. To
achieve the lowest skin contact pre ssures and provide optimal patient
comfort, airflow is distributed through each zone. The resulting system
provides sacral, scapular, and troch anteric support at les s than capillaryclosing pressure s and correspondingly low contact pressures acros s all
body surfaces.
Comfort Controls
The unit has two sets of controls:
• The controls that manage the therapeutic functions are located at the
unit’s footboard and at the center of the frame on each s ide.
• The controls that operate the bed frame are located in the siderails
and at the foot end of the unit.
FLEXICAIR® Low Airloss Therapy Unit User Manual (usr101)Page 12
Therapeutic Controls—FLE XICAIR® II Low Airloss Therapy
FLEXICAIR® II Low Airloss Therapy Unit Control Panel
On/Off S w it ch
To turn the unit on or off, press the On/Off switch in the right-hand
corner of the control panel at the foot end of the unit. When the unit is
on, the indi cator light on the switch illuminates.
Patient Comfort Adjustment Control
To achieve optimal pressures at four dif ferent head elevation, trained
Hill-Rom personn el program t he unit on a patie nt-by-pa tie nt basis at the
time of delivery. However, since patient comfort is subjective, the unit
permits finer pressure adjustments without compromising its preset
T o adjust the air cushions for
comfort, locate the Patient Comfort Adjustment controls
on the control panel. The five
body zones displayed have
independent control knobs to
adjust the cushion pressures
within ea ch zo ne .
Turning the control knobs counterclockwise deflates the air cushions;
turning the control knobs clockwise inflates the air cushions.
After a control is set, a slight delay occurs before the pressures within
the cushions adjust. Adjust the cus hion pressure s in gradual increments,
and allow the patient approximately 30 s econds between adjustments to
experi ence each ch an g e.
The pressure sensor indicators illuminate green to indicat e norm al
function. A red light in any zone indicates that the patient is touching
the bottom of the surface ( see “Bottoming Signal” on page 22).
Page 13FLEXICAIR® Low Airloss Therapy Unit User Manual (usr101)
Elevation Indicator
The Elevation indicator shows the degree of
elevation. With each change in elevation, the unit
registers the patient’s position and automatic ally
adjusts the cushion pressure to compensate.
T em p erature Operating Range Indicators
The Temperature Operating Range indicators
are locat ed ab o ve th e Elevation indicator:
•A green indicator indicates that the unit is
opera t ing at the Normal range for patient
•A red indicator indicates a High temperature condition. If a High
temperature condition occurs, notify Hill-Rom Technic al Support.
When the operating tem perature exceeds a saf e range, the unit shuts
down. When the temperature returns to a normal range, the uni t
automatically resumes operation. If the unit shuts down, remove the
patient from the unit, and notify Hill-Rom Technical Support. To enable
easy trans f er, the bed frame controls continue to operate.
Cushion Controls
The following four Cushion Contr ols
switches are l o cated at th e control panel:
• Seat Deflate Switch—The unit
accommodates ambulatory patients and
facilitates wheelcha ir transfer. When
Seat Deflate Mode is activated, the seat
section deflat es to enable the patient to
transfer from the unit in a seated
To activate Seat Defl ate Mode, press
the Seat De f l at e Swit c h. When Seat
Deflate Mode is activated, the Seat Deflate indicator illuminates.
To deac ti v at e S ea t D ef l at e Mode, p re ss the Seat Deflate Switch to
the Off position to autom atically inflate the cushions to their
programmed levels.
FLEXICAIR® Low Airloss Therapy Unit User Manual (usr101)Page 14
• Maximum Inflation Switch—To facili ta te the tra nsfer of pat ients in
the supine position, Maxim um Inflation Mode inflates all se ctions of
the unit to their maximum capacity. This provi des a firm surface
from which patients ca n more easily be moved.
