GE VR11, VP11 Reference Manual

Intelligent Platforms
Hardware Reference Manual
VR11, VP11 Intel® Core™2 Duo / Intel® Core™ Duo 6U VME SBC
Second Edition
Document History
Copyright©2010GEIntelligentPlatforms,Inc. Allrightsreserved.
TheVR11,VP11HardwareReferenceManualappliestotheVR11,VP116U VMESingleBoardComputerrevision1.0andabove,untilsuperseded.
Edition Date By BoardArtworkRevision
Second 01Apr2010 HHS All
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GE Intelligent Platforms – VR11, VP11 Hardware Reference Manual, Second Edition Page 2

Legal Information

Legal Disclaimers

© 2010 GE Intelligent Platforms, Inc. All rights reserved.
The information in this manual is proprietary to and is the confidential information of GE Intelligent Platforms, Inc. and may not be reproduced in whole or in part, for any purpose, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, recording, or otherwise, without written consent of GE Intelligent Platforms, Inc. Use, disclosure, and reproduction is permitted only under the terms of a GE Intelligent Platforms license agreement or explicit written permission of GE Intelligent Platforms. You are not authorized to use this document or its contents until you have read and agreed to the applicable license agreement. Receipt of this publication is considered acceptance of these conditions.
All information contained in this document has been carefully checked and is believed to be entirely reliable and consistent with the product that it describes. However, no responsibility is assumed for inaccuracies. GE Intelligent Platforms assumes no liability due to the application or use of any product or circuit described herein; no liability is accepted concerning the use of GE Intelligent Platforms products in life support systems. GE Intelligent Platforms reserves the right to make changes to any product and product documentation in an effort to improve performance, reliability, or design.
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GE Intelligent Platforms – VR11, VP11 Hardware Reference Manual, Second Edition Page 3
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Regulatory compliance

Products sold or transferred between companies or operated on company premises (factory floor, laboratory) do not need CE, FCC or equivalent certification. Boards or subsystems which cannot provide a useful function on their own do not need certification.
Certification can only be granted to complete and operational systems. There are authorized testing agencies, regulatory organizations and laboratories who will issue certificates of compliance after system testing.
GE Intelligent Platforms designs and tests all their products for EMI/EMC conformance. Where GE Intelligent Platforms supplies a complete/functional system for use by end users a certificate will be cited in the manuals/documents which are provided with the products.
Products manufactured by GE Intelligent Platforms should normally be suitable for use in properly designed and produced customer equipment (system boxes or operational systems) without any major redesign or additional filtering. However, the systems might not conform to specific regulations once assembled and used. The system integrator or installer must test for compliance as required in his country or by the intended application and certify this to the end user.

ESD/EMI issues

ESD (Electro-Static Discharge) and EMI (Electro-Magnetic Interference) issues may show up in complete and operational systems. There are many ways to avoid problems with these issues.
Any operational system with cables for I/O signals, connectivity or peripheral devices provides an entry point for ESD and EMI. If GE Intelligent Platforms does not manufacture the complete system, including enclosure and cables, it is the responsibility of the system integrator and end user to protect their system against potential problems. Filtering, optical isolation, ESD gaskets and other measures might be required at the physical point of entry (enclosure wall of box or rack). For example it is state-of-the-art that protection can not be done at the
GE Intelligent Platforms – VR11, VP11 Hardware Reference Manual, Second Edition Page 4
internal connector of an RTM if a cable is attached and routed outside the enclosure. It has to be done at the physical entry point as specified above.
Products manufactured by GE Intelligent Platforms should normally be suitable for use in properly designed and produced customer equipment (system boxes or operational systems) without any major redesign. However, the systems might be subject to problems and issues once assembled, cabled and used. The end user, system integrator or installer must test for possible problems and in some cases show compliance to local regulations as required in his country or by the intended application.

