The information in this document has been carefully checked and is believed to be entirely reliable. While all
reasonable efforts to ensure accuracy have been taken in the preparation of this manual, GE Fanuc Embedded Systems
assumes no responsibility resulting from omissions or errors in this manual, or from the use of information contained herein.
GE Fanuc Embedded Systems reserves the right to make any changes, without notice, to this or any of GE Fanuc
Embedded Systems’ products to improve reliability, performance, function, or design.
GE Fanuc Embedded Systems does not assume any liability arising out of the application or use of any product or
circuit described herein; nor does GE Fanuc Embedded Systems convey any license under its patent rights or the rights of
For warranty and repair policies, refer to GE Fanuc Embedded Systems’ Standard Conditions of Sale.
Link, SRTbus, TESTCAL, “The Next Generation PLC”, The PLC Connection, TURBOMODULE, UCLIO, UIOD, UPLC,
Visual Soft Logic Control(ler), VMEbus Access, VMEmanager, VMEmonitor, VMEnet, VMEnet II, VMEprobe and
VMIC Shutdown are trademarks and The I/O Experts, The I/O Systems Experts, The Soft Logic Experts, and The Total
Solutions Provider are service marks of GE Fanuc Embedded Systems.
IOWorks, Visual IOWorks and the VMIC logo are registered trademarks of GE Fanuc Embedded Systems.
Other registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
This document shall not be duplicated, nor its contents used for any purpose, unless granted express written permission from
GE Fanuc Embedded Systems.
The VMIVME-9150 is a Communications Controller board designed by GE Fanuc
Embedded Systems to work with Intelligent I/O Controllers (IIOCs). The
VMIVME-9150 expands IIOC product capabilities by interfacing with multiple
controllers through Reflective Memory boards.
Output data from the host is available simultaneously to the IIOCs using Reflective
Memory. Likewise, data from many input boards is transferred to the host in a timely
manner. The VMIVME-9150 conserves the resources of the host computer by
controlling the communication between the IIOCs and I/O boards.
A basic hardware configuration is made up of:
• One or two host computers
• A host interface board for each host computer
• A VMIVME-9150 communications controller board
• Multiple VMIVME-9064 and/or VMIVME-9081 IIOCs
• A Reflective Memory board for each IIOC and the VMIVME-9150
The VMIVME-9150 communicates with the host computer through a host interface
board. The host issues commands and transmits and receives data through the host
interface to the VMIVME-9150.
The VMIVME-9150 communicates with multiple VMIVME-9064 or VMIVME-9081
Intelligent I/O Controllers through VMIVME-5550, -5565, -5576, -5588, or -5588DMA
Reflective Memory boards. The chassis where the VMIVME-9150 processor board
and host interface boards reside contains one Reflective Memory board for IIOC
communication. The same network may have up to fifteen IIOC controllers, each
paired with one Reflective Memory board.
The VMIVME-9150 acts as the “host computer” to each IIOC. The external host
computer interfaces only to the VMIVME-9150, and the VMIVME-9150 controls all
functions of the IIOCs.
IIOCs combine the intelligence to ease integration and simplify maintenance with the
power to significantly reduce the impact of real-time I/O on your host computer
VMIVME-9150 Communications Controller
resources. The IIOCs provide a high-density, high-throughput, low-cost solution to
the data acquisition and control problem by offloading the I/O scanning, scaling
computation, and engineering unit conversion tasks from host computer
computational resources.
Intended Audience
The VMIVME-9150 Product Manual is written for those familiar with the theory and
practice of real-time processing. In addition, a familiarity with computers, including
some knowledge of computer programming, is assumed. Knowledge of GE Fanuc
Embedded Systems IIOC systems is helpful and may be obtained through the study
of the IIOC Family Instruction Manual.
GE Fanuc Technical Support
GE Fanuc Embedded Systems provides complete system support, including technical
manuals, system configuration manuals, training classes, field support, depot repair
and 72-hour board swap-out service. GE Fanuc Embedded Systems has an established
worldwide network of sales representatives to provide customer support before and
after the sale.
