GE CVM1750SH2SS, CVM1750SH1SS Owner’s Manual

Safety Instructions ............. 2%
Operating Instructions
Features of Your Oven .............. 8, 9
Hicrowave Time and Auto
Features ......................... 10-12
Changing Power Level ............... 13
Microwave Terms .................... 13
CookingComplete Reminder........ 17
Resume............................. 17
Clock ................................ 17
Start/Pause ......................... 17
Clear/Off ............................ 17
Control Lock-Out .................... 17
Auto Nite Light ...................... 18
Beeper Volume ...................... 18
Display Language ................... 18
Display ON/OFF ..................... 28
Display Speed ....................... 18
Measures ........................... 19
More Time Message ................. 19
Surface Light ........................ 19
Timer ................................ 19
Turntable On/Off .................... 19
Vent Fan ............................ 19
Automatic Fan ...................... 19
Care and Cleaning
Inside .................................. 20
Outside ................................ 20
Stainless Steel ......................... 20
Replacing the Light Bulbs ............. 21
Vent Filters ............................ 21
Charcoal Filters ........................ 22
Troubleshooting Tips............. 2s
Things That Are Normal
With Your Microwave Oven ........ 24
Consumer Support
Consumer Support .......... Back Cover
Optional Kits ........................... 8
Warranty .............................. 27
Write the model and serial numbers here: Model #
Serial # Youcan find them on a labelwhen the
door isopen.
49-40723 06-14 GE
When using electrical appliances basic safety precautions should be followed, including the following:
A WARNING: roreducetheriskofburns,electricshock,fire,injurytopersons,orexposuretoexcessive
microwave energy:
(ul Do Not Attempt to operate this oven with the [c/
door open since open-door operation can result in harmful exposure to microwave energy. It
is important not to defeat or tamper with the safety interlocks.
_J Do Not Place any object between the oven front
face and the door or allow soil or cleaner residue to accumulate on sealing surfaces.
[] Read all instructions before using this appliance. When
using electrical appliances, basic safety precautions should be followed, including the following:
[] Readand follow the specific precautions in the Precautions
to Avoid PossibleExposureto ExcessiveMicrowave Energy section above.
[] Thisappliance must be grounded. Connectonly to a properly
grounded outlet. Seethe Grounding Instructions section on page 6.
[] Thismicrowave oven is ULlistedfor installation over both
gas (lessthan 60,000BTU)and electric ranges.
[] Thisover-the-range oven is designed for use over ranges no
wider than 36". It may be installed over both gas and electric cooking equipment.
[] Donot operate this appliance if it has a damaged power
cord or plug, if it isnot working properly, or if it has been damaged or dropped. If the power cord is damaged, it must be replaced byGeneral ElectricServiceoran authorized
serviceagent using a power cord available from General
[] Installor locate this appliance only in accordance with the
provided installation instructions.
Do Not Operate the oven if it is damaged.
It is particularly important that the oven door
close properly and that there is no damage to the:
(1) door (bent), (2) hinges and latches (broken or loosened), (3) door seals and sealing surfaces.
(dJ The Oven Should Not be adjusted or repaired
by anyone except properly qualified service personnel.
Toreduce the riskof fire in the oven cavity: Do not overcook food. Carefully attend appliance when
paper, plastic or other combustible materials are placed insidethe ovenwhile cooking.
Removewire twist-ties and metal handles from paper or plastic containers before placing them in the oven.
Do not use the oven for storage purposes. Do not leave paper products, cooking utensils or food in the oven when
not in use.
Do not pop popcorn in your microwave oven unless in a special microwave popcorn accessory or unlessyou use
popcorn labeled for usein microwave ovens. If materials insidethe oven ignite, keepthe oven door closed,
turn the oven off and disconnect the power cord, orshut off power at the fuse or circuit breaker panel.If the door is
opened,the fire may spread. Do not usethe SensorFeaturestwice in succession
on the same food portion. Iffood is undercooked after the first countdown, useTIME COOKfor additional cooking time.
Do not usethe ovento dry newspaper.
Donot clean with metal scouring pads. Piecescan burn off
the pad and touch electrical parts involving risk of electric shock.
Donot store any materials, other than our recommended
accessories,inthis oven when not in use.
Donot store this appliance outdoors. Donot usethis product
near water-for example,in a wet basement, near a swimming pool, near asink or in similar locations.
Keeppower cord away from heated surfaces. Donot immerse power cord orplug in water.
Donot block or cover any openings on the appliance.
Thismicrowave isnot approved or tested for marine use.
Usethis appliance only for its intended useasdescribed in
this manual.
, Donot use corrosivechemicals or vapors in this appliance. , Thismicrowave oven isspecificallydesigned to heat,dry or
cook food, and isnot intended for laboratory or industrial use.
, Some products such as whole eggs and sealed containers-
for example, closedjars-are able to explode and should not be heated inthis microwave oven. Suchuseof the
microwave oven could result in injury.
It is important to keepthe area clean where the door sealsagainst the microwave. Useonly mild,non-abrasive
detergents applied with a clean sponge or soft cloth. Rinse well.
, Thisappliance must only be serviced byqualified service
personnel.Contact nearest authorized service facilityfor examination, repair or adjustment.