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CE conformance declaration

CE certification is required in EU countries for equipment which is used or operated by the end user. Products sold or transferred between companies or operated on company premises (factory floor, laboratory) do not need CE certification.
CE certification can only be granted to complete and operational systems. Boards or subsystems which cannot provide a useful function on their own do not need CE certification.
GE Intelligent Platforms designs and tests all their products for EMI/EMC conformance. Products manufactured by GE Intelligent Platforms should normally be suitable for use in properly designed and produced customer equipment (system boxes or operational systems) without any major redesign
GE Intelligent Platforms – VR11, VP11 Hardware Reference Manual, Second Edition Page 5

Corporate addresses

Regional headquarters
or additional filtering. The system integrator or installer must, in any case, test for CE compliance and certify this to the end user.
Where GE Intelligent Platforms supplies a complete/functional system for use by end users in EU countries a CE certificate will be cited in the manuals/documents which are provided with the products. The CE (and year of certification) symbol is shown on the equipment, typically on the type or S/N label or close to the power cable entry.
GE Intelligent Platforms have tested their boards using their own card cages (chassis). Test results of these tests are available upon request.
Corporate headquarters
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Co. KG
GE Intelligent Platforms – VR11, VP11 Hardware Reference Manual, Second Edition Page 6

Introduction Welcome

The VR11, VP11 VME Single Board Computer is a fully IBM-AT compatible stand-alone PC equipped with numerous functions and add-on features on a minimal board foot print. This technical manual is designed to provide information regarding the general usage and application of the VR11, VP11 VME Single Board Computer. It also details the hardware and software methodologies. Programming information is also provided.
Chapter 1 gives a brief overview over the functions, features and devices of the VR11 and VP11. Chapter 2 and 3 illustrate unpacking and installation procedures. Chapter 4 contains important information for 'Getting started' Chapter 5 describes all onboard and panel interfaces with pin assignments. Chapter 6 contains notes on system resources. Chapter 7 describes the functional blocks. Chapter 8 details electrical and environmental specifications. Appendix A describes the VME Transition Module VTM22. Appendix B shows details of the PMC sockets. Appendix C explains the Vx9 and Vx11 compatibility. Appendix D describes support and warranty conditions and procedures.
Please observe all safety instructions when handling GE Intelligent Platforms products as given in the unpacking and installation chapters.
The following document also covers items relevant to the VR11 and the VP11 VME Single Board Computer. It is also included under Technical Product Information on our Product CD-ROM.
User’s Manual for AMIBIOS8 Setup
Board Specific Hardware Programmer’s Manual
AMIBIOS8 Check Point and Beep Code List
AMIBIOS8 Error Messages
Thermal Report TR-HW-012
GE Intelligent Platforms – VR11, VP11 Hardware Reference Manual, Second Edition Page 7

Product Properties

Typographic Conventions

This manual uses the following notation conventions:
Italics (sometimes additional in blue color) emphasize words in text or
documentation or chapter titles or web addresses if underlined.
Hexadecimal values (base 16) are represented as digits followed by 'h', for
example: 0Ch.
Hexadecimal values (base 16) are represented as digits preceded by 'H', for
example: H0C.
Hexadecimal values (base 16) are represented as digits preceded by '$', for
example: $0C.
Binary values (base 2) are represented as digits followed by 'b', for
example 01b
The use of a '#' (hash) suffix to a signal name indicates an active low
signal. The signal is either true when it is at logic zero level (voltage close to 0 V) or the signal initiates actions on a high-to-low transition.
The use of a '\' (backslash) prefix to a signal name indicates an active low
signal. The signal is either true when it is at logic zero level (voltage close to 0 V) or the signal initiates actions on a high-to-low transition.
Text in Courier font indicates a command entry or output from a GE
Intelligent Platforms embedded PC product using the built-in character set.
Notes, warning symbols and cautions call attention to essential


The product or products described in this technical manual cannot be operated by themselves. They are components for integration into operational systems or add-ons to such systems. The products have been designed to meet relevant regulatory standards like FCC and CE. As mandated by these standards conformance to these standards can only be certified for complete operational systems. This has to be done by the end-user or by the systems integrator in their operational systems. GE Intelligent Platforms have tested some products in their own systems. Upon request information is available which products have been tested and about the specific environment under which GE Intelligent Platforms has tested these components.


