Certificate Number: 510040.001
The Quality System of:
Thomson Inc, and it’s wordwide Grass Valley division affiliates DBA
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Including its implementation, meets the requirements of the standard:
ISO 9001:2008
The design, manufacture and support of video and audio hardware and software products and
related systems
This Certificate is valid until: June 14, 2012
This Certificate is valid as of: June 14, 2009
Certified for the first time: June 14, 2000
H. Pierre Sallé
KEMA-Registered Quality
The method of operation for quality certification is defined in the KEMA General Terms
And Conditions For Quality And Environmental Management Systems Certifications.
Integral publication of this certificate is allowed.
KEMA-Registered Quality, Inc.
4377 County Line Road
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Ph: (215)997-4519
Fax: (215)997-3809
DisclaimerProduct options and specifications subject to change without notice. The information in this
manual is furnished for informational use only, is subject to change without notice, and should
not be construed as a commitment by Grass Valley, Inc. Grass Valley, Inc. assumes no
responsibility or liability for any errors or inacc uracies that may appear in this publication.
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Revision Status
Use, duplication, or disclosure by the United States Government is subject to restrictions as set
forth in subparagraph (c)(1)(ii) of the Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software clause
at DFARS 252.277-7013 or in subparagraph c(1) and (2) of the Commercial Computer
Software Restricted Rights clause at FAR 52.227-19, as applicable. Manufacturer is Grass
Valley, Inc., P.O. Box 59900, Nevada City, California 95959-7900 U.S.A.
Grass Valley, K2, Aurora, Summit, Dyno, Solo, Infinity, Turbo, Profile, Profile XP, NetCentral,
NewsBrowse, NewsEdit, NewsQ, NewsShare, Ne wsQ Pro, and Media Manager are either
registered trademarks or trademarks of Grass Valley, Inc. in the United States and/or other
countries. Grass Valley, Inc. products are covered by U.S. and foreign patents, issued and
pending. Additional information regarding Grass Valley, Inc. trademarks and other proprietary
rights may be found at www.grassvalley.com. Other trademarks and logos used in this
document are either registered trademarks or trademarks of the manufactu rers or vendors of
the associated products, such as Microsoft® Windows® operating system, Windows Media®
player, Internet Explorer® internet browser, and SQL Server™. QuickTime and the QuickTime
logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Apple Computer, Inc., used under license
Rev Date Description
November 2005 –
July 2007
Initial release and revisions for 3.1 and 3.2 releases —
071-8460-00, 071-8460-02, 071-8460-03
September 7,
January 11, 2008Added information for capture services and Type II motherboard —
July 28, 2008Added information for software version 3.2.7, XML Import capture
March 20, 2009Version for K2 Summit Client, removed K2 Media Client-specific
October 27, 2009Added K2 Solo Media Server, MPEG-2, AVC-Intra and other
April 7, 2010Added ChannelFlex Suite features, K2 Transmission, and other
Revised information for direct-connect storage, teaming, HotBins,
software version 3.2.5 — 071-8460-03
This manual describes K2™ systems and provides the information you need to go
beyond factory default settings and customize your system’s configuration to meet
your site-specific needs. The manual covers K2 Summit™ Production Client, K2
Solo™ Media Server, including ChannelFlex™ S uit e f ea tur es , an d K2 SAN devices.
How this manual is org anized
This manual is organized around the tasks required to install and configure K2
systems. The following chapters are include d in this manual:
Chapter 1, Product Description
Chapter 2, Using K2 system tools
Chapter 3, System connections and configuration
Chapter 4, Managing Sta nd- alo ne Stor age
Chapter 6, Managing K2 system software
Chapter 7, Administering and maintaining the K2 system
Chapter 8, Direct Connect Storage
Chapter 9, K2 Summit Transmission Server Package
Appendix A, Remote cont rol protocols
Appendix B, Specifications
Appendix C, Connector Pinouts
Appendix D, Rack mounting
07 April 2010K2 System Guide11
Finding Information
Getting more information
The following sections help you find the information you need in product manuals
and elsewhere.
