GE ERX1 Whitepapers

Advancements in LED Technology
Advancements in LED (Light Emitting Diode) technology have made this source an attractive alternative to traditional light
sources in a variety of applications. One such application is outdoor xtures. This segment includes roadway and decorative street lighting, as well as general area lighting traditionally occupied by discharge light sources. In comparison to historic technologies (such as high pressure sodium and metal halide), today’s outdoor LED lighting xtures can provide signicant
energy savings over their useful life.
Another advantage is the long lifetime of today’s LED fixtures. Overall system reliability is comprised of several key subsystems and their components: the electrical subsystem, the optical subsystem and the outer enclosure. A simplied block diagram is shown below as an example to illustrate the relationship between these subsystems and their corresponding components.
Mechanical Enclosure & Finish Subsystem
Electrical Subsystem
TVSS Reector
Fuses Lens
Control System
Optical Subsystem
This paper addresses the reliability of GE’s outdoor LED lighting systems through examples of rigorous testing and reliability modeling, resulting from GE’s deep technical experience as one of the world’s largest LED systems companies.
Mounting Subsystem
Figure 1: Simplied block diagram of outdoor LED system
Figure 2: Open view of roadway fixture
Reliability denitions
The reliability bathtub curve is often used to depict the expected failure rate of a family of products over time. This model is comprised of three segments: infant mortality, useful life and wearout, as illustrated in Figure 3.
Product “useful life”
Approximate constant
failure rate
Product “wearout”
Increasing failure rate
“infant mortality”
Failure Rate
Figure 3: Example of reliability bathtub curve
Decreasing failure rate
Infant mortality is an initial period of failures usually resulting from manufacturing defects or quality excursions, and has a decreasing failure rate over a relatively short time frame. Product useful life is shown as the bottom portion of the bathtub curve. It is a period of random failures with a nearly constant failure rate. The weakest component in any system will determine the duration of this portion of the curve. At the end of useful life, wearout failure modes, such as fatigue and material depletion, will cause the failure rate to increase with time. This nal segment of the curve is called wearout.
Reliability during useful life is often a focus when considering products for a specic application. In the case of GE outdoor LED systems, an exponential distribution may be applied to model system reliability. Reliability values are often requested in the form of an MTBF (Mean Time Between Failures) value. MTBF is often misunderstood since it is expressed as a time value, but more accurately denes the failure rate during the useful life of the product. The relationship is illustrated below, where λ is the failure rate with units of hrs-1.
It is important to note that this failure rate is valid only during the useful life portion of the bathtub curve where the failure rate is relatively constant. When the failure rate begins to increase, a product has entered wearout and a dierent mathematical model is needed to represent this behavior. For this reason, it is important to understand when wearout failure modes begin. Both component-level and full-system testing are utilized by GE Lighting engineers to understand and accurately model the reliability of outdoor LED systems.
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