Altitude, air pressure and ambient temperature influence the thermal operation of the components described in this manual. They have been developed and tested at about 500 m (1650 ft.) above sea level at a typical ambient temperature of 20 °C (68 °F). Because of only marginal variations within a limited range of altitudes these products operate as specified within altitudes from sea level to 1000 m (3300 ft.). This is with reference to temperature ranges of air-cooled versions. GE Intelligent Platforms can assist the user of these components in planning operation outside this altitude range upon request.


This manual describes the basic product plus all options. Your product may not have all options implemented. Please verify with your purchase contract which
GE Intelligent Platforms – VR11, VP11 Hardware Reference Manual, Second Edition Page 8
options are implemented. Descriptions of options which are not implemented obviously do not apply to your product.

Support, Service and Warranty

The manufacturer grants the original purchaser of GE Intelligent Platforms products a warranty of 24 months from the date of delivery. For details regarding this warranty refer to Terms & Conditions of the initial sale.
Please see chapter 'Support, Service, and Warranty Information' for further details on repairs and product support.
For support on the web and product information, visit our website at
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Introduction Contents

Legal Information 3
Legal Disclaimers 3 Regulatory compliance 4 ESD/EMI issues 4 Waste Disposal 5 CE conformance declaration 5
Corporate addresses 6
Typographic Conventions 8
Product Properties 8
Certification 8 Altitude 8 Options 8
Support, Service and Warranty 9
Board Design 20
Design Features 22
GE Intelligent Platforms – VR11, VP11 Hardware Reference Manual, Second Edition Page 11
Delivery Volume 27 Available Options 27 ESD 28 Warning 28 Initial Inspection 29 Unpacking 29 Handling 30
Installation preparation 33 General advice 33
Advice on VMEbus products 34 Advice on Batteries 34
Required items 34
Backplane and Power Supply 34 Keyboard and Mouse 34 Video Monitor 35
Minimum System Requirements 35
Installation of a plug-in board 36 Installation of the Rear Transition Module (VTM22) 36 Initial Power-On Operation 36 Entering the BIOS SETUP 37
Power Supply 39 Status indicator, Postcode and Beeps 40 Booting 40 Setup 41 Unexpected Resets 41
GE Intelligent Platforms – VR11, VP11 Hardware Reference Manual, Second Edition Page 12
Front Panel Interfaces 44 VR11 Connectors 45
PMC options 45 VMEbus Connector P1 (P7301) 45 VMEbus Connector P2 (P7302) 46 VMEbus Connector P0 (P7300) with partial PMC-I/O 47 VMEbus Connector P0 (P7300) with full PMC-I/O 49 IDE Connector (P1800) 50 Ethernet Interface (U5600 and U5650) 53 Fast Ethernet Interface U5102 54 Serial Port COM1 (P2200) 54 RJ45 cable (optional) 55 VGA Interface (P4200) 56 USB Interfaces (P1680, P1681) 57 PMC1 Connectors (P6201, P6202, and P6203) 58 PMC2 Connectors (P7201, P7202) 59 PMC-I/O Connector (P6204 and P7204) 61
Transition Module 61
Memory Map 63 Register Set 63
Standard Register Set 64 Plug and Play Devices 64
Interrupts 65 APIC Controller 66
Processor 67 Memory Controller 67 Interrupt Controller 67 Timer 68 Real Time Clock 69 Keyboard and Mouse 69
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EIDE Interface 69 Serial Interface 69 Graphics Controller 70
Software Installation 70
PMC Interface 70 Ethernet Interface 70
Software Installation 70
Additional devices 71
SMBus devices 71 Temperature Sensor LM86 71 Serial EEPROM 71 Geographic Addressing 72 GPIO (0...7) 72 Watchdog, Powerfail Monitor 72 Programmable Timer 72 LED 72 Reset Button 73 Speaker 73
Power Consumption 76 Onboard Lithium Battery 78
Not powered by the system 78 Powered by the system 79 Battery removal and replacement 80
+5VSTDBY 80 Environment Conditions 81
Card edge temperatures for VR11 style 8 83
Electrical Characteristics 83
Supply voltage range 84 GPIO 0...7 84 Isolation 84
Board layout drawings 85 Placement Plan Component Side VR11 (V0) 86
GE Intelligent Platforms – VR11, VP11 Hardware Reference Manual, Second Edition Page 14
Placement Plan Bottom Side VR11 (V0) 87 Placement Plan Component Side VR11 (V1) 88 Placement Plan Bottom Side VR11 (V1) 89
VTM22 Interfaces 93
VGA Interface (P4001) 96 DVI-I connector (P4100) 97 USB connectors (P1600, P1601) 98 Miscellaneous connector (P2000) 99 PMC I/O connectors 100 VGA 2 connector 102 SATA connectors 102 Headphone Out connector 103 SPDIF connector 103 Audio connector 104 CD IN connector 104 Line IN connector 104
Placement Plan VTM22V0 105
Electrical characteristics 107 Mounting of PMC module 108 Secondary Thermal Interface 109
Basic compatibility: 111
Front I/O: 111 Rear I/O 112
Error Report 116
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Figure 1: VR11 board................................................................................................................................................19
Figure 2: VR11 Block diagram.................................................................................................................................21
Figure 3: Board packaging........................................................................................................................................30
Figure 4: Handling the 6U VME board.....................................................................................................................31
Figure 5: 6U board insertion into VMEbus system box............................................................................................36
Figure 6: VR11 board with PMC sockets .................................................................................................................44
Figure 7: Front panel on single slot board.................................................................................................................44
Figure 8: Front panel on dual slot board ...................................................................................................................45
Figure 9: IDE connector............................................................................................................................................51