For the installer of a K2 product with internal storage
If you are install ing a K2 clien t with st and-alone in terna l stor age or a K2 Solo Medi a
Server, refer to documentation in the following sequence:
Find this document…I n these locations…In these formats:
1K2 Release NotesK2 product shipping boxPrinted
2Quick Start Guide for the K2 productK2 product shipping boxPrinted
3K2 System GuideK2 Documentation CDPDF file
Grass Valley WebsitePDF file
K2 Documentation CDPDF file
Grass Valley WebsitePDF file
Grass Valley WebsitePDF file
For the installer of a K2 client with direct connect storage
If you are installing a K2 client with stand-alone direct connect storage, refer to
documentation in the following sequence:
Find this document…I n these locations…In these formats:
K2 Documentation CDPDF file
Grass Valley WebsitePDF file
2Quick Start Guide for the K2 productK2 product shipping boxPrinted
K2 Documentation CDPDF file
Grass Valley WebsitePDF file
3K2 SAN Installation and Service ManualK2 Documentation CDPDF file
Grass Valley WebsitePDF file
3K2 System GuideK2 Documentation CDPDF file
Grass Valley WebsitePDF file
Quick Start Guide
You receive this guide in the product packaging with your K2 product. The Quick
Start Guide provides step-by-step installation instructions for basic installation and
operation of your K2 product, including recording and playing clips.
Release Notes
The K2 Release Notes contain the latest information about the software shipped on
your system. The release notes include software upgrade instructions, software
specifications and r equir ements, f eature ch ange s from the pr evious relea ses, and any
known problems. Because release notes contain the latest information, they are
printed out and included in the K2 product shipping box, rather than included in the
Documentation CD-ROM. You should always check the Grass Valley Website to
determine if there is an updated version of release notes available.
K2 Storage Cabling Guide
The cabling guide provides instructions for K2 Storage Area Network cabling and
external configuration. The cabling guide provides instructions for each pre-defined
level of K2 SAN and cov ers b oth r edundan t and basi c (no n-redu ndan t) syst ems. You
can find the cabling guide packaged with the primary RAID storage chassis.
Documentation CD
Except for the release notes, the full set of support documentation, including this
manual, is availabl e on the K2 Documentat ion CD-ROM tha t you rec eived wit h your
K2 product.
07 April 2010K2 System Guide13
Finding Information
The K2 Documentation CD includes the following documents:
K2 AppCenter User Manual — Provides instructions for configuring and operating
instructions for basic installation and operation of the K2 product.
K2 System Guide — Contains the product specifications and instructions for
modifying system settings.
Service Manuals — Contains information on servicing and maintaining the K2
K2 SAN Installation and Service Manual — Contains installa tion, configura tion, and
maintenance procedures for shared storage options.
K2 Storage Cabling Guide — Contains diagrams for cabling the devices of the K2
Summit Production Client.
RAID Instruction Manuals — There is an Instruction Manual for each type of RAID
storage device that c an be a part of a K2 Summit Produc tion Client. These manuals
contain procedures for configuring and servicing the device.
Fibre Channel Switch Installation Manual — Contains information on configuring
and servicing the Fibre Channel switch.
On-line Help Sy st e m s
K2 AppCenter Help — In the AppCenter user interface menu bar selec t Help, then
SiteConfig Help — In the SiteConfig user interface menu bar select Help, then choose
SiteConfig Help Topics from the drop-down menu.
NetCentral Help — From the NetCentr al int erfa ce sel ect He lp | NetCentral Help Topics.
AppCenter Help Topics from the drop-down menu.
NetCentral documentation
The NetCentral product has its own documentation set, described as follows:
NetCentral Quick Star t Guide — Pr ovides an overview o f the i nstalla tion proc ess to
quickly set up and run NetCentral.
NetCentral Installation Guide — Identifies requirements and procedures to correctly
set up servers and devices, as well as provides detailed instructions to install and
configure NetCentral software.
NetCentral User Guide — Describes how to use the NetCentral Manager to monitor
NetCentral Help — From the NetCentral inter face acce ss on-line help. Selec t Help |
NetCentral Help Topics
14K2 System Guide07 April 2010
Grass Valley Web Site
This public Web site contains all the latest manuals and documentation, and
additional support information. Use the following URL.
Grass Valley Product Support
To get technical assis tance, check on the statu s of a question, or to re port a new issues,
contact Grass Valley Product Support via e-mail, the Web, or by phone or fax.
Web Technical Support
To access support infor mation on the Web, v isit the pr oduct support Web page on the
Grass Valley Web site. You can download software or find solutions to problems.
World Wide Web:http://www.grassvalley.com/support/
Technical Support E-mail Address:gvgtechsupport@grassvalley.com
Grass Valley Product Support
Telephone Support
Use the following information to contact Product Support by phone.