, Aswith any appliance, closesupervision isnecessarywhen
used bychildren.
, Do not store anything directly on top of the microwave oven
surfacewhen the microwave oven isin operation.
, Do not mount this appliance over a sink. , Do not let the cord hang over edge of counter.
, Do not usepaper products in oven when appliance is
operated in any cooking mode except microwave only.
Ifyou see arcing, press the CLEAR/OFF button and correct the problem. Arcing is themicrowave term for sparks in the oven.Arcing is
, The metal shelf not installed correctly so it
touches the microwave wall.
, Metal or foil touching the sideof the oven. , Turntable ring support not installed correctly.
, Foil not molded to food (upturned edges act
, Metal, suchas twist-ties, poultry pins, or gold-rimmed dishes,
in the microwave.
, Recycledpaper towels containing small metal pieces being
used inthe microwave.
Donot pop popcorn in your microwave oven unlessina
special microwave popcorn accessory or unlessyou usepopcorn labeled for usein microwave ovens.
Donot boileggs in (]microwave oven. Pressurewill build up
inside egg yolkand will cause itto burst, possiblyresulting in injury.
Operating the microwave with no food insidefor more than a minute or two may cause damage
to the oven and could start a fire. It increasesthe heat around the magnetron and can shorten
the life of the oven.
, Foodswith unbroken outer "skin"such as potatoes, hot dogs,
sausages,tomatoes, apples,chicken livers andother giblets, and egg yolks should be piercedto allow steam to escape
during cooking.
Liquids,suchas water, coffee,ortea, are ableto be overheatedbeyond the boilingpoint without appearing to
be boiling.Visiblebubbling or boiling when thecontainer is removed from the microwave oven isnot always present.THIS COULDRESULTIN VERYHOTLIQUIDSSUDDENLYBOILING
Toreduce the riskof injuryto persons:
- Donot overheat the liquid.
Foodscooked in liquids (suchas pasta)may tend to boilmore rapidlythan foods containing lessmoisture.
Shouldthis occur, refer to the Careand cleaning of the microwave oven section
for instructions on how to clean the insideof the oven.
Avoidheating baby food in glassjars, even with the lid off. Make sureall infant food is thoroughly cooked. Stir food to distribute the heat evenly.
Becareful to prevent scalding when warming formula. The container may feel coolerthan the formula really is.Always
test the formula before feeding the baby.
Don't defrost frozen beverages in narrow-necked bottles (especiallycarbonated beverages).Evenif the container is
opened,pressure can build up.Thiscan causethe container to burst, possiblyresulting in injury.
Hot foods and steam can cause burns.Becareful when opening any containers of hot food, including popcorn bags,
cooking pouches and boxes.To prevent possibleinjury, direct steam away from hands and face.
Donot overcook potatoes. Theycould dehydrate and catch fire,causing damage to your oven.
Cookmeat and poultry thoroughly-meat to at least an INTERNALtemperature of 160°Fand poultry to at
least an INTERNALtemperature of 180°F.Cookingto these temperatures usually protects against foodborne illness.
- Stirthe liquid both before and halfway through heating it.
- Donot usestraight-sided containers with narrow necks.
- After heating, allow the container to stand in the microwave oven for ashort time before removing the container.
- Useextreme care when insertinga spoon or other utensil into the container.
Do not operate the oven in the microwave mode without the turntable and the turntable support seated and in place. The turntable must be unrestricted so it can rotate.
Make sure all cookware used inyour microwave oven is suitable for microwaving. Most glass casseroles, cooking dishes, measuring cups, custard cups, pottery or china dinnerware which does not have metallic trim or glaze with a metallic
sheen can be used. Some cookware is labeled "suitable for microwaving."
, Ifyou are not sure ifa dish is
microwave-safe, use this test:
Placein the oven both the dish you are testing and a glass measuring cup filled with I cup
of water-set the measuring cup either inor next to the dish.
Microwave 30-45 seconds at high. If the dish heats,it should not beused for microwaving.
Ifthe dish remains cool and only the water in the cup heats, then the dish ismicrowave-safe.
, Oversizedfood or oversized metal cookware should not be
used in a microwave oven becausethey increase the riskof electric shock and could cause a fire.
, Sometimes the oven floor, turntable and walls can become
too hot to touch. Becareful touching the floor, turntable and walls during and after cooking.
, Do not userecycled paper products. Recycledpaper towels,
napkins and waxed paper can contain metal flecks which may cause arcing or ignite. Paperproducts containing nylon
or nylon filaments should be avoided, as they may also ignite.
, Some foam trays (likethose that meat ispackaged on)
have a thin strip of metal embedded in the bottom. When microwaved, the metal can burn the floor of the oven or ignite a paper towel.
, Do not useyour microwave ovento dry newspapers. , Not all plastic wrap issuitable for use in microwave ovens.
Checkthe packagefor proper use.
, Papertowels, waxed paper and plastic wrap can be used
to cover dishes inorder to retain moisture and prevent spattering while microwaving. Be sureto vent plastic wrap so
steam can escape.
, Cookware may become hot because of heat transferred from
the heated food. Pot holdersmay be neededto handle the cookware.
