The ASA-3 module is a switched preamplifier and variable power amplifier. It is similar to the ASA-2
module and operates for all intents and purposes, in an identical manner except for yielding higher (and
variable) RF output power. The ASA-3-460M contains a SAW filter and LNA in the receive signal path and
serves as a switched preamplifier/power amplifier, boosting both transmitted and received signals. The
version of the amplifier works with Hetronic RF modules from 450MHz to 470MHz. The addition of the
SAW filters makes band selection more precise and serves also to reject signals at other frequencies.
Note: Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not
cause interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference, including
interference that may cause undesired operation of the device.
FCC ID Number: LWP-ASA3460M
IC ID Number: 2119B-ASA3460M
All specifications assume a 50Ω input and load.
Parameter Min Norm Max Unit Notes
Supply Voltage 3.0 4.0 5.5 V DC
Supply Current TX Mode 90 100 110 mA Configured for 100 mW output
Supply Current RX Mode 6 10 20 mA
Inp t Impedance 50 Ω
Outpu Impedance 50 Ω
Output L ad VSWR <10:1
Output Power Level 1* 15.5 17 18.5 dBm 10dBm in, J1 and J2 open
Output Power Level 2* 18.5 20 21.5 dBm 10dBm in, J1 or J2 shorted
Output Power Level 3* dBm Contact Hetronic In ustrialization
Small sign l gain
(Receiver LNA)
Input Power, transmit
Input Power, receive mode 0 dBm
Frequency Range 450 470 MHz
Switch line level 0 3.3 5.5 V Logic level.
Switch line high 2.7 5.5 V
Switch line low 0 0.4 V
Switch speed 1 ms Rx to Tx, ready to transmit, Tx to Rx,
Operating Temperature -20 +70 °C
* = see section 3.2
10 14 dB
10 11 dBm
ready to receive
Note: The user is cautioned that changes or modifications not expressly approved by
the party responsible for compliance could vo id the user’s authority to operate the