International Support Centers
Our international support centers are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
A local support represen ta ti ve ma y be avai l abl e in your count ry. To locate a support
center duri ng normal lo cal business hours, refer to the following list. T his list is
regularly updated on the website for Grass Valley Product Support
After–hours local phone support is also available for warranty and contract
07 April 2010K2 System Guide15
Finding Information
Region County Telephone
Asia China +86 10 5883 7575
Hong Kong, Taiwan, Korea,
Japan +81 3 6848 5561
Southeast Asia - Malaysia +603 7492 3303
Southeast Asia - Singapore +65 6379 1313
India +91 22 676 10300
Pacific Australia 1 300 721 495
New Zealand 0800 846 676
For callers outside Australia or
New Zealand
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North America North America, Mexico,
Europe UK, Ireland, Isr a e l +44 118 923 0499
Switzerland +41 56 299 36 32
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Near East and Africa +800 80 80 20 20;
16K2 System Guide07 April 2010
+45 40 47 22 37; +32 2 333 00 02
06 8720 35 42. Milan: +39 02 48
41 46 58
Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment Directive
Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment Directive
07 April 2010K2 System Guide17
Finding Information
18K2 System Guide07 April 2010
Chapter 1
Product Description
The K2™ Summit™ Production Client and K2 Solo™ Media Server are
cost-effective Broadcast Enterpr ise Servers th at incorpora t e IT server platform and
storage technologies to deliver a networked solution to facilities for ingest, playout,
news integration, s por ts , and media asset manage ment . Th ey provides a suite of user
applications and system tools. The manual contains information for all models and
options, including ChanneFlex™ Suite. Refer to the sections that apply to your
particular model and options.
Point PC
K2 Summit Production Clients,
K2 Media Clients, and K2 Solo Media Servers
Operation, configuration, and
monitoring from a remote location
The K2 Summit Production Client and K2 Solo Media Server are designed for
“headless” operation from a remote control point using Grass Valley Control Point
software. You can also use the Microsoft Windows Remote Desktop Connection
application on your PC to connect to the K2 system for configuration or
The K2 Summit Production Client and K2 Solo Media Server products are further
described in the followi ng sections:
• “K2 Summit Production Client and K2 Solo Media Server features” on page 20
• “Product identification” on page 22
• “Front panel indicators” on page 23
• “Rear panel view” on page 24
• “K2 Summit Production Client and K2 Solo Media Server system overview” on
page 27
Communication over
Ethernet network
Also refer to Chapter 9, K2 Summit Transmission Server Package for information
unique to that product.
07 April 2010K2 System Guide19
Chapter 1 Product Description
K2 Summit Production Client and K2 Solo Media
Server features
The following features apply to the K2 Summit Production Client:
• Two or four channels per chassis
• SDI video inputs and outputs
• AES/EBU or embedded audio inputs and outputs.
• Redundant power supply, cooling fans for reliability
• System dr ive — compact flash protected by a fi le-based write filter
• RAID media storage
• Remote operation and configuration via AppCenter
• NetCentral™ provide s remote error reporting and moni toring via SNMP (Optional
for models using local storage only)
• Gigabit Ethernet
• AMP, VDCP, and BVW remote control protocols supported
• Remote control over RS-422 or Ethernet
• Super Slo-Mo, Mult i-cam, and 3D/Video + Key features are avai lable as part of t he
ChannelFlex Suite
The following features apply to the K2 Solo Media Server:
• Two channels per chassis
• SDI video inputs and outputs
• AES/EBU or embedded audio inputs and outputs.
• System dr ive — compact flash protected by a fi le-based write filter
• RAID 0 media storage
• Remote operation and configuration via AppCenter
• NetCentral™ provide s remote error reporting and moni toring via SNMP (Optional
for models using local storage only)
• Gigabit Ethernet
• AMP, VDCP, and BVW remote control protocols supported
• Remote control over RS-422 or Ethernet
• ExpressCard
• Super Slo-Mo, Mult i-cam, and 3D/Video + Key features are avai lable as part of t he
ChannelFlex Suite
20K2 System Guide07 April 2010
The K2 Summit Production Client and K2 Solo Media Server have bi-directional
video codecs, which means each channel supports both record and play operations.
You can encode and decode video using the DVCPRO HD, DVCPRO 25/50, or
DVcompression standards. You can also dec ode MPEG-2. Options include MPEG-2
encode and AVC-Intra encode/decode. All channels support Standard Definition
(SD) video and, if licensed, each pair of channels can also support High Definition
(HD) video. For more information on available codecs, see “Operational
specifications” on page 198.