How to test for a microwave-
safe dish.
When microwaving "bailable" cooking pouches and tightly closed plastic bags,they should be slit,pierced or vented as directed by package. Ifthey are not,plastic could burst during or immediately after cooking, possiblyresulting in injury.
Also,plastic storage containers should be at least partially uncovered because they form a tight seal.When cooking
with containers tightly covered with plasticwrap, remove covering carefully and direct steam away from hands and
Usefoil only as directed in this manual. When using foil inthe microwave oven, keepthe foil at least 1"away from the sides of the oven.
Plasticcookware-Plastic cookware designedfor microwave cooking isvery useful, but should be used carefully. Even
microwave-safe plastic may not beas tolerant of overcooking conditions as are glassor ceramic materials and may soften
or char if subjected to short periods of overcooking. Inlonger exposuresto overcooking,the food and cookware could
H Use microwave-safe plastics only and use
them in strict compliance with the cookware manufacturer's recommendations.
Do not microwave empty containers,
[] Do not permit children to use plastic cookware without
complete supervision.
WARNING: Improper use of the grounding plug can
Thisappliance must be grounded. Inthe event of an electrical short
circuit, grounding reducesthe risk of electric shock by providing
an escape wire for the electric
Ensure proper ground
exists before use.
power cord having a grounding wire with a grounding plug.The plug must be plugged into an outlet that is properly installed
and grounded. Consulta qualified electrician or servicetechnician if the
grounding instructions are not completely understood, or if doubt existsas to whether the appliance is properly grounded.
If the outlet is a standard 2-prong wall outlet, it isyour personal responsibility and obligation to have it replaced with a properly
grounded 3-prong wall outlet.
current. Thisappliance isequipped with a
result in a risk of electric shock.
Do not under any circumstances cut or remove the third (ground)prong from the power cord.
Do not use an adapter plug with this appliance. Do not use an extension cord with this appliance. Ifthe
power cord istoo short, havea qualified electrician or service technician install an outlet
near the appliance. For bestoperation, plug this appliance into its own electrical
outlet to prevent flickering of lights,blowing of fuse or tripping of circuit breaker.
Thefan will operate automatically under certain conditions (see Automatic Fanfeature).Takecare to prevent the starting and
spreading of accidental cooking fireswhile the vent fan is in use.
Cleanthe underside of the microwave often. Do not allow greaseto buildup on the microwave or the fan filters.
, In the event of a greasefire on the surface units below the
microwave oven,smother a flaming pan on the surface unit by covering the pan completely with a lid,a cookie sheetor a
flat tray.
Usecare when cleaning the vent fan filters. Corrosive cleaning agents,such as lye-based ovencleaners, may damage the filters.
When preparing flaming foods under the microwave, turn the fan on.
Never leavesurface units beneath your microwave oven unattended at high heat settings. Boiloverscause smoking
and greasy spilloversthat may igniteand spread ifthe microwave vent fan is operating.To minimize automatic fan
operation, use adequate sizedcookware and use high heat on surface units only when necessary.
Host pacemakers are shielded from interference from electronic products, including microwaves. However, patients with
pacemakers may wish to consult their physicians if they have concerns.
About the features of your oven.
Throughout this manual, features and appearance may vary from your model.
Features of the Oven
Door Handle.
Door Latches.
Window with Metal Shield. Screenallows cooking to be
viewed while keeping microwaves confined inthe oven.
Control Panel and Selector Dial.
Optional kits
Available at extra cost from your GEsupplier.
Filler Panel Kits
, JX4OWH--White
When replacing a 36" range hood,filler panel kitsfill inthe additional width to provide a custom built-in appearance.
Forinstallation between cabinets only; not for end-of-cabinet
installation. Eachkit contains two 3" wide filler panels.
Removable Turntable. Donot operate the oven in the microwave mode without the turntable and turntable
support seated and in place. Removable Turntable Support. Do not operate the oven
in the microwave mode without the turntable and turntable support seated and in place.
Filter Kits
JX81D--Recirculating Charcoal Filter Kit
Filterkitsare usedwhen the oven
cannot be vented to the outside. Availableat extra cost from your
GEsupplier.Seethe back coverfor ordering by phone or at
JX40, JX41
About the features of your microwave oven.
You can microwave by time or with the convenience features. Not all features on all models.
_ 3o sEt_ct
Cooking Controls
Microwave Cooking Time and Auto Features
Press Turn and push dial to enter TIMECOOK Amount of cooking time
Press once (TimeCook I)to microwGve
Gnytime between !5 seconds Gnd 95 minutes.
Presstwice (TimeCook II)to change
power levelsautomatically during cooking.
MICROEXPRESScook/Add 30 sec. Starts immediately! DEFROST
Pressonce (Fast) Foodweight up to one pound Presstwice (Auto) Foodweight up to six pounds Pressthree times (Time) Amount of defrosting time
BEVERAGE Starts immediately! Pressonce (6-7 oz,) Presstwice (8-9 oz.) Pressthree times (10-12 oz.)
POWERlevel Powerlevel!-!0
Sensor Features
Press Turn and push dial to enter Option POPCORN StGrts immediGtely! more/less time
REHEAT Starts immediately! more/less time Pressonce (plate)
Presstwice (pasta) Pressthree times to I cup)
Pressfour times (! to 2 cups)
more/less time
Available cooking options.