Document Structure
The VMIVME-9150 Product Manual is divided into six chapters. This manual furnishes
general information about the architecture and theory pertaining to communications
controller systems. In-depth information about the use of a control terminal for
controlling the VMIVME-9150 and IIOCs is also included.
Chapter 1 - System Description provides an overview of the VMIVME-9150 system and
of the increased capabilities it provides for the IIOC by interfacing to multiple I/O
controllers through Reflective Memory.
Chapter 2 - Host Interface describes the role of the VMIVME-9150 as a slave device for
the supported host interfaces. Included are the protocols used with the
VMIVME-HSDA, VMIVME-5620, VMIVME-5610, network interfaces and Reflective
Memory, as well as the set of commands available from the external host computer.
Chapter 3 - IIOC Interface provides a more detailed description of the interface between
the VMIVME-9150 Communications Controller and the Intelligent I/O Controller.
Chapter 4 - Control Terminal Operation details the control key usage, menus, and
operations using the control terminal of the VMIVME-9150 Communications
Chapter 5 - Suggestions for System Operation offers suggestions for the practical use of a
VMIVME-9150 system such as initialization, data buffers, asynchronous scanning, DI
latching and change of state, and example command sequences for an I/O frame.
Chapter 6 - Status and Error Reporting discusses how to obtain the status and error
information displayed on the control terminal and host program by the
VMIVME-9150. Included is information on the two major classes of errors, as well as
examples of each of the different error types.
Appendix A - Configuration provides illustrations and tables for help in jumpering a
spare or repaired board to the VMIVME-9150 default configuration.
VMIVME-9150 Communications Controller
Related Documents
The following documents contain additional information which can be useful for
developers of applications software for the IIOC:
IIOC Host Software Support Manual (500-900000-000)
VMEbus Specification - contains the specifics on the VMEbus. Available from:
7825 E.Gelding Dr. #104
Scottsdale, Arizona 85260
PH: (602) 951-8866
FX: (602) 951-0720
Technical Support
You can contact GE Fanuc Embedded Systems software customer care in any of the
following ways:
TELEPHONE:1-800-GEFANUC (or 1-800-433-2682), or 1-780-401-7700
With your correspondence, please provide the following:
•Product version.
• Type of computer hardware: Processor, available disk space, RAM, and network
• Software version numbers.
• Exact wording of any messages on your screen.
• What you were doing when the error occurred.
• What steps you have taken (if any) to resolve the problem.
In addition, when e-mailing, please include the following:
•Your name.
• Your company’s name.
• Your phone and fax numbers.
VMIVME-9150 Communications Controller
VMIVME-7700, Ultra Low Voltage Intel Celeron Processor Product Manual, Document
Number 500-007700-000, GE Fanuc Embedded Systems
IIOC Family Instruction Manual, Document Number 500-009000-000, GE Fanuc
Embedded Systems
VMIVME-5565, Ultrahigh-Speed Fiber-Optic Reflective Memory Board with Interrupts Product Manual, Document Number 500-005565-000, GE Fanuc Embedded Systems
VMIPCI-5565 Ultra High-Speed Fiber-Optic Reflective Memory with Interrupts Product Manual, Document Number 500-855565-000, GE Fanuc Embedded Systems
VMIPMC-5565 Ultra High-Speed Fiber-Optic Reflective Memory with Interrupts Product Manual, Document Number 500-755565-000, GE Fanuc Embedded Systems
VMIPCI-5565PIORC Ultra High-Speed Fiber-Optic Reflective Memory with Interrupts Product Manual, Document Number 500-9367855565-000, GE Fanuc Embedded
VMIPMC-5565PIORC Ultra High-Speed Fiber-Optic Reflective Memory with Interrupts Product Manual Document Number 500-9367755565-000, GE Fanuc Embedded
VMIACC-5595, 2Gb/s Reflective Memory Hub Assembly, Document
Number 522-805595-000, GE Fanuc Embedded Systems
VMIVME-5588, Reflective Memory Board Product Manual, Document Number
500-005588-000, GE Fanuc Embedded Systems
VMIVME-5588DMA, Reflective Memory Board Product Manual, Document
Number 500-105588-000, GE Fanuc Embedded Systems
Physical Description and Specifications
Refer to Product Specifications 800-009150-000 available from:
GE Fanuc Embedded Systems
12090 South Memorial Pkwy.
Huntsville, AL 35803-3308, USA
(256) 880-0444
(800) 322-3616
FAX: (256) 882-0859
Safety Summary
The following general safety precautions must be observed during all phases of the
operation, service, and repair of this product. Failure to comply with these
precautions or with specific warnings elsewhere in this manual violates safety
standards of design, manufacture, and intended use of this product.
GE Fanuc Embedded Systems assumes no liability for the customer's failure to
comply with these requirements.
Ground the System
To minimize shock hazard, the chassis and system cabinet must be connected to an
electrical ground. A three-conductor AC power cable should be used. The power
cable must either be plugged into an approved three-contact electrical outlet or used
with a three-contact to two-contact adapter with the grounding wire (green) firmly
connected to an electrical ground (safety ground) at the power outlet.
Do Not Operate in an Explosive Atmosphere
Do not operate the system in the presence of flammable gases or fumes. Operation of
any electrical system in such an environment constitutes a definite safety hazard.
Keep Away from Live Circuits
Operating personnel must not remove product covers. Component replacement and
internal adjustments must be made by qualified maintenance personnel. Do not
replace components with power cable connected. Under certain conditions,
dangerous voltages may exist even with the power cable removed. To avoid injuries,
always disconnect power and discharge circuits before touching them.
Do Not Service or Adjust Alone
Do not attempt internal service or adjustment unless another person, capable of
rendering first aid and resuscitation, is present.
Do Not Substitute Parts or Modify System
Because of the danger of introducing additional hazards, do not install substitute
parts or perform any unauthorized modification to the product. Return the product
to GE Fanuc Embedded Systems for service and repair to ensure that safety features
are maintained.
Dangerous Procedure Warnings
Warnings, such as the example below, precede only potentially dangerous procedures
throughout this manual. Instructions contained in the warnings must be followed.
WA RN IN G: Dangerous voltages, capable of causing death, are present in this system.
Use extreme caution when handling, testing, and adjusting.
VMIVME-9150 Communications Controller
Safety Symbols Used in This Manual
STOP: This symbol informs the operator that a practice or procedure should not be
damage to or destruction of part or all of the system.
WA RN IN G: This sign denotes a hazard. It calls attention to a procedure, practice, or
condition, which, if not correctly performed or adhered to, could result in injury or
death to personnel.
CAUTION: This sign denotes a hazard. It calls attention to an operating procedure,
practice, or condition, which, if not correctly performed or adhered to, could result in
damage to or destruction of part or all of the system.
NOTE: Calls attention to a procedure, practice, or condition which is essential to
Actions could result in injury or death to personnel, or could result in
The VMIVME-9150 is a Communications Controller designed by GE Fanuc
Embedded Systems to work with Intelligent I/O Controllers. The VMIVME-9150
offers increased capabilities for the IIOC products by interfacing to multiple I/O
controllers through Reflective Memory.
The IIOCs are connected by Reflective Memory and operate in parallel to perform I/O
and data conversion as directed by the VMIVME-9150. The design provides a highly
distributed solution for systems with a large number of I/O signals.
A Host Software Support Package developed for use with the IIOC products is
supported by the VMIVME-9150. This package is a set of host resident tools and
interface software to configure, document, and program the IIOC and IIOC systems.
Using these tools to create application programs minimizes errors and facilitates
1VMIVME-9150 Communications Controller
A basic VMIVME-9150 system hardware configuration as shown in Figure 1-1 on
page 23 and Figure 1-2 on page 23 consists of the following:
• One or more host computers
• A host interface board for each host computer
• A VMIVME-9150 communications controller board
• Multiple IIOCs (up to fifteen)
• A Reflective Memory board for each IIOC and the VMIVME-9150
The VMIVME-9150 communicates with the host computer through a host interface
board. The host issues commands and transmits and receives data through the host
interface to the VMIVME-9150.