Figure 10: Ethernet connectors .................................................................................................................................53
Figure 11: Ethernet connector pin assignment ..........................................................................................................53
Figure 12: Fast Ethernet connector layout.................................................................................................................54
Figure 13: COM1 location ........................................................................................................................................55
Figure 14: VGA interface..........................................................................................................................................56
Figure 15: USB .........................................................................................................................................................57
Figure 16: USB pin assignment ................................................................................................................................57
Figure 17: Battery current versus temperature..........................................................................................................78
Figure 18: Battery current versus time......................................................................................................................79
Figure 19: Battery removal .......................................................................................................................................80
Figure 20: Air temperature vs. air speed ...................................................................................................................82
Figure 21: Component side of VR11 (V0)................................................................................................................86
Figure 22: Bottom side of VR11 (V0).......................................................................................................................87
Figure 23: Component side of VR11 (V1)................................................................................................................88
Figure 24: Bottom side of VR11 (V0).......................................................................................................................89
Figure 25: VTM22 Transition Module......................................................................................................................92
Figure 26: Ethernet connector pin assignment ..........................................................................................................94
Figure 27: DVI-I connector layout ............................................................................................................................97
Figure 28: Placement plan VTM22, V0 ..................................................................................................................105
Figure 29: Mounting of PMC module on VR11 .....................................................................................................108
Figure 30: Mounting of Secondary Thermal Interface on PMC module.................................................................109
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Table 1: Styles available ...........................................................................................................................................25
Table 2: BIOS ID coding ..........................................................................................................................................37
Table 3: Boot sequence.............................................................................................................................................41
Table 4: VMEbus connector P1 ................................................................................................................................46
Table 5: VMEbus connector P2 ................................................................................................................................47
Table 6: VMEbus connector P0 with partial I/O and HD Interface ..........................................................................48
Table 7: VMEbus connector P0 with partial I/O, HD interface, SATA, Audio........................................................49
Table 8: VMEbus connector P0 with full I/O ...........................................................................................................50
Table 9: IDE connector .............................................................................................................................................52
Table 10: Ethernet 1/2 connectors.............................................................................................................................53
Table 11: LEDs on Ethernet connector .....................................................................................................................54
Table 12: COM1 pin assignments.............................................................................................................................55
Table 13: RJ45 converter cable pin assignments ......................................................................................................56
Table 14: VGA connector pin assignments...............................................................................................................57
Table 15: USB pin assignments ................................................................................................................................58
Table 16: PMC1 connector pin assignments.............................................................................................................59
Table 17: PMC2 connector pin assignments.............................................................................................................60
Table 18: Memory map.............................................................................................................................................63
Table 19: Standard register set..................................................................................................................................64
Table 20: Interrupt assignments................................................................................................................................65