Microwave Cooking
Your oven usesmicrowave energy to cook by a set time or weight, or automatically by sensor. Sensor microwave works bydetecting the increasing humidity releasedduring cooking.Theoven
automatically adjusts the cooking time to various types and amounts of food.
Cooking Method
Microwave energy is distributed evenly
throughout the oven for thorough, fast
cooking of food.
Heat Source
Microwave energy.
Heat Conduction
Heat produced within food by
instant energy penetration.
About the time and auto microwave features.
&,3V._ TO SEL#c?
_RESS TO _,N1_"
Using the Dial
You can make selectionson the oven by turning the dial and pressing it to enter
the selection.
Time Cook
Time Cook I
Allows you to microwave for any time between
15 seconds and% minutes.
Pressingthe dial can also be used in place
of the START/PAUSEbutton for quicker
programming of the oven.
Time Cook II
Letsyou change power levels automatically
during cooking. Here'show to do it:
Fast, high efficiency cooking. Oven and
surroundings do not get hot.
Easy clean-up.
Power level 10 (High)is automatically set, but you maychange it for more flexibility.
_J_Pressthe TIMECOOKbutton. [] Turn the dial to set the cook time and press
the dial to enter.
M Change power levelif you don't want full
power. (PressPOWER.Turnthe dial to select.Pressthe dial to enter.)
Pressthe dial or the START/PAUSEbutton
to start cooking.
You may open the door during Time Cook to check the food. Closethe door and press the
dial orSTART/PAUSEto resume cooking.
NOTE:You may change the cook time at any time during cooking by turning the dial. You
may also change the power level by pressing the POWER button.
In Pressthe TINE COOKbutton. [] Turnthe dial to set the first cook time and
pressthe dial to enter.
Changethe power levelifyou don't want
full power. (PressPOWER.Turn the dial to select. Pressthe dial to enter.)
Pressthe TIMECOOKbutton again.
_iJ Turnthe dial to set the second cook time
and press the dialto enter.
[] Changethe power levelifyou don't want
full power. (PressPOWER.Turn the dial to select. Pressthe dial to enter.)
[] Pressthe dial or the START/PAUSEbutton
to start cooking.
At the end of Time Cook i, Time Cook IIcounts down.
NOTE:You may change the cook time at any time during cooking by turning the dial. You
may also change the power level by pressing the POWER button.
About the time and auto microwave features.
Micro Express Cook Thisisa quick way to setand start cooking
in 50second blockseachtime the MICRO EXPRESSbutton ispressed.Thecooktime
may be changedby turning the dial at any time during cooking.
Time Defrost
Thepower levelwill automatically be set at !0 and the oven will start immediately.
Thepower levelcan be changed as time is counting down. Pressthe POWERbutton,
turn the dial and press to enter.
,_,_ Tosago "
Use TimeDefrost to defrost for aselected length of time.
H Pressthe DEFROSTbutton three times.
Turnthe dialto selectthe time you want.
Pressthe dial to enter.
M Pressthe START/PAUSEbutton to start
Turnthe food over if the oven signals TURN
You maychange the defrost time at any time during defrosting by turning the dial.
Power levelis automatically set at 3, but can be changed. Youcan defrost small items quickly by
raising the power levelafter entering the time. Power level 7 cuts the total defrosting time in
about half;power level 10 cuts the total time to approximately 1/5. However,food will need
more frequent attention than usual. A dullthumping noisemay be heard during
defrosting. Thisis normal when oven is not operating at High power.
Defrosting Tips
, Foodsfrozen in paperor plastic can be
defrosted in the package.Closedpackages should beslit,piercedor vented AFTER
food has partially defrosted. Plasticstorage containers shouldbe partially uncovered.
Family-size,prepackaged frozen dinners can
be defrosted and microwaved. Ifthe food is in a foil container, transfer it to a microwave-
safe dish.
, Foodsthat spoil easilyshould not be allowed
to sit out for more than one hour after defrosting. Roomtemperature promotes the
growth of harmful bacteria.
Formore evendefrosting of larger foods,
such as roasts,use Auto Defrost Be sure large meats are completely defrosted before cooking.
, When defrosted, food should be cool but
softened in all areas.If stillslightly icy,return to the microwave very briefly, or letit stand a
few minutes.
TheBEVERAGEfeature heats beveragesfrom 6 to 12 ounces.
Pressonce for 6-7 oz. Presstwice for 8-9 oz.
Pressthree times for 10-12 oz.
Drinksheatedwith the Beverage feature may be veryhot. Removethe containerwith care.
About the time and auto microwave features.
_ ToSEL_c_
'°RESS TO E _4"Ir_?"
Fast Defrost Fast Defrost automatically sets the defrosting
times and power levelsto give evendefrosting
resultsfor meats,poultry and fish weighing up
to one pound.
Removemeat from package and place on microwave-safe dish.
Pressthe DEFROSTbutton once.
