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Rev Date Description
November 2006Initial release of the K2 InSync User Guide, 071-8529-00.
April 2008Updates for automatic bin creation, Master/Slave path
requirements. Sofware version 4.0. 071-8529-01.
2K2 InSync User GuideAugust 4, 2008
Grass Valley Product Support.................................................................................4
Viewing the history log ............................................................................................18
Changing the slave K2 to be master.......................................................................18
August 4, 2008K2 InSync User Guide3
Grass Valley Product Support
T o get technica l assistance, che ck on the status of a ques tion, or to report new i ssue, contact
Grass Valley Product Support via e-mail, the Web, or by phone or fax.
Web Technical Support
To access support infor mation on the Web, v isit the pr oduct support Web page on the
Grass Valley Web site. Yo u ca n do wn loa d s oft war e or f ind sol utions to problems by
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4K2 InSync User GuideAugust 4, 2008
Grass Valley Product Support
August 4, 2008K2 InSync User Guide5
Using K2 InSync
Introducing K2 InSync
Regardless of how reliable any broadcast device is, for mission-critical applications
like broadcast, many facilities require full redundancy in their play-to-air servers.
Disk mirroring, normally the responsibility of the controlling application, can add
significantly to the complexity of the application. With K2 InSync, mirroring is
accomplished within the K2 system. K2 InSync ensures that the contents of two
systems are maintained as a mirrored pair. In the event of a failure the user routes
control of replay funct ion to the sla ve sy st em, which K2 InSync keeps synchronized
with the master.
K2 InSync can also provide bi-dire ctional mirrorin g between two K2 systems. In this
mode K2 InSync allows each system to operate as a master system while serving as
slave to the other.
K2 System requirements
• K2 InSync and K2 system software versions must be compatible. Refer to K2
Media Client Release Notes and K2 InSync Release Notes for software
compatibility information.
• Fibre Channel or Ethernet video network must be installed and configured, such
that the K2 AppCenter application can make transfers between the K2s. For
information about configuring a network, see the K2 Media Client System Guide.
• K2 InSync must be installed on the master K2. It can also be installed on the slave
K2, but it should not be run simultaneously on both.
NOTE: Grass Valley recommends that the s torage ca pacity of the maste r and slave
K2 systems be the same . If the capacity of the slave unit is smaller, you must
carefully manage the backup of mater ial to avoid e xceeding the storage capacit y of
the slave K2. You can use fi lters or specif y a bin to avoid f illing up a smaller sy stem.
Exceeding the capacity of the slave K2 can result in the excess material not being
backed up.
Operational considerations when using K2 InSync
When using K2 InSync, keep in mind the following considerations:
• When using the bi- directional mirro ring mode with initia l duplicate, th e clips in the
master K2’s Recycle bin are mirrored on the slave K2. If you do not want the
Recycle Bin clips mirrored, select
check the option to delete clips immediately.
• When you are using the bi-directional mirroring mode, do not create (or allow an
automation progra m to create ), a clip wit h the same name in th e same direc tory at the same time on both units. Doing so can result in the loss of one of the clips
• When you are using th e bi-d irectio nal mirrori ng mode, do not edit th e same c lip in
the same di rectory at th e same time on both units. Doing s o results in the loss of
edits to the clip closed first.
Organize Bins | Recycle Bin in K2 AppCenter and
• Continuous recording cannot be used with K2 InSync.
August 4, 2008K2 InSync User Guide6
• When a bin is created on the master and clip is put in that bin, In Sync automatically
creates the bin on the slave.
• When InSync automatically creates a bin, permissions on the bin are set to
• If you restrict permission on a bin on the master, InSync does not automatically
implement those same permissio ns on the slave.
Installing K2 InSync
The first step to installing K2 InSync is to run the Setup program on the K2 InSync
CD-ROM. You must install K2 InSync on one of the K2s (the master) that you will
use. You might want to install K2 InSync on the slave K2 as well as the master.
Having K2 InSync insta lled and re ady to run c an be conveni ent if you need to opera te
the slave K2 as master and assign a new slave to maintain redundancy.
To install K2 InSync you must be logge d on as Administr ator. For infor mation about
logging on as Administrator, see the K2 Media Client System Guide.
1. Insert the CD-ROM into the drive on the K2 you’ve chosen to be master. Choose
Start | Run and browse for K2 InSync Setup.exe on the CD-ROM.
Before you upgrade K2 InSync, uninstall the current version. Do not install an
upgrade over an ex isting v ersio n of K2 InSy nc. Refer to K2 InSync Re lease Not es for
upgrade information.
Starting and stopping K2 InSync
As K2 InSync runs, it provi des continuous, automatic mirr or ing of the master K2 on
the slave K2 (unless you configure it to only run manually).
Start K2 InSync by clicking on the K2 InSync icon on the desktop:
The Countdown dialog box appears.
August 4, 2008K2 InSync User Guide7
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