Table 21: Interval timer functions.............................................................................................................................68
Table 22: Software interfaces....................................................................................................................................70
Table 23: Additional devices.....................................................................................................................................71
Table 24: BIOS power up status ...............................................................................................................................73
Table 25: Power consumption CPU dependent.........................................................................................................77
Table 26: Power consumption DRAM dependent.....................................................................................................77
Table 27: Environment conditions............................................................................................................................81
Table 28: Shock & vibration parameters...................................................................................................................81
Table 29: Maximum height usage.............................................................................................................................82
Table 30: Card edge temperatures for style 8............................................................................................................83
Table 31: Supply voltages .........................................................................................................................................83
Table 32: Supply voltage range.................................................................................................................................84
Table 33: GPIO IN signal levels ...............................................................................................................................84
Table 34: GPIO OUT signal levels ...........................................................................................................................84
Table 35: VTM22 IDE connector .............................................................................................................................93
Table 36: VTM22 Ethernet connectors.....................................................................................................................94
Table 37: VTM22 LEDs ...........................................................................................................................................94
Table 38: VTM22 TMDS connector.........................................................................................................................95
Table 39: VTM22 COM1..........................................................................................................................................96
Table 40: VTM22 COM2..........................................................................................................................................96
Table 41: VTM22 VGA............................................................................................................................................97
Table 42: VTM22 DVI-I connector digital pin assignments.....................................................................................98
Table 43: VTM22 DVI-I connector analog pin assignments ....................................................................................98
Table 44: VTM22 USB0...........................................................................................................................................99
Table 45: VTM22 USB1...........................................................................................................................................99
Table 46: VTM22 Miscellaneous Connector............................................................................................................99
Table 47: PMC I/O connectors................................................................................................................................100
Table 48: PMC I/O header ......................................................................................................................................101
Table 49: VTM22 VGA 2.......................................................................................................................................102
Table 50: VTM22 SATA 0 .....................................................................................................................................102
Table 51: VTM22 SATA 1 .....................................................................................................................................102
GE Intelligent Platforms – VR11, VP11 Hardware Reference Manual, Second Edition Page 17
Table 52: VTM22 SATA HD direct........................................................................................................................103
Table 53: VTM22 Headphone Out..........................................................................................................................103
Table 54: VTM22 SPDIF........................................................................................................................................103
Table 55: VTM22 Audio.........................................................................................................................................104
Table 56: VTM22 CD IN........................................................................................................................................104
Table 57: VTM22 LINE IN ....................................................................................................................................104
Table 58: Electrical characteristics..........................................................................................................................107
Table 59: Rear I/O pin assignments for Vx9 & Vx11.............................................................................................112
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CHAPTER 1 Introduction