You can play a sequence of clips of diffe rent c ompressi on stan dards an d, if licensed,
HD and SD formats back-to-back on t he same timeline with no chan nel configurati on
changes. Both HD and SD clips are played out in the format specified for the output
assigned to the channel. All clips are either up- or down-converted appropriately to
play on that output, and their aspect ratios are adjusted.
For the K2 Summit Production Client, stand-alone internal storage, stand-alone
external direct-connect storage, and external shared (SAN) storage models are
Features of internal storage models
An internal storage K2 Summit Prod uction Client ca n have eight medi a drives. A K2
Solo Media Server has two media drives. Compact Flash serves as the system drive.
This makes the int ernal st orage K2 system a self- contained , stand-a lone un it, with n o
external devices for storage connection s r equ ir ed. You can transfer media in a nd out
of the internal storage K2 syst em via Gigabi t Ether net. You can al so expor t media to
a mapped drive or USB-attached storage. With the K2 Solo Media Server, you can
also export media via the ExpressCard.
Features of internal storage models
Features of external storage models
The external storage K2 Su mmi t P rodu ct ion Client contains only t he Compact Flash
that serves as the system drive. There are no media drives in an external storage K2
Summit Pro duction Client. There are two types of extern al storage fo r media, as
connect to the K2 SAN via Gigabit Ethernet or Fibre Channel to share a common
pool of storage.
• Direct-connect s torage — A single K2 Summit Production Client with the opt ional
Fibre Channel board installed connects directly to its own external (non-shared)
RAID storage device. This makes t he direct-connect K2 Summit Produ ction Client
a self-contained, stand-alone unit, with no external (non-shared) devices for
storage, audio, or video conn ections require d. You can transfer media in and out of
the direct-connect K2 Summit Production Client via Gigabit Ethernet.
07 April 2010K2 System Guide21
Chapter 1 Product Description
USB compartment
Serial Number
(e.g. K2—01AA00010)
This is also the factory
default hostname
Product identification
The K2 Summit Production Client has labels affixed to the chassis that provide
product identification as in the following diagram:
Serial Number
(e.g. K2—01AA00010)
This is also the factory
default hostname
(Compartment swivels up.)
Note: removing the bezel takes
the fans offline. Replace the bezel assembly
within one minute to maintain system coolin
The K2 Solo Media Server has labels affixed to the chassis that provide product
identification as in the following diagram:
22K2 System Guide07 April 2010
Front panel indicators
With the front bezel in place, the indicator LEDs are visible. The LEDs indicate the
status of the machine. For example, when the Service LED is a steady yellow light,
this could signify t hat one of the power cables is unpl ugged. For more i nformation on
indicator LEDs, see the service manual for your K2 product.
Front panel indicators
isk Module
07 April 2010K2 System Guide23
Chapter 1 Product Description
SDI video in and out supports embedded audio.
Rear panel view
The following drawings identify the rear panel connectors and components.
Channel Flex Suite,
which requires
Elite license
24K2 System Guide07 April 2010
Port 4: Control
Control Connection #2
Supports Super Out,
which requires
AppCenter Pro or
Elite license
Tri-level sync
not supported
Port 1: Control A
Control Connection #1
Port 4: Control B
for redundant SAN
Control Connection #2
Control Connections are teame
and share the same IP addres
K2 Solo Media Server rear panel
SDI in
SDI outSDI monitor out.
(connect via optional
multi-connector cable)
LTC in/out
AES audio
Port 1: Control
Port 2: FTP/Streaming
Control Connection #1
Control Connection #2
Media Connection #1
Port 4: Control
(Do not
Loop Thru
Channel 1Channel 2
Channel Flex
SDI video in and out supports embedded audio.