Turn the dial to the food weight, usingthe
ConversionGuideat right. Forexample, dial .5for .5pounds (8 oz.)Pressthe dial to
Press the START/PAUSE button to start
[] Turn the food over ifthe oven signals TURN
Removedefrosted meat or shield warm areaswith small piecesof foil.
After defrosting, most meats needto stand 5
minutes to complete defrosting.
Conversion Guide
Ifthe weight of food isstated in pounds and
ounces,the ouncesmust be converted to tenths (.1)of a pound.
Weight of Food Enter Food Weight
in Ounces (tenths of a pound)
1-2 .!
3 .2
415 .3 6-7 .4
8 .5
9-10 .6
11 .7
12-1:3 .8 14-15 .9
,,£,3&_ TO SEL_c_
PRESS TO E_'_r_?"
Auto Defrost
UseAuto Defrost for meat, poultry and fish
weighing up to six pounds. UseTimeDefrost for most other frozenfoods.
Auto Defrost automatically setsthe defrosting times and power levelsto give evendefrosting
resultsfor meats,poultry and fish.
Removemeat from package and place on microwave-safe dish.
Pressthe DEFROSTbutton twice.
Turn the dial to the food weight, usingthe
ConversionGuideat right. Forexample, dial
1.2for 1.2pounds (1pound, 3 oz.)Pressthe dial to enter.
M Pressthe START/PAUSEbutton to start
[] Turn the food over ifthe oven signals TURN
Removedefrosted meat or shield warm areaswith small piecesof foil,
, After defrosting, most meats needto stand 5
minutes to complete defrosting. Large roasts should stand for about 30 minutes.
Conversion Guide
Ifthe weight of food isstated in pounds and
ounces,the ouncesmust be converted to tenths (.1)of a pound.
Weight of Food Enter Food Weight
in Ounces (tenths of a pound)
1-2 .!
3 .2
4-5 .3
6-7 .4
8 .5
9-10 .6
11 .7
12-1:3 .8 14-15 .9
About changing the power level.
Thepower levelmay be entered or changed immediately after entering the time for Time
Cook,Time Defrost or ExpressCook. The power level may also be changed duringtime
First,follow directions for Time Cook, Time
Defrost or Express Cook.
Pressthe POWER button.
Turnthe dialclockwise to increase and
counterclockwise to decrease the power level.Pressthe dial to enter.
L_ Pressthe START/PAUSEbutton to start
Variable power levelsadd flexibilityto microwave cooking.Thepower levelson the
microwave oven can be compared to the surface units on a range. Eachpower levelgives
you microwave energy a certain percent of the time. Powerlevel 7 ismicrowave energy 70%
of the time. Power level3 is energy30% of the time. Host cooking will be done on High (power
level 10)which givesyou 100% power. Power level 10 willcook faster but food may need
more frequent stirring, rotating or turning over.
A lower setting will cook more evenly and need lessstirring or rotating of the food. Somefoods
may have better flavor, texture or appearance if one of the lower settings is used.Usea lower
power levelwhen cooking foods that have a tendency to boil over,such as scalloped
potatoes. Restperiods(when the microwave energy
cycles off)give time for the food to "equalize" or transfer heat to the inside of the food. An
example of this isshown with power level 3- the defrost cycle.If microwave energy did not
cycle off,the outside of the food would cook before the insidewas defrosted.
Hereare some examplesof usesfor various power levels.
High 10: Fish,bacon, vegetables, heating
liquids. Ned-High 7".Gentle cooking of meat and
poultry; baking casseroles and reheating. Nedium 5: Slowcooking and tenderizing for
stews and lesstender cuts of meat.
Low 2 or 3: Defrosting; simmering; delicate sauces.
Warm 1: Keepingfood warm; softening butter.
Microwave terms.
Arcing Arcing isthe microwave term for sparksin the oven.Arcing iscaused by:
the metal shelf being installed incorrectly and touching the microwave walls. metal or foiltouching the side of the oven.
foil that isnot molded to food (upturned edgesact likeantennas). metal such astwist-ties, poultry pins,gold-rimmed dishes.
recycled paper towels containing small metal pieces. the turntable ring support being installed incorrectly.
Covering Covershold in moisture, allow for more even heating and reduce cooking time. Venting plastic wrap or
covering with wax paperallows excesssteam to escape.
Shielding In a regular oven,you shieldchicken breasts or baked foods to prevent over-browning. When microwaving,
use small strips of foilto shieldthin parts, such asthe tips of wings and legs on poultry, which would
cook before larger parts.
standing Time When you cook with regular ovens,foods such as roastsor cakesare allowed to stand to finishcooking or
set.Standing time is especially important in microwave cooking. Notethat a microwaved cake is not
placed on a cooling rack.
Venting After covering a dish with plastic wrap, you vent the plastic wrap byturning back one corner so excess
steam can escape.
About the sensor microwave features.
Humidity Sensor
What happens when using the Sensor Features:
TheSensorFeatures detect the increasing humidity releasedduring cooking.The oven automatically adjusts the cooking time to various types and amounts of food.
Donot usethe SensorFeatures twice in successionon the same food portion-it may result in
severelyovercooked or burnt food. Iffood isundercooked after the countdown, use Time Cook for additional cooking time.