Chapter Scope
This chapter describes features, capabilities and compatibilities of the VR11 and VP11 VME Single Board Computer. Both boards are based on the same PCB. All further occurrences of the board’s names will be referred to as the VR11. Any further specification in this document referring to VR11 can be applied to VR11 and VP11 unless otherwise noted.
Figure 1: VR11 board
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Board Design

The VR11 is a fully IBM-AT compatible stand-alone PC. It is equipped with many functions a conventional Personal Computer can only offer after the installation of several add-in cards. Extension boards can be connected via the VME interface. The minimal board size and the large number of I/Os and functions allow the VR11 to be used in many applications. See the following block diagram for the boards design.
GE Intelligent Platforms – VR11, VP11 Hardware Reference Manual, Second Edition Page 20
Figure 2: VR11 Block diagram
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Design Features

The VR11 VME Single Board Computer features:
Microprocessor Intel® Core™ 2 Duo processor 1.5 GHz (4 MB Level2 cache) Intel® Core™ Duo processor 1.66 GHz or 2.0 GHz (2 MB Level2 cache)
Chipset Intel E7520/E6300ESB 667 MHz front side bus (FSB) with 6300ESB and a 6700PXH
PCIexpress Four PCIexpress links onboard, XMC slot
SDRAM 2 GB to 4 GB DDR2 400 MHz with ECC
Flash BIOS Easy updating, in-system programmable Flash ROM, automatic system configuration AMI BIOS Core 8 Integrated VGA, SATA RAID and Ethernet PXE ROM BIOS USB mass storage support, password protection, headless support remote console via serial port
EEPROM (Serial) 512 Kbit for user data
CMOS RAM 242 byte non-volatile RAM for BIOS configuration storage
Hard/Flash Disk Onboard mountable 2.5” UDMA5 (100 MB/s) hard disk or FlashDrive.
Keyboard/Mouse On USB connector, with PS/2 style emulation
USB Two front (not in conduction cooled style) and 2 rear USB 2.0 ports
Watchdog Watchdog implemented in Intel 6300ESB
High Resolution Timer High-Precision Event Timer (HPET) allows 'Real Time Functions' implemented in 6300ESB chipset, legacy PC-AT timer.
Realtime clock RTC 146818 compatible, Li battery (not with conduction cooled style 8)
GE Intelligent Platforms – VR11, VP11 Hardware Reference Manual, Second Edition Page 22
Audio codec Line In, CD In, SPDIF out, headphone AC97 link with codec
VGA and DVI ATI Mobile X300 controller, 1280 x 1024, rear DVI-I up to 1280 x 1024, 32 MB RAM 256 bit 3D & 2D graphics accelerator, on-chip up to 32 MB frame buffer PCIe x4 interface Single channel DVI-I PanelLink for TFTs up to 1280 x 1024 Front I/O not with conduction cooled style 8
Gigabit Ethernet (GigE) Two 10/100/1000BaseT Ethernet channels (with x4 PCIe interface) either front (not with conduction cooled style 8) or rear, compliant to ANSI/VITA 31.1­2003
Fast Ethernet One front channel (not with conduction cooled style 8), 10/100BaseT
SATA Two SATA, RAID 0/1 capable
EIDE/ATAPI UDMA 100 EIDE/ATAPI interface with two IDE channels secondary IDE (ATA 33) onboard and primary IDE rear transfer rate up to 100 MB/s or 16 MB/s in PIO mode 4 and bus master IDE for two external devices and one onboard 2.5” hard/flash disk.
Important note:
The primary IDE signals are shared with some PMC2IO signals. The primary IDE is only available in the configuration with partial PMC-IO or without PMC2. In the configuration with partial PMC-IO PMC2IO31 to PMC2IO60, PMC2IO63 and PMC2IO64 are not available. Make sure, that the PMC-IO pins on the PMC-module don’t conflict with the IDE-signals!
Floppy Via USB