For small I/O systems, the host computer can communicate with the VMIVME-9150
using Ethernet. In this case, using a VMIVME-9150 with onboard Ethernet eliminates
the need for a separate host interface board.
The VMIVME-9150 acts as the "host computer" to each IIOC. The
external host computer interfaces only to the VMIVME-9150, and the VMIVME-9150
controls all functions of the IIOCs.
Figure 1-1 System Configuration with a Dual Host Interface
Figure 1-2 System Configuration with a Single Host Interface
1VMIVME-9150 Communications Controller
Some of the features of the VMIVME-9150 Communications Controller discussed in
the following sections include:
• Multiple host computer interfaces
• Synchronous and asynchronous I/O scanning
• Arbitrary offset assignments for data points
• Little- and big-endian byte order accommodation
• Digital output flashing
• Digital input latching
• Digital input change of state
• Support for generic scan lists
Host Interface
Host Interface1
A single VMIVME-9150 can communicate with two host computers by supporting
two host interface boards, one for each host computer. In FDDI systems, one or more
hosts can be networked with the VMIVME-9150 system using only one FDDI interface
board. Separate multiple networks are supported by using one FDDI board for each
host computer.
Each host has the same functional control of the VMIVME-9150, but the possibility of
conflicting demands prohibits concurrent dual host control.
determined by interrupts.
The VMIVME-9150 supports the following DMA interface boards:
• VMIVME-5620
• VMIVME-5610
The VMIVME-9150 supports the following FDDI interface boards:
• VMIVME-5211S
• VMIVME-5211D
The host control is
The VMIVME-9150 supports the following Reflective Memory host interface boards:
• VMIVME-5565
• VMIVME-5576
• VMIVME-5588
Smaller I/O systems can use an Ethernet interface such as the following:
• Onboard 10 Mbit or 100 Mbit Ethernet (depending on the model)
• VMIVME-6224 100 Mbit Ethernet
All transfers are initiated by commands from the host computer. The VMIVME-9150
does not perform any data transfers unless commanded by the host computer.
Refer to Table A-1 on page 154 and Table A-2 on page 155 for the VMIVME-9150
processor models and the supported host interfaces for each model.
1VMIVME-9150 Communications Controller
Multi-IIOC Interface
The external host downloads configuration information to the VMIVME-9150
separately for each of the VMIVME-9064 or VMIVME-9081 IIOCs. The VMIVME-9150
configures the designated IIOC as each configuration data block is downloaded.
On the external host computer, the configuration data may be contained in one file
designating the location of points by node, chassis, slot, and channel. The host
software that creates the binary configuration data for downloading divides the
points into groups for each node, so that the configuration data can be quickly
downloaded to the VMIVME-9150 and to each of the IIOC nodes.
I/O Scanning
I/O Scanning1
Synchronous and asynchronous I/O scanning can be performed by the
VMIVME-9150 system. During synchronous I/O scanning, the I/O equipment is
scanned only when commanded from the host computer (with the exception of digital
input special processing). With synchronous operation, the host has greater control of
the timing of I/O scan operations.
During asynchronous scanning, the host does not issue scan commands to the I/O
system, but only transfer data commands. To begin asynchronous I/O scanning, the
host sends a value for the rate at which the I/O system is to perform I/O scanning
operations. The rate may be one which is faster than the rate at which the host
transfers the data. The scanning operations are performed asynchronously to the
transfer of data. The VMIVME-9150 uses a hardware timer to initiate scanning at the
desired rate. At each time interval, the VMIVME-9150 broadcasts an interrupt to the
IIOCs controllers with a command to scan.
With the asynchronous mode of operation, output points transmitted in the same data
transfer may not change during the same scan, but the points are updated on the next
scan. Also, some input data points may have values more recent than other points in
the buffer as points might be scanned after the beginning of the data transfer.