NOTE:Sensorfeatureswill not operatewhen the oven ishot. Ifoneof the sensorcookingbuttons is pressed when the temperature insidethe oven isgreater than 200°F,"OVENTOOHOTFORSENSOR
COOKING---USINGALTERNATEMETHOD"will bedisplayed.Theoven will automatically change to cook by time (follow the directionsin the display)oronce the ovenis cool enough,the sensor
features will function normally.
Theproper containers andcovers are essentialfor best sensor cooking.
Always usemicrowave-safe containers and cover them with lids orvented plasticwrap. Never use tight sealing plastic containers-they can prevent steam from escaping and cause food to
Dry off dishes so they don't mislead the sensor.
Besurethe outside of the cooking containers and the insideof the microwave ovenare dry
before placing food inthe oven.Beads of moisture turning into steam can mislead the sensor.
Auto Cook (Donot use the shelves when microwave cooking.)
Becausemost cooking containers must be coveredduring Auto Cook,this feature isbest with
foods that you want to steam or retain moisture. NOTE:Useof the metal shelf with Auto Cook isnot recommended.
Recommended Foods A wide variety of foods including meats, fishand vegetables can be cooked
usingthis feature.
Foods not recommended
Foodsthat must be cooked uncovered, foodsthat require constant attention, foods that require
addition of ingredients during cooking and foods calling for a dry lookor crisp surface after cooking should not be cooked using this feature. Itis bestto Time Cook them.
About the sensor microwave features.
Auto Cook
H Placecovered food inthe ovenand close
P?_ss TO_-_I_£"
the door. Pressthe AUTOCOOKbutton. ENTERFOODTYPEappears inthe display.
Turnthe dial to the desiredfood type. Press
to enter.
Seethe SensorFood TypeGuide below for specific foods and instructions.
Theoven starts immediately. NOTE:Ifthe doorwas open while the control
was being set,close the door and press the START/PAUSEbutton to begin cooking.
If food isundercooked after the countdown, use
Time Cookfor additional cooking time.
Cooking Tips
When oven signals and countdown time is displayed,the door may be opened for stirring,turning or rotating food. Toresume cooking, close the door and press
, Hatchthe amount of food to the sizeof
container. Fillcontainers atleast 1/2 full.
, Besureoutside of container and insideof
oven are dry.
, After completion of Cookcycle,iffood needs
additional cooking, return food to oven and use TimeCook to finish cooking.
NOTE:Do not use this feature twice in succession on the
some food portion-it may result in severely overcooked
or burnt food.
Do not open the oven door before the countdown time is displayed-steam escaping
from the oven can affect cooking performance. Ifthe door is opened, close the door and press
If ground meat was selected,the oven may signalyou to drain and stir the meat. Open the door, drain the meat and close the door.
Pressthe START/PAUSEbutton ifnecessary to resume cooking.
Sensor Food Type Guide
Servings Serving Size
Chicken Pieces 1 to 4 2 to 8
Fish 1 to 4 4 to 15 oz.
Ground Meat - 8 to 32 oz. (Beef,Pork,Turkey)
Potatoes 1 to 4 8 to 32 oz.
Canned Veg etables 1to 4 4 to 16 oz.
Fresh Vegetables :Lto 4 4 to 16 oz.
Frozen Vegetables 1 to 4 4 to 16 oz.
How to Adjust the Oven's Automatic Settings for a Shorter or Longer Cook Time
(Not available for all food types)
To subtract !0% from the automatic cooking time:
Within the first 30 seconds after the oven starts, turn the dial counterclockwise, until a minus ("-")sign appears, and press to enter.
To add !0% to the automatic cooking time: Within the first 30 seconds after the oven starts,
turn the dialclockwise, until a plus ("+")sign appears, and pressto enter.
Use oblong, square or round dish.
Cover with vented plastic wrap.
Use oblong, square or round dish.
Cover with vented plastic wrap.
Use round casserole dish. Crumble meat into dish. Cover with vented plastic wrap.
Pierce skin with fork. Arrange in a
star pattern in center of turntable.
Use microwave-safe casserole or bowl.
Cover with lid or vented plastic wrap.
Use microwave-safe casserole or bowl. Add 2 tablespoons water for each serving. Cover with lid or vented plastic wrap.
Use microwave-safe casserole or bowl.
Follow package instructions for adding water. Cover with lid or vented plastic wrap.
About the sensor microwave features.
Use only with prepackaged microwave popcorn weighing
1.5to 3.5 ounces. NOTE: Do not use this
feature twice in succession on the same food portion--
it may result in severely overcooked or burnt food.
H Followpackageinstructions,usingTimeCookif
thepackageislessthan1.5ouncesorlarger than3.5ounces.Placethepackageofpopcorn
inthecenterofthe turntable.
[] PressthePOPCORNbutton.Theovenstarts
tfyouopenthedoorwhilePOPCORNSENSOR isdisplayed,onerrormessagewillappear.Closethe
HowtoAdjusttheAutomaticPopcornSettingto ProvideaShorterorLongerCookTime
tfyoufindthat thebrandof popcornyouuse underpopsoroverpopsconsistently,youcanaddor subtract20-30secondsto theautomaticpopping
time. Tosubtracttime:
Withinthefirst30secondsaftertheovenstarts,turn thedialcounterclockwise,untilaminus
('-")signappears,for 20secondslesscookingtime. Presstoenter.Turnagain,untiltwominus("--') signs appear,to reducecookingtimeanother10 seconds
foratotal of30seconds lesstime.Presstoenter.
