TX/MAM User Manual - document version: 2.4 – Page 4
1. Grass Valley Product Support
Contact information: http://www.grassvalley.com/support/contact
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This document describes the TX/MAM application version 2.4. Information in this manual may at some
points differ from your TX/MAM application due to differences in version.
This manual starts with an introduction to TX/MAM concepts. Then the TX/MAM Interface is explained.
Next, this manual is divided in the following sections:
Configuring TX/MAM
Asset Management with TX/MAM
Channel Management
User Management for Channels
Flag Configuration
Quick Reference
The K2 Edge and TX/MAM ingest workflows are explained in the appendix.
Configuration of the TX/MAM servers and Storage server is described in the Commissioning Manual.
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3. Installation
The default credentials for the TX/MAM applications are:
User: sysdba
Password: masterkey
3.1 Requirements
The TX/MAM web interface requires a networked Windows PC with a Mozilla Firefox web browser and
the TX/MAM Player installed.
3.2 Installation
The TX/MAM Player is included in the Cobalt Installer and installed when installing Cobalt.
4. Credentials
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5. The TX/MAM Interface
Use the left hand menu to select the information that you want to display in the main window
(C). While a number of items are fixed, this menu can be customized as described in paragraph
The toolbar in the top right corner shows a number of basic options such as ‘Create’, ‘Search’
and ‘Profile’. Options available differ depending on the contents of the main window.
Click the ‘About’ option to view the TX/MAM version and release notes.
The main window shows the information as selected in the left hand menu.
The refresh option.
Export Assets options.
Page options.
Example TX/MAM Interface (including superuser and administrator tabs).
The TX/MAM interface is described in more detail in the Quick Reference.
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6. TX/MAM Introduction
Asset info
[TX/MAM database]
Metadata and info that describes the Asset.
Fixed metadata such as file type, external
reference, duration and customizable
metadata, for instance artist or episode.
Jobs and statuses
Assets can have configurable jobs and
statuses, which are visible in TX/MAM. Jobs
can be executed automatically and/or
Workflow steps can be defined using the
status of an Asset or Asset Job.
Essence(s) are the media files that belong to the
Mostly, Assets and Essences are linked via the Asset’s External reference. Example:
External reference
TX/MAM asset management functionality includes:
Create and manage Assets.
Trim, soft part segments.
Asset info is created in TX/MAM, or imported using the Schedule or Asset Importer. Until a file has
been ingested, Assets are called empty Assets. Asset info is stored in the TX/MAM database.
Files (Essences) are ingested via Inboxes on the Storage Server.
[See chapter 14 for an explanation of the K2 Edge and ingest workflow.]
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When a Schedule is imported and Assets in the Schedule do not yet exist, empty Assets are created.
You can also create empty Assets (Assets for which the file has not yet been ingested in TX/MAM).
Note that empty Assets can be scheduled, but cannot be played out. Before playout, the Essence
must be available.
In TX/MAM, Assets are described on several tabs:
Configurable metadata tab pages. In the default setup:
o Info: Asset info such as Artist and Track.
o Technical: Asset info such as Media Type and Aspect ratio.
o Images: shows the graphic (only for TGA-Assets).
Essences: the file(s) linked to an Asset and their status (only for video Assets).
Spotcheck: file quality check and segmenting (only for video Assets).
Jobs: the Jobs linked to an Asset and their status.
Sharing: Assets are linked to a User Group, Channel1 in the example below. This group has
access to the Asset. To give other Groups access, Assets can be shared.
History: lists all actions performed for this Asset.
Example Asset (video) in TX/MAM.
This chapter explains TX/MAM basic concepts using an example Asset, a music video California King Bed.
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6.2 Metadata
Metadata such as External reference, Artist and Track describes the Asset. Asset info is displayed on
the Asset’s Info and Technical tabs, and is also shown in the columns in the Assets list. Custom
metadata tabs can be defined.
Example Assets list with Asset info (External reference, Artist, track, ID …)
Asset info can be used for scheduling (for example schedule clips based on Genre) and for playout
(for example play out Artist and Track info with a clip).
6.3 Essences
The media file(s) linked to an Asset are named Essences. The Tx-Status column on the Essences tab
shows the status of file ingest.
Example Essences tab for a Music Video.
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6.4 Spotcheck and segmenting
TX/MAM’s spotcheck functionality lets you verify the Essences’ quality. You can also define segmentsusing Tc-in and Tc-out (time code in and out) - when only part of a file is used.
Segments can be scheduled (drag into POC), but are not listed in the Assets list.
Example spotcheck.
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6.5 Asset Jobs
Jobs and procedures can be defined and linked to Asset Types and will then automatically be
executed for all Assets of that type. Example jobs:
A job Browse copy to create a low resolution copy of files. The status Browse created is displayed
in the Asset list’s tx_status column.
A job Get media info, used to retrieve info about file duration and type. This info can then be
displayed in the Asset list.
The Jobs tab shows the status of Jobs for an Asset. You can change this status or in some cases
manually execute Jobs.
Example Jobs tab.
6.6 Sharing and Exporting Assets
Assets are linked to a User Group. Only this User Group has access to the Asset. To enable access
for other user Groups, the Asset can be shared. Assets can also be exported to predefined Folders.
Example Sharing tab; the Asset is not shared with other User Groups.‘Channel1’ in the Asset’s title
refers to the User Group that has access to this Asset.
