K2 Media Client
Field Kit Upgrade Instructions
Table of Contents
Grass Valley Product Support................................................................................2
About this document ...............................................................................................3
Safety Summaries.......................................... ....................................... ...................3
Installing a mezzanine board upgrade....................................................................3
Converting SD to HD..............................................................................................9
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K2 Media Client Field Kit Upgrade Instructions
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2 K2 Media Client Field Kit Upgrade Instructions August 3, 2007

About this document
Use these installation instructions to upgrade your K2 Media Client. Refer to the
section in this document that applies to the upgrade kit that you received.
Safety Summaries
Safety Summaries
WARNING: In order to avoid personal injury and prevent damage to
this product and i ts peripheral produc ts, be sure to re view all safety a nd
ESD precautions listed in the K2 Media Client System Guide.
Installing a mezzanine board upgrade
This section provides instructions for the following field kits.
Upgrade Nomenclature Description
K2-HD-01-FK Adds one decoder mezzanine board to a HD-00 K2 Media
Client. For a K2 Media Client model with two or three
channels, this adds one playout channel.
K2-HD-10-FK Adds one encoder mezzanine board to a HD-00 K2 Media
Client. For a K2 Media Client model with two or three
channels, this adds one record channel.
Tools and materials needed:
• Torx tool with T15 magnetic tip.
• Upgrade mezzanine board and four attachment screws.
CAUTION: This system contains boa rd-level components that must be
protected from stati c di scharge and physical shock. Wear a wrist strap
grounded th rough one o f the system's ESD Grou nd jacks wh en
handling system components.
To install the Codec upgrade:
1. Make a record of the settings in Configur ation Manager for your cur rent channel s.
Because the mezzanine board upgrade process rewrites configuration files, all
channel settings are reset to their default values. Therefore, at the end of the
upgrade process you must reconfigure your channels.
2. Shutdown the K2 Media Client
3. Remove both power cords from power supplies.
4. Remove the top cover as illustrated:
August 3, 20 07 K2 Media Client Field Kit Upgrade Instructions 3
CAUTION: To avoid possible damage to circuit boards and other
sensitive parts, turn off the K2 Media Client and d is conne ct AC power
before opening the top cover or removing any internal parts.