Channel Flex Suite,
which requires
Elite license
aaaa, b
Supports Super Out,
which requires
AppCenter Pro or
Elite license
Tri-level sync
not supported
Control Connections are teamed
and share the same IP address
100-240 V-
K2 Solo Media Server rear panel
07 April 2010K2 System Guide25
Chapter 1 Product Description
Super Slo-Mo Recorder
Multi-Cam Recorder
ChannelFlex Suite rear panel connections
ChannelFlex Suite features require the AppCenter Elite license. Super Slo-Mo also
requires the HD licens e. When configur ed for these features, channe l connection s are
as follows:
Video 1Video 2
3D/Video + Key Recorder
ideo or
Left eye
Key or
Right eye
Phase 1Phase 2Phase 3
3D/Video + Key Player
Video or
Left eye
Right eye
Refer to the K2 AppCenter User Manual for more informat ion on Cha nne lFlex S uite
Considerations for first startup out of box
When you receive a K2 system from the factory, one or more End User License
Agreements (EULAs) appear on the screen at first startup. Software licensing
agreements require that yo u accept these E ULAs. Whe n you do s o, star t up pro cesses
can proceed. This behavior occurs only at first startup. Subsequent startups do not
exhibit this behavior.
Key or
26K2 System Guide07 April 2010
The following are examples of the EULAs that you might see.
On a K2 Media Server, at first startup the following behavior occurs:
• A Windows Server 2003 End User License Agreement (EULA) opens on the
K2 Summit Production Client and K2 Solo Media Server system overview
K2 Summit Production Client and K2 Solo Media
Server system overview
The K2 Summit Production Client and K2 Solo Media Server are purpose-built cl ients
based on COM Express compact computer with dedicated systems to provide the
video disk recorder f unctionality. This secti on explains the major archi tectural blocks.
Application System
The K2 Summit Production Client and K2 Solo Media Server application system
architecture use s the COM Express form factor to provi de functionality similar to that
of standard PC-type computers. The carrier module contains a CPU module, built in
Ethernet, and USB ports. On the K2 Summit Production Client, the carrier module
also includes one PCIe board slot for expansion.
The Application system uses a Windows XP embedded operating system upo n which
all internal storage K2 system applications run for configuration and control of the
Real Time System
Each channel hosts a complete Real Time system that provides the core video disk
recorder functionality. Primary components are as follows:
• Dedicated processor for media access and processing.
• Codec circuits resp onsibl e for enc oding/ decodin g vid eo and proc essing audio and
timecode, including the media-related input and output connectors.
The Real Time system uses a dedicated operating system. This operating system
manages all the hardware i nvolve d in cont rolling t he flow of video, a udio, ti mecode,
genlock, and GPI in and out of the K2 system.
Media control and processing
The following section e xplains how the Applica tion system and the Real Time s ystem
work together to provide K2 system functionality.
The high processin g r equirements of digita l vi deo can overwhelm the pr ocessor on a
standard d esktop PC, resulting in wait-times that destroy the video’s essentia l
real-time aspect . The K2 s ystem avoids this prob lem by provi ding dedica ted s ystems
that isolate processing needs. The components that work together to provide this
functiona lity are as fo llows:
Application system is dedicated to control, configuration, and networking
functions that do not require real-time accuracy. The Application system has the
following components:
• Application softwar e provi des the use r inte rface for opera ting th e K2 system. The
software runs as Windows programs.
• The Media File system manages clips. It includes a database that associates the clip
with its video, au dio, and timecod e files and a dedicated f ile system (sep arate from
the Windows file system) that controls access to the raw data that makes up each
file. Any reading and writing of clips, be it through play and record operations or
through file transfers and media streaming, is managed by the database. The
07 April 2010K2 System Guide27
Chapter 1 Product Description
database and file system run as Windows programs.
Storage system incl udes the media disk drives , control lers , driver s, and ada pters
necessary for access and movement of the data. While the primary data flow is within
the overall control of the Real Time system, some components and their
communication pathways cross over into the Application system. For example, the
media drives appear as the V: drive to the Windows operating system.
Real Time system manages the media flow between the Storage system and the
inputs and outputs. The Real Time system has dedicated processors and
time-sensitive mechanisms to serve media processing needs while maintaining
real-time accuracy.
When you control play an d record operati ons from within the Application sys tem you
trigger a chain of events that eventually crosses over into the Real T i me system a nd
results in media ac cess. The f ollowing sequ ence is an ex ample of this type of chai n of
1. A user operates the Player application to play a particular clip. The Player
application asks the Media File system for permissi on to access the clip. The Media
File system grants access. In shared storage models, the Media File system
enforces shared storage policies in order to grant the access. When access is
granted, the Player application initiates play access to the clip.
2. The database identifies the files that make up the clip and the file system instructs
the Storage system to open access to the files.
3. The Storage system finds the raw data and opens the appropriate read access. At
this point both the Application system and the Real Time system are involved.