Toaddtime: Withinthefirst30secondsaftertheovenstarts,turn thedialclockwise,untilaplus('+")signappears,for
Turnagain,untiltwo plus('++')signsappear,to
addanother10secondsfora totalof 30seconds additionaltime.Pressto enter.
NOTE: Do not use this feature twice in succession
on the same food portion-- it may result in severely
overcooked or burnt food.
TheReheatfeaturereheatsservingsofpreviously cookedfoodsoraplateof leftovers.
[] Placethecupofliquidor covered
foodintheoven.PressREHEATonce,twice, threetimesorfourtimes.Theovenstarts
immediately. Pressoncefora plateofleftovers. Presstwicefor apasta. Pressthreetimesfor 1/2to 1fullcup. Pressfourtimesfor1to 2fullcups.
[] Theovensignalswhensteamis
sensedandthetime remainingbegins countingdown.
Donotopentheovendooruntiltime iscountingdown.if thedoorisopened,
Afterremovingfoodfromtheoven,stir,ifpossible, toevenoutthetemperature.Reheatedfoodsmay havewidevariationsintemperature.Someareasof foodmaybeextremelyhot.
tffoodisnot hotenoughafterthecountdownuse TimeCookforadditionalreheatingtime.
SomeFoodsNotRecommendedfor Use
With Reheat
ttisbestto useTimeCookfor thesefoods:
Breadproducts. Foodsthat mustbereheateduncovered.
Foodsthat needto bestirredorrotated. Foodscallingforadrylookor crispsurfaceoffer
HowtoAdjusttheOven'sAutomatic SettingsforaShorterorLongerTime
Tosubtract10%fromtheautomatic cookingtime:
Withinthefirst30secondsaftertheovenstarts,turn thedialcounterclockwise,untilaminus('-")sign
appears,andpressto enter. Toadd10%totheautomaticcookingtime:
Withinthefirst30secondsaftertheovenstarts,turn thedialclockwise,untilaplus('+")signappears,and
About the other features.
Cooking Complete Reminder
Toremind you that you have food in the oven, the oven will displayYOURFOODISREADYand
beep once aminute untilyou either open the
oven door or pressthe CLEAR/OFFbutton.
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Thecooking program just used stays in memory for 5 minutes.After that you will need
to begin the program again. Toturn this option off,seethe MoreTimeMessagesection.
H Ifyour food needs to cook a bit longer,you
can restart the oven by pressing the START/PAUSEbutton or selector dial.
Press to enter the time of day or to check the time of day while cooking.
H Press the CLOCK button.
Turn the dial to set hours. Press the dial to
_J Turn the dial to set minutes. Press the dial to
In addition to starting many functions, START/ PAUSEallowsyou to stop cooking without
opening the door or clearing the display.
RESUMECOOKINGwill bedisplayedand the
oven will restart immediately at 10% of the original time.
[] Turn the dial to selectAMor PM.
Pressthe dial to enter.
Clear/Off Press the CLEAR/OFFbutton to stop and cancel
cooking at any time.
Control Lock-Out
You may lockthe control panel to prevent the oven from being accidentally started during
cleaning or being usedby children.
Tolock or unlock the controls, pressand hold the CLEAR/OFFbutton for about three
seconds.When the control panel islocked, CONTROLLOCKEDwill bedisplayedbriefly
anytime a button or dial is pressed.(Thecontrol lock-out does not apply to the VENTFANand
About the other features.
Auto Nite Light
4_9,t_ TO SGL#c2"
TheAuto Nite Light can be set to come on and go off at desiredtimes.
[] Pressthe OPTIONSbutton and turn the dial
to selectAUTONITELIGHT.Pressthe dial
to enter. Turnthe dialto selectSETTIMES.Pressthe
dial to enter. Enterthe time of day for the light to come
on byturning the dial to select the hour,
minutes and AMor PH.Pressthe dial to
enter after each selection.
Beeper Volume
Thebeeper sound level can beadjusted. H Pressthe OPTIONSbutton and turn the dial
to select BEEPERVOLUME.Pressthe dialto
Turnthe dialto select mute to loud.
Pressthe dial to enter.
NOTE:TheMUTEindicator will belit whenever the beepervolume is setto mute.
Enterthe time of day for the lightto
go off byturning the dial to select the hour, minutes and AMor PH.Pressthe dial to
enter after each selection.
NOTE:TheNITEindicator will be lit whenever the nite light isset to operate.
Toreview the nite light settings,turn the dial to selectREVIEWSETTINGSafter
selectingthe Auto Nite Light option. Pressthe dial to enter.
Toclear the nite light settings,turn the dial to selectCLEARSETTINGSafter selecting
the Auto Nite Light option. Pressthe dial to enter.
Display Language
Thelanguage for the scrolling display can be set to either Englishor Spanish.
[] Pressthe OPTIONSbutton and turn the dial
to select DISPLAYLANGUAGE.Pressthe dial to enter.
p_ Turnthe dial to select ENGLISHorSPANISH.