Serial I/O Two asynchronous 16550 compatible full duplex channels with 16 byte FIFO at rear I/O, transfer rates up to 115.2 KBaud, user selectable RS232/422/485 in BIOS setup.
COM1 (only RS232) optionally available at front (not with conduction cooling
style 8)
Important note:
On the front panel there is an RJ45 type connector for COM1 signals. This limits the front panel connector to RS232 operation (without Ring Indicator). RS422/485 can only be used with rear panel connectors
GE Intelligent Platforms – VR11, VP11 Hardware Reference Manual, Second Edition Page 23
GPIO 8 GPIO in or out (pins shared with DVI-I; GPIO and DVI-I exclude each other), software configurable
PMC slots PMC1 with 64 bit/133 MHz PCI-X (3.3 V IO voltage signaling only) and PMC2 with 32 bit/33 MHz (5 V IO voltage signaling only); PCI mezzanine connector for standard PMC with front and rear IO. IO signals are available at the rear connectors. Compliant to ANSI/VITA 20-2001 PMC2 not available with Front VGA, GigE on front or onboard IDE Non-Monarch option compliant to ANSI/VITA 32-2003 PMC front I/O not available in style 8
XMC slot One XMC slot optional in PMC1 location
Important note:
Some PMC2IO signals are shared with the primary IDE signals. All PMC2IO signals are only available in the configuration with full PMC-IO. In the partial PMC-IO configuration PMC2IO31 to PMC2IO60, PMC2IO63 and PMC2IO64 are not available. Make sure that the PMC-IO pins on the PMC module do not conflict with the IDE signals!
VMEbus PCI bus to VMEbus controller, up to 60 MByte/s transfer rates FIFOs for write posting, DMA controller with linked list support Geographical addressing VMEbus system controller Master (including RMW) and Slave (including RETRY*) transfer modes: BLT, ADOH, RMW, RETRY A64 / A32 / A24 / A16 D32 / D16 / D8 (SCT, BLT) D64 (MBLT , 2eVME, 2eSST)
Temperature Sensors This sensor measures the temperatures of the CPU die and on an onboard location. The sensors are software readable in 1 °C increments from -55 °C to +125 °C.
Front panel I/O 2 x GigE, Fast Ethernet, VGA, PMC1 or XMC, PMC2, USB 1-2, Reset, COM1 on RJ45 style connector only for RS232 (without RI), ST LED for ACPI indication red/amber/green (not with conduction cooled style
8). The other (unnamed) LED location is not used on Vx11 boards For restrictions or conditions see appropriate chapters in this manual
Rear I/O Via Transition Module VTM22 DVI-I, VGA, LED, IDE (ATA 100), SATA 1-2,COM1-2, USB 3-4, PMC1 or XMC, PMC2, Audio, Reset, GPIO [0...7], 2x GigE, ResetO For restrictions or conditions see appropriate chapters in this manual
GE Intelligent Platforms – VR11, VP11 Hardware Reference Manual, Second Edition Page 24
Software Windows, Linux, VxWorks, Solaris, Integrity (on request)
Mechanical 6U, 1 slot (4 HP), conduction cooled is IEEE 1101.2-1992 compliant (VR11) 6U, 2 slots (8 HP), air cooled (VP11)
Shock and vibration Stiffener bars and wedge locks depending on style Designed to meet ANSI/VITA 47 classes EAC1, EAC3, EAC6 and ECC4
Conformal coating Optional
RoHS Compliant
MTBF Calculations are available in accordance with MIL-HDBK-217
Safety Designed to meet standard UL1950, CE class A, FCC-A
Styles available
Table 1: Styles available
VR11 (RoHS) 1 3 6 8
Front panel yes yes yes
Extended temp. yes yes yes
Parts soldered yes yes
Front stiffener yes
Middle stiffener yes yes
Wedge locks yes
Conformal coating yes yes
Conduction cooling yes
Lithium battery yes yes
Onboard speaker yes yes
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GE Intelligent Platforms – VR11, VP11 Hardware Reference Manual, Second Edition Page 26