Windows controls the media drives and controllers, so the Real Time system
makes file requests to Windows and it causes the data to be transferred to buffers
on the Real Time process or. The data i s then avai labl e to the Real Time syst em so
that it can be processed at exactly the right time.
4. The Real Time system processes the media, decompresses it, adjusts it s timing, and
moves it as required to play the clip as specified by the user.
Loop through, E to E, and feeds
Behaviors related to input signals routed to output connectors are described in the
following sections. Also refer to Appendix A, Remote control protocols for
information regarding E to E commands.
Recording synchronous and asynchronous feeds
For best results in all workflows, use synchronous feeds, defined as follows:
• All outputs are locked to the hous e reference
• All inputs are genlocked to the house reference and at zero time
The SD-00 K2 Media Client, the HD-00 K2 Media Client, th e K2 Summit Production
Client and K2 Solo Media Server can record inputs that are asynchronous, with the
following considerations:
• The encoder clock and the audio clock are derived from the input signal, which
enables frame accurate recording of all inputs.
28K2 System Guide07 April 2010
Loop through, E to E, and feeds
• Outputs are timed to the reference an d if no referen ce is present, the output runs
• If the input video rate does not equal the output video rate (asynchronous) then
video tearing or jumping can occur when input/output synch is critical, such as in
the following:
•K2 TimeDelay
• SD-00 or Summit E-to-E (LoopThru) mode
• HD-00 Loopback
Loop through (K2 Summit Production Client, K2 Solo Media Server, or SD-00 K2
Media Client)
The Player/Recorder application has a “E-to-E (LoopThru) mode” selection on the
Control menu. This mode applies when th e channel is under local AppCe nter con trol
as well as when it is under remote control, for all protocols.
This “E-to-E (LoopThru) mode ” feature al lows you to monitor the video that is being
recorded. The video i s routed ba ck essentia lly untouche d. Any audio or timecode that
is on the input video strea m is stil l ther e on the lo op throug h output . The K2 Summit/
Solo, or SD-00 K2 Media Client, and the loop through videos must be locked to a
video reference for the loop through feature to work properly. This “E-to-E
(LoopThru) mode” feature should not be confused with true E to E, such as that on
the SDA-00 K2 Media Client. True E to E is not s upported on theK2 Summit/So lo or
SD-00 K2 Media Client.
When “E-to-E (LoopThru) mode” is not selected, the channel behaves as follows:
• “PB” is displayed on the channel pane, next to the Timecode Source indicator.
• When no clip is loaded, black plays out.
• When a record operation stops, Recorder becomes Player and the clip remains in
the Player. The clip’s last frame p lays out.
When “E-to-E (LoopThru) mode” is selected, the channel behaves as follows:
• “EE” is displayed on the channel pane, next to the Timecode Source indicator.
• When no clip is loaded, the signal that is currently present at the channel input
plays out.
• When a record operation stops, Recorder stays Recorder and the clip remains in the
Recorder. The signal that is currently present at the channel input plays out.
07 April 2010K2 System Guide29
Chapter 1 Product Description
Ports used by K2 services
The following ports are use d by th e appli cations and syste m tools o f the K2 family of
Port #Typ e of
20TCPCan be
21TCPftpd.exeFTP data
162UDPsnmptrap.exeSNMP trap
3389TCPRemote DesktopUsed by SiteConfig .
3811TCPGrass Valley
18262TCPGV ProductFrame
Service nameDescription
gxfsession.exe, or
Used by 3rd party applications t o communicate
Configuration Service,
Discovery Agent
Discovery Agent
Discovery Agent
using AMP protocol
Used by SiteConfig.
GV NetConfig Device Broadcast /Unicast
Protocol. Used by SiteConfig. Sent by
ControlPoint, received by Devices
GV NetConfig Controll er Protocol. Used b y
SiteConfig. Sent by Devices, received by
49168HTTPGrass Valley
49170HTTPGrass Valley
49171TCPGrass Valley
49172HTTPGrass Valley
30K2 System Guide07 April 2010
K2 Config
Transfer Queue Service
Storage Utility Host
K2 System Configuration application connection
between a control point PC and the K2 system
device configured. Both HTTP and TCP
connections are required. Most functions use the
HTTP connection, but a few functions that
require longer time periods use TCP.
Transfer Manager connection betw een source
system and destination system.
AppCenter connection for connection between
control point PC and K2 client/Solo.
Connection for Storage Utility between the
control point PC and the K2 system being
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