1VMIVME-9150 Communications Controller
Data Buffer Offsets
Up to sixteen data buffers are used for real-time input and output operations. Data
buffers in the VMIVME-9150 system allow the mapping of points from multiple
nodes and multiple scan lists by explicitly specifying the offset of each point in the
buffer at configuration time.
The I/O system is able to assign arbitrary offsets to individual points within data
buffers. Data buffer sizes are defined by the host computer. Input and output points
cannot be mixed in the same data buffer. A buffer may contain points from multiple
scan lists, but all data for one scan list resides in only one buffer.
The configuration data can define points whose buffer offset is not specified. These
points, however, will not be processed, since there is no location for the associated
During real-time operation, the host can define an alternate buffer offset to substitute
for a given point in a specified output scan list. The point is identified by current
buffer offset and scan list. Subsequently, the data used for the output data point is
obtained from the alternate offset.
Changing an output point’s buffer offset during real-time affects all output signals
configured with that point. In other words, if the point is configured as a single bit,
then only one output signal is affected. Whereas, if multiple bits are configured with a
configuration item, changing the offset affects multiple output signals. This rule
applies to conversion types which convert an entire board’s worth of data and those
which convert a group of bits.
Byte Order Accommodation
The VMIVME-9064 is based on a 680x0 processor which uses big-endian byte order
for representing data items. The big-endian byte order places the most significant byte
at the smaller address, and the least significant data bytes at successive higher
addresses. In other words, a 16-bit quantity at location 0 has the most significant bits
(15-8) at byte location 0, and the least significant bits (7-0) are at byte location 1. Other
popular big-endian processor architectures include SPARC,
(selectable). Computers such as the VAX, Alpha, and Intel
byte order, which places the least significant byte at the smaller address.
For external host computers that use big-endian byte order, the data is transmitted
and received as intended. However, when interfacing to a little-endian external host
via a 32-bit interface, the following problems may arise:
• Longword (32-bit) data not aligned on a 32-bit boundary is not transmitted
• Word (16-bit) data not aligned on a 16-bit boundary is not transmitted properly.
• Offsets that reference byte and word locations are not the same for big-endian
and little-endian, as shown below.
Byte Order Accommodation1
88000, and MIPS
80x86 use little-endian
Big-Endian IIOC
The first two problems can be avoided entirely by aligning 32-bit and 16-bit data items
on their proper boundaries in the data buffers on the external host computer.
The third problem is resolved in the I/O system by converting the host-specified
offset into one that is usable by the I/O system, thus giving the proper result. The
little-endian host may specify offsets native to its own byte order, and the I/O system
accounts for the difference. This third problem is illustrated in Figure 1-3 which shows
the byte offsets for each byte in two 32-bit longwords. The word offsets are the even
Figure 1-3 Little- and Big-Endian Byte Offset Comparison
Little-Endian Host
1VMIVME-9150 Communications Controller
Restrictions to Little-Endian External Hosts
The following restrictions apply to little-endian external hosts:
• All longword (32-bit) data items must be located on 4 byte-aligned boundaries.
• All word (16-bit) data items must be located on 2 byte-aligned boundaries.
• Byte and word logical conversions may not use multiple bits. Logical
conversions are those which convert a group of N bits to a sequence of N bytes,
words, or longwords. Specifically, digital conversion types 0 and 1 may not be
used since they reference an entire board. If conversion type 4, 5, 10, or 11 is
used, the number of bits must be equal to 1. Bit field conversions which convert
a group of N bits to a byte, word, or longword may still be used.
NOTE: For little-endian hosts, the host software automatically selects the little-endian
mode of operation prior to downloading configuration data.
If two host interfaces are being used, then the little-endian mode affects the
interpretation of offsets for both external host computers. The little-endian mode
applies only to real-time data buffers for which explicit offset control is available. It
does not change the layout of command packets or other data buffers, such as those
used for configuration data, error data, and I/O board lists. The host software
routines provided account for byte order differences in these other buffers.
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