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6.7 History
The Asset’s History lists the Asset Jobs or user actions performed for the Asset.
Example History tab.
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6.8 Asset Types
Asset Types define groups of Assets with the same file type and metadata definition. Example file
types are: AVF (for video files), TGA (for graphics) and WAV.
Metadata fields such as External reference and Duration are fixed for all Asset Types. Custom
metadata can be configured per Asset Type.
Below you find the custom metadata definition for Asset Type Music Videos. The name attribute
defines the custom metadata fields for Assets of this type, such as Artist, Track and Album.
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7. Starting the TX/MAM Browser
Open a Firefox web browser on your workstation.
Enter the K2 TX/MAM servers’ virtual IP-address and press [Enter].
Log in using the TX/MAM credentials [chapter 4].
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8. Configuring TX/MAM
User group
allowed Asset types
allowed Assets (defined when creating an Asset as a property of the Asset
Assets can be shared with other groups)
allowed Folders (defined when creating a Folder)
assign administrator and superuser rights
set rights for TX/Dashboard
Define Users and User groups to manage access and authorization levels for Folders, Asset
Types and Assets.
Modify the TX/MAM menu to specify customized Asset lists.
Define Folders for automatic ingest, Asset sharing and export.
Link Jobs to Asset Types.
You need superuser or administrator rights to configure TX/MAM.
8.1 Defining TX/MAM Users and User groups
8.1.1 Introduction
TX/MAM lets you define Users and User groups to manage access and authorization levels for
Folders, Asset types and Assets.
Example Users: Operator, Supervisor and Administrator.
Example User groups (for a service provider): Customer1 and Customer2.
The table below shows different authorization levels that can be set for Users and User groups.
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8.1.2 Administrator and superuser
and Superuser
Read/write rights for:
Menu Item List
User groups
Categories: not used
Read/write rights for:
TX-statuses and values
Asset Types
Asset Jobs
Administrator and superuser rights can be assigned to Groups.
8.1.3 Creating or modifying a User Group
Example User Group.
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Click the User groups menu item.
Click the Add button to add a User group or select the User group you want to edit.
Specify a Name for the group.
Add a short description of the Group in the Description field.
Activate the Administrators option if you want to assign administrator rights to the group.
Activate the Superuser option if you want to assign superuser rights to the group.
Select the Asset type(s) this group is allowed to work with.
Click Save to save changes, Cancel to discard.
8.1.4 Deleting a User group
Click the User groups menu item.
Select the User group you want to delete.
The Edit group window opens, now click the Delete button. Click OK to delete the group, Cancel
to discard.
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8.1.5 Creating or modifying a User
Example User.
Click the Users menu item.
Click the Create button to add a User, or select a User from the list to edit..
Specify a Username.
Specify a Password.
Specify the user’s Real name.
Specify the user’s E-Mail address.
Specify a Secret question.
Specify the user’s Secret answer.
Don’t display metadata tabs: If applicable, specify metadata tabs this user is not allowed to see.
You can specify a Date and Time Formatfor the User. The ‘a’ (for example hh:mm:ss a)stands
for: AM.
Select the applications the user will be given access to.
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Select the User groups the User belongs to.
Specify Authorization level, Tabs allowed to mutate (only visible when the Authorization level >
Mutate option has been activated), Allowed menu items list and Allowed menu items.
Click Save to save changes, Cancel to discard.
8.1.6 Deleting a User
Click the Users tab.
Select the user you want to delete.
The View user window opens, now click the Delete button.
Click OK to delete the user, Cancel to discard.
8.1.7 Assigning superuser or administrator rights
Create a Group with superuser or administrator rights: go to User groups > Add > define a group
and select the Administrators or Superuser option.
Click Save, or Cancel to discard.
Add the User to the Group with superuser/administrator rights: go to Users > select the user >
User groups and add the user to the group with superuser/administrator rights.
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8.2 Defining Asset Types
8.2.1 Introduction
Asset Types group Assets with the same file type and metadata definition.
The metadata definition consists of a default and custom part. In addition to custom metadata fields,
custom TX/MAM tabs can be added. The default tabs are Info and Technical.
Example Asset Type in TX/MAM.
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8.2.2 Defining an Asset Type
use global config
Transfer metadata in /system/objects/cobassets/bin/transfer_ftp.xml (as set with the
/system/objects/cobassets/bin/set.sh script) is used.
Leave the Transfer metadata field as is: <XML></XML>
Select this option if you do not want to use the global settings, but specific transfer settings
for this Asset Type.
A warning when specifying the value for the path field in the transfer xml:
Paths that start with a slash will be interpreted as an absolute path. Be sure that when
specifying an absolute path that this path is accessible by a FTP-client and the given
user/password. This can be tested using the standard FTP command-line client by trying to
change the directory to the desired absolute path after logging in (e.g. “cd /mydata/media”).
(The standard FTP command-line client is called “ftp”.)
To create an Asset Type:
Select the Asset Type menu option and click the Create button.
Specify the Asset Type name in the Title field.
Link as essence to type: if applicable, link this Asset Type as an essence to an Asset Type.
Note: from K2 Edge version 4.1 not used for subtitles anymore.
Definition XML: to add custom metadata fields for this Asset Type, add the metadata
definition here [see paragraph 8.2.3 for an explanation].
Transfer protocol: Specify a transfer protocol for files of this Asset Type. Transfer settings
specify amongst others the storage location and are used by the playout_distri process when
fetching files from storage for playout.
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