GE Healthcare
ICU Treatment On The Go
One of the most versatile ICU class ventilators on
the market.
With its comprehensive list of standard features,
including the latest modes of ventilation, the
iVent201 is appropriate for all levels of patient
acuity and in all care settings, from the patient’s
bedside to transport to another point of care.
Taking the ICU with you...
With its highly featured transport capability and
rugged construction, the iVent201 takes ICU
ventilation outside of the cosy confines of the
hospital. Optimized NIV and the exclusive Adaptive
Flow* & Adaptive I-Time*,concept, help caregivers
to maximize patient comfort and synchrony.

ICU Treatment On The Go
With its advanced features, the iVent201 facilitates
patient comfort and sedation as patients go through the
recovery process.
Use Adaptive Flow* & Adaptive I-Time* to enhance
your patient’s comfort & reduce Work Of Breathing, by
allowing the patient to manage their own inspiratory
time & inspiratory flow rate in a volume targeted mode.
Use our friendly Easy Exhale* feature to minimize
problems of gas trapping, auto-peep & triggering failure
in patients with acute obstructive lung disease.
You can use Easy Exhale* with intubated patients
or with non-invasive ventilation using our Adaptive
Bi-Level* feature that enables a responsive and leak
compensated ventilation for a transportable solution
from the ED to the ICU, or maybe from the ICU to the
MRI suite. The iVent201 has the capability to provide
critical care level ventilation support to critically
ill patients in the MRI suite, showing, yet again, its
versatility in the ICU unit.
With its comprehensive list of standard features, 72
hour trending of all settings and monitored patient data,
loops with freeze and overlay capability, respiratory
mechanics (static and dynamic), programmable
nebulizer and now built in SPO2, the iVent201 is the
epitome of versatility among ICU-class ventilators.
The iVent201 incorporates the entire recommended
feature set for NIV including automatic leak
compensation :
• Adaptive Bi-Level* feature that enables a responsive
and leak compensated ventilation.
• Adaptive Flow* & Adaptive I-Time* for enhanced
comfort and reduced WOB.
• Up to 40 lpm – for better patient synchrony.
• Built-in oxygen blender for precise oxygen delivery.
• Waveform display providing visual feedback on
patient condition.
• No CO2 rebreathing with variable leaks.
• Alarms tailored to NIV.
• Portability in an oxygen conserving design.
• True tidal volume measurement.
These features are found together in a transportable,
MR Conditional1 ventilator that is capable of acute care
support and is well-suited to your needs.
The iVent201 software-based platform can be easily
upgraded so it is able to offer the most up-to-date
features today and in the future.
Weighing under 25 lbs. (11.3 kg), the iVent201,
with its self-contained turbine and standard or
optional extended internal battery, is an exceptional,
transportable non-invasive ventilator.
1. Please refer to the iVent201 user manual for the complete
list of MRI environment and conditions