CHAPTER 2 Unpacking and Inspection

Chapter Scope
This chapter covers the suggested inspection and preparation considerations and background information necessary prior to using the VR11. Unpacking, initial inspection, and first-time operation of the VR11 are covered. Following the procedures given in the chapter is recommended, since they will verify proper operation after shipping and before the product is integrated into your system.

Delivery Volume

Please check that the delivered package contains the following items:
Qty. Item Purpose
1 VR11 or VP11 VME Single Board Computer
1 CD-ROM Technical Product Information with driver
software and manuals in Adobe Acrobat (PDF) format:
The manual files are also available through the World Wide Web from our Web-Server:

Available Options

The following table lists accessories (options) which are available for the VR11:
GE Intelligent Platforms – VR11, VP11 Hardware Reference Manual, Second Edition Page 27
Item Purpose
VTM22 Transition module, 4U x 4HE/HP
VGA2DVI DVI to standard VGA converter
YLR015RS RJ45 to 9-pin Sub-D cable
Please contact the GE Intelligent Platforms sales department or your sales representative for latest information on options and accessories.
Accessories are subject to change without notice.
Electrostatic Discharge Notice
The discharge of static electricity, known as Electro Static Discharge or ESD, is a major cause of electronic component failure. The VR11 has been packed in a static-safe bag which protects the board from ESD while the board is in the bag. Before removing the VR11 or any other electronic product from its static-safe bag, be prepared to handle it in a static-safe environment.


You should wear a properly-functioning anti static strap and ensure you are fully grounded. Any surface upon which you place the unprotected VR11 should be static-safe, usually facilitated by the use of anti-static mats. From the time the board is removed from the anti-static bag until it is in the card cage and functioning properly, extreme care should be taken to avoid 'zapping' the board with ESD. You should be aware that you could 'zap' the board without you knowing it; a small discharge, imperceptible to the eye and touch, can often be enough to damage electronic components. Extra caution should be taken in cold and dry weather when static easily builds up.
Only after ensuring that both you and the surrounding area are protected from ESD, carefully remove the board or module from the shipping carton by grasping it by the front panel and the connectors. Place the board, in its antistatic bag, flat down on a suitable surface. You may then remove the board from the anti static bag by tearing the ESD warning labels.
This is a Class A product. In a domestic environment, this product may cause radio interference in which case the user may be required to take adequate measures.
GE Intelligent Platforms – VR11, VP11 Hardware Reference Manual, Second Edition Page 28

Initial Inspection


Drain static electricity before you install or remove any parts. Installing or removing modules without observing this precaution could result in damage to this and/or other modules in your system.
After unpacking the VR11, you should inspect it for visible damage that could have occurred during shipping or unpacking. If damage is observed (usually in the form of bent component leads or loose socketed components), contact GE Intelligent Platforms for additional instructions. Depending on the severity of
the damage, it may necessary to return the product to the factory for repair.
DO NOT apply power to the board if it has visible damage.
Doing so may cause further, possibly irreparable damage, as well as introduce a fire or shock hazard.
Please read the manual carefully before unpacking the board or module or fitting the device into your system. Also adhere to the following:
Please read this manual carefully before unpacking the module or fitting it
into your system. This will certainly save time and avoid trouble.
Observe all precautions for electrostatic sensitive modules
If the product contains batteries, please do not place the board on
conductive surfaces, antistatic plastic, or sponge, which can cause shocks and lead to battery or board trace damage.
Please do not exceed the specified operational temperatures. Note that
batteries and storage devices might also have temperature restrictions.
Keep all original packaging material for future storage or warranty
shipments of the board.
Although the VR11 is carefully packaged to protect it against the rigors of shipping, it is still possible that shipping damages can occur. Careful inspection of the shipping carton should reveal some information about how the package was handled by the shipping service. If evidence of damage or rough handling is found, you should notify the shipping service and GE Intelligent Platforms as soon as possible.
Retain all packing material in case of future need.
Before installing or removing any board, please ensure that the system power and external supplies have been turned off.
GE Intelligent Platforms – VR11, VP11 Hardware Reference Manual, Second Edition Page 29


Figure 3: Board packaging
Proper handling of the board or module is critical to ensure proper operation and long-term reliability. When unpacking the board, and whenever handling it thereafter, be sure to hold the board by the front panel as shown. Do not hold the board by the circuit card edges, the heat sink, or the connectors.
GE Intelligent Platforms – VR11, VP11 Hardware Reference Manual, Second Edition Page 30
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