Pressthe dial to enter.
4_£.._ TO SGL#c2 "
Display ON/OFF
Useto turn your clock display on or off. [] Pressthe OPTIONSbutton and turn the dial
to select DISPLAYON/OFF. Pressthe dial to enter.
N Turn the dial to selectON or OFF.Pressthe
dial to enter.
Display Speed
Thescroll speed of the display can bechanged.
_]_ Pressthe OPTlONSbutton and turn the dial
to select DISPLAYSPEED.Pressthe dial to
Turn the dial to select slowestto fastest.
Pressthe dial to enter.
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<,_?.t-_ TO SEL_ecI "
Measures Measurements can beset to display in Default
(English)or metric.
Pressthe OPTIONSbutton and turn the dial
to select MEASURES.Pressthe dial to enter.
Turnthe dialto select DEFAULTor METRIC
and pressto enter.
Surface Light
PressSURFACELIGHTonce for bright light, twice for the night light or a third time to turn
the light off.
TheTimer operates as u minute timer and can be used at any time, evenwhen the oven is
operating. H Pressthe TIMERbutton.
Turn the dial to select the minutes. Pressthe
dial to enter.
More Time Message
After cooking iscomplete, a message can be displayed giving you the option to cook the food
longer at the same settings. Seethe Resume section.
H Pressthe OPTIONSbutton and turn the dial
to select MORETIMEMESSAGE.Pressthe dial to enter.
Turn the dial to select MESSAGE ON or OFF
and press to enter.
Tocancel, press the TIMERbutton. When time isup, the oven will signal.
Toturn off the timer signal,pressTIMER.
NOTE:TheTIMERindicator will be lit while the timer isoperating.
'_'_ss TO_td__"
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N Turn the dial to selectthe seconds. Pressthe
dial to enter
Pressthe dial or TIMERto start.
Turntable On/Off
Forbest cooking results,leavethe turntable on. It can be turned off for large dishes.
Pressthe TURNTABLEON/OFFbutton.
Turnthe dialto select ONor OFF.
Pressthe dial to enter.
Vent Fan
Thevent fun removes steam and other vapors from surface cooking.
PressVENTFANonce for high fun speed, twice for medium fun speed,three times for low
fan speed or a fourth time to turn the fun off.
NOTE:TheFANindicatorwill belit while the fan isoperating.
Sometimes the turntable can become too hot to touch.
Becareful touching the turntable during and after cooking.
Automatic Fan
An automatic fan feature protects the microwave from too much heat risingfrom the
cooktop below it. Itautomatically turns on if it sensestoo much heat.
If you have turned the fan on you mayfind that you cannot turn itoff. The fan will automatically
turn off when the internal parts are cool. It may stay on for 30 minutes or more after the
cooktop and microwave controls are turned off.
Care and cleaning of the oven.
Helpful Hints
An occasional thorough wiping with a solution of baking soda and water keepsthe insidefresh.
Be sure the power is off before cleaning any part of this oven.
How to Clean the Inside
Walls, Floor, Inside Window, Metal and Plastic Parts on the Door
Somesputters can be removed with a paper towel; others may require a damp cloth. Remove greasy spatters with a sudsycloth, then rinse with a damp cloth. Donot use
abrasive cleanersor sharp utensils on oven walls.
i ii i i i i iii
Never use a commercial oven cleaner on any part of your microwave. Removable Turntable and Turntable Support
To prevent breakage, do not place the turntable into water just after cooking. Wash it carefully
in warm, sudsywater or in the dishwasher. Theturntable and support can be broken ifdropped. Remember,do not operate the oven inthe microwave mode without the turntable and support
seated and inplace.
How to Clean the Outside We recommend against using cleaners with ammonia or alcohol, as they can damage the
appearance of the microwave oven. Ifyou choose to use a common household cleaner, first apply the cleaner directly to a cleon cloth, then wipe the soiled area.
Case Cleanthe outside of the microwave with a sudsy cloth. Rinseand then dry.Wipe the window clean
with a damp cloth.
Control Panel
Wipewith a damp cloth. Drythoroughly. Do not usecleaning sprays,largeamounts of soap and water, abrasives or sharp objects on the panel-they can damage it. Somepaper towels can also
scratch the control panel.
Door Panel
Beforecleaning the front door panel, make sureyou know what typeof panel you have. Referto the eighth digit of the model number. "S"isstainless steel,"L" isCleanSteeland "B","W" or "C"are
plastic colors.
Stainless Steel (onsome models)
Thestainlesssteel panel can be cleaned with StainlessSteelMagic or a similar product usinga clean, soft cloth.Apply stainlesscleaner carefully to avoid the surrounding plastic parts. Do not use
appliance wax, polish, bleach or products containing chlorine on StainlessSteelfinishes.
Plastic Color Panels
Usea clean, soft, lightlydampened cloth, then dry thoroughly.
Door Seal
It'simportant to keepthe area clean where the door seals against the microwave. Useonly mild, non-abrasive detergents applied with a clean sponge or soft cloth. Rinsewell.
Cleanoff the grease and dust on the bottom often. Usea solution of warm water and detergent.
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