To transfer a patient onto or off of the unit, press the Maximum Inflation switch to activate Maximum Inflation Mode. When
Maximum Inflation Mode is activated, the red M a ximum In flation
indicator illuminates, and an al arm sounds briefly. After Maximum
Inflation Mode is ac tive for 10 minutes, an alarm sounds for 10
minutes to remind the caregiver to deactivate Maximum Inflation
To deactivate Maximum Inflation Mode, press the Maximum Inflation switch to the Off position to automatically deflate the
cushions to their programmed levels.
• Sid e Lying S w itch— The Side Lying swit ch enables further
protection of pa tients during prolonged periods of side lying of
15 minutes or longer. To provide added support to the trochanter
area, the Side Lying switch distributes the cushion pressures
appropriate ly. If the Sid e Lying switch is ac ti vated, its la m p
When the patient returns to a supine position, press the Side Lying
switch to t h e Off position to automatically rever t the pres sures in the
air cushions to their programmed values.
• CPR Switch—To defl ate t he cushi ons for p erfor ming CPR, pres s the
red CPR switch. Wh en the CPR switch is activated, all air cushio ns
deflat e rapidly, leav ing the patient on a f i rm surface. A cardiac board
is not needed.
T o inflate the cushions, press the CPR sw it ch to th e Off position to
automatically return the air cushion pressures to their programmed
Bed Up/Down Switch
Press the Bed Up/Down switch to ra ise or low e r th e bed
frame to the desired pos ition.
Page 15FLEXICAIR® Low Airloss Therapy Unit User Manual (usr101)
Therapeutic Controls—FLEXICAIR MC3® Low Airloss
Therapy Unit
FLEXICAIR MC3® Control Panel
On/Off Button
T o t urn the uni t o n or of f, press t he On/Off but ton
in the bottom center of the control panel at the
foot end of the unit. When the unit is on, the
indicator light on the button illum inates.
Power Indicator
Two Power indicator lights in the center of the control panel indicate
whether AC or Battery power is running the unit:
•The green indicator indicates that the unit is
plugged into an appropriate power source and
is operati ng in its normal mode on AC powe r.
•The red indica tor indicates that the bed is in
Trans port Mode and is operati ng on Battery
power. Once transport is complete, plug th e
unit into an appropriate power source for
optimal bat tery charging.
Weight Monitor Indicator
The Weight Monitor indi ca to r il lu mi n ates when
the buil t-i n sc al e al ar ms. The ind ic ator flash es
when an alar m condition exists for weight los s or
gain or bed exit.
FLEXICAIR® Low Airloss Therapy Unit User Manual (usr101)Page 16
Patient Comfort Adjustment Controls
To achieve optimal pr es s ures at four different hea d ele vations, trained
Hill-Rom personn el program t he unit on a patie nt-by-pa tie nt basis at the
time of delivery. However, since patient comfort is subjective, the unit
permits finer pressure adjustments without compromising its preset
To adjus t th e ai r
cushions for comfort,
locat e the Patient
Comfort Adjustment
controls on the control
panel. The five body
zones displa yed have
independent buttons
to adjust the cush i o n
pressures within each
Pressing the bottom arrow of the button deflates the air cushions
slightly; pressing the top arrow of th e button infla tes the cushions . Each
time the button is pr essed, the light-emi tting diode (LED) increas es or
decreases one pos ition to indica te that the zone pressur e is raised or
After a control is set, a slight delay occurs before the pressures within
the cushions adjust. Adjust the cus hion pressure s in gradual increments,
and allow the patient approximately 60 s econds between adjustments to
experi ence each ch an g e.
Elevation Indicators
The Elevation indicator s indicate that the unit
functions properly. The indicator shows the
degree of elevation—0°, 30°, 45°, or 60°. With
each change in elevation, the unit registers the
patient’s position and automatically adjusts the
cushion pressures to compensate.
The Elevation indica tors indicate the angle of
elevation from the frame of the unit, not the cush i on he ig h t . Th e
patient’s actual elevation may differ slightly from the angle indicate d.
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