GE Oil & Gas
Masoneilan* 28000 Series
Precise Microflow Valves with Compact Design
Control Valves
fact sheet
Created specifically for low flow applications, the Masoneilan
28000 series Varipak control valve from GE provides excellent
throttling control performance with a wide range of options
and capabilities to meet your specific needs. Designed with an
extremely integrated and compact assembly, the valve’s key
design features include:
Heavy Top-Guiding
To promote excellent plug stability and control even under
high-pressure drop conditions an integrated plug guide and seat
ring provides rugged valve plug support along the entire stroke
length. Heavy guiding is critical for controlling vibration damage,
providing dependable control and seating performance, and
minimizing trim mechanical wear.
Application Flexibility
One size hardly ever fits all applications. That’s why the Varipak
valve offers the flexibility of 10 standard contoured trim designs
based on the same body platform. These multiple trim sets help
reduce the effects of valve oversizing and improve control loop
performance, resulting in better process efficiency.
Adjustable Flow Coefficient (CV)
Anti-Cavitation Trim
The Varipak valve is available with an effective high-pressure, liquid let-down, anti-cavitation trim solution – the Varilog* trim. This
unique design includes a multi-stage axial flow plug and liner,
which provides dirt-tolerant operation and high wear resistance.
Design Flexibility
Other standard configurations include a high-pressure ASME
Class 2500 design, a zero-emissions Bellows seal design, and a
design for cryogenic applications. The Varipak valve is also available with an angle body design to accommodate existing piping
Ease of Maintenance
The Varipak control valve’s simple, top-entry, body construction
includes an integrated body and bonnet design, which allows for
easy access and removal of the quick change trim. The integral
liner and seat ring construction reduces the number of components, simplifying assembly and disassembly. In addition, the
modular actuator design further enhances the maintainability of
this unique valve assembly.
With the valve’s adjustable Cv option, you can easily accommodate changing operating conditions. The Cv value can be
increased or decreased simply by setting a knob within the
actuator assembly
Compact Assembly
The Varipak control valve’s modular design and force amplification actuator technology enabled its space saving, compact
assembly. In addition, the actuator includes a low-profile, topmounted hand wheel option.

28000 Series Varipak
Microflow Control Innovation
Optimized CV Characteristics
The VariPak valve outshines conventional microflow valves with
its support of a wide range of nominal Cv values (from 0.0016 to
3.8), using only eight plugs and five seats.
Standard Flangeless Design
Due to its simple, compact, and versatile stainless steel body
design, the standard flangeless Varipak valve is widely used
across a variety of industries. Optionally, the valve is available in
a flanged configuration (see the Masoneilan 28000 Varipak TechSpec for complete details).
Standard Flangless
Varipak Control
Optional Flanged
Varipak Control
Varilog* Anti-Cavitation Trim Design
The Varilog multi-stage trim design for the Varipak control valve provides
unmatched anti-cavitation performance in low flow applications.
By reducing erosion and vibrations, this design helps minimize failure
that is often associated with conventional single-seated valves. The
Varilog trim is available with the standard Varipak body designs in either
the flanged or flangeless configurations.
High Pressure Design
The high-pressure Varipak valve design is recommended for
applications involving conditions with very high upstream pressure or pressure drop that exceeds the pressure rating of the
standard Varipak body design..
Varilog Trim Subassembly
High Pressure Varipak
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