harman/kardon Service Bulletin
Service bulletin # H/K2000-08 Rev3 – September 2005
To: All harman/kardon Service Centers
Models: CDR2
Subject: Complain ts Related To Early So ftware
In the event you receive a CDR2 with one or more of the symptoms listed below, an upgrade in the
software may be necessary. Confirmation may be made by checking the serial numbers listed below.
1) When dubbing from the CDP deck, the unit randomly skips some of the tracks during the recording process
2) Audio drop out every 15-30 seconds, for less than a second each time, using the analog CDR outputs wh ile
playing a disc in the CDP deck
3) Analog outputs of both wells have glitching/skipping sounds, but when monitored via headphones the sound
is normal
4) Intermittent Recording
5) CDs played on CDP deck have wow & flutter. Wow characterized by a slight hesitation in the sound and
flutter as a rapid fluttering sound
6) CDR deck d uring the recording p rocess "chopping off" (truncating) the first few seconds of each track using
digital inputs
7) Will not SYNCH record with MD player digital connections
8) Will not SYNCH record with DV D player connections
9) CDR deck when played as normal CD output mutes randomly
10) Switches to normal (x1) dubbing speed even though x2 or x4 had been selected
11) Jumps to another part of the track dubbing at x4 speed
12) Low music input causes the unit to skip to the next track during recording
13) CDR de ck during the recording process does not automatically set track increments
For additional information and current resources available to perform upgrades, please contact:
Harman Service Technical Support
Phone: 516-682-6435
E-mail: techsupport@harman.com
LG0001-10793 to LG0001-12428
LG0001-14329 to LG0001-14675
LG0001-21381 to LG0001-26340
LG0001-01001 to LG0001-10792
LG0001-12429 to LG0001-14328
LG0001-14676 to LG0001-21380
LG0001-26341 to LG0001-29500
Serial number
LG0001-29501 and above
Serial number
Has early
LG0002-01001 to LG0002-08500
LG0002-08501 and above
version – no
upgrade possible
Has la ter
Factory Ins talled
latest ver sion
Action (Upgrade)
harman/kardon Incorporated 250 Crossways Park Dr. Woodbur y , New York 11797